Is it time to admit PJ (and staff) can coach?

A Tracy Claeys coached defense would have shut down the new Fleck offense easily

A little harsher than I would say it, but your profound statement is not wrong. We have needed a higher tempo offense since beginning of second half against NC.
Yes we have a QB who seems to excel at that pace, give him and the team a chance. At least were sticking the ball in the RB's gut for 4 seconds every play.

Whoa there, Francis! Let's not go jumping to rash conclusions. Look at last week versus Iowa. He got outcoached from start to finish. This game doesn't change the fact that PJ is Ferentz's.... be otch

Michigan is likely unranked by the end of the year. Was happy to see some fight in the second half, but I don’t know the last time I saw a complete game from a Minnesota team against a P5 opponent

Do I have this right? When the players are out of position or make mistakes that's only on the players but when the players make plays it's only coaching? The truth is it is probably somewhere in the middle. PJ isn't a better in game coach due to a comeback that fell short. Some things have seemed to change a little this season (a little less turtling for example). He still doesn't have a clue when to call timeouts but we all know that. Let's see if they use up tempo offense as the season goes on or not. That will be a simple way to see if he is more open to changing. Based on the posts on the board this season he needs to be open to changing (his best) or he'll be gone.

Michigan is likely unranked by the end of the year. Was happy to see some fight in the second half, but I don’t know the last time I saw a complete game from a Minnesota team against a P5 opponent
I disagree, defense and running game are too good to end up un-ranked. They will be ranked because they are Michigan. They will adjust after weakness exposed in secondary. Their Oline was missing some people.
QB for Michigan very inexperienced, 1 read but a good runner. I don't think they are playoff team.

I was happy with the way the team played in the second half, was super excited for a chance to tie or win at the end, and frustrated that the refs blew the call.

That said, if 5 games in, the highlight of our season is that we played one good half that causes us only lose a tough road game by a little bit, that's a problem.

Don't know why this team can't seem to put two halves together against a P5 team. If the ref doesn't blow the call, maybe there's a different outcome. But maybe the outcome is different if Micbigan doesn't score two touchdowns off of short fields handed to them by our offense and special teams.

Unfortunately.....imo.....PJ's ultra conservative gameplan style has lost us more games than it has won. We've rarely come out on top in games where we looked overmatched.....whereas we've lost some total headscratchers because we've let teams hang around rather than bury them. His record in games where we've been losing at half speaks volumes about his refusal (or inability) to make changes until things are too late.

Is it time to admit PJ (and staff) can coach? I think so.
Fleck never lacked for recognition when he’s deserved it. He’s been extended multiple times. We all heralded 2019 and his 9 win seasons. If your barometer is what the irrelevant newspapers say, then you’ll have a skewed analysis.

But with that, criticizing PJ doesn’t stop someone from praising him later.

On this board, and nationally (lol), we gotta break free from the cognitive dissonance of black and white thinking. In the case of the Gophers, there’s more nuance than loving or hating the guy.

In this particular game, Im glad we balled in the 2nd half. But I feel heaping anything beyond “pleasantly surprised” would be homerish. Yes he can coach, he also can be out-coached.

Fleck never lacked for recognition when he’s deserved it. He’s been extended multiple times. We all heralded 2019 and his 9 win seasons. If your barometer is what the irrelevant newspapers say, then you’ll have a skewed analysis.

But with that, criticizing PJ doesn’t stop someone from praising him later.

On this board, and nationally (lol), we gotta break free from the cognitive dissonance of black and white thinking. In the case of the Gophers, there’s more nuance than loving or hating the guy.

In this particular game, Im glad we balled in the 2nd half. But I feel heaping anything beyond “pleasantly surprised” would be homerish. Yes he can coach, he also can be out-coached.
I sure see a lot of whining on here and in this very post about how 2019 and the 9 win seasons weren’t any good because any coach worth a damn would’ve won more apparently.

If the gophers dont play boring fleck ball and turn the ball over 3 times in the first half we 100% beat the defending national champions.
It’s only “fleck ball” when you don’t like it?

It’s not when they score with all the same players and staff?

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