Limegrover is a chicken sh**

Jump in the way back, we have been there and it was entertaining.


Jump in the way back, we have been there and it was entertaining.

Ha!!! Jerry Burns was the type of guy that if you took cuss words out of the English language, he would have been a mute.

He isn't trying to put them in a position to win. He is trying to putting them in a position to not get blown out.

That's an awful opinion.

There are TONS of coaches who play very conservative. If you think Barry Alvarez would have done anything different while building the Badgers, you're out of your mind. If you think Nick Saban would have tried to score if he were in Limegrover's shoes, you're delusional.

It might be the style of coaching you like, but TONS of WINNING coaches call conservative games. They were extremely conservative when they were at a talent disadvantage.

Maybe he knows our redshirt freshman qb and young wr's aren't up to driving 70 yards in a minute in a half against Michigan's defense.
Maybe since he sees them every day in practice, he knows what they are capable of handling.
Maybe he is trying to put them in the best position to win.
But thanks for your contribution.

meh. they had no problem rolling the dice in year one when the "cupboard was bare". I think they need to do a little more of that just to shake things up. From my couch i know what play limegrover is going to run let alone others D's. What would hapen if we threw in a bubble screen every once in awhile... Kj Maye is supposed to be fast... IDK do something else. We don't have that big bruising identity yet. Work it in, but we got to have some sort of contingency so our drives stop stalling out.

Maybe he knows our redshirt freshman qb and young wr's aren't up to driving 70 yards in a minute in a half against Michigan's defense.
Maybe since he sees them every day in practice, he knows what they are capable of handling.
Maybe he is trying to put them in the best position to win.
But thanks for your contribution.
Johnny Football was a redshirt freshman last yr. What's your point????

' Johnny Football was a redshirt freshman last yr. What's your point????

Mitch Leidner is not Johnny Football.
We don't have two top 5 draft picks on the OL like A&M.
We don't have the talent at WR that A&M has.
We have a power running philosophy.

Is that clear enough?

Johnny Football was a redshirt freshman last yr. What's your point????

Great point. Maybe we should run the same O as the Aggies. Problem solved.

How many people on this board could legitimately design enough offensive plays to fill a college play book?

Critics are people who just aren't capable of doing the job themselves.

Great point. Maybe we should run the same O as the Aggies. Problem solved.

How many people on this board could legitimately design enough offensive plays to fill a college play book?

Critics are people who just aren't capable of doing the job themselves.

kelly, I have caught a lot of hell for taking that position. The critics are part of the problem, but refuse to be part of the solution.

If that's the case then bring back Brewster! Had no idea how to win games but at least he played aggressive!

Up 21-7 at Wisconsin in 2008 with 2:05 to play in the first half with two timeouts and Brew runs out the clock.

Up 21-7 at Wisconsin in 2008 with 2:05 to play in the first half with two timeouts and Brew runs out the clock.

Yep-I remember that well. Stupid then and stupid now.

Yep-I remember that well. Stupid then and stupid now.

I am not a fan of that conservative mentality at the end of a half. People always say things like "they don't want to risk a turnover", and then if they throw a pick six, the announcers say "see fans, this is why coaches like to run out the clock." At this level of football, you should have a quarterback who you can trust to drop back, evaluate the field, hit an open receiver if one manages to find a hole in the zone or a defender stumbles or whatever, and if nothing materializes, then just fall on the football and let the clock run (or roll out and throw it away if you have enough downs to try it again). If you cannot trust your quarterback to do that, then why are you trusting him to run your offense for the rest of the game?

He isn't trying to put them in a position to win. He is trying to putting them in a position to not get blown out.

That was the case on Saturday. Usually he plays 'not to lose' which is a guarantee they will lose. I saw the same psychology last year. It's too bad because I am beginning to see a semblance of a real team with solid athletes that can compete and win if Limegrover let's them loose.

That was the case on Saturday. Usually he plays 'not to lose' which is a guarantee they will lose. I saw the same psychology last year. It's too bad because I am beginning to see a semblance of a real team with solid athletes that can compete and win if Limegrover let's them loose.

Limegrover is part of the problem, to be sure...but we could've been running a Tecmo Bowl offense and still lost with our defensive effort on Saturday. Second week in a row that we continually couldn't get off the field on 3rd down.

Limegrover is part of the problem, to be sure...but we could've been running a Tecmo Bowl offense and still lost with our defensive effort on Saturday. Second week in a row that we continually couldn't get off the field on 3rd down.

Do any of the websites publish stats on teams' percentages defending third and 10+? I feel like we have to be doing terribly at that relative to our B1G peers. Those should be a gimme on defense, but time and time again, we rush 3, drop way back in coverage, and give up a big gain.

In all fairness... it's rare to only score 13 on Tecmo Bowl... :cool02:

I believe that was his point - that it's easy to score in Tecmo Bowl. Now that totally depends on which version you're talking about. The 1991 version Super Tecmo Bowl for the NES was a far superior game; but you can't make the conclusion that it was easy to score in STB (unless you were talking about early season games against the hapless computer); some of those teams had such poor QBs and running games that 13 points really could be a struggle against anyone who knew what they were doing, including the computer in the playoffs, where their players were about 3 times as fast as early season.

By the way, STB is my all-time favorite game of any kind. :cool02:

P.S. With 8 offensive plays to select from in any game, you had about 4 times as many plays to choose from as Limegrover has in his playbook.

I believe that was his point - that it's easy to score in Tecmo Bowl. Now that totally depends on which version you're talking about. The 1991 version Super Tecmo Bowl for the NES was a far superior game; but you can't make the conclusion that it was easy to score in STB (unless you were talking about early season games against the hapless computer); some of those teams had such poor QBs and running games that 13 points really could be a struggle against anyone who knew what they were doing, including the computer in the playoffs, where their players were about 3 times as fast as early season.

By the way, STB is my all-time favorite game of any kind. :cool02:

P.S. With 8 offensive plays to select from in any game, you had about 4 times as many plays to choose from as Limegrover has in his playbook.

The sad thing is that I didn't even see the easy "Limegrover's Playbook"/Tecmo Bowl's 4 offensive plays parallel until you brought up STB...

Man, I loved seemed like such progress from the original... "Wait, I can actually change up the plays that the Vikings run??? AWESOME!!!!!"

2 weeks ago I said gophers would get there 2 conference wins. Low and behold we are now halfway there!

Would be curious to here the opinions of gopherinpain, goldengophers, and afurry91 at this point....Considering how anyone is pretty much attacked for posting positive posts about gopher football I don't even know why they are on here. Oh wait I looked at their post history and they are still spewing negativity even after this weeks win. Why don't these clowns just go and root for Alabama already.

Limegrover is part of the problem, to be sure...but we could've been running a Tecmo Bowl offense and still lost with our defensive effort on Saturday. Second week in a row that we continually couldn't get off the field on 3rd down.

Do any of the websites publish stats on teams' percentages defending third and 10+? I feel like we have to be doing terribly at that relative to our B1G peers. Those should be a gimme on defense, but time and time again, we rush 3, drop way back in coverage, and give up a big gain.

NW was 6 of 16 on 3rd down. My Minnesota HS math says that's 37.5%. I'd take that any week against anyone.

NW averaged 5.2 yards per pass and we forced the QB into 3 turnovers. I'd take that any week against anyone.

how can you ever expect to win a game if you dont let ur qb try and make a drive at the end of the half... does he not realize they get the ball to start.. does he not realize leidner has only thrown 1 incomplete pass.. does he not realize the defense has ten in the box... sob that guy is awful.. u cannot i repeat cannot over power big ten teams like they are new mexico state.. here try this, go empty backfield and DONT run a qb draw that will boggle defensive coordinators minds! God i hate ur offense limegrover, id rather run GA techs option bull*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#.. i love how the analysts were ripping him at halftime.. now we fall behind 21--7 and put all the pressure in the world on leidner thats how you break a kids confidence and screw us down the road.. thanks for being awful limegrover

Take your words and swallow.

In all fairness, I think it is time to play some Tecmo Super Bowl. I'll be the Chiefs and run over some mofos with Okoye.

Too bad NES never made it to an online system. I might still be playing that game.

They've put out several Tecmo Bowl retreads since Tecmo Super Bowl; but despite some improved graphics and things like rain/snow etc., the game was never as good. Latest version I believe they made was for XBox 360, and I was disappointed to find out that they didn't bother to get NFL licensing; so all teams and players were fictional.

Doubt there will ever be another football game that compares in terms of pure fun.

Too bad NES never made it to an online system. I might still be playing that game.

They've put out several Tecmo Bowl retreads since Tecmo Super Bowl; but despite some improved graphics and things like rain/snow etc., the game was never as good. Latest version I believe they made was for XBox 360, and I was disappointed to find out that they didn't bother to get NFL licensing; so all teams and players were fictional.

Doubt there will ever be another football game that compares in terms of pure fun.

They really hit lightening in a bottle with that game. I don't love it because of realism, or the graphics. I love it because it is simple and fun... and that doesn't really capture its greatness. It is not a game to be remade, but Madden or another game should buy the rights and put it into their game platform as an alternate style of play. It's a good game - and I'll admit, I never owned it and never mastered it, but even if I win most games 50-10, there was the rogue game I could always lose... which gives it, in all of its arcade fashion, a strange sense of realism that is the NFL. Most games I can find a handful of plays on offense and defense that with a human player, gives the AI fits.

In all fairness, I think it is time to play some Tecmo Super Bowl. I'll be the Chiefs and run over some mofos with Okoye.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY F's with the Nigerian Nightmare.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY F's with the Nigerian Nightmare.

The main problem with KC was, who were you supposed to use on D? Derrick Thomas? Using a DLman as your controlled player was rarely a successful strategy.

I always say "dance with who brung you" How did you move the ball up to that point, keep doing it.

Too bad NES never made it to an online system. I might still be playing that game.

They've put out several Tecmo Bowl retreads since Tecmo Super Bowl; but despite some improved graphics and things like rain/snow etc., the game was never as good. Latest version I believe they made was for XBox 360, and I was disappointed to find out that they didn't bother to get NFL licensing; so all teams and players were fictional.

Doubt there will ever be another football game that compares in terms of pure fun.

There are new versions you can download to play on your computer. It's essentially the same as the first Tecmo Super Bowl but the roster gets updated each year.

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