How serious of a canidate will Glen Mason be for OSU?

HOW on earth could any assistants at OSU NOT know what was...

going on with that whole situation????? Be real. I am sure they all try to turn their heads and play dumb...but...c-town is full of people who are doing favors for Buckeye players and coaches...This assistant who will be in charge was there as a player in the modern era and now has been there a while as an assistant coach. I am of the camp that believes the ad and even tosu's prexy g may very well take a hit and be out over this sleezy stuff. Bring the hammer down on the whole lot of coaches, administrators and people who are supposed to be in charge over there in c-bus. OSU has been playing "look the other way..." like they think they are in the SEC. Just as bad...just as willing to "see NOTHING..." and just as many outrageous boosters hanging around that c-town environment. Their boosters/tattoo joints/used car dealers/ jersey collector dudes and dudettes are running drugs..."hedging" gambling risks and all kinds of other pretty sleezy things and that tattoo joint seems to be the recreation center for a number of buckeye players. NASTY things are going down there. The coaches KNOW.

So you are telling us that Minnesota was smart in firing Glen? Do you think football pundits outside Minnesota think firing Glen when we did was smart? Your underlying assumption is that decision makers at the University of Minnesota were clever and wise. Do you actually believe that?

Yes I think the decision makers were smart to fire Glen. They wanted more for the Gopher football program than numerous out of conference wins over cupcakes to make up for their poor in conference record and never seriously contending for the Big Ten title or going to a "major" bowl. I would guess that is what most of us wanted for the Gopher football program at the time as well and it was obvious that Glen wasn't going to get us there. Therefore I think they were smart to fire Glen. In my opinion where they messed up, and I mean really messed up, and were not smart was with taking a huge gamble in hiring an inexperienced coach in Tim Brewster. It would have been interesting to see where this program would be today if they had hired a Bo Pelini or Charlie Strong type coach instead of Brewster. I think most football pundits outside of Minnesota saw that Glen had reached his ceiling at Minnesota and that if they (the U of MN) wanted more that a change was definately needed. Now a question for you - do you really think that OSU is seriously considering someone who hasn't coached in 4 years and whose last head coaching stint was at Minnesota where he was fired?

They were dumb in how they fired glen. You don't fire a coach after the bowl. They should have not extended him and let him go after 2005, but once they resigned him they should have given him one last season after the tech loss. Masons team would have likely been a 5 win team against that schedule in 2007, fire him after the last game and hire a coach mid December.

Glen Mason has not come close to landing even a MAC level job since Minnesota finally fired him. He will be as serious a candidate for the Ohio State job as Joel Maturi would be for an AD opening at Florida. I did not read all 4 pages of this thread, but I cannot believe any Gopher fan is dense enough to believe that Ohio State would consider Glen Mason.

They were dumb in how they fired glen. You don't fire a coach after the bowl. They should have not extended him and let him go after 2005, but once they resigned him they should have given him one last season after the tech loss. Masons team would have likely been a 5 win team against that schedule in 2007, fire him after the last game and hire a coach mid December.

WRONG. Mason would not have won more than 3 games during 2007. Probably less.

Naw popeface...

***wink...wink...joke...joke...joke*** silly little pope...since you are dealing in make believe stuff that never happened...I am going to top your made up "this is what would have happened if any of this would have happened crapola...***sarcasm...joke...wink***

Mason would have won 6 or 7 if not MORE in 2007. IF you can low-ball a guesstimate of something that never happened...I can CERTAINLY provide a much more realistic guesstimate of something that never happened. The Gophers under Mason would have been bowling in 2007 while being stuck with the incompetent brewster, the record was 1-11 overall and 0-8 in Big Ten play. That brewster character was SUCH a zero as a coach...dinky little pope, didn't you see more than enough of that brewster character during that 3 1/2 years of suffering to realize just HOW bad brewster was?

; 0 )

On further reflection, I actually think that Mason might not have won more than two games in 2007. It was obvious to all but the most rabid Mason supporters that he had stopped caring by that time. With his new contract extension he was going to be paid a huge amount of cash no matter what the Gopher's did on the field. Mason's recruiting results in 2004, 2005, and 2006 were pathetic. The Gophers only had a few Big 10 quality players by the time 2007 rolled around. At that point in Mason's career it was all about the money for him. Coaching football had become a means to an end. And the end was getting rich and hanging around Interlachen CC with Lou Nanne. In effect, in 2006 the Minnesota Gophers had a head coach who had already semi-retired to play golf and hang out with his rich buddies.

Our all time hypocrite

Mason would have won 6 or 7 if not MORE in 2007. IF you can low-ball a guesstimate of something that never happened...I can CERTAINLY provide a much more realistic guesstimate of something that never happened. The Gophers under Mason would have been bowling in 2007 while being stuck with the incompetent brewster, the record was 1-11 overall and 0-8 in Big Ten play. That brewster character was SUCH a zero as a coach...dinky little pope, didn't you see more than enough of that brewster character during that 3 1/2 years of suffering to realize just HOW bad brewster was?

; 0 )

Wren always talks out of both sides of his month. When somebody suggests that gray would have done better than Weber, he says you can’t say that because we don’t know. But now when it comes to Mason, he suddenly does know. Wren always wants it both ways. The only thing consistent about him is his lack of consistency.

No wonder Tressel wrote his books on integrity and faith. Compared to wren he has integrity.

Glen Mason has not come close to landing even a MAC level job since Minnesota finally fired him. He will be as serious a candidate for the Ohio State job as Joel Maturi would be for an AD opening at Florida. I did not read all 4 pages of this thread, but I cannot believe any Gopher fan is dense enough to believe that Ohio State would consider Glen Mason.

I'm not on the "Glen should never have been fired" bandwagon, but if he wanted to coach in the MAC, he'd get the first job that came available. Any MAC team would love to have him.

I hope Glen gets the Buckeye job

Yes I think the decision makers were smart to fire Glen. They wanted more for the Gopher football program than numerous out of conference wins over cupcakes to make up for their poor in conference record and never seriously contending for the Big Ten title or going to a "major" bowl. I would guess that is what most of us wanted for the Gopher football program at the time as well and it was obvious that Glen wasn't going to get us there. Therefore I think they were smart to fire Glen. In my opinion where they messed up, and I mean really messed up, and were not smart was with taking a huge gamble in hiring an inexperienced coach in Tim Brewster. It would have been interesting to see where this program would be today if they had hired a Bo Pelini or Charlie Strong type coach instead of Brewster. I think most football pundits outside of Minnesota saw that Glen had reached his ceiling at Minnesota and that if they (the U of MN) wanted more that a change was definately needed. Now a question for you - do you really think that OSU is seriously considering someone who hasn't coached in 4 years and whose last head coaching stint was at Minnesota where he was fired?


1. Speaking of out of conference wins over cupcakes, I would like to know when you think the date will be that another University of Minnesota football coach will be able to say his Golden Gopher football teams defeated Penn State, Ohio State, and Michigan on the road / at their house. I think Jerry Kill is a good football coach, but I nevertheless think it is going to take a long time for another Golden Gopher football coach to duplicate this achievement.

2. I don't pretend to know what the OSU decision makers are going to do. If #45 (not Andy Katzenmoyer) decides to back Glen Mason again, then I think Glen has a credible shot at being named the next Buckeye head coach. Glen is a Wayne Woodrow Hayes disciple and legacy. This counts for a lot in the state of Ohio and with the elder OSU alumni. #45 could be the king maker.

3. Personally, I hope Glen gets the job. In my mind he deserves it. The way the University of Minnesota shafted him is reprehensible in my humble opinion. The man built TCF Bank Stadium. He would still be our coach if we did not run into the combination of Graham Harrell, Michael Crabtree, Mike Leach, and the damn referees who kept giving us bad spots and putting more time back on the clock for TT. In some ways, I think Glen was the victim of incredibly bad luck. If Matt Spaeth had suited up for that game, Glen would still be our coach today. If Willie Middlebrooks didn't break his leg at Indiana, Glen would still be our coach today. If Curtese Poole had managed to maintain his balance scooping up the ball, Glen Mason would still be our coach today. If Thomas Hamner had not fumbled the ball at PSU, Glen Mason would still be our coach today. I was not at the Wisconsin game that was decided on a field goal, but that game would be another one which might have propelled us back into national prominence, and made recruiting much easier. Wins beget wins. Wins beget better recruits. Better recruits beget more wins.

4. I think Glen Mason is a very good coach. I know, I am cyring the "woulda, coulda, shoulda" blues, but this is my opinion, and I am free to express it here. You all can commence yelling at me and telling me I am full of $hit. Thank you.


1. Speaking of out of conference wins over cupcakes, I would like to know when you think the date will be that another University of Minnesota football coach will be able to say his Golden Gopher football teams defeated Penn State, Ohio State, and Michigan on the road / at their house. I think Jerry Kill is a good football coach, but I nevertheless think it is going to take a long time for another Golden Gopher football coach to duplicate this achievement.

2. I don't pretend to know what the OSU decision makers are going to do. If #45 (not Andy Katzenmoyer) decides to back Glen Mason again, then I think Glen has a credible shot at being named the next Buckeye head coach. Glen is a Wayne Woodrow Hayes disciple and legacy. This counts for a lot in the state of Ohio and with the elder OSU alumni. #45 could be the king maker.

3. Personally, I hope Glen gets the job. In my mind he deserves it. The way the University of Minnesota shafted him is reprehensible in my humble opinion. The man built TCF Bank Stadium. He would still be our coach if we did not run into the combination of Graham Harrell, Michael Crabtree, Mike Leach, and the damn referees who kept giving us bad spots and putting more time back on the clock for TT. In some ways, I think Glen was the victim of incredibly bad luck. If Matt Spaeth had suited up for that game, Glen would still be our coach today. If Willie Middlebrooks didn't break his leg at Indiana, Glen would still be our coach today. If Curtese Poole had managed to maintain his balance scooping up the ball, Glen Mason would still be our coach today. If Thomas Hamner had not fumbled the ball at PSU, Glen Mason would still be our coach today. I was not at the Wisconsin game that was decided on a field goal, but that game would be another one which might have propelled us back into national prominence, and made recruiting much easier. Wins beget wins. Wins beget better recruits. Better recruits beget more wins.

4. I think Glen Mason is a very good coach. I know, I am cyring the "woulda, coulda, shoulda" blues, but this is my opinion, and I am free to express it here. You all can commence yelling at me and telling me I am full of $hit. Thank you.

So just to make sure you were happy with the following

1. Being one of only two teams in the entire conference to not finish in the top 3 of the conference during Mason's entire tenure.

2. Never defeating a team that finished in the top 3 of the conference during Mason't entire tenure

3. Losing records against both Iowa and Wisconsin, including a record for most consecutive losses to Iowa

4. Meltdowns of epic proportions against Michigan and Texas Tech (not to mention Northwestern)

5. Being completely owned by Joe Tiller and Purdue

6. an average Big Ten record of 3-5 (Big Ten wins, Big Ten wins, BIG TEN WINS!!!!!!)

You are a fan of the Minnesota Golden Gophers and that resume is acceptable to you? You'd be excited to watch more losing Big Ten football and more losses to rivals? I honestly do not understand how someone who is a fan of the Minnesota Golden Gophers would hold Glen Mason in high regard. If Glen Mason was a very good coach, his record would not be what it is.


1. Speaking of out of conference wins over cupcakes, I would like to know when you think the date will be that another University of Minnesota football coach will be able to say his Golden Gopher football teams defeated Penn State, Ohio State, and Michigan on the road / at their house. I think Jerry Kill is a good football coach, but I nevertheless think it is going to take a long time for another Golden Gopher football coach to duplicate this achievement.

2. I don't pretend to know what the OSU decision makers are going to do. If #45 (not Andy Katzenmoyer) decides to back Glen Mason again, then I think Glen has a credible shot at being named the next Buckeye head coach. Glen is a Wayne Woodrow Hayes disciple and legacy. This counts for a lot in the state of Ohio and with the elder OSU alumni. #45 could be the king maker.

3. Personally, I hope Glen gets the job. In my mind he deserves it. The way the University of Minnesota shafted him is reprehensible in my humble opinion. The man built TCF Bank Stadium. He would still be our coach if we did not run into the combination of Graham Harrell, Michael Crabtree, Mike Leach, and the damn referees who kept giving us bad spots and putting more time back on the clock for TT. In some ways, I think Glen was the victim of incredibly bad luck. If Matt Spaeth had suited up for that game, Glen would still be our coach today. If Willie Middlebrooks didn't break his leg at Indiana, Glen would still be our coach today. If Curtese Poole had managed to maintain his balance scooping up the ball, Glen Mason would still be our coach today. If Thomas Hamner had not fumbled the ball at PSU, Glen Mason would still be our coach today. I was not at the Wisconsin game that was decided on a field goal, but that game would be another one which might have propelled us back into national prominence, and made recruiting much easier. Wins beget wins. Wins beget better recruits. Better recruits beget more wins.

4. I think Glen Mason is a very good coach. I know, I am cyring the "woulda, coulda, shoulda" blues, but this is my opinion, and I am free to express it here. You all can commence yelling at me and telling me I am full of $hit. Thank you.

Not yelling or telling you that you are full of sh*t, just respectfully disagreeing.

1. I'm hoping to see those types of road wins in the next 3 years. I wish sooner, and I do think we will be very competitive with the helmet schools next year. Yes, I'm an optimist.

2. IMHO, if Archie was to openly endorse Glen Mason as his front runner I think Ohio State fans might be suggesting #45 be checked into a state hospital for an evaluation. Yes they worship him but this would be stretching their faith in him.

3. It wasn't specific plays that would have saved Mason's job, it was that if he could have fielded even O.K. defenses and had balanced the offense and defense he may still have been around. We had the equivelent of a baseball lineup of .350 hitters with power and speed on the basepaths combined with pitchers who can't find the strike zone and fielders who can't catch. Because of this we were never going to be able to take that next step and be competitive at the top of the Big Ten. All of the plays/games you mention were extremely painful for the Gopher faithful but were not the reason for his dismissal. Glen could get the wins against lesser oponents on a consistent basis and enough wins to get to bowl games however, this never seemed to translate into better recruits. In fact later in his tenure here his recruiting left alot to be desired especially on the defensive side.

4. Partially agree. I think he was a very good offensive coach and was excellent at developing offensive talent. However, he had numerous chances and years to build a defensive scheme that would make them competitive in the Big Ten and go out and recruit and/or develop the talent to implement the scheme and he failed miserably as a head coach in doing this. I am still amazed at how good we could look on offense and how miserable we always looked on defense. How many games would we score numerous points early and you could sense everyone still being nervous that it was not enough with our defense and sure enough back would come the other team. No lead was ever safe with a Glen Mason defense. This is what got him fired IMHO and the reason I was happy to see him go.

You people who wanted Mason out have ALL of the brewster losses...

laid on your heads. And, now we will have to see how Kill does. On the one hand, he is lucking out that Ohio State has set itself up in a position to be crucified by the NCAA. So, Kill is lucky in that sense. And, Michigan was virtually destroyed by the incompetent rich rod. iowa seems to be trending down right now. However, Nebraska is coming into the conference and they seem to be about as good as they have been in a long time. wisky has found ways to win. PSU still isn't a dominant team right now. MSU has been pretty good. Illinois, NU, INDY, PURDUE haven't been too hot lately. So, Kill may be coming into the conference at a pretty good time.

However, we will have to see how it all goes for Kill. Will year number one be a surprisingly good year in terms of overall wins, conference wins and in possibly being invited to a bowl game? Kill is going to have to at least beat the cupcakes on the schedule and at least win 3 Big Ten Football games to be competetive with what Mason was doing...without the benefit of the new on campus stadium.

I know we will all be counting and keeping track of how this is going. If it takes Kill a number of years to get this at least near the Mason level of success...we could be looking at 6 to 8 years of worse football than Mason was achieving having to play in the dome...having to go for 3 years without a contract extension and you whiners bitching about going to bowl games in 7 out of 10 years. (The bowl committees HATE the University of Minnesota Fan Base because they don't buy tickets and put butts in the seats of their bowl games. Some programs who have fans who travel get bumped up to play in higher bowl games. For the U of M, the bowl committees bump the Gophers down all because of the miserable fan support.

So, you people who wanted Mason out have a LOT riding on the kind of success Coach Kill Achieves. I think it is just funny as hell that some of you claim that you wanted more wins and better defenseah, blah, blah. From that brewster clown, you got NOTHING and he stunk the joint out as a coach. With Coach Kill, the jury is out and we will learn what we will learn. I am hoping that Kill will have a very LONG and a very successful career at the U of M. He'd better come in kicking butt based upon what some of you claim you are looking for. I will take 'em one game at a time and I will be fully aware of just exactly how this football looks as well as the number of total wins overall and the number of total wins in conference play.

And, when the teams at the top of the conference break the rules as much as Ohio State does, it really makes it even that much more difficult for a new coach to build a program. It seems to be a pattern. Even during the alvarez years at wisky, at the time of the shoe-box scandal, wisky football received a 5 year probationary period. The top dogs in the conference have gotten by with their cheating ways, which even further buries a program such as the one badger joel mcturi runs at the U of M...

You are a f*cking moron, walrus. There only people who are responsible for what happened with the Gopher program are:

1. Glen Mason - He wouldn't have been fired if he had worked harder at his job, cared more about defense, coached better in the second half with a lead, and recruited better players.

2. Bob Bruininks - The person who actually fired Mason after the Texas Tech game. He should have done it a year earlier at a time when Joel Maturi could have done a proper coaching search and given the new coach enough time to hire a more experienced coaching staff and recruit better players.

3. Joel Maturi - He learned the hard way there is no substitute for head coaching experience.

4. You and every other Gopher fan who was so satisfied with Mason after 10 years of his extremely mediocre coaching, pathetic non-conference schedules, and 3rd rate bowl games.

dinky pope: you are...

nothing but a little jerk. You can eff this and that and him/her and call people names all you want dinky pope. You will be treated in return with scorn and disrespect and contempt: if you do unto too shall be done unto... ; 0 ) Then go ahead and sling it back to me...I of course, will sling it back to you I NEVER let the ba$tards get me down... ; 0 ) the end you KNEW that the incompetent prexy b and badger joel macturi were going to be the ones to royally screw up any thing and EVERYTHING that they did with the football program...just as they have screwed up any thing and everything with all the other revenue sports programs at the U of M during their tenure. You mobbers and bashers had been stinking responsible for firing SO many coaches at the U of M and you NEVER got to the bottom of the effing problem. By now, the so-called fans of this program DESERVE all the crap that comes our way. We DESERVE to get our brains beaten in because we have allowed the fools in the administration positions at the University of Minnesota to be SO totally incompetent in so MANY areas, and ESPECIALLY in the running of a football program and other revenue sports programs. We should be running the fools in the prexy's office and in the athletic department off and should be throwing THEM under the bus because of the DECADES of DOWNHILL leadership they have provided at the U.

The total failure of brewball is something YOU richly deserved dinky pope. You...and me...and every single one of us "so called fans..." We have not demanded better leadership from the administration. We settled for an inside job guy like prexy b. the the dudes and dudettes on the Board of Regents got duped into taking. He surrounded himself with fools and incompetents such as badger joel macturi. We ALL deserve EXACTLY what we have had in football for the past 40 some odd years.

Kill looks a LOT better than brewster "on paper." Now we shall see what we shall see. Will he be able to get us back up to the Mason level with the football program??????? brewster averaged 1.71 Big Ten wins per season for 3.5 seasons. The 4 year period post-Mason has averaged 2.0 Big Ten wins a season. Mason averaged 3.2 Big Ten wins per season. Will Coach Kill get closer to 3.2 Big Ten wins in this 2011 seson, or will he manage to get the 4 year average of 2.0 Big Ten wins this season? Or, will it run closer to the brewball average of 1.7 Big Ten wins per season? IF he obtains less than 3.2 Big Ten wins in 2011, the post-Mason era will continue to be a massive let down...considering we have this almost 300 million dollar, state of the art, drop-dead-gorgeous on campus stadium for entering the third season of the "post-damn-dome...and finally the first year of the post-brewball-failure era now.

It is a LOT tougher to win "big" in the Big Ten than you people can comprehend. Especially when some of the teams at the top of the heap have programs that are "entitled..." the way OSU thinks it is "entitled..." When wisky was making their run, they got themselves put on a 5 year PROBATION period. They were basically about as corrupt as OSU and looked the other way ALL THE TIME. I have a hunch there is a lot of "looking the other direction" going on down in iowa city too. There have been "signs..." I'm sure there is some going on at the University of Minnesota too.

But, the past 40 seasons or so have told us that it is hard as hell to win big in football at the University of Minnesota. And you people just "don't get it..." Well, Mason provided us with the best 10 year run of at least being competetive and at least having a chance to go up against some of the big boys once in a while and feeling as though we belonged on the field with the Michigan, OSU, Alabama, Oregon, Arkansas types of the world. EVEN with all their advantages and all the cheating and "entitlement" thinking they do, there were some years we could beat them and compete with them with the program Mason assembled. And our idiot bjm and prexy b decided to let Mason's contract start running down to ZIPPO!!!!!! 2003...2004 and 2005. Then the idiot administrators signed him to a LONG TERM extension to get the stadium naming rights deal...and then, at the cost of millions and millions of extra buy out money sent him packing and making massive bank deposits the very next year...What incompetent IDIOTS prexy b and bjm were and still ARE.

In my opinion, IF we are doing worse in this post-Mason era than we did during the Mason era...we are getting EXACTLY what we deserve for putting our fate in the hands of the incapable and incompetent prexy b and bjm. They have messed it up...screwed it up and we just keep right on being some of the BIGGEST losers in the Big Ten football. That would be YOU, dinky, little pope, me and EVERY OTHER fan foolish enough to keep buying season tickets sold to us by totally INCOMPETENT administrative leadership. We give them our money and they give us exactly what we deserve for tolerating THEM.

I wish Coach Kill all the good fortune in the world. I will wait to see what he is able to do. IF he wins less Big Ten games than Mason, it will NOT be good. Oh well, at least the damn cheating OSU Program will have a LOT of kow-towing to do...

You are f*cking moron, walrus. There only people who are responsible for what happened with the Gopher program are:

1. Glen Mason - He wouldn't have been fired if he had worked harder at his job, cared more about defense, coached better in the second half with a lead, and recruited better players.

2. Bob Bruininks - The person who actually fired Mason after the Texas Tech game. He should have done it a year earlier at a time when Joel Maturi could have done a proper coaching search and given the new coach enough time to hire a more experienced coaching staff and recruit better players.

3. Joel Maturi - He had to learn the hard way there is no substitute for coaching experience.

4. You and every other Gopher fan who was so satisfied with Mason after 10 years of his extremely mediocre coaching, pathetic non-conference schedules, and 3rd rate bowl games.

On the money, Pope. And Killer gonna get it done. He is a football coach.

Hey everyone let's play a game! It's called Who's the Biggest Brewball Backer in this THREAD that strains a botTLE of rubbing ALCOHOL through a LOAF of bread to get his latest FIX?

Here's a hint: He's a masochist that is proud to be the biggest BREWBALL BACKER and smells of gin (and rubbing alcohol).

The smartest thing Coach Kill can do then...

would be to win 4 Big Ten games in 2011. If he only wins 3 Big Ten games in 2011 he will be pretty close...but...close only counts in horseshoes. (Close is even pretty darn good in the horseshoe in c-bus too, But, winning one in c-bus with all the "entitlement" they have in that town was just as good as it EVER gets... ; 0 ) !)

So, it will be really fun and really interesting to count the number of Big Ten wins Coach Kill can achieve in 2011. It will tell us a LOT about his future here in Minnesota. If he gets 2 Big Ten wins in 2011, he will need more than 4 Big Ten wins in 2012. If he only gets 1 Big Ten win in 2011 he would need over five BTW's in 2012. Pulling a brewster and getting no Big Ten wins in 2011 would mean that he would need over 6 Big Ten wins in 2012, just to be at the level Mason was at.

I really am pulling for Coach Kill to SMASH Mason's level of play by winning MORE Big Ten games than Mason did. To hear YOU people talk, that should be NO PROBLEM for Coach Kill what so ever! (Of course, many of YOU said the same thing about that brewster too.) I guess talk is pretty cheap when you are talking about wht IS going to happen this coming season or next season or a few seasons down the road.

Personally, I think Coach Kill is a very good, experienced coach with a plan. He KNOWS what he wants, he has an experienced staff that he knows and trusts and that staff is on the same page as Coach Kill. That leads me to believe that it IS possible that he can approach the level of competetivness that Coach Mason did...AND Coach Kill even has this GREAT on campus stadium from the get-go.

But, I am telling you people it is NOT an easy OR a sure thing for Coach Kill to be able to approach Mason's level of competetivness in Big Ten play. He DOES need good support. He IS taking on a really difficult situation. History has proved that MOST coaches who come to the U of M do not last over four to five years. I want Coach Kill to be here 15 to 20 years! But, the only way he will get those years is to have his team prepared starting in year number one. The MORE Big Ten wins he can get in 2011 the BETTER his prospects of surviving over 4 years will be.

And the KEY number to keep track of is that 3.2 Big Ten wins per season number. He needs to at least match that number OR, hopefully exceed that number. Otherwise, he won't even be living up to the Mason standard that so many of you mobbers, bashers and trashers seem to hate so VERY much. Don't worry mobbers and bashers...I will help you remember just where we are in the grand scheme of things Big Ten win number-wise! ; 0 )

So just to make sure you were happy with the following

1. Being one of only two teams in the entire conference to not finish in the top 3 of the conference during Mason's entire tenure.

2. Never defeating a team that finished in the top 3 of the conference during Mason't entire tenure

3. Losing records against both Iowa and Wisconsin, including a record for most consecutive losses to Iowa

4. Meltdowns of epic proportions against Michigan and Texas Tech (not to mention Northwestern)

5. Being completely owned by Joe Tiller and Purdue

6. an average Big Ten record of 3-5 (Big Ten wins, Big Ten wins, BIG TEN WINS!!!!!!)

You are a fan of the Minnesota Golden Gophers and that resume is acceptable to you? You'd be excited to watch more losing Big Ten football and more losses to rivals? I honestly do not understand how someone who is a fan of the Minnesota Golden Gophers would hold Glen Mason in high regard. If Glen Mason was a very good coach, his record would not be what it is.


1. I am not happy with any of the points you have illuminated.

2. Having admitted this, I do feel that Glen was treated badly and there are other factors contributing to our inability climb into and stay in the top shelf of the Big Ten conference. We had horrific internal turmoil and infighting between Morrill Hall and the Bierman Athletic Building during the first few years of Glen's tenure. In my mind, Mark Yudof, Tonya Moten Brown, and Chris Voelz deserve much of the blame. The firing of Mark Deinhart was also reprehensible in my humble opinion. The entire state of affairs between Morrill Hall and what was then the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics was nothing short of chaotic, and therefore unlike my bretheren, I do not blame Glen for answering the telephone if / when MSU or OSU called him.

3. I still maintain that the Twin Cities Corporate Sports Authority (TCCSA) has played an instrumental role in ensuring mediocrity in Golden Gopher revenue sports. Like any organized crime enterprise, they use any and all tools available to them. Every time some male athlete got in trouble with the law over sex, I could not help feeling that the women who were baiting our male athletes were on the TCCSA payroll. The primary beneficiary of Golden Gopher football incompetence was Red McCombs and now is Zygi Wilf. There are those among you who believe these billionaires play clean. Since the introduction of televised sports, it is my considered opinion that right behind illegal drug traffic and Wall Street white collar crime, organized sports is the third most productive organized crime venture in the USA.

4. We played in a horrible venue, the Hubert H. Humphrey MetroBowel Chamber of Horrors. I thought it was a good idea when Paul Giel helped move us in there. 20/20 hindsight shows that Paul was wrong, and I was wrong. We did not have a home field. We had a venue with a clock operator who worked for Red McCombs and later Zygi Wilf. We were in a facility we did not control, had no oversight responsibility for security, and I can only imagine the number of envelopes of money that got shoved into the back pockets of referees and football players as they walked into / out of the locker rooms at the MetroBowel Chamber of Horrors.

5. In spite of all this, and hookers who were paid to entrap our football players and get them disqualified, Glen did a pretty good job. Notice that all his signature wins were on the road. None of them were in the HHH MetroBowel Chamber of Horrors. He knew he had to get out of this cesspool of organized crime $hithole and get back on campus if he was to have any chance at climbing Minnesota back up above .500 Big Ten ball consistently.

6. Glen got us to the promised land. He was able to see TCF Bank Stadium, but he was not allowed to enter into it. This really pisses me off. He should have been given the chance to coach at TCF Bank Stadium. One final thought. Remember, J. J. Watt was one of his recruits. Glen has an eye for talent and diamonds in the rough.

7. I know you all don't agree with me, but having been born in South Chicago, having seen the world in the U. S. Navy for 21+ years, and having lived in metropolitan Philadelphia for some 14 years now, I have developed a profound respect for the way organized crime now operates under the radar, and generates obscene profit, all the while hoodwinking rank and file American citizens.

Hey everyone let's play a game! It's called Who's the Biggest Brewball Backer in this THREAD that strains a botTLE of rubbing ALCOHOL through a LOAF of bread to get his latest FIX?

Here's a hint: He's a masochist that is proud to be the biggest BREWBALL BACKER and smells of gin (and rubbing alcohol).

Isopropanol is isopropanol. No matter what you strain it through it is still poison.

Not yelling or telling you that you are full of sh*t, just respectfully disagreeing.

1. I'm hoping to see those types of road wins in the next 3 years. I wish sooner, and I do think we will be very competitive with the helmet schools next year. Yes, I'm an optimist.

2. IMHO, if Archie was to openly endorse Glen Mason as his front runner I think Ohio State fans might be suggesting #45 be checked into a state hospital for an evaluation. Yes they worship him but this would be stretching their faith in him.

3. It wasn't specific plays that would have saved Mason's job, it was that if he could have fielded even O.K. defenses and had balanced the offense and defense he may still have been around. We had the equivelent of a baseball lineup of .350 hitters with power and speed on the basepaths combined with pitchers who can't find the strike zone and fielders who can't catch. Because of this we were never going to be able to take that next step and be competitive at the top of the Big Ten. All of the plays/games you mention were extremely painful for the Gopher faithful but were not the reason for his dismissal. Glen could get the wins against lesser oponents on a consistent basis and enough wins to get to bowl games however, this never seemed to translate into better recruits. In fact later in his tenure here his recruiting left alot to be desired especially on the defensive side.

4. Partially agree. I think he was a very good offensive coach and was excellent at developing offensive talent. However, he had numerous chances and years to build a defensive scheme that would make them competitive in the Big Ten and go out and recruit and/or develop the talent to implement the scheme and he failed miserably as a head coach in doing this. I am still amazed at how good we could look on offense and how miserable we always looked on defense. How many games would we score numerous points early and you could sense everyone still being nervous that it was not enough with our defense and sure enough back would come the other team. No lead was ever safe with a Glen Mason defense. This is what got him fired IMHO and the reason I was happy to see him go.


1. I agree that Glen's priority was always to put his best athletes on offense, and probably on recruiting offensive talent. He was an offensive coordinator at heart.

2. I believe that with TCF Bank for a home venue, he would have done better recruiting on defense, and therefore the entire program would have improved.

3. Am I right or am I wrong? We will never know.

I am so stinkin' tired of this same argument over and over again.

Let me just say this - nothing is guaranteed in this life. We could go the rest of out lives without ever seeing the Gophers win a Big 10 Title or win a major bowl game.

Now, I HOPE that's not true. I hope to still be around when the Gophs win the Conference, win a Rose Bowl game, or even (hardly dare to dream) win an NCAA championship.

But, getting back to the point of this thread, rehashing the same moronic Mason vs. Brewster debate solves nothing, accomplishes nothing, and only serves to hasten the day when Wren has to replace another keyboard because he's worn out the old keyboard defending Mason.

Some of us hoped that Brewster would bring a change in direction to the program. He failed. I accept that, and I certainly do not feel the need to rehash it another 378 times.

But, the fact that Brewster failed does NOT make Mason a better coach in retrospect. Mason was not a bad coach - he was above average. But the key point is this - do we as fans have the right to hope or expect that the coach of the Gopher FB team should be better than just "above average?" Do we as fans have the right to hope or expect that the Gopher FB coach will be excellent? I say yes, we do have that right as fans.

Will Kill turn out to be the excellent coach who brings the program to the next level? I don't know. We'll have to wait and see. Until then, can't we all agree to take the Mason vs. Brewster debate and flush it down the toilet where it belongs?

And, short, nasty norwegian, when the stinkin' administrators...

keep throwing short-term fixes our way do we not need to have some sort of minimun standard by which to JUDGE the performance of a coach????? Man, it is NOT realistic to just say" a conference championship...a trip to the Rose Bowl...a Win in the Rose Bowl...a New Years Day win and blah...blah...blah. NO coach is going to be able to stick around long enough to get that done here.

WHAT was the criteria for EXTENDING Mason in 2005????? HOW the hell could prexy b and bjm justify spending the MILLIONS to buy him out the next year and then have the stupidity to replace him with a totally inexperienced mouth who didn't have a CLUE what he wanted to do on offense...or defense or about ANYTHING???? What kind of leadership is that???? I am fed-up with the administrators MUCH more than with the coaches.

I am tired of great kids being blamed for the HORRIBLE situation macturi put the Gopher players into by having an idiot like brewster in charge. Weber got ripped more on this board that the stinkin brewster or stinkin prexy b or stinkin bjm EVER did.

And now we have a new coach. Do we give him 4 years to win a New Years Day bowl game??? Or win a conference championship????? And if he doesn't do that, do the mobbers and bashers start deciding it is time for a new coach again?????

Do the mobbers and bashers want coaches who will get the death penalty from the NCAA for cheating, looking the other way, doing academic slight of hands, allowing the players to hang with bad guys at the tatoo shops, drive really nice, expensive cars as "loaners "from shady used/car/drug running/gambling-linked boosters?????????

Or, if Coach Kill can get us back to the Mason level of averaging 3.2 Big Ten wins per season is that a positive thing based upon where the program is coming from when he took over????? Or, should he be ditched after four years if he has LESS than what Mason averaged here. Should he be run out the door if he has less than 13 Big Ten wins at the end of 4 seasons????? Should we discount the cupcake wins that he has????? Should we be ticked off at him if the stinkin gopher fans and boosters don't buy any tickets for any type of bowl game and his team gets bumped down to a still lower bowl because of rotten, lousey and crappy fan support?????

Maybe you are tired of the fact that Mason got fired and want to just let the administrators skate and continue replacing coaches to placate the season ticket holders. BUT: I am so ticked off at the administration of the University of Minnesota for the STUPID things they have done to this football program. EVERY decent football coach this program has ever had has been fired. (hoax was a big name and he was a borderline NCAA violator and he bagged tail for South Bend in the middle of the night. He did more to harm Gopher Football when he bagged than he EVER did to help Gopher Football.)

There MUST be a standard that will tell us IF the administration SHOULD make a move or if they are making a really bone-headed, idiotic move that is going to set this program back even more than they did with the hire that they made to replace Mason.

Sometimes you HAVE to crucify the administrators and run their tails out the door. 40 years of BAD football is a direct result of the people at the top really blowing the mission big time. They abandoned coaches who had won National Championships...they abandoned an on campus stadium to become the THIRD tenant in an off campus stinking teflon ballpark. Then they spent 300 million on a new stadium and hired an idiot with NO experience to bring that stadium on line and into the Big Ten. WHAT kind of crap have we been getting from the administration at the University of Minnesota?

How will we know how Coach Kill is doing????? Will the idiots extend his contract if he has 6 Big Ten wins at the end of 3 seasons?????? Will they extend him at the end of his third season if he has 10 Big Ten wins or more????? WHAT will they consider decent progress to be????? Will Prexy K be ANY better than prexy b????? How long will bjm continue to be the ad?????

This isn't about Mason vs brewster short nasty norewgian: not at all. This is all about WHO is in charge, WHAT is considered satisfactory progress and just WHAT is realistic to expect at the University of Minnesota in relationship to the OTHER Big Ten Football Programs.

I believe that the minimun standard after 3 seasons should be at LEAST 10 Big Ten wins. I realize that some of the people here will claim they have higher standards than that...BUT...I want standards that are realistic based upon what the history of the past 40 years or so has shown us. Perhaps, we should just look at the past 25 years and try to figure out what is realistic for a coach here. IF coach Kill is making the program more competetive again, he will NEED more than 5 seasons. However, if the program has less than 10 Big Ten wins after three seasons, what is the point of being a member of the Big Ten Conference other than the big pay day for the administration that will pay for Title IX sports and non-revenue sports?

Mason put the last competetive team on the field. brewster sure as hell didn't. He (Mason) turned out a lot of All-Big Ten players, All-American players and some very highly awarded individual trophy winners. IS that a standard that Coach Kill should be held to? Or, do any of you think the standard for Coach Kill needs to be MUCH higher than it was for Mason for 10 years? What the H is realistic short, nasty norwegian????? When and why will you either back Kill or call for a coachectomy? How long? How many Big Ten wins? Or, is it purely up to the ad to decide when he/she has to axe a coach to keep the paying customers quiet for a few more years???????

So far, I have liked what I have heard (AND haven't heard) from Coach Kill. Now, I will need to see the results on the football field. My standard is at LEAST 10 Big Ten wins in the first 3 years. I realize that is NOT a lot...but...after brewster and with bjm still the athletic director, I don't think much more is possible. But, at least I am stating what I will support, fight for and fight against in terms of wins and losses. But, I will need to see that as a minimum.

It is up to Coach Kill and prexy K to show me something better. I will believe it only when I see it.

I just have to laugh at Mase apologists. He had 10 years and was 32-48 in the Big Ten. Use whatever excuses you want, but that was his record. Pointing out that he could play with Arkansas, Alabama, PSU etc is laughable. Those programs were all down. Now, if Mase would have beat them in a Jan 1 bowl game you might have something, but beating them in the Sun Bowl or the Music City Bowl means little.

Mase was an arrogant, lazy coach that got what he deserved. Case closed.

I just have to laugh at Mase apologists. He had 10 years and was 32-48 in the Big Ten. Use whatever excuses you want, but that was his record. Pointing out that he could play with Arkansas, Alabama, PSU etc is laughable. Those programs were all down. Now, if Mase would have beat them in a Jan 1 bowl game you might have something, but beating them in the Sun Bowl or the Music City Bowl means little.

Mase was an arrogant, lazy coach that got what he deserved. Case closed.

Stinking programs have ups and downs but the major programs aren't down so long and don't suffer from a lack of really good players minngg. IF you hated Mason years you must have REALLY hated the brewster years... ; 0 )

You are out to lunch. If you didn't like Mason, you had better HATE prexy b and badger joel macturi. Those suckers let his contract run down for three years and then instead of letting his contract expire, they EXTENDED him long-term. And minngg or what ever your moniker is: it is highly unlikely that the 10 year period following the Mason era will feature 32 Big Ten wins...unless the conference goes to a 10 or 11 game Big Ten schedule. During the 4 Post-Mason years so far, a total of 8 Big Ten games were won by brewster/Hudson. So, that means that Coach Kill will have to last at least 6 years and average 4 Big Ten wins per season just to keep up with Mason. That may not sound like much to you...but...that is going to be one mighty tough task to complete. Coach Kill had better start out winning 4 Big Ten games in 2011 or he will really be digging himself a hole...JUST to get to the Mason level that you think was so laughably bad over a 10 year period. Hell, I HOPE Coach Kill wins 6 Big Ten games in 2011...but...I sure as heck won't count on it. IF he wins 3 Big Ten games in 2011, he will have to win 21 Big Ten games in the next 5 years. Suddenly, he will have to average 4.2 BT wins a season for the next five years. IF he only wins 2 Big Ten games in 2011, he would have to average 4.4 BT wins a year for the next 5 years just to match Mason's average. IF Coach Kill only wins 1 BT game in 2011, he would need to average 4.6 BT wins. So, I'd say that Coach Kill had better be shooting for at least 4 Big Ten wins in 2011...IF the combined coaches for the 10 year period following the Mason Era wants to even just match Mason's record. AND, Mason was stuck in that dump of a dome.

How long have you been watching Gopher Big Ten football minngg???????????? I'd say you are pretty out of touch with reality. It is supposedly the college administrators...the prexy and the ad who HIRE the coaches and who FIRE the coaches. IF you are pi$$ed off...about pi##ed off at the stinking prexy b and bjm. Ever since the summer of 2002 badger joel macturi has been messing everything up with the revenue sports. Things were much better when he got handed that job and the revenue sports have gone down hill ever since.

Stinking programs have ups and downs but the major programs aren't down so long and don't suffer from a lack of really good players minngg. IF you hated Mason years you must have REALLY hated the brewster years... ; 0 )

You are out to lunch. If you didn't like Mason, you had better HATE prexy b and badger joel macturi. Those suckers let his contract run down for three years and then instead of letting his contract expire, they EXTENDED him long-term. And minngg or what ever your moniker is: it is highly unlikely that the 10 year period following the Mason era will feature 32 Big Ten wins...unless the conference goes to a 10 or 11 game Big Ten schedule. During the 4 Post-Mason years so far, a total of 8 Big Ten games were won by brewster/Hudson. So, that means that Coach Kill will have to last at least 6 years and average 4 Big Ten wins per season just to keep up with Mason. That may not sound like much to you...but...that is going to be one mighty tough task to complete. Coach Kill had better start out winning 4 Big Ten games in 2011 or he will really be digging himself a hole...JUST to get to the Mason level that you think was so laughably bad over a 10 year period. Hell, I HOPE Coach Kill wins 6 Big Ten games in 2011...but...I sure as heck won't count on it. IF he wins 3 Big Ten games in 2011, he will have to win 21 Big Ten games in the next 5 years. Suddenly, he will have to average 4.2 BT wins a season for the next five years. IF he only wins 2 Big Ten games in 2011, he would have to average 4.4 BT wins a year for the next 5 years just to match Mason's average. IF Coach Kill only wins 1 BT game in 2011, he would need to average 4.6 BT wins. So, I'd say that Coach Kill had better be shooting for at least 4 Big Ten wins in 2011...IF the combined coaches for the 10 year period following the Mason Era wants to even just match Mason's record. AND, Mason was stuck in that dump of a dome.

How long have you been watching Gopher Big Ten football minngg???????????? I'd say you are pretty out of touch with reality. It is supposedly the college administrators...the prexy and the ad who HIRE the coaches and who FIRE the coaches. IF you are pi$$ed off...about pi##ed off at the stinking prexy b and bjm. Ever since the summer of 2002 badger joel macturi has been messing everything up with the revenue sports. Things were much better when he got handed that job and the revenue sports have gone down hill ever since.

Don't lecture me on being a Gopher fan. I'm not pissed off about anything. Just am sick of those who are satisifed with a 32-48 record. Pathetic. I'll never be happy with that. Never.

Don't lecture me on what I decide to state in my comments.

The adiministration calls the shots. I go directly after the prexy b and bjm types. They hire the coaches and they fire the coaches. They are the idiots who brought us the incompetent brewster and what a mess that turned into from the very beginning. Mason neer hired himself. He never extended himself. He never paid himself millions of extra money in buy outs. He didn't fire himself and he sure as hell didn't time the whole thing.

Stick your head in the sand all you want minngg. Those administrators are gong to pour it to you. They are going to get by with giving EVERY season ticket holder for revenue sports the SHORT END OF THE STICK. IF you ever purchase season tickets for as long as I have purchased season tickets, you just may very well get sick and tired of the administration at the University of Minnesota and the way they have butchered the running of the football program for decade after decade. I KNOW where the power lies there and I want to see bjm OUT THE DOOR now! Ever since the summer of 2002 he has been fumbling the ball...turning it over and whiffing on the puck with the revenue sports . bjm and prexy b will NEVER be missed by this long-time Gopher Football season ticket holder.

But, then, I guess you pretty much deserve exactly what you have do I. And I have probably been a bigger sucker for the administration than anyone else around here for a very long time. No more! The administrators ARE the enemy and ARE the root of so many of the problems from perceptions, expectations, entitlements and incredibly POOR moves with the football program. Get out of here prexy b and bjm...You two have dropped the ball entirely to often. Don't let the door hit you on the way out prexy b You have been even worse than bjm prexy b. You extended that incompetent little ranger and he has been "covering" for your incrdible bluners prexy b.

; 0 )


I go directly after the prexy b and bjm types.

Only an arrogant narcissistic person who is a failure would spend his time spewing his hatred on others. Actually doing something useful and helpful requires knowledge, work, and compassion.

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