Limegrover is a chicken sh**

Thought you'd find this interesting:
This guy writes up that
"Pittsburgh is one of the best returning teams. The question "Why?" puzzles even the most avid Tecmo expert. Only one thing is known, and that is that Pittsburgh and New Orleans are the two best return team in
the league, with the Raiders and Bears close behind."

I agree that New Orleans had a great return team: Fenerty and Mayes, I believe. They were the only team that I could return KO's with any real hope of scoring a TD. Most of the rest of the time I just hoped that the returner didn't fumble or get injured.

Oh My God. What an awesome nerd site!

I don't think I ever play as NOLA. I'm trying to remember, but I don't think I ever did. Hard to imagine with Ironhead and Hilliard, but I don't recall ever playing as them.

I'll look into that, but I don't have as much time as I used to.

A couple years ago I was on a flight next to a guy in his early/mid 20's playing old NES game on his laptop. I'm kinda glancing over and he tells me what he's doing, like I'm some middle-age Luddite. So I tell him; "Yeah, but you're doing it wrong. If you take Boston, you need to sub Dave Henderson for Marty Barrett in the lead, then dump Buckner for Ellis Burks, put Tony Armas in for Gedman in the 8 hole. You might want to leave Spike Owen in for a while, but if it's getting close, sub in Marc Sullivan. The speed doesn't matter, and the fielding will be the same, you win with power with that lineup."

He looked at me like me wanted me to adopt him.

RBI 3...the Montreal Expos....

Aweeeee....the darn fans are all over the board all of the time...

how can you ever expect to win a game if you dont let ur qb try and make a drive at the end of the half... does he not realize they get the ball to start.. does he not realize leidner has only thrown 1 incomplete pass.. does he not realize the defense has ten in the box... sob that guy is awful.. u cannot i repeat cannot over power big ten teams like they are new mexico state.. here try this, go empty backfield and DONT run a qb draw that will boggle defensive coordinators minds! God i hate ur offense limegrover, id rather run GA techs option bull*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#.. i love how the analysts were ripping him at halftime.. now we fall behind 21--7 and put all the pressure in the world on leidner thats how you break a kids confidence and screw us down the road.. thanks for being awful limegrover

Coaches should do what ever they think they should do and let the fans opinions be damned. The coach always has to do it the way the coach wants to do it. None of the fans aren't accountable for diddly squat. Some fans change their opinions more often than they change their underwear. Some fans are so stinking fickle.

Stick to your guns, coach. And NEVER let the bashers get you down. Call it the way you see it coach. All too many of these "fans" don't even buy season tickets or show up at the games. And remember: the few fans who complain the loudest don't even represent the majority of the fans. Some of these dudes/dudettes are serial complainers and whiners and second-guessers.

IF you don't feel like risking a bad turn over...just run the darn clock out at the end of the first and come out and play the second half. It's probably just as good as what ever the second-guesser would have you do...and that crazy complainer isn't accountable to anybody else. Do it your way coach: THAT's why YOU are the coach and the complainer is NOT the coach...

Coaches should do what ever they think they should do and let the fans opinions be damned. The coach always has to do it the way the coach wants to do it. None of the fans aren't accountable for diddly squat. Some fans change their opinions more often than they change their underwear. Some fans are so stinking fickle.

Stick to your guns, coach. And NEVER let the bashers get you down. Call it the way you see it coach. All too many of these "fans" don't even buy season tickets or show up at the games. And remember: the few fans who complain the loudest don't even represent the majority of the fans. Some of these dudes/dudettes are serial complainers and whiners and second-guessers.

IF you don't feel like risking a bad turn over...just run the darn clock out at the end of the first and come out and play the second half. It's probably just as good as what ever the second-guesser would have you do...and that crazy complainer isn't accountable to anybody else. Do it your way coach: THAT's why YOU are the coach and the complainer is NOT the coach...

wren, your entire post here is total BS. The complainers everywhere, not just Gophers complainers, know more than a/the coach and make millions of $$$ from the "How to ..." books they sell. You, of all people, should know better than to say what you just said.

It feels good right now to have backed this staff from day 1. It was easy, as I could admit they all know more about play calling than I ever will.

This was such a phenomenal game by Limegrover. A freaking +. Not a single complaint. Not even close.

We all agree that today was brilliant playcalling. But seriously people, stop derailing the thread. We're talking about Super Tecmo Bowl here. RBI III if you must digress.

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