Minnesota coach Jerry Kill not coaching at Michigan

I don't really see it that way. I thought Souhan raised a legitimate question about the degree to which Kill's health may be negatively affecting the program. But I also thought his language (especially the line about no one paying to see someone on the ground) was inappropriate and gratuitously cruel.

To me, supporting the program (and the coach) and asking when the seizures become an issue that starts holding back the program are not mutually exclusive.

Anyway, best wishes to Coach Kill and the team.

Well said. For some reason some people still can't figure out why people were upset at Souhan.

It is what it is. Reports say he wasn't feeling well Friday before the seizure. Like any of us, coaches get sick too. Jerry just happens to be under the biggest microscope there is in all of sports. The situation hasn't changed. Claeys will be the HC from the box Sawvel on the field. Jerry is at home in contact with his staff. Hell it wouldn't surprise me if he gave the final pep talk to the team through skype or facetime. This is the situation we have. Can't believe all Jim Poohan love in the Strib comments. What a joke. The comments on ESPN are more positive and show what kind of scum post comments on the Strib.

I fully stand with Jerry still. This is always going to be a possibility. I would take a good coach who has a special situation over a blowhard like Brewster. Go Gophers!!! Ski U Mah!!!

No problem with taking this attitude about the situation but I believe it's a lot more complicated than that.

I don't really see it that way. I thought Souhan raised a legitimate question about the degree to which Kill's health may be negatively affecting the program. But I also thought his language (especially the line about no one paying to see someone on the ground) was inappropriate and gratuitously cruel.

To me, supporting the program (and the coach) and asking when the seizures become an issue that starts holding back the program are not mutually exclusive.

Anyway, best wishes to Coach Kill and the team.

No.....the issue was that Souhan not only brought up the question (which is reasonable), but he also answered it himself in a very degrading manner. His smug tone in the article did not help his case.

No problem with taking this attitude about the situation but I believe it's a lot more complicated than that.

How so? How is this any different from other seizures? Or are you talking about the coaching situation?

I hope Kill can get better and continue to coach the team. I like him a lot as a person as well as a coach. Whatever happens happens. We'll get through this.

So sad for the coach. We will find out what kind of heart this team has today.

No one knows what will happen except Teague & Kill but nobody should be surprised either way. If he stays the coach then good... & if he steps down no one should be surprised. I remember when a lot of people on this board swore they wouldn't fire Brewster mid-season... then we all remembered what happened...

How so? How is this any different from other seizures? Or are you talking about the coaching situation?

Talking about the coaching situation. I understand the whole we have a plan in place, been through this before but as someone else pointed out in the thread about a line being crossed in which Kill can't continue on. For me a line that is getting closed to being crossed.

I'll open that I was deeply offended by Souhan's column. You don't fire a guy because he has seizures. That said, there is some invisible, impossible to clearly define point at which Kill's health issues becomes too big a problem for the program to handle. We are clearly getting closer to that point.

You know that sad, punched in the gut feeling you have right now where you are worried about Kill's health, sad that he can't get a break, and feel like, "geez. What ELSE can go wrong for this program?" Well, the players are human. In all likelihood they have that same feeling. Not a great way to get ready for a big football game against a better opponent. It's all well and good to think, "maybe they'll get amped up and win one for the gipper", but there's a reason they made a movie about it. It's because that's not usually what happens in real life. That said, I'll hang my hat on it and hope the team CAN get pumped up to win one for Kill, but I'll be surprised.

There will still be people who will say, "See, he's not even a good coach. He wasn't even on the field when we upset Michigan." Some people can spin it anyway the want to help their cause.

Isn't it the same on the opposite end ofnthe spectrum as well? I think those that don't think Kills condition is an issue are fooling themselves, and those that think he must go immediately are equally foolish.

That's the great thing about GopherHole, just extreme opinion after extreme opinion on opposite sides. This board is constantly divided.

Isn't it the same on the opposite end ofnthe spectrum as well? I think those that don't think Kills condition is an issue are fooling themselves, and those that think he must go immediately are equally foolish.

That's the great thing about GopherHole, just extreme opinion after extreme opinion on opposite sides. This board is constantly divided.

Well said...

Isn't it the same on the opposite end ofnthe spectrum as well? I think those that don't think Kills condition is an issue are fooling themselves, and those that think he must go immediately are equally foolish.

That's the great thing about GopherHole, just extreme opinion after extreme opinion on opposite sides. This board is constantly divided.

You're right, that's what I'm talking about.

My stance is, and always will be, that those associated with the program (staff, other coaches, and players) know more about how this is affecting the team than any of us. I trust their judgement because they are the ones working with Kill directly. If that means we continue to move forward with the staff we have, then I support them. If it means we make a change, I will also support them.

It is what it is. Reports say he wasn't feeling well Friday before the seizure. Like any of us, coaches get sick too. Jerry just happens to be under the biggest microscope there is in all of sports. The situation hasn't changed. Claeys will be the HC from the box Sawvel on the field. Jerry is at home in contact with his staff. Hell it wouldn't surprise me if he gave the final pep talk to the team through skype or facetime. This is the situation we have. Can't believe all Jim Poohan love in the Strib comments. What a joke. The comments on ESPN are more positive and show what kind of scum post comments on the Strib.

I fully stand with Jerry still. This is always going to be a possibility. I would take a good coach who has a special situation over a blowhard like Brewster. Go Gophers!!! Ski U Mah!!!

You need your coach on the sideline physically not through facebook, skype, etc

Well, this thread has devolved into a say nothing, get in the last word thread.

I remember reading an article where his brother didn't think he should put his health at risk being a head coach. He may have been right.

So sad for the coach. We will find out what kind of heart this team has today.
I'm sorry but that's insane. So if they lose soundly, which was already pretty likely to happen, they don't have "heart" because their coach had a seizure?

This isn't Rudy.

You don't say...

Neither Claeys nor Limegrover are on the sideline...Kill is (was?) the voice, the eyes, and ears of the team on the sideline. Without that, I really question how the coaching staff will be on top of adjustments and the mood of the team.

Well, this thread has devolved into a say nothing, get in the last word thread.

Yes, Doc, and predictably so. To those of you others who insist on making flat statements of "fact" without substantiation, let me remind you that in the past a lot of board members arbitrarily decided that Eric Decker was too slow to play in the NFL while Adam Weber had a fair shot at the pros by virtue of his prototypical qb frame. Since that has turned out to be a bunch of hooey, please pardon me for not accepting at face value the many statements regarding where coaches must be located during games and so on. I have this sneaking feeling that almost none of you have the slightest idea what is best for a football program.

Yes, Doc, and predictably so. To those of you others who insist on making flat statements of "fact" without substantiation, let me remind you that in the past a lot of board members arbitrarily decided that Eric Decker was too slow to play in the NFL while Adam Weber had a fair shot at the pros by virtue of his prototypical qb frame. Since that has turned out to be a bunch of hooey, please pardon me for not accepting at face value the many statements regarding where coaches must be located during games and so on. I have this sneaking feeling that almost none of you have the slightest idea what is best for a football program.

I love it when people ride onto message boards on their high horse, the discussion has been pretty solid.

The real coaching and player development comes before the game and during the week. While it is an inconvenience to have coach Kill gone, he still can shape the program even when he doesn't make the games in my opinion.

The real coaching and player development comes before the game and during the week. While it is an inconvenience to have coach Kill gone, he still can shape the program even when he doesn't make the games in my opinion.

It similar to saying the team looked good in practice Mon-Friday.

I defended this last time it happened, but this can't be reoccurring, Coach even said so. Perhaps its time to bring Mason back as an interim coach.

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