after reading the star tribune article i was left thinking the same thing.
it sounds like the UMPD made sure that they had a little action where there really wasn't any. almost seems like they provoked the entire thing. there was no actual fight between the other two guys and carter/watkins, no punches were thrown, no shoving occurred, they all dispersed, everyone left the scene. no problem. later finding out they might have a couple U of M athletes involved in what ended up being a non-incident the UMPD officer in his/her over-zealousness calls for back-up (really??), heads into the restaurant demanding they come outside for a fight that never even happened and the UMPD creates a little incident of their own making by acting tough. i would have been upset too if i was carter -- especially if the officer tried to play "tough guy" and throw me to the ground for something i didn't even do.
the UMPD's response to what never ended up going down here (between carter/watkins and those two guys) reminds me of a similar unnecessary incident that fox 9 created a couple years ago by following some U of M hockey players into a bar with hidden cameras just so they could release the tape on some sleazy investigative reporting show.
basically, nothing but manufactured drama by the UMPD and fox 9 in the u of m hockey incident.