Kevin Dorsey, Nate Mason and Dupree McBrayer suspended for the duration of season.


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Nov 5, 2008
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Official: Pitino suspends Kevin Dorsey, Nate Mason and Dupree McBrayer for season

Per U of MN press release:

Statement from Head Men’s Basketball Coach Richard Pitino

After careful and continued consideration, I am suspending Kevin Dorsey, Nate Mason and Dupree McBrayer for the duration of the season. I believe this is the best thing for the basketball program as we strive to build a strong and respectful culture each and every day.

We do our best to continue to consistently teach, educate and serve all of our student-athletes. It’s a privilege to be a member of the University of Minnesota basketball program – something as a coaching staff we do not take lightly and that we stress daily to our student athletes. In this instance, these student-athletes failed to meet the standards we have set.

I thank our fans for their support and we look forward to another tremendous opportunity for our team at Williams Arena tomorrow night.

Statement from Interim Director of Athletics Beth Goetz

Coach Pitino and I have had extensive discussions during the last several days, and I support his decision to suspend three student athletes for the remainder of the season. The privilege of representing the University of Minnesota comes with great responsibility and we hold all of our student-athletes accountable.

per the U:

Statement from Head Men’s Basketball Coach Richard Pitino

After careful and continued consideration, I am suspending Kevin Dorsey, Nate Mason and Dupree McBrayer for the duration of the season. I believe this is the best thing for the basketball program as we strive to build a strong and respectful culture each and every day.

We do our best to continue to consistently teach, educate and serve all of our student-athletes. It’s a privilege to be a member of the University of Minnesota basketball program – something as a coaching staff we do not take lightly and that we stress daily to our student athletes. In this instance, these student-athletes failed to meet the standards we have set.

I thank our fans for their support and we look forward to another tremendous opportunity for our team at Williams Arena tomorrow night.

Statement from Interim Director of Athletics Beth Goetz

Coach Pitino and I have had extensive discussions during the last several days, and I support his decision to suspend three student athletes for the remainder of the season. The privilege of representing the University of Minnesota comes with great responsibility and we hold all of our student-athletes accountable.

Time for this generation's Iron Five performance tomorrow night against the Badgers.

Kevin Dorsey, Nate Mason and Dupree McBrayer suspended for the duration of se...

Now the question: Have we seen the last of these three in Gopher uniforms?

I don't know if I can handle another program restart so soon.

Significantly reduces the chances of any of them returning to the team next year, I would think. Back to ground zero with the program on the court.

Yep. This is a massive development as I can't imagine any of the three returning. Assuming that, our only guards for next year are Amir (more of a 2/3) and Sharp.

Go Gophers!!

Tyler Johnson now needs to play basketball and football for the U next year.

If they don't return I may just retire my gopher basketball fandom. Not because I'd be upset about Pitino kicking them off the team, I just don't think I can follow a dumpster fire of a program. I've got better things to do.

Significantly reduces the chances of any of them returning to the team next year, I would think. Back to ground zero with the program on the court.

Well - of course it does. But on the other hand- this story will follow them where ever they would transfer to and they would have to deal with it again in the press in that town. Furthermore- they would have to sit out a year. Mason and McBrayer- at the very least have extremely bright futures here with a promising squad on hand for next year. Dorsey - I don't know.

I hope and believe that they will face the music- which was of their own making- rather than make a run for it, only to face it in the next place.

If they don't return I may just retire my gopher basketball fandom. Not because I'd be upset about Pitino kicking them off the team, I just don't think I can follow a dumpster fire of a program. I've got better things to do.

I'm also having these thoughts. It's a dark time that I hope the U can get out of soon.

Well - of course it does. But on the other hand- this story will follow them where ever they would transfer to and they would have to deal with it again in the press in that town. Furthermore- they would have to sit out a year. Mason and McBrayer- at the very least have extremely bright futures here with a promising squad on hand for next year. Dorsey - I don't know.

I hope and believe that they will face the music- which was of their own making- rather than make a run for it, only to face it in the next place.

I hope they stay too, but in our modern day, where transferring is the easiest thing in the world, I'd have to imagine we lose at least two. Ugh. I'm in the same spot. This may be enough to get me not to renew the season tickets, I'm not sure. This season was tough, but at least I had next year to look forward to. Now, it's not only next year that's looking like a lost season, but maybe even the next one as well.

Well - of course it does. But on the other hand- this story will follow them where ever they would transfer to and they would have to deal with it again in the press in that town. Furthermore- they would have to sit out a year. Mason and McBrayer- at the very least have extremely bright futures here with a promising squad on hand for next year. Dorsey - I don't know.

I hope and believe that they will face the music- which was of their own making- rather than make a run for it, only to face it in the next place.

I would hope so, too. Everyone appreciates a good redemption story and you make a good point about having to relive this thing everywhere they go if they run. Their best chance at redemption is probably staying.

I am not sure if any McBrayer or Dorsey will com back, but cmon Mason!

I respect the decision and think Pitino is a class act, just cannot seem to get any momentum going. Even if he gets one more year, how will we fare with 6 scholarship players?

Kevin Dorsey, Nate Mason and Dupree McBrayer suspended for the duration of se...

I hope they stay too, but in our modern day, where transferring is the easiest thing in the world, I'd have to imagine we lose at least two. Ugh. I'm in the same spot. This may be enough to get me not to renew the season tickets, I'm not sure. This season was tough, but at least I had next year to look forward to. Now, it's not only next year that's looking like a lost season, but maybe even the next one as well.

If we lose all three of these guys, we immediately become a 3 (maybe 2) year project. We would have absolutely no back court, and now we have the reputation of being where promising athletes go to die.

If they don't return I may just retire my gopher basketball fandom. Not because I'd be upset about Pitino kicking them off the team, I just don't think I can follow a dumpster fire of a program. I've got better things to do.

Many of us have been through worse (80s scandal, academic scandal etc.). I know one day it will be worth it again. And giving up on a program I am passionate about is never an option. Ever.

Go Gophers!!

Why did Pitino say he anticipated all three being back for the Wisconsin game and then subsequently suspend all three for the remainder of the season?
Didn't GL say he and Goetz were talking about this extensively? Makes no sense.

If you are Murphy do you consider a transfer? He could probably get some blue blood interest.

suspending them for the year might be a positive thing, assuming this is the final punishment.

if questions and pending discipline carried over to the offseason, then i think that would make it easier for these guys to transfer.

assuming this is it, not sure why the guys would elect to transfer... might as well get through this together then run to another program where questions will again be asked

I hate to punish Pitino for doing the 'right thing' (assuming it was his call, which is doubtful) but if these 3 are not back next year, his goose is cooked. I'd rather hit the re-set button now and get if over with. Without Mason/McBreyer this is another 3-5 win team in the B1G and there's zero chance he survives that.

If you are Murphy do you consider a transfer? He could probably get some blue blood interest.

if all three left.. yes. if 2 of the 3 left.. yes.

the only way Murphy doesn't consider transferring is if Dorsey is the one guy that transfers--I still hope all three stay

I am not sure if any McBrayer or Dorsey will com back, but cmon Mason!

I respect the decision and think Pitino is a class act, just cannot seem to get any momentum going. Even if he gets one more year, how will we fare with 6 scholarship players?

I suspect Richard knows now or will very soon whether they stay or go. He'll be on the recruiting trail for jucos immediately to fill out the roster. They may not have 13 scholarship players but they won't have six, either.

I respect the decision...I do wonder if Pitino will be back next year (is this a cya to say he did everything he could?). I mean, essentially, he is saying good-bye to 3 of his prized recruits...if they all leave, next year could be worse than this.

Answers the remaining games questions...but the big picture, IMO, remains very cloudy.

If they don't return I may just retire my gopher basketball fandom. Not because I'd be upset about Pitino kicking them off the team, I just don't think I can follow a dumpster fire of a program. I've got better things to do.

Don't tease us.

with all 3 suspended, will this hurt our chances of winning the big ten tournament?

Why did Pitino say he anticipated all three being back for the Wisconsin game and then subsequently suspend all three for the remainder of the season?
Didn't GL say he and Goetz were talking about this extensively? Makes no sense.

If you look at Gopher athletics over the past 10-20 years it makes perfect sense.

Many of us have been through worse (80s scandal, academic scandal etc.). I know one day it will be worth it again. And giving up on a program I am passionate about is never an option. Ever.

Go Gophers!!

Seconded. Now is when the program/players need us most. I don;t want to pee on the rest for the actions of a few.

with all 3 suspended, will this hurt our chances of winning the big ten tournament?

No. 20% of zero is zero.

But it will make the Rutgers game epic. I am now sad I will have to miss it to watch a 6th grade bb game that will probably be superior in quality.

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