At the risk of opening wounds, this is what is troubling many. Too many people can relate to what this senator experienced. When I was in my late 20's not only was I called down from my own deck at gun point because I was suspected of robbing my own house, I was stopped on average 2 to 4 times a month for approximately a year. This was in my own neighborhood. Never given a ticket for those stops. One time(earlier in my adult life) I was told by an officer that he was stopping me because the only people that were out that time of night were: Doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, newspaper delivery guys , and criminals. I was then asked which one I was. My response of being a freight handler at UPS was not well received. I was viewed as being uppity for giving an honest response. The first time this happened the one officer followed me to UPS. I was actually happy about that part, because my supervisor was at the door pointing at his watch. I pointed at the police car and he said okay" but don't let it happen again. Like I could promise that one. -lol
These experiences troubled me because I was trusted to deliver Multi-million dollar checks to the Federal Reserve for one of my jobs(bonded twice). Uncle Sam, was sore at me because they wanted me to enlist in their Nuke Power program via the Navy(long story, relevent because my background checks for that program included the NSA ) but to a select few officers, I was a "suspect" a "thug". Rough period, especially when I used to feed police at a restaurant. I fondly remember those officers. They stuck up for me when an officer that wanted to arrest me because I was a "suspect" Luck for me, they intervened and said "He just left work. We ate at his job."
I can relate to the players tweets, because I was them. I wasn't as gifted as them obviously, I only played at the J.C. Level, but... All I was guilty of was working my butt off and trying to do the right thing. I could tell more stories, but I won't burden you with them. All I can say is thank you family for saying "if I brought the police to the door you'd beat me then give me to the police. Anything less than a clean record and who knows what would have happened.
Getting back to the point I was responding to, bogus stops are what fueled the late Johnny Cockran to take his most famous case. Too many people from all/ various backgrounds can relate to the few bad apples, and the poorly trained. Unfortunately that is how we are wired as humans. Negative experiences stick with us.
For clarity. I personnally am not attacking police. I know of too many good ones. I have also had many positive experiences with Law Enforcement officers. I just don't appreciate bad/ negative policing.