69 at kickoff per cco 4.
Good number, 19.
69 at kickoff per cco 4.
How can you be a Gopher fan and not have at least one shirt that is not gold? That does not make any sense. You can buy a gold t-shirt, it doesn't have to say Minnesota on it.
Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!
I love when other alleged fans tell others how much of a fan they are without any knowledge. Growing up in the 80s I strained to listen to WCCO radio 3 hours from the cities to hear Rickey Foggie play through a fading signal. My friend and I sat on the floor and listened to the final mOments of the Michigan upset. Moments I guess I should forget and cancel my season tickets because I don't have a gold shirt. Geezus I can't understand most of you people.
I love when other alleged fans tell others how much of a fan they are without any knowledge. Growing up in the 80s I strained to listen to WCCO radio 3 hours from the cities to hear Rickey Foggie play through a fading signal. My friend and I sat on the floor and listened to the final mOments of the Michigan upset. Moments I guess I should forget and cancel my season tickets because I don't have a gold shirt. Geezus I can't understand most of you people.
Ya, though I don't agree that it is most of the people, the ones that you do not understand are those who make no sense because they have been handed everything in life to them from mommy and daddy, therefore others are dirt.
You know, the "my daddy can beat up your mommy", type of people.
69 at kickoff per cco 4.
Hopefully Barlow updates us a few times during the game.
Especially when we are in the Red Zone!!!![]()
Not sure where that came from, at all. I attended the U and paid my way with 0 help from my parents, nor did they buy me a car, pay for my gas, or insurance. Nor did they help me be in the marching band all 4 years or get me a job after I graduated. And yet, somehow, I'm surprised that a person can be a GOLDEN gopher fan without a single gold shirt to wear when it represents half the stock at Target, the UMN bookstore, and other locations (and has frequent discounts including this week at the U bookstore).
Dr Don, glad to see you lumped 2 completely unrelated groups of people together somehow. You know, cuz this thread has obviously been full of people who are full to the brim with mommy and daddy's money ragging on Dpodoll and MinnyGopherFan. I mean they stated it in their profile, right??
Congrats on all that stuff - pick up a $10 Gold Shirt at Gold Country and support the Gold Out..it's the fans being united...and it looks cool. I'm sure there are more important issues in your life you can take a stand on.I love when other alleged fans tell others how much of a fan they are without any knowledge. Growing up in the 80s I strained to listen to WCCO radio 3 hours from the cities to hear Rickey Foggie play through a fading signal. My friend and I sat on the floor and listened to the final mOments of the Michigan upset. Moments I guess I should forget and cancel my season tickets because I don't have a gold shirt. Geezus I can't understand most of you people.
I am excited to see all the gold. Growing up a Husker fan, seeing so much red in the stadium every game was so cool. I haven't experienced a Gold Out yet but am super excited to see it.
Hate to burst your bubble but it isn't going to look much different than any other game. These gold outs never work.
That being said, I've worn gold to every gold out and all four of my seats will be filled with people wearing gold. I'll keep doing it as long as they keep trying.
I think it will only be moderately more gold than usual. Prove me wrong!!
Maybe i missed this, but I gotta think its Gold tops, maroon bottoms for this game, no?
View attachment 1713
Only Targets in/near the cities have Gopher gear. The Hutch Target's ONLY Gopher stuff is Goldy Pillow Pets.
It looked okay, but you wouldn't have known it was a gold-out if you weren't told.