Gophers/Buckeyes Post Game Thread

Rock Bottom comes when we lose to PSU or Nebraska or both. Let's hope an announcment comes tomorrow.

As #1OfCofmRan said "it's a free week..."

Did you not read the whole post? Embarrassing is different than bad. No one expected to win this game but it was a total emarresment to say the least.

You know thinsgs are really bad when both Don and I are on the Fire Tubby bandwagon.

I did NOT say fire Tubby, Madtown. I said Norwood should sit down with Tubby, and get Tubby to resign with the class and dignity that he deserves.

I come in peace...

When I'm not rooting for Buckeyes I'm rooting for the Gophers so here are my thoughts.

  • WHY O WHY has MINNESOTA disappeared and they are not playing like the team we saw earlier. I want the Gophers back when they were good and had the offense clicking.
  • Did Tubby prepare a game plan? It was like the Iowa game just rolled over.
  • 21 turnovers will pretty much suck it right out of you. I know our defense caused some of them but their were some that were just caused by lazy passes.
  • FIRE TUBBY. GET HIS A** OUT OF HERE. Plz pay the money to buyout the contract and get Smart.
  • I know we won but f**k it we deserved to lose. OSU has sh*t the bed with the offense and if wasn't for all the TO's the Gophers had this game wouldn't have got out of hand and the Gophers could have won.
  • The refs sucked. They literally took the air out the game in the first half called all the fouls to disturb the continuity of the game.
  • With all the fouls that were called to begin the game, I'm surprise both teams didn't attack the hole to get to the line more. Notice both teams were in the bonus with 12 mins to go. Unbelievable.
  • At one point I turned the game to the Cavs game, and well they suck too. That how bad both teams played.

I know I have no right to complain after winning but I really do want Minnesota to do better except when we play them. I was expecting a better contested game but this was just awful from both teams. Good luck the rest of the year.

Go away.

I did NOT say fire Tubby, Madtown. I said Norwood should sit down with Tubby, and get Tubby to resign with the class and dignity that he deserves.

You say tomato, I say tomahto. Whatever same thing.

That was one of the most fundamentally inept games I've watched in awhile. It is very disappointing to see very basic fundamentals being so poorly executed. Inability to set a simple pick. Lazy passes. Lack of communication on screens and no weakside help.

I watched the kids give up and not even attempt to execute simple fundamental basketball skills. This simply should not happen to a B1G D-1 basketball team. If it was possible, tonights game was even more embarrassing than the Iowa game. Shutting down and quitting simply cannot be tolerated. How the kids overcome this and become fundamentally sound is something that Tubby will have to start as soon as the plane touches down. 3 hours of simple passing drills followed by basic pick and roll drills would be a good place to start. While Tubby takes the blame for failure to teach, the kids take the blame for failing to compete.

I did NOT say fire Tubby, Madtown. I said Norwood should sit down with Tubby, and get Tubby to resign with the class and dignity that he deserves.

That's called assisted euthanasia and currently is legally a medical man you should know this stuff.;)

Rock Bottom comes when we lose to PSU or Nebraska or both. Let's hope an announcment comes tomorrow.

we keep saying 'rock bottom comes when..' ... but we keep descending.. who knows where the bottom is..

I did NOT say fire Tubby, Madtown. I said Norwood should sit down with Tubby, and get Tubby to resign with the class and dignity that he deserves.

And a lot less money.

As I said in the game thread: Tubby announcing tomorrow (maybe after quietly agreeing to a partial buy-out) that he's retiring would be the best thing for all involved. It would take the negativity out of the fan-base, loosen up the team and maybe enable them to win the 2-3 games needed and go on a run.
wholeheartedly agree

Indiana passes the ball. We stand and hold the ball.

and when we do cut w/o ball, the pass never comes.. or it's too late.. so who wants to work ( cut ) when there is no reward ( a pass ).. game after game wears you down mentally... you know when you cut.. and are open by a step, the pass will never come.. on a good team, the pass will always come.

I haven't posted in a long while. The coaches job is clearly to guide a team through their tough times and to motivate and help them find their way out of self-destruction - the problem can't be the entire team unless its the coach. There is no help coming.
Hope a few good things still happen this year, but I can't say I'm excited about heading to the barn on Tuesday.

Against Iowa, Tubby had his pants pulled down. When both teams were playing man, it was clear who had the better players to work with. Then Iowa switches to a press/zone and Tubby's guys look like they've never seen either form of defense and get blown out by inferior talent. That was the worst coaching performance I've seen at Minnesota.

This loss was also bad, but the Gophers were one correct travel call away from going in at half down 3 on the road to a team with at least slightly more talent than them. I also didn't think they were losing because guys simply had no idea what to do, they were just incredibly bad at trying to execute the same old Tubby Smith offense.

The part in bold is the scariest part about this team. Down 6 at half time we end up losing by 26 and with the way we were playing it could have been worse. It seems amazing to think this was a top 10 team at one point this season and now without any major injury issues or off the court problems it looks like a team that has no clue what the hell they are doing 3/4 of the time. Really shocking the way this season has fallen apart. I think NT is going to have his first chance to make a major coaching hire at the U when he replaces Smith after this season. AD's usually like to have "their" guys running the main sports anyway.

The part in bold is the scariest part about this team. Down 6 at half time we end up losing by 26 and with the way we were playing it could have been worse. It seems amazing to think this was a top 10 team at one point this season and now without any major injury issues or off the court problems it looks like a team that has no clue what the hell they are doing 3/4 of the time. Really shocking the way this season has fallen apart. I think NT is going to have his first chance to make a major coaching hire at the U when he replaces Smith after this season. AD's usually like to have "their" guys running the main sports anyway.
I hope Norwood's middle initial isn't 'I'.

That was one of the most fundamentally inept games I've watched in awhile. It is very disappointing to see very basic fundamentals being so poorly executed. Inability to set a simple pick. Lazy passes. Lack of communication on screens and no weakside help.

I watched the kids give up and not even attempt to execute simple fundamental basketball skills. This simply should not happen to a B1G D-1 basketball team. If it was possible, tonights game was even more embarrassing than the Iowa game. Shutting down and quitting simply cannot be tolerated. How the kids overcome this and become fundamentally sound is something that Tubby will have to start as soon as the plane touches down. 3 hours of simple passing drills followed by basic pick and roll drills would be a good place to start. While Tubby takes the blame for failure to teach, the kids take the blame for failing to compete.

I agree-- i've seen much less talented teams with "fight" that have winning records... where the heck is the battlefield mentality?... perhaps it is there but it certainly did not seem obvious on my television screen the last two games

Indiana passes the ball. We stand and hold the ball.

it's been a tale of two seasons... up until game three (even up until game 5 in losses against INdiana and Michigan) the gophs were moving the ball very well.... good crisp passes

now the ball is not moving... people are just standing with it or turning it over or missing shots...

Vitale weighs in: @dickiev: What has happened to the Golden Gophers - Tubby's team one of the major disappointments this yr - thought they were going to be TOP 15!

Go Gophers!!

Marcus just tweeted:

Soph Mo Walker after the game: “I don’t even want to share what happened in the locker room.” Dre Hollins said it was quiet. Hmm. #Gophers

Tubby: "I don’t care what we do differently or what we do tomw in practice. If we don’t learn to shoot better, it’s going to be tough."

If he thinks that shooting is the only problem, he should watch the ball movement.

That's exactly right. Your shooting gets worse when the shots you see aren't as open. We are taking tougher shots because of the bad offensive movement. Then you start missing tough shots and you start losing the confidence to make the easy ones.

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