Jim Souhan column: If Tubby can't turn this around, it's time to get Smart

I don't know that Shaka would leave for Minnesota. Turned down Illinois and Kansas St. I would think, realistic possibilities would be Ben Jacobson, Greg McDermott and with the Big East crumbling, maybe Buzz Williams.

As much as I would love Brad Stevens on the sidelines, it will never happen. Has a long term deal at Butler and he has made it pretty clear he won't leave just to join a power conference, unless its for IU.

Buzz Williams spoke candidly to my law school class (at Marquette) last spring. He basically told us his life story including some of the offers he's had since Marquette made the Sweet 16 two years ago. I won't get into all of the teams that have approached him, but there was one program that offered to make him the 2nd highest paid coach in the country. There is absolutely no way he considers the Minnesota job. I'm not sure he leaves Marquette period, unless it's a blue blood program. He really, really appreciates the risk Marquette took hiring him after Crean left. That kind of stuff matters to him a lot more than money.

I love Shaka, get to see him a couple of times a week around the VCU campus.

If he had to leave, I would pray it's for Minnesota! Problem is he won't. Teague wanted to leave for a football school, and Shaka wants to be at a school where basketball is placed first. Hence the reason VCU upped his salary, left 5 million on the table in the CAA in the Final Four revenue and jumped to the Atlantic 10 (this was all occurring during Illinois' courting of him). VCU is about to announce the new practice facility on campus, and is desperately hoping to receive an invitation into the Catholic 7 along with Butler and Xavier.

Smart is an intelligent guy (accepted at Harvard, but choosing Kenyon). I don't see Shaka as a lifer at VCU, and with a couple more deep runs in March he can garner a top blue blood program's interest (looking at you UCLA). So far he has rejected outright: NC St. and Illinois; followed by supposed interest from Maryland and Missouri. VCU has had success with up and coming coaches, and maybe Teague will continue that trend at Minnesota.

Makes it sound so simple. This just sets up the "OMG WHAT A TOTAL FAIL BY THE AD ON THE HIRE!!" when a new coach is eventually hired after Shaka turns us down.

Maybe this has already been asked or mentioned, but what about Fast Freddy Hoiberg?

We have a HUGE connection to Smart - our AD

I just think it's overly stupid to immediately rule out the possibility of a potential coach coming here unless it's Coach K, Calipari, Self, Izzo etc from big time programs. Especially when we have a direct connection and the two have a strong relationship. How can someone sit there and honestly say he wouldn't consider MN!?!?! It's just baffling.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's going to happen but to rule out the possibility is ignorant.

I love Shaka, get to see him a couple of times a week around the VCU campus.

If he had to leave, I would pray it's for Minnesota! Problem is he won't. Teague wanted to leave for a football school, and Shaka wants to be at a school where basketball is placed first. Hence the reason VCU upped his salary, left 5 million on the table in the CAA in the Final Four revenue and jumped to the Atlantic 10 (this was all occurring during Illinois' courting of him). VCU is about to announce the new practice facility on campus, and is desperately hoping to receive an invitation into the Catholic 7 along with Butler and Xavier.

Smart is an intelligent guy (accepted at Harvard, but choosing Kenyon). I don't see Shaka as a lifer at VCU, and with a couple more deep runs in March he can garner a top blue blood program's interest (looking at you UCLA). So far he has rejected outright: NC St. and Illinois; followed by supposed interest from Maryland and Missouri. VCU has had success with up and coming coaches, and maybe Teague will continue that trend at Minnesota.

As a Gopher fan, I don't want to admit this, but you're probably right. I can only hope that Smart cherished his time with Teague and he wants an AD that he can trust.

Shaka Smart is a special coach, I think he's one of the few coaches who is a TRUE program changer (more than merely a good coach). I wish MN had the ability to back up the Brinks truck and make this a difficult situation, but unfortunately (for us), I don't think we will have the $ or the prestige to lure him from VCU.

I'd say that Flip would be a legitimate possibility!

God I hope not.

Flip has not been a successful coach. He helped waste KG's prime and has been an utter failure everywhere else he has coached. I like Flip, he's a good interview and seems like a good guy but I would hate it if he were the next Gophers' coach.

BTW: If you hate Tubby's offense, wait until you watch Flip's offense of multiple ball screens to set up a long 2. College basketball is about three point shooting and getting to the foul line, Flip hates those two things.

God I hope not.

Flip has not been a successful coach. He helped waste KG's prime and has been an utter failure everywhere else he has coached. I like Flip, he's a good interview and seems like a good guy but I would hate it if he were the next Gophers' coach.

BTW: If you hate Tubby's offense, wait until you watch Flip's offense of multiple ball screens to set up a long 2. College basketball is about three point shooting and getting to the foul line, Flip hates those two things.

I agree with you on inefficacy of Flip, and I don't want him. But I disagree on the hatred of multiple ball screens to set up the long 2. I think the mid to long range two has become underrated. Everyone wants to dunk or shoot threes, and that gray zone in between is an exploitable and vulnerable underbelly in most defenses.

I don't know that Shaka would leave for Minnesota. Turned down Illinois and Kansas St. I would think, realistic possibilities would be Ben Jacobson, Greg McDermott and with the Big East crumbling, maybe Buzz Williams.

As much as I would love Brad Stevens on the sidelines, it will never happen. Has a long term deal at Butler and he has made it pretty clear he won't leave just to join a power conference, unless its for IU.

Miles would be an option after this year, but he can't bail on Nebraska one year in. Mike Rice might also be, but that could be taboo now as well with them joining the B1G. Perhaps Tad Boyle or Mark Fox at UGa if we want guys with BCS experience. Flip is the safe fall-back. But let's let them play the last 8 games.

Why would he want to leave a better job (and his alma mater) for a worse job?

Minnesota is a trending to be a top 20 job and here's why:

3.4 million inhabitants in the Twin Cities and growing steadily.

The metro area (Including St.Cloud) has produced as much talent as any in the Big Ten region over the past 10 years.

The Class of 2014 sweepstakes COULD propel the program to greater prominence.

Finally, the Univ of Minnesota is the ONLY division 1 school in the state and with it being somewhat isolated to the NW side of the conference, our future coach has that built in advantage of kids in the area growing up almost exclusively Gopher fans. No other Metro area in the Big Ten can really say they have that kind of exclusivity with the possible exception of Columbus. Detroit is split 50/50 with kids growing up MSU or UM fans. Kids in Chicago are split between several schools, including Illinois, Notre Dame and maybe even some liking NW. Indy is split between IU, Purdue and now perhaps Butler. Yes, Butler will get some big time recruits in the future. Why wouldn't they wanna stay home if Stephens is going to have playing deep into March every year? Columbus is on Par with Minneapolis in terms of exclusivity but they only have 1.5 million inhabitants and the Twin Cities has provided more prospects in the past 10 years.

So, I don't buy that Minnesota is bad job. The facilities will get built up. The University of Minnesota will be a great job if we hire the right coach. Shaka Smart is in fact a smart and progressive minded guy...He will definitely notice the same trends I do. Whether or not he sees VCU becoming the Gonzaga of the East and if he loves living out there, I don't know. But if he turns down Minnesota, it won't be because its a bad job.

God I hope not.

Flip has not been a successful coach. He helped waste KG's prime and has been an utter failure everywhere else he has coached. I like Flip, he's a good interview and seems like a good guy but I would hate it if he were the next Gophers' coach.

BTW: If you hate Tubby's offense, wait until you watch Flip's offense of multiple ball screens to set up a long 2. College basketball is about three point shooting and getting to the foul line, Flip hates those two things.
Kevin McHale and asst GM Kevin Garnett wasted KG's time in Minnesota.

God I hope not.

Flip has not been a successful coach. He helped waste KG's prime and has been an utter failure everywhere else he has coached. I like Flip, he's a good interview and seems like a good guy but I would hate it if he were the next Gophers' coach.

BTW: If you hate Tubby's offense, wait until you watch Flip's offense of multiple ball screens to set up a long 2. College basketball is about three point shooting and getting to the foul line, Flip hates those two things.

Not sure I agree with you. Flip was very good with the talent he had. When he had KG, Sam, and Spree the results were evident. He just couldn't beat the Lakers with Kobe and Shaq not many teams could. Then he had 3 winning seasons with the Pistons and then he went to Washington and well their Washington all they have is John Wall. He was 411W -326L with the Wolves, not bad.

He runs a motion offense not sure I agree with your take on the "hard to watch," factor.

our future coach has that built in advantage of kids in the area growing up almost exclusively Gopher fans

Hahahaha. Have you ever lived in this area? I'm not surprised considering the source, but this is a terribad take. More kids in the MSP metro could be classified as Gopher anti-fans than anything.

I don't buy that Minnesota is bad job.

I never said it bad job. I think it ok job. It worse job than Iowa St., which also Hoiberg attend.

Flip has not been a successful coach. He helped waste KG's prime and has been an utter failure everywhere else he has coached

Wrong. Flip somehow got the Wolves to win 50+ games multiple times. That was a minor miracle. KG easily had the worst talent around him for all but one of those years. Wally was our 2nd best player for a few of those years...Wally!

Hahahaha. Have you ever lived in this area? I'm not surprised considering the source, but this is a terribad take. More kids in the MSP metro could be classified as Gopher anti-fans than anything.

I never said it bad job. I think it ok job. It worse job than Iowa St., which also Hoiberg attend.

Your grammar is an embarrassment to a state that ranks in the top 5 for public school systems. Wow! Seriously? Ever hear of a contraction?

By the way, I grew up in South Minneapolis and only left when I joined the military at 19. I know the city and metro area pretty damned well. I don't know who you hung out with but 95% of my friends were/are Gopher fans.

Your grammar is an embarrassment to a state that ranks in the top 5 for public school systems. Wow! Seriously? Ever hear of a contraction?

You're not this stupid, are you?

By the way, I grew up in South Minneapolis and only left when I joined the military at 19. I know the city inside and metro area pretty damned well. I don't know who you hung out with but 95% of my friends were/are Gopher fans.

Yeah, what was that, 40 years ago? You think the demographics may've changed a little, hmm? Yeah, a lot of my friends are Gopher fans too. People tend to hang out with like-minded individuals. Using your friends as a barometer is a piss-poor example to show the interests of the metro area at large. Here, I'll try it: every single person living in the MSP metro is a mid-30's pasty white guy with two kids and a mortgage he can't afford. I don't understand why everyone says this area is so diverse. Everyone who lives here is a white male between the ages of 30 and 35.

You're not this stupid, are you?

Yeah, what was that, 40 years ago? You think the demographics may've changed a little, hmm? Yeah, a lot of my friends are Gopher fans too. People tend to hang out with like-minded individuals. Using your friends as a barometer is a piss-poor example to show the interests of the metro area at large. Here, I'll try it: every single person living in the MSP metro is a mid-30's pasty white guy with two kids and a mortgage he can't afford. I don't understand why everyone says this area is so diverse. Everyone who lives here is a white male between the ages of 30 and 35.


Your grammar is an embarrassment to a state that ranks in the top 5 for public school systems. Wow! Seriously? Ever hear of a contraction?

Moses, you are a liar and have therefore proven unworthy of being believed anymore. Twice you stated during the Gopher Game Threads that you were done and never commenting again. We were hoping you could speak the truth, but you lie.

Minnesota is a trending to be a top 20 job and here's why:

3.4 million inhabitants in the Twin Cities and growing steadily.

The Twin Cities has always been a large metro area. The area is growing but so is a lot of other areas. We do have an advantage in some situations where recruits want to be in a large city but that is nothing new.

The metro area (Including St.Cloud) has produced as much talent as any in the Big Ten region over the past 10 years.

Not sure how you came up with that conclusion. Talent is better in MN than ever before but it is no where near Illinois, Indiana, or Michigan. I just looked back at the last three years Rivals Top 150 list. In those three years, just one MN player (Joe Coleman) was on the list. In that same period, Illinois had 20, Indiana 19, Michigan 14, Wisconsin 12, Iowa 4, Nebraska 2, and Ohio 2. Yes, next year will be a big year in talent for the state but still nowhere near the top three. I was surprised Wisconsin had so many the past few years.

our future coach has that built in advantage of kids in the area growing up almost exclusively Gopher fans.

Unfortunately, there a large amount of kids who don't grow up big Gopher fans in the state. And with the talent difference in between states, I'd rather have a situation like Wisconsin with two big conference teams because they've had way more talent in the state lately.

The facilities will get built up.

When? We've been saying that even before Tubby was hired. It's taken this long and still very little progress has been made.

You add in the lack of recent success (I believe someone said NW is the only school in the BT with less tourney appearances), we're a bottom third big conference job right now.

You're not this stupid, are you?

Yeah, what was that, 40 years ago? You think the demographics may've changed a little, hmm? Yeah, a lot of my friends are Gopher fans too. People tend to hang out with like-minded individuals. Using your friends as a barometer is a piss-poor example to show the interests of the metro area at large. Here, I'll try it: every single person living in the MSP metro is a mid-30's pasty white guy with two kids and a mortgage he can't afford. I don't understand why everyone says this area is so diverse. Everyone who lives here is a white male between the ages of 30 and 35.

I'd be willing to bet there are more kids growing up Gopher fans in the Twin Cities Metro than Illini fans growing up in Chicago or Indiana fans in Indianapolis or Michigan fans in Detroit. That's the advantage any coach could exploit. Minnesota kids would stay home at a higher rate than kids in other metro areas if they had a coach they could believe in.

I expect the Gophers to rally yet this season after getting a second wind. They won't achieve what we had been hoping for at one time, but they will make the Tournament and hopefully win one game. The bottom line is that Tubby will get enough out of this team to save his job and do patchwork repairs on his reputation. I believe that the real trouble will begin next year, when the team will be without its dynamic senior forwards. Trevor will be virtually irreplaceable - as much for his work ethic as his physical capabilities - and even the continued development of Hollins, Hollins and Coleman won't nearly make up for it. Unless Buggs and/or Ellenson surprise us by being major contributors, we're going to be a bird or two short of being able to destroy the pigs' fortresses. There's no telling how many of the big three we end up recruiting, but one way or another it will be a major factor in the U's decision making. The combination of how many wins Tubby can squeeze out of next season and how many of the big three recruits he gets will seal his fate - but the watershed will occur next year and not this season or off season.

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