Kevin Whaley shows great fight -- with police officers

Whoa. Doogie quoted a 'Holer in his blog:

A take on popular site from a biased observer, GopherHomer, but I think more fans than not support this opinion: Why do we care what happened last year? Did the NCAA suspend him? Did the coach suspend him? Kids get into trouble. Non-story. We landed on the moon!!!!

I've been a fan of Doogie's participation on this site, but this is unacceptable. I'll sleep on it tonight, but my initial thought is I'm done here until this is addressed or he is no longer affiliated with GopherHole.

This board is not a source of quotes for use in the Strib. :mad:

That was one of the least professional things I've read in a long time. The headline, unacceptable. The lead into the story, calling the player "hacksaw", Tinsley could have hurt someone and if I remember correctly when I was in school a couple years ago there were guys going around beating and robbing people by hitting them with 2x4s. When I read about this in the Minnesota Daily the criminals weren't given a cool wrestling persona. Poor taste.

Also, I do not condone what Whaley did at all but this blog, article, whatever, sure puts a LOL spin on it.

RB Kevin Whaley, in a separate incident from last November in downtown Minneapolis, absorbed not one, not two, but three strikes with a taser. That's impressive resiliency. Not impressive: the police report.

I think it's OK to quote us. At least our voice is heard and GH is getting some press. It can only bring more fans on board. I'm still continually stunned ar how linear and out of touch our metro journalists are. These things are more complex than I guess can be captured in a few paragraphs, but why always so negative and anti??

Is it possible Mr. Whaley showed up with a different view of the world and it might take a little time for him to grow up and see it in a little more civilized light. Possibly the program can aid in this process. Is it possible, fans want both a trip to pasadena and good student athletes we can be proud of. Is it possible it's a process, and is it possible that free will still exists and some people/kids despite our best efforts make poor decisions. Why so black and white, why so negative. Why such disdain for ownership of our roles in the community. Constantly driving wedges rather than reaching out building unity. The journalism efforts of the strib represent everything that is wrong with community and media today. And they want to pass judgement on these kids. Give me a break.

Whoa. Doogie quoted a 'Holer in his blog:

I've been a fan of Doogie's participation on this site, but this is unacceptable. I'll sleep on it tonight, but my initial thought is I'm done here until this is addressed or he is no longer affiliated with GopherHole.

This board is not a source of quotes for use in the Strib. :mad:

Don't really care if he uses the quotes, but he really should not call out a poster like that.

My question is do the football players realize most fans consider the game this weekend one of if not the most important game in the year. They are self destructing the team before they even hit the field. These athletes are letting themselves, the team and the fans down by this behavior.

Whoa. Doogie quoted a 'Holer in his blog:

I've been a fan of Doogie's participation on this site, but this is unacceptable. I'll sleep on it tonight, but my initial thought is I'm done here until this is addressed or he is no longer affiliated with GopherHole.

This board is not a source of quotes for use in the Strib. :mad:

Not saying it's right but this is a public forum that anyone can read and even in the last few days we've learned how that can hurt a person or team in the case of Mike Leach and Texas Tech.

I've been a fan of Doogie's participation on this site, but this is unacceptable. I'll sleep on it tonight, but my initial thought is I'm done here until this is addressed or he is no longer affiliated with GopherHole.

I'm with you, Doogie appears to write like a total amateur and it is embarrassing that anyone publishes him. I am done with GH until he's gone or something is done.

This is a public forum, not a private club. If you want that post at GI and buy their premium subscrip. Individual posters run the risk of being quoted by anyone who reads this. Danny B, Pa and Dubay, Reusse have all quoted posters in the past. I think it's great pub for the Gopherhole!

Doogie is a Fawning Strib Sycophant

What a garbage article, Doogie. You are trying to curry favor with the miserable Strib sports cynics. Good luck with that. We learned nothing new from your article except that you are despirate to be accepted by the sports sad sack clowns at the Strib.

Buzz off Doogie. Swap a little spit with Fat Pat. You two should get married.

This is just lazy shlock that Doogie regurgitated from the posting forums. It almost reads like a cut 'n paste.

We're 3-1, playing our Big-10 opener at TCF against arch rival Wisconsin in two days and the only thing Doogie could find to write about is this? Seriously, Doogie couldn't think of one single positive story to write about this HUGE week for balance? Not one thing going on this week on campus, not one human interest story on one of the popular players or hard working coaches could be found, just this? Or could it be he's lazy, knows sensational sells and the posters on basically GH wrote the story and did all the background for him?

I actually sent email to KFAN blasting them when they fired Doogie. I openly defended Doogie when he was fired by for taking shots at Brewster. Is there a way to get fired from GopherHole? Maybe Doogie will fake his own death in a car crash and he'll be banned?

The article is poor journalism, making snide remarks and allegations without substantiation.

But how about this? Maybe our running backs shouldn't be getting repeatedly tazered?

Less idiotic behavior = fewer idiotic stories.

At least we know why Brewster handed down suspensions this week. Beat the media to the punch.

I'm a little late to the party, but why is this coming out now? If it happened a year ago, why is the media pouncing? Was he just charged or what? Is it somehow related to the Tinsley or Dandridge/McKinley incidents?

This is just lazy shlock that Doogie regurgitated from the posting forums. It almost reads like a cut 'n paste.

Agreed. He's allowed to have his opinion and all but, come on, at least learn to write! The headline joke (which he repeats with slightly different wording in the lede) came straight off this board.

And I don't remember the reaction to Whaley, but generally the majority of folks here cheer Brewster for laying down the law, and show disappointment when the kids make mistakes...was that not the case this time?

Cut ties with Doogie now

There's a reason this guy wears out his welcome everywhere he goes. It is because he is an unprofessional hack. It's one thing to peruse this place for information or leads. It is quite another to call out posters in the StarTribune. What a loser. What a complete and total loser.

I always enjoy the back-and-forth; only thing that ever bothers me is the personal shots (fake death in car crash?)...ripping my writing/approach is fine if you so choose...
The police report is frightening...this Maturi quote (to CH 9) is as well: "Don’t take this the wrong way but we’ve had lots of incidents more so than I’d like to admit to in some cases. but again we deal with it very appropriately very educationally. I fell very confident how we’ve sanctioned student athletes is on a consistent manner . it’s in a manner we try to get all the facts, we try to get all the university authorities, the police when they are involved and obviously try to hear the side of the student athlete what he or she thinks about any altercation. We are consistent in how we do things and continue to do so. "
The part about more incidents than I'd like to admit to...this is also happening at just about every other University in America...and quite frankly, I don't think most people care...
As for some of my words, I decided to have some fun with one-liners after reading that nobody was seriously hurt, or god forbid, killed...maybe they worked, maybe they didn't, but I will often attempt to have some fun, whether I'm on-air, or in this case, writing a blog...
I've always written plenty about the team on-the-field, here,, and always have done enough radio/tv interviews as well...I wasn't there on Tuesday because of Vikings work, so I deferred to others...I have Twins work Saturday with the game time change, but have the DVR set-up to record, and will write up thoughts after watching...hearing/reading the Whaley details bothered me as a "U" alum, that's where the blog came from, but also firmly believe that most people don't care...would trade an arrest or 2 for a win over Wisconsin...that's the point I tried to make.

Agreed. He's allowed to have his opinion and all but, come on, at least learn to write! The headline joke (which he repeats with slightly different wording in the lede) came straight off this board.

And I don't remember the reaction to Whaley, but generally the majority of folks here cheer Brewster for laying down the law, and show disappointment when the kids make mistakes...was that not the case this time?

It's not exactly a super creative line, but a catchy me, anyone could've thought of it, because I am proof of that.

A well known poster here was banned because he faked his own death in a car crash last year, thus the only way to be shown the door here is to fake your own death.

Seriously Doogie, you've had five full days to write a piece and the only thing you could be bothered with? How about an article on Eggen, Parish and Epping covering our new found inroads to Wisconsin recruiting and the recruits reactions/thoughts on this weeks big game? How about a story about how the Gophers are now the hottest ticket in town with Wisconsin fans paying $400+ a ticket a full week before the game? How about a story profiling Eric Decker and the Sen for class' last chance to get a win against Wisconsin and what it would mean to them? I can think of a dozen interesting stories for rivalry week that don't read like a Reusse hate column. Perhaps if you had posted something not intended to embarrass the program earlier in the week, this negative, lazy article would have been balanced out a little...but you didn't.

There's a reason this guy wears out his welcome everywhere he goes. It is because he is an unprofessional hack. It's one thing to peruse this place for information or leads. It is quite another to call out posters in the StarTribune. What a loser. What a complete and total loser.

Wear out my welcome? Lasted at CH 5 for 5-yrs (left on my own), lasted at KFAN for 12-years, freelancer for Fox Sports Radio for the better part of a decade, and other places, so please elaborate ... it's easy to hide behind your moniker ... but if you don't know me, refrain from making the personal assumptions.

If Whaley doesn't want his name to be involved in a headline like that, how about he stop getting into incidents at nightclubs?

Schnoodler, you have a future career in being Michael Vick's PR guy.

Will add: I am as interested in Saturday's game as everyone else, is Wis. for real? A Q & A with Jeff P., Mil. Jour. Sent. beat reporter, coming...he agreed to do, and he got the questions the other day, so hopefully we'll have that up by tomorrow morning at the latest.

It's not Doogie's fault Gopher players are ending up in the police blotter.

There are enough people in important positions, both in the sports department, and campus-wide, who are wondering how is he still on the team, it isn't just me and other selected fans.


Just a couple of questions, are you a gopher fan? And if not, is this posting just simply to create some sort of buzz? If you are a gopher fan, why does it seem you take such joy in writing negative pieces? One other thing do you really have list the many jobs you have had in the past few years on nearly every post. Most posters on this site know who you are and what you do.
By the way I have a great article you could write, rather than sending out a lazy journalist e-mail to all the media members asking their opinions on the gophers, why don't you ask PA some questions regarding the gophers and report his real responses. We all know you see him regularly and rub elbows with him continuously. That would still be your negative article but we would actually get PA's non-air opinion and hold him to it.

The media members story idea came from someone else, was simply following that lead...will see PA today at Winter Park...he's a big brother to me in many ways, has a giant heart, will ask for for being a fan, it's my school, I somehow graduated from there, so I do like to see the teams do well, but also don't appreciate when an athlete represents my school in a manner like that last November...that was some extreme stuff...I can look past some stuff, but that is way over-the-top.

Wear out my welcome? Lasted at CH 5 for 5-yrs (left on my own), lasted at KFAN for 12-years, freelancer for Fox Sports Radio for the better part of a decade, and other places, so please elaborate ... it's easy to hide behind your moniker ... but if you don't know me, refrain from making the personal assumptions.

I'd be interested to know how much time you've spent with kevin Whaley since this incident.

As for me being quoted in the strib, I guess it's fair game...but a little sensational. What's said in a message board forum, while on the record (I guess), is usually more than a little 'tongue and cheek.' Think of all the crazy articles one could write using a random rant from these pages. I mean, you could conceivably plant your own posts just to get some meat for your article. I was merely trying to make a point that Whaley's problem was probably handled internally last year, and we should move on. It makes zero sense to do anything differently just because now it's in the would be akin to double jeopardy. 4th degree assault is pretty tame....just ask Willie Van De Steeg (not ripping him, he was a great player...but he also got into a bar fight and was forgiven with open arms). Oh, and Doogie, I'm going to rip you. I usually enjoyed your commentary on the radio, but you shouldn't have used my quote only because I was just talking out of my ass. Like I always do.

Amazing how our own media goes out of its way to sabotage our own Gophers on the most important weekend of the year. I expect nothing less from these tools.

I will now not be donating a dime to this board, knowing that one of it "members" (and I say that lightly) is under minding the team.

Just a couple of questions, are you a gopher fan? And if not, is this posting just simply to create some sort of buzz? If you are a gopher fan, why does it seem you take such joy in writing negative pieces? One other thing do you really have list the many jobs you have had in the past few years on nearly every post. Most posters on this site know who you are and what you do.

Since when do you have to be a Gopher fan to be a journalist?? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Somehow I missed this Memo from the White House last fall: "Sorry to all the Republican reporters in D.C. but you all have to go home now for four years because Barak just got elected."

Again, don't shoot the messenger. Doogie didn't drag Whaley to the nightclub that night. You can criticize Doogie's writing style but it is a blog and one has more freedom to write tongue-in-cheek, rather than reporting the facts in the print edition story.

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