invalid fair catch signal

Now if we beat Wisconsin just like that we’ll be able to say it couldn’t be two nicer teams it happened to.

That call was 100% legit and I thought that is exactly what I saw live.

But on the other hand it would have been so gopher football like to lose a game just like that. Advance a dead ball for a td.
Totally agree. I said, “That’s a fair catch?” Immediately

But it's not a crappy rule. You make a half-assed motion like that. So the coverage team has a choice of hitting you and possibly getting a penalty; or they can let up and you catch them flat-footed which is what I think happened today. I would like to know who decided to review it.
That’s the best part; my Iowa buddies say it was only reviewed because it was a scoring play. He slides down at the 1 yard line and Iowa (almost certainly) wins 😂.

I’ve got an Iowa fan trying to tell me that this is overlooked all the time and it is wink wink ignored all the time.

I didn’t realize the college football rule book was negotiable in game.
I’m sure they’re thinking about waving people off (like Redding does all the time) is OK if you don’t field the punt. The second you field the punt it’s a different story and it becomes illegal.

This is the thing that drives me most crazy. I saw it. I didn’t understand why NBC wasn’t showing it. I started to think that I was wrong, and then I saw the notebook, and the commentators still didn’t get what was going on.

The most controversial thing about that call was that the commentators didn’t see it on the play.

There was a reason that every Gopher on the field was standing flat footed by the returner and that led to what happened next.

Definitely the right call. Same unfair advantage as a QB faking a slide. Defenders pull back to keep from getting the penalty and off he goes on the run.

Gophers benefit big time from the resulting TD making it reviewable. Not a pretty play. Feels like winning on a technicality. But those are the rules. Right call.

The refs got it right and our punt defense looked like 3rd graders. Both can be true. That should have never ever happened. Ever. And PJ won't do squat about it like always.
Fleck acknowledged on the radio it was a terrible play by the cover team.


Fleck acknowledged on the radio it was a terrible play by the cover team.
but what will he do about it? So far, the kick and punt return teams have been about as bad as any I can remember, but I don’t see changes there.

This is the thing that drives me most crazy. I saw it. I didn’t understand why NBC wasn’t showing it. I started to think that I was wrong, and then I saw the notebook, and the commentators still didn’t get what was going on.

The most controversial thing about that call was that the commentators didn’t see it on the play.

There was a reason that every Gopher on the field was standing flat footed by the returner and that led to what happened next.
Refs should have blown the play dead, but in the age of replay they let it go.

but what will he do about it? So far, the kick and punt return teams have been about as bad as any I can remember, but I don’t see changes there.

Fire this one, bench that one, cut the other one.

Refs should have blown the play dead, but in the age of replay they let it go.

Yeah, I think it should have been blown dead by the rule. The ref following the play was off camera so it's tough to know if they called it on the field. I don't think they actually throw a flag but wave over their head as it occurs. My only question is why it was reviewed.

Yeah, I think it should have been blown dead by the rule. The ref following the play was off camera so it's tough to know if they called it on the field. I don't think they actually throw a flag but wave over their head as it occurs. My only question is why it was reviewed.

Also, if they can review that, why couldn't they review the bad call on illegal contact on Nubin earlier in the game?

Also, if they can review that, why couldn't they review the bad call on illegal contact on Nubin earlier in the game?
Because I don't think you can review kick-catch interference. The only penalty that I know you can review is targeting which has a specific exception built into the rule book. There are only a few penalties you can review and they all have explicit exceptions (e.g., targeting, illegal forward pass, too many men on the field).

These aren't the same call. Waving for a fair catch is part of the play (it's not a penalty) and therefore reviewable by default.

OK. Maybe I'm the last one to notice. I thought the call was invalid fair catch which would have been a penalty. The ESPN ticker says it was just ruled a regular fair catch. This probably explains why there wasn't a flag, no 5-yard penalty, and why it was reviewed.

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