Minnesota coach Jerry Kill not coaching at Michigan

Kill has the potential to be a HC like Paterno was late. Teams/programs can be successful with a CEO type. Let's see how they respond today.

Maybe an established program with an established coach, this program needs a completely hands-on approach.

This is clearly bad news. All we can do is let the season play out and let Teague and Kill make a decision at that time. Clearly there is a line past which he can't continue and we're getting closer to it. Maybe we've crossed it already, maybe not. That decision can't really be made today or next week.

In the meantime, how about we just win the Jug and make this old news?

This is clearly bad news. All we can do is let the season play out and let Teague and Kill make a decision at that time. Clearly there is a line past which he can't continue and we're getting closer to it. Maybe we've crossed it already, maybe not. That decision can't really be made today or next week.

In the meantime, how about we just win the Jug and make this old news?

First things first. :eek:

"In the meantime, how about we just win the Axe and make this old news?"

Do we really have to wait till Wisconsin to win a game. I was hoping for the brown jug today. :)

Prayers go out to coach kill. I believe he is making an impact on the program but missing games is starting to look like a real issue. This press of missing the game because of his epilepsy is going to be all over espn etc. this is not good press, Jerry needs to consider his health over football. Good luck to the team today, could have done without this though

Kill has the potential to be a HC like Paterno was late. Teams/programs can be successful with a CEO type. Let's see how they respond today.

He's a nice guy, and a decent person, but his results are not even remotely close to supporting that kind of arrangement. Minnesota needs the coach to be on board and actively improving the team at every practice, recruiting visit, and game. This program isn't ready for a manager type of coach.

Call Glenn Mason....not sure if im kidding or not

Honestly, this has occurred to me too. The article last week about the similarities in the programs makes me think it would be one of the least painful transitions. There is time for this discussion in November though.

Anyone here who ripped Souhan that isn't judging Kill and this team purely on wins and losses, would be quite the hypocrite.

Well, we hadn't gotten thrashed by Iowa after the first seizure this year.

Feel bad for Kill but this will serve as nice way for both himself and his ill-equipped staff to save face and step away at the end of the season.

"In the meantime, how about we just win the Axe and make this old news?"

Do we really have to wait till Wisconsin to win a game. I was hoping for the brown jug today. :)

Oops. Haven't had enough coffee yet. We've only won the jug twice in my lifetime, is it my fault I forgot what it looks like?

Feel bad for Kill but this will serve as nice way for both himself and his ill-equipped staff to save face and step away at the end of the season.

Well at least my post wasn't this ugly LOL.

Kill has the potential to be a HC like Paterno was late.
This is about the worst possible analogy I can imagine. Also, Paterno was a legend who could recruit players based on his name alone. That ain't Kill.

Not suggesting what should happen but one would think that coach kill himself would have to be thinking if staying on long term is the best idea.

Similar to that you shouldn't judge a team based on one conference game either.

Lets be realistic, 2 more wins is the ceiling this year. I see maybe one against Indiana or Penn State. Everyone else they will be big dogs. This is not a good team and now they have this Kill situation hanging over their head all the time.

Feel bad for Kill but this will serve as nice way for both himself and his ill-equipped staff to save face and step away at the end of the season.

It is what it is. Reports say he wasn't feeling well Friday before the seizure. Like any of us, coaches get sick too. Jerry just happens to be under the biggest microscope there is in all of sports. The situation hasn't changed. Claeys will be the HC from the box Sawvel on the field. Jerry is at home in contact with his staff. Hell it wouldn't surprise me if he gave the final pep talk to the team through skype or facetime. This is the situation we have. Can't believe all Jim Poohan love in the Strib comments. What a joke. The comments on ESPN are more positive and show what kind of scum post comments on the Strib.

I fully stand with Jerry still. This is always going to be a possibility. I would take a good coach who has a special situation over a blowhard like Brewster. Go Gophers!!! Ski U Mah!!!

Today's game will really dictate the spin on this. If we go out there and get thrashed by Michigan, then a lot of people will be saying that this is obviously a distraction and he needs to consider stepping down. If we go out there, and play a hard fought game that is not decided until late in the fourth quarter (possibly even an upset), then Kill obviously has in place the system and the contingency plans that he needs to.

This news has not impacted how I feel about the program, the coach, or the staff. I am still pissed about what happened last week against Iowa. If Michigan makes us look like we don't belong on the same field today, I am going to be pissed and it will have nothing to do with Kill not being on the sideline. If we upset Michigan, I don't give a gosh darn where Coach Kill was physically during the game and he deserves a lot of the credit for the win.

Feel bad for Kill but this will serve as nice way for both himself and his ill-equipped staff to save face and step away at the end of the season.

Your comment was so ugly that you had to repeat it to make your point?

Surprised there isn't a poll for this yet, but I agree -- time for Kill to step down.

I am wondering if Teague will move Kill to an administrative position. Kind of how instead of firing Maturi or Doug Woog the university moved them to other positions.

Today's game will really dictate the spin on this. If we go out there and get thrashed by Michigan, then a lot of people will be saying that this is obviously a distraction and he needs to consider stepping down. If we go out there, and play a hard fought game that is not decided until late in the fourth quarter (possibly even an upset), then Kill obviously has in place the system and the contingency plans that he needs to.

There will still be people who will say, "See, he's not even a good coach. He wasn't even on the field when we upset Michigan." Some people can spin it anyway the want to help their cause.

Get well Coach Kill!

I already see the Souhan idiots are showing up on this thread. Unfortunately, can't say I'm surprised.

Ski-U-Mah and Go Gophers!

Feel bad for Kill but this will serve as nice way for both himself and his ill-equipped staff to save face and step away at the end of the season.

This was my thought as well.

Let me see .... Coach Kill is a patient at Mayo. Mayo has been consistently ranked as having the #1 Neurology Department in the nation. I'm sure that every treatment option has been considered (except the Java Juice that cured your Aunt Mabel's yips) and that life-style modifications have been made. NT and JK are discussing the situation on a regular basis. Let the adults in the room determine the best course of action.

Anyone here who ripped Souhan that isn't judging Kill and this team purely on wins and losses, would be quite the hypocrite.

I don't really see it that way. I thought Souhan raised a legitimate question about the degree to which Kill's health may be negatively affecting the program. But I also thought his language (especially the line about no one paying to see someone on the ground) was inappropriate and gratuitously cruel.

To me, supporting the program (and the coach) and asking when the seizures become an issue that starts holding back the program are not mutually exclusive.

Anyway, best wishes to Coach Kill and the team.

Today's game will really dictate the spin on this. If we go out there and get thrashed by Michigan, then a lot of people will be saying that this is obviously a distraction and he needs to consider stepping down. If we go out there, and play a hard fought game that is not decided until late in the fourth quarter (possibly even an upset), then Kill obviously has in place the system and the contingency plans that he needs to.

This news has not impacted how I feel about the program, the coach, or the staff. I am still pissed about what happened last week against Iowa. If Michigan makes us look like we don't belong on the same field today, I am going to be pissed and it will have nothing to do with Kill not being on the sideline. If we upset Michigan, I don't give a gosh darn where Coach Kill was physically during the game and he deserves a lot of the credit for the win.

Exactly. Lots of the preparation happens in the week leading up to the game. Fortunately this is another reason why it is so important that Kill has had his assistant coaches with him for so long. Game plan shouldn't be altered much, if at all. Results still are attributed to Coach Kill.

Go Gophers!

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