And this is why Minnesota fans suck. Just wear a fricken gold shirt it isn't that hard.

Alright I get you don't like the idea, I think "inane and idiotic" is over the top for a college football promotion but that's your opinion. What would be a "cool" or "worthwhile" promotion to satisfy you?

I don't know. I'm not in marketing. That's what our athletic department pays their marketing people for. Perhaps they should start working on it. I guarantee that if I were paid to come up with something and given an entire offseason to do so (like they get), I could come up with something better than this unoriginal, uninspired, uninspiring, warmed-over recycled piece of crap.

I don't know. I'm not in marketing. That's what our athletic department pays their marketing people for. Perhaps they should start working on it. I guarantee that if I were paid to come up with something and given an entire offseason to do so (like they get), I could come up with something better than this unoriginal, uninspired, uninspiring, warmed-over recycled piece of crap.
LOL - I bet you wouldn't.

I don't know. I'm not in marketing. That's what our athletic department pays their marketing people for. Perhaps they should start working on it. I guarantee that if I were paid to come up with something and given an entire offseason to do so (like they get), I could come up with something better than this unoriginal, uninspired, uninspiring, warmed-over recycled piece of crap.

and you would still have wads like yourself who would mess it up for everyone.

I don't know. I'm not in marketing. That's what our athletic department pays their marketing people for. Perhaps they should start working on it. I guarantee that if I were paid to come up with something and given an entire offseason to do so (like they get), I could come up with something better than this unoriginal, uninspired, uninspiring, warmed-over recycled piece of crap.

Doing a coordinated outfit event for a game (whether it's all one color, alternating sections, spelling out something like wear the color on your seat) does 2 things:

A) shows that your fanbase is energized and gives a crap - is willing to pay attention, take part in something bigger than themselves, spend a couple bucks on a particular shirt if they don't have one already, ETC. To recruits, potential coaches, other potential fans, and even our rivals it shows that our fanbase gives a crap.
B) It looks cool and imposing. On TV and in person. Whether you want to believe it or not, having one solid color in the stands is imposing to a player as they come out. Conversely, it pumps our own team up. We're talking about college football here, a game played by 18-23 year old kids that care about how spiffy jerseys look and sometimes pick schools based on such. It's a reality of life. You can argue with me based on if it's cool looking or not, but I bet a straw poll of most people in the country would tell you that yes, coordinated and well-executed color schemes in the stands is cool.

You clearly choose to wear a school color to gameday. Why do what the "man" says regarding your clothing at all? Why not a red and black plaid flannel shirt? You paying, being there, cheering is really what matters, right?

Also, we have a school song, but how original is that? Every other school has a school song of their own, so why stand up and sing it? Iowa chants I-O-W-A after their school song, why should you spell out Minnesota? How unoriginal since other schools do it, too?

Am I all in favor of having several uniquely Minnesota traditions? Yep. Am I getting sick of hearing Zombie Nation and 7 Nation Army at EVERY stadium on TV? Sure. So, let's come up with some unique stuff but admit that we cannot do EVERYTHING different than EVERY other school in the country. Simply not possible. The U asks you to wear gold, why is it so hard?

I have no problem with ripping things off. If you're going to rip something off, though, why not have it be something that's actually cool and doesn't suck? When you steal things that suck, not only are you a thief, but you exhibit poor taste as well.

I have always been in favor of a "Maroon and Gold Out" every game. If everyone would just follow that we wouldn't be having this stupid argument. Our fans just can't seem to grasp the concept of one color, so it ends up being a total failure (I also put lots of blame on the terrible marketing team at the U). With that said/written...There is nothing wrong with the idea of a Gold Out as RailBarronYarr correctly worte above. If it helps fans get more riled up...if it helps with recruiting...if it helps the product as a whole look better on t.v....then it can't be all bad. Again, Maroon and Gold on everyone still is better imo, but trying this for one game isn't the end of the world.

Ha! I've been to nearly every Gopher home game for the past 20 years and I'm 99% sure the post-Rouser "Rah!" is relatively new but I, along with several other people around me, thought the PA announcer was sayin "Ruff!" after the Rouser was sung. Now who's the complete knob?

Thanks for the clarification, RailBaronYarr.

What in the name of holy hell are you talking about? I've been to nearly every Gopher game for the past 10 years and never heard barking. We chant MINNESOTA then the PA guy (and many students) say RAH, once. I, for one, would like the rah replaced with Ski-U-Mah but I'll let that one go for now. What barking are you effing talking about???

Ha! I've been to nearly every Gopher home game for the past 20 years and I'm 99% sure the post-Rouser "Rah!" is relatively new but I, along with several other people around me, thought the PA announcer was sayin "Ruff!" after the Rouser was sung. Now who's the complete knob?

Thanks for the clarification, RailBaronYarr.

Face... have you met my palms? I'd like to introduce you.

This subject gets brought up every year (often with its own thread) and there are always a couple people amazed and mystified by it (although 'til now nobody mistook it for a dog barking), and each time a bunch of people weigh in explaining how it has indeed been around a long time and that at some point the tradition had stopped and then restarted again in the early 00's or late 90's.

All in all, regarding the gold outs: The Gopher fan base is pretty darn good at wearing maroon and gold to the games. The percentage of people wearing non-gopher colors is really, really low. That is a good thing and I think you can see this with any stadium shot ever taken at TCF. The Gold Outs do fail however. They always do. The crowd is just as maroon and gold as ever, the only thing that changes is the fraction of gold to maroon raises a bit on a gold out. I guess you have to walk before you run and at least we can consistently walk.

I have no problem with ripping things off. If you're going to rip something off, though, why not have it be something that's actually cool and doesn't suck? When you steal things that suck, not only are you a thief, but you exhibit poor taste as well.

Since your taste appears to be better than the masses, what would you steal that doesn't suck and is cool?

I have no problem with ripping things off. If you're going to rip something off, though, why not have it be something that's actually cool and doesn't suck? When you steal things that suck, not only are you a thief, but you exhibit poor taste as well.

Ok I get you're not in marketing (derp) how about you rip something off and give us an idea of what you're thinking? I just think you're being counter-productive by giving off the "I'm too cool to wear gold" attitude and the constant "its stupid, I don't like it, I'm not going to do it" mentality.

I think the solid color idea is good, I don't think its idiotic to have everyone be on the same page for 1 game a year, especially one that won't require a heavy coat. And frankly there is very little that is "original" it all comes down to execution. Just because you're the first program to do something doesn't mean you do it the best. Look at Utah State with their "I believe that we will win" chant:
You think they were the first fans to think of that chant? Hell no. But there is a reason there are hundreds of youtube clips of these guys doing this chant and their arena has been called one of the more intimidating venues in mid major play. They do the chant damn well and subsequently they have become known for it.

Which brings me ultimately to the point about wearing gold. If our fanbase can't/won't get on the same page about something as simple as wearing a specific one of our main colors for one game a year, what makes you think we could pull off anything "that's actually cool and doesn't suck?"

If they were to ask me, I would not call it a Gold Out; call it a Gold Rush. Come-on Marketing, it's that easy.

Also, rather than have Goldy go riding out on a Wisconsin made Harley (better than the segue' however), I'd have him going out on a Dog Sled(with wheels) - why we don't embrace this "Cold Thing", I'll never know.

While we're at it, DQ is a big sponsor....why not have white confetti come down and call it a Blizzard.

Folks, this is not's marketing and knowing whom you serve. I'm sure dpdoll has better ideas, but stuff like this is floating around among the fan base. Some of it might work.

If they were to ask me, I would not call it a Gold Out; call it a Gold Rush. Come-on Marketing, it's that easy.

Also, rather than have Goldy go riding out on a Wisconsin made Harley (better than the segue' however), I'd have him going out on a Dog Sled(with wheels) - why we don't embrace this "Cold Thing", I'll never know.

While we're at it, DQ is a big sponsor....why not have white confetti come down and call it a Blizzard.

Folks, this is not's marketing and knowing whom you serve. I'm sure dpdoll has better ideas, but stuff like this is floating around among the fan base. Some of it might work.

Goldy was coming out on a Polaris Victory cycle. Did they change him to a Harley?

I don't know. I'm not in marketing. That's what our athletic department pays their marketing people for. Perhaps they should start working on it. I guarantee that if I were paid to come up with something and given an entire offseason to do so (like they get), I could come up with something better than this unoriginal, uninspired, uninspiring, warmed-over recycled piece of crap.

Tell us how you really feel. Sheeesh. Gotta be hard being you every single day.

I just find it odd that a simple request of the Golden Gopher fanbase would set you off in this way. How hard is it to wear a gold t-shirt? I understand the not following the mob mentality, but it is not like they are asking all the fans to jump off a bridge.

I don't know. I'm not in marketing. That's what our athletic department pays their marketing people for. Perhaps they should start working on it. I guarantee that if I were paid to come up with something and given an entire offseason to do so (like they get), I could come up with something better than this unoriginal, uninspired, uninspiring, warmed-over recycled piece of crap.

Hahahah....Usually i dont agree with your posts, but you are on fire in this thread. Keep it coming, the so called masses are getting all worked up!!

Whether it is a 'gold out' or not the stands are full on many different colors. Why not just call it a 'Minnesota Plaid Out'.

Hey, someone said be original.

Ok I get you're not in marketing (derp) how about you rip something off and give us an idea of what you're thinking? I just think you're being counter-productive by giving off the "I'm too cool to wear gold" attitude and the constant "its stupid, I don't like it, I'm not going to do it" mentality.

I think the solid color idea is good, I don't think its idiotic to have everyone be on the same page for 1 game a year, especially one that won't require a heavy coat. And frankly there is very little that is "original" it all comes down to execution. Just because you're the first program to do something doesn't mean you do it the best. Look at Utah State with their "I believe that we will win" chant:
You think they were the first fans to think of that chant? Hell no. But there is a reason there are hundreds of youtube clips of these guys doing this chant and their arena has been called one of the more intimidating venues in mid major play. They do the chant damn well and subsequently they have become known for it.

Which brings me ultimately to the point about wearing gold. If our fanbase can't/won't get on the same page about something as simple as wearing a specific one of our main colors for one game a year, what makes you think we could pull off anything "that's actually cool and doesn't suck?"

+1. I usually agree with most of Dpo's points he makes on this board, but I think he is a little off on this one. It is the people with the "that idea is stupid" or "I'm not doing it to not do it. I'm not conforming" mentality that make these things harder than they already are to do. It doesn't help that it is ALWAYS poorly marketed either. Yes, I get the fact it is done at a lot of places. And, yes, I get that people want something original to call their own. But, quite frankly, a number of things are stolen from other schools and used elsewhere. Whether that be a NAIA school using something that a FBS school does or the other way around. I specifically remember the University of South Dakota making "THE U" symbol with there hands running around the field after they beat us. All of their fans were doing the exact same thing. Stolen from the University of Miami.

Rather than just saying "That idea is stupid", how about we offer some alternatives to doing a "Gold Out" then. Just a thought.

I'll try to wear gold...

I'm bringing the family to game (My 4-year-old daughter's second game, my 2-year-old daughter's first), and we don't own gold outfits for them. We did buy maroon shirts for them this year for our family portraits. I'm still trying to convince my frugal wife to buy gold outfits for them. And the only gold I own is a beat-up t-shirt with ripped out armpits, and my wife has an old Brew Crew shirt. So if you see us wearing maroon, don't freak out. At least we'll be there. We already spend $100 for the tickets, and plan to spend more for parking and, of course, a beer for myself. And trust me, we'll walk by the U bookstore kiosk and say, "Hey honey, there's a sale on gold stuff."

But we have to chill a little when someone doesn't wear gold Saturday. It's a bigger deal when you don't have a lot of money to spend. And it's an even bigger deal that we will be there.

Go Gophers!!!

U people that are "too cool" for gold amaze me.

A "gold out" is a win-win idea.
1) It helps the "U" sell a few gold items for that day
2) It looks cool/imposing, to players, recruits, students, tv audience, and fans

Ladies/Gents, you care enough about Gopher football to post on a internet message board, your favorite team has requested you wear a gold shirt that in turn will look cool if most do it, and look cool to students (who we need more of at the game), and players, and recruits, and fans watching from home. The

Here are the reasons people won't wear gold:
1) Not cheering for the Gophers
2) Didn't know about the "gold out"
3) Too cheap to buy a gold shirt
4) You're a D-bag

If you're not wearing gold, you fit into 1 of those 4 categories, simple as that.

I've been following this post for the past few days and I feel like I may have an alternative to the "[insert color here] Out" that would resolve a lot of the complaints/complications that seem to keep coming up.

Let's face it, the Color Out is played out. What if Minnesota started a Stripe Out (I don't think I'd use that name but...)? My idea would be to have alternating colors by section (say, odd sections are Maroon and even sections are Gold). And I would propose not doing this for just 1 game each year but for every game, every year. By doing this week after week, the effort would gain momentum as people caught on and eventually it would just become a tradition and over time this would just become Minnesota's "thing". This solves the problem of feeling like you need to go out and buy special clothing for one game because you would essentially be assigned a color based on your section (you buy one shirt and wear it all season). This also solves the problem of the one Color Out game each year being a dismal failure because, again, you get a retry each week and over time everyone should catch on. Additionally, I think the visual effect would be quite stunning.

Just thinking outside the box here, folks.


I've been following this post for the past few days and I feel like I may have an alternative to the "[insert color here] Out" that would resolve a lot of the complaints/complications that seem to keep coming up.

Let's face it, the Color Out is played out. What if Minnesota started a Stripe Out (I don't think I'd use that name but...)? My idea would be to have alternating colors by section (say, odd sections are Maroon and even sections are Gold). And I would propose not doing this for just 1 game each year but for every game, every year. By doing this week after week, the effort would gain momentum as people caught on and eventually it would just become a tradition and over time this would just become Minnesota's "thing". This solves the problem of feeling like you need to go out and buy special clothing for one game because you would essentially be assigned a color based on your section (you buy one shirt and wear it all season). This also solves the problem of the one Color Out game each year being a dismal failure because, again, you get a retry each week and over time everyone should catch on. Additionally, I think the visual effect would be quite stunning.

Just thinking outside the box here, folks.


At least Iowa and Boise St., and probably several other schools, have done this already.

At least Iowa and Boise St., and probably several other schools, have done this already.

At least he (or she) put out an idea. It's far better than what Gopher Marketing has come up with. Plus he hasn't been critical. Do you have any ideas? Seriously.


Boise State I can live with but if Iowa is already doing this, forget I ever brought it up.

You can get some money back by hitting up a Cash 4 Gold on Sunday.

For many of the Scrooges on this topic, you may not like this but I think it's original. Furthermore, it's an idea that's offered which is more than most of the Scrooges have offered up. I'm sure it'll be slammed by some, but I've never seen any school that's done either of the following:

Lower deck= gold (or whatever)
Upper deck= maroon (or whatever)
Home side of the horseshoe= gold (or whatever)
Away side of the horseshoe= maroon (or whatever)

Do this every game. It'd be OUR thing. (I think Boise St. does the stripe thing every game as their thing.) The student section might cause a logistics problem, so they could wear whatever (gold, maroon, black, white).

how about this for a future idea . . . correct me if i am wrong, but don't the students already wear gold? maybe we could have the students continue to wear gold and the rest of the fans wear maroon (and it sounds like most fans already wear maroon or prefer it . . .)?

Or we should just assign seats based on what people wear into the stadium. Wearing maroon? Sit here! Wearing gold? Sit here! Wearing red? Get out! Etc, etc, etc.

If you want to sit next to your family, you better be wearing the same color shirt, or be willing to change your shirt.

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