Minnesota contacted Bohl on Saturday?

I'm sorry, but what kind of idiotic bull*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# is this?

For a coach like Craig Bohl, it's an absolutely idiotic statement.

For a coach looking to ascend the coaching ladder quickly, it makes sense. Taking a traditionally good job in the MAC or MWC, you're not faced with the enormous disparities in resources/money/facilities that a coach taking the Minnesota job faces with Michigan, Ohio State, Wisconsin, etc.

Just a 2-3 year stint at that level can quickly elevate you up the coaching ladder...such as Hoke, Meyer, Sumlin (C-USA) have proved. When Meyer left Bowling Green, if he goes to Minnesota, is he the Florida coach in two years like he was after taking the Utah job?

Was Sumlin even considered? I think back in 2010 he was already being considered for bigger things, and politely turned down our feelers, but did Maturi consider or interview Sumlin when Brewster was hired?

Tony Levine

Depending on how Houston finishes out the year, Levine would be the logical choice if Kill had to step down .

Would be a great option, cheap, local love, young, Healthy, knows the brand. I never thought about him.

I doubt we'd hand the head coaching position To an assistant if there was going to be a change. If there's going to be a change it will be a head coach with a recognizable name or a hotshot head coach from a non BCS school, FCS included or a coordinator from a big time program with some buzz around his name.

That's a really good idea! Let's hire a recognizable, hotshot coach with some buzz around his name. Then we'll win games. I'm surprised no one has tried to do this, it's so simple!

"This is Coach Hotshot."
"Hi Coach, this is Norwood Teague. Thanks for taking my call."
"Sure, Nor. What's happening in Minnesota?"
"Well, we're wondering if you'd like to bring Hotshotism to our program."
"My, it sounds like an intriguing opportunity. Where can I read up on U of M football? You're called the Gophers or something, right?"
"Yes, Golden Gophers. We have the top mascot in college football. And our girls hockey team has won 652 games in a row."
"Girls what?"
"Hockey. It's the state sport. We're known as the 'State of Hockey.'"
"Nice. About the reading up..."
"Oh, yes -- the Minneapolis Star Tribune has occasional stories about our football program. You can find them on their webpage. Click on "Gophers" just down the list after Vikings, Twins, Wild, and Timberwolves."
"I'll do that. It'd be fun to have a --- what was it again, Gopher?, sweatshirt for my son. Can I pick one up when I come to town."
"Sure, Coach. Target stores have them. They're at the end of the aisle with the Vikings caps, jackets, sweatpants, Favre jerseys, bobblehead dolls, insulated cups, pennants, -- that kind of stuff. Target has Gopher sweatshirts, too -- I think both medium and large. But, hey, would you be interested in visiting our city? I could pick you up at the airport and show you the sights -- we could get you a tour of Target Field -- many think it's the best ballpark in the Major Leagues. Just down the street is Target Center -- it's aging a little, but the state is about to spend a pile of money upgrading it. Of course you'll want to see where the new billion-dollar Vikings stadium is being built by the loyal NFL fans here"
"Well, Nor, it sounds intriguing. I'd love to coach somewhere where my program is kinda quiet and in the shadows of so many other attractions. This would keep the heat off of me. How about the first week of November?"
"Oh, sorry, Coach. That's opening weekend of deer hunting in Minnesota. It would be hard to get you in front of the right people."
"Well, let me know"
"Right-o, Coach. And again, thanks for taking my call."

Depending on how Houston finishes out the year, Levine would be the logical choice if Kill had to step down .

He's already 4-0. And really, if things go south here with Kill's health and we do need someone, it won't matter how Houston finished.

He's already 4-0. And really, if things go south here with Kill's health and we do need someone, it won't matter how Houston finished.

Maybe he would just leave Houston when he got the Minnesota job, even if Houston's season is still going. Kill did that to Northern Illinois when he came here.

Maybe he would just leave Houston when he got the Minnesota job, even if Houston's season is still going. Kill did that to Northern Illinois when he came here.

Do you mean just like every other coach who takes a new job?

Your hatred for Kill is evident in all your half truths and red herrings. We get it. You don't like Kill.

That's a really good idea! Let's hire a recognizable, hotshot coach with some buzz around his name. Then we'll win games. I'm surprised no one has tried to do this, it's so simple! "This is Coach Hotshot." "Hi Coach, this is Norwood Teague. Thanks for taking my call." "Sure, Nor. What's happening in Minnesota?" "Well, we're wondering if you'd like to bring Hotshotism to our program." "My, it sounds like an intriguing opportunity. Where can I read up on U of M football? You're called the Gophers or something, right?" "Yes, Golden Gophers. We have the top mascot in college football. And our girls hockey team has won 652 games in a row." "Girls what?" "Hockey. It's the state sport. We're known as the 'State of Hockey.'" "Nice. About the reading up..." "Oh, yes -- the Minneapolis Star Tribune has occasional stories about our football program. You can find them on their webpage. Click on "Gophers" just down the list after Vikings, Twins, Wild, and Timberwolves." "I'll do that. It'd be fun to have a --- what was it again, Gopher?, sweatshirt for my son. Can I pick one up when I come to town." "Sure, Coach. Target stores have them. They're at the end of the aisle with the Vikings caps, jackets, sweatpants, Favre jerseys, bobblehead dolls, insulated cups, pennants, -- that kind of stuff. Target has Gopher sweatshirts, too -- I think both medium and large. But, hey, would you be interested in visiting our city? I could pick you up at the airport and show you the sights -- we could get you a tour of Target Field -- many think it's the best ballpark in the Major Leagues. Just down the street is Target Center -- it's aging a little, but the state is about to spend a pile of money upgrading it. Of course you'll want to see where the new billion-dollar Vikings stadium is being built by the loyal NFL fans here" "Well, Nor, it sounds intriguing. I'd love to coach somewhere where my program is kinda quiet and in the shadows of so many other attractions. This would keep the heat off of me. How about the first week of November?" "Oh, sorry, Coach. That's opening weekend of deer hunting in Minnesota. It would be hard to get you in front of the right people." "Well, let me know" "Right-o, Coach. And again, thanks for taking my call."

You wrote all that yourself?

Maybe he would just leave Houston when he got the Minnesota job, even if Houston's season is still going. Kill did that to Northern Illinois when he came here.

Seriously question: did Jerry bang your mom or something? Why do you insist on being such a giant dou*he nozzle with respect to all topics Kill?

There is no way I would want the University of Minnesota to hire Craig Bohl if Jerry Kill has to step down. The little I've read about this guy, he seems like the scum of the earth. I'd hope Kaler and Teague would have a hell of a lot more integrity than that. Let's move on.

Maybe he would just leave Houston when he got the Minnesota job, even if Houston's season is still going. Kill did that to Northern Illinois when he came here.

Wow. You do certainly become obsessed with certain people. I could sort of see the Mbakwe thing, he's a less likeable sort. However, are you really blaming Kill for leaving before a bowl game? Really? That's pretty standard practice.

I get it, you might do the passive aggresive thing where you will say that you said you blamed him, but you're obsessed with Coach Kill.

It's weird.

Maybe he would just leave Houston when he got the Minnesota job, even if Houston's season is still going. Kill did that to Northern Illinois when he came here.

Seriously Gopherhole?? Why does a non gopher fan who only wants to stir things up get such a long leash here? Get rid of him! I will await your answer. Also, ban the hell out of edma while you're at it.

Over 10,000 views for a thread about the Bison's head coach. Has anyone else noticed that North Dakota State threads are among the most popular on Gopherhole? And some people here seem to think that the Bison fans are obsessed with us!

Over 10,000 views for a thread about the Bison's head coach. Has anyone else noticed that North Dakota State threads are among the most popular on Gopherhole? And some people here seem to think that the Bison fans are obsessed with us!

Stop saying "us" Eagan. You are so *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ing transparent, it's ridiculous.

But you keep thinking this thread is about a Bison coach, and not the head coach of the University of Minnesota. Have fun watching JV this weekend.

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