invalid fair catch signal


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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So in your mind. Did they get the call right. They did and glad they overturn it.

I’ve got an Iowa fan trying to tell me that this is overlooked all the time and it is wink wink ignored all the time.

I didn’t realize the college football rule book was negotiable in game.
I don't think it was called live action? It came up in the scoring review.

The simple reality of the situation is that if he did not wave for a fair catch he would have been tackled instead and the play would not have happened. The TD happened because Gopher special teams assumed he was going to play by the rules and not run.

The simple reality of the situation is that if he did not wave for a fair catch he would have been tackled instead and the play would not have happened. The TD happened because Gopher special teams assumed he was going to play by the rules and not run.

And this is exactly why invalid fair catch rules are in place.

Yes. The NBC “rules analyst” was horrrrible! Talking his way - and trying to sway everyone else - into that a most obvious targeting call against Iowa, wasn’t.

As a former official it’s probably a difficult call for him. Typically when considering to call a foul or not you’d want to take the home team into account, whether the team at fault has conference playoff aspirations, whether you like the coach or player, and whether it could affect your bets on the game.

What a terrible way to lose a game.
Now if we beat Wisconsin just like that we’ll be able to say it couldn’t be two nicer teams it happened to.

That call was 100% legit and I thought that is exactly what I saw live.

But on the other hand it would have been so gopher football like to lose a game just like that. Advance a dead ball for a td.

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