Mbakwe to enter Pre-Trial lntervention program, case eventually dropped


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Nov 11, 2008
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per these tweets from Myron:

"Miami District Attorney spokesperson: Trevor Mbakwe to enter Pre-Trial lntervention program, case eventually dropped after comm. service."

"Mbakwe will have to perform 100 hours of community service, make $100 donation to facility for abuse victims and stay away from victim."

Go Gophers!!

Sucks if he's innocent, but there's nothing wrong with community service anyways (I think athletes have to do some at some point anyways?) and I'm sure $100 is nothing compared to attorney and travel costs.

Congrats, Trevor! We're so happy to (presumably) have you back!


Another tweet:

"Mbakwe will not have a criminal record upon completion of the Pre-Trial Intervention program."

Go Gophers!!

Why agree to this if you're innocent?

I guess if it's off his record, who cares.....

For the attorneys out there, is this an admission of at least some guilt by Trevor? If it is, I don't think this is the end of it. Thanks in advance.

Why agree to this if you're innocent?

You can't be serious.

If you were in his shoes there's no way in a million years you'd turn that down and instead continue this never-ending wait, in limbo, at risk of landing in jail. Nobody but him knows whether he did it or not, but if the prosecution wants to take you to trial there's always a chance of getting put away whether you actually did it or not.

This is how it should have ended about 9 months ago.

For the attorneys out there, is this an admission of at least some guilt by Trevor? Thanks in advance.

I think it shows the prosecutor wasn't liking the witnesses they had lined up. This costs Trevor (in time and money) a LOT less than a trial, so it's a no brainer for him.

Now of course we wait for confirmation that this is actually good news for the GOPHERS and not Memphis or someone else.

Why agree to this if you're innocent?

I guess if it's off his record, who cares.....

Yeah right, because if you are innocent there is no way they can mess with your life.:rolleyes:

Will Maturi let him play before he completes the community service?

For the attorneys out there, is this an admission of at least some guilt by Trevor? If it is, I don't think this is the end of it. He's been saying all along he had nothing to do with it. If it is an admission of some guilt, at best it means he hasn't been truthful with the folks at the U.

Thanks in advance.

I'm guessing some of this may have to do with disappearing to Minnesota. Maybe they got him on a lesser charge like that (even though he said he was receiving threats). Either way - you get community service, no record, and to put this behind you...HUGE win!

Now of course we wait for confirmation that this is actually good news for the GOPHERS and not Memphis or someone else.

thats pretty...shallow. cant you be happy for HIM not us for once? I think its great trevor can now go on with his life and get this time back here or elsewhere ill still be happy for him

Why agree to this if you're innocent?

I guess if it's off his record, who cares.....

More than a few INNOCENT men and women have spent years in jail after being convicted by jury in cases where they were TRULY innocent.

Two recent cases here in Illinois - one involved over 25 years IN PRISON for totally innocent man.

So he'll admit to a portion of guilt in an assault on a woman and now we can give him a standing O at Tubbys tip off?

Now, we just need to wait on Maturi. I hope that he makes the right decision in a timely manner.

And by right, I of course mean the resolution Gopher fans have been waiting for the past year.

So he'll admit to a portion of guilt in an assault on a woman and now we can give him a standing O at Tubbys tip off?

Doesn't sound like he's admitting to anything of the sort. If I were in his shoes and I did not do it, I'd probably take this deal. Do your community service and get it done and over with. It has got to save him a ton of money and it will never, ever show anywhere on your criminal record. It will be like it never happened from what I can tell. Am I reading that wrong? In a he said, she said deal who knows how it could turn out.

So he'll admit to a portion of guilt in an assault on a woman and now we can give him a standing O at Tubbys tip off?

No, he won’t admit anything. If the prosecutor thought they had a strong chance at a conviction, you can bet they would have demanded such an admission. They apparently did not.

So he'll admit to a portion of guilt in an assault on a woman

I understand it, I think it was the best thing for him to do, and I'm excited for him. Yet, I have mixed feelings. I guess I was hoping for a proclamation of innocence in the form of dropped charges. Great alternative to a trial where anything could happen. But still ..

Marcus' article:

If Gophers' Trevor Mbakwe completes intervention program, assault charges will be dropped
By Marcus R. Fuller
Updated: 08/12/2010 10:50:15 AM CDT

University of Minnesota junior forward Trevor Mbakwe has agreed to a pretrial intervention program that, if completed, will result in felony assault charges in Miami being dropped, according to Miami-Dade state attorney's office spokeswoman Terry Chavez.

Under the approximately six-month program, which is open to first-time offenders, Mbakwe must complete 100 hours of community service, contribute $100 to a facility for sexual abuse victims and stay away from the victim, Chavez wrote in e-mails to the Pioneer Press.

Enrollment in the program, Chavez wrote, "is NOT an admission of guilt nor is it a plea."

The Gophers suspended the St. Paul native for the 2009-10 season pending the outcome of the case. Whether the Gophers will lift Mbakwe's suspension now remains to be seen.

"After lengthy defense continuances in this case (which primarily appear to have been based around the defense's desire to depose every witness listed in the case and develop their own expert witnesses — which is their right), Mr. Mbakwe has decided that the PTI Program is the most appropriate disposition for this case," Chavez wrote.

Mbakwe and his lawyer, Gregory Samms, had claimed the woman who was allegedly attacked outside a Miami apartment on April 3, 2009, had mistakenly identified Mbakwe.

"The victim was in full agreement with the decisions made in this case," Chavez wrote. "The past year has been very difficult for her. She suffered serious physical and emotional injuries as a result of the attack, and has had to undergo reconstructive surgery to her face, and has ongoing problems with her knee which will require further treatment and possibly therapy. Additionally, she wanted closure on this case as she has had to make many sacrifices as the case was investigated and litigated in the courts."

This summer, the Gophers granted the 6-foot-8, 240-pound forward's request to explore transferring. Mbakwe still was considering playing for Minnesota, but Memphis and Georgia Tech were options. Mbakwe was pursuing NCAA waiver that would allow him to play elsewhere next season instead of having to sit out a year. Gophers coach Tubby Smith said recently that he didn't think the NCAA would grant Mbakwe a waiver, but that he would like to have Mbakwe back and wasn't upset at him for looking elsewhere.

After a number of delays in the case, Gophers athletics director Joel Maturi told the Pioneer Press last month he would consider reviewing Mbakwe's situation if the trial weren't concluded before the start of the fall semester.

While awaiting his trial, Mbakwe was arguably the top Gophers player in the Howard Pulley Pro-Am league this summer. He missed some games after suffering a double dislocation on the pinky finger of his shooting hand. But he still averaged 22 points a game for a team that finished undefeated in league play.

Memphis coach Josh Pastner saw Mbakwe play at Pulley, a secondary violation of NCAA rules that the school ended up reporting to the NCAA and Conference USA. The league is a non-certified event, meaning coaches are not allowed to recruit at it. Even after that, Pastner reportedly continued to pursue Mbakwe.

If the suspension is lifted and Mbakwe remains with the Gophers, he could join practice Aug. 21 as the team starts preparing for a foreign tour to Canada in the first week of September.

Go Gophers!!

I really hope this is what is GOING to happen and not just a possibility that never actually takes place. Incredible news if true.

All I can say is Maturi better lift the suspension if all of this is true or there are going to be a lot of angry people.

This was the best route to go. Trials can get costly and time consuming, not only that, even if he were innocent, you're relying on others to basically believe the evidence in front of them without any judgments or whatever. Considering how long this has drawn out, I think Trevor did what he needed to do to move on. Not having this on his record was as important as anything.

He's basically admitting that he wants this over with, and will take a small hit to do so. No guilt is admitted here.

If this is true.. assumption is that Mbakwe or his attorney have spoken prior with Tubby or Maturi and told them that this was a course of action he (Mbakwe) might take to assure no further costs or risk a wrongful verdict. In such case I believe they would have asked Tubby/Maturi if such a deal would result in Mbakwe being able to play this year.

It would be crazy if this didn't happen. Thus, I'm assuming that Mbakwe got a favorable answer and that Maturi will be out shortly after this is official to give Mbakwe the all clear once court conditions are met and the deal is done.

If we don't allow him to play under these conditions, then we truly have a death wish as a program.

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