Glen Mason for Athletic Director of the University of Minnesota

Prolonging this thread a bit, but one thing seldom mentioned is that Mason stated that he was in a rebuilding phase in year ten. Huh? For me, that was one huge "its time for a new coach".

But when one looks at the recruits he brought in his last 3 classes, Mason was correct and a result of his own doing.

His recruiting classes were bad starting in 2004. The best he could do was bring in Russell, Decker, Triplett and Weber in his last three classes. No more Spaeth, Maroney,s MB3, Setterstrom, Utecht, Payne, etc. And the overall talent level of those classes was way down compared to years around 2000. But what hurt even more is the attrition rate of his classes since 2004 was close to 50%!!! He was signing marginal kids, even a convicted felon.

Another significant factor was his inability to recruit Minnesota kids. In the 04, 05 and 06 classes, he got just 3 of the top 12 players and just 11 of the top 30. That was a loud and clear indictment against Mason from MN kids who didn't want to play for him.

Mason's program was on a gradual downhill slide after the loaded 2003 squad that had the talent to win the BT. I believe he lost 6 BT games in a row late 05 and 06 prior to winning the last three to become bowl eligible for the TT demise. Including blowouts to Iowa 52-28, WI 48-12, OSU 44-0 and Cal 42-17 plus a blocked FG away from losing to NDSU. All of that in his last season.

Once can only speculate how Mason would have done with the hapless Brewster coached 2007 squad. I will be generous and say he may have won 4 or 5 games with a rookie QB and very thin depth. And beyond that, who knows if he would have survived as the Gopher coach.

It almost seems like it's a different discussion from the thread at hand....

Wren: Why do you think Mason would be a good AD? I'm asking this honestly. What are the requirements for the job? What skill or trait is it that the good AD's exhibit, generally speaking?

It's obviously not uncommon for a coach to move into the position, like Alvarez or Ron Mason. Why would Mason make for a good AD? I don't know if "he understands the importance of football" is a good enough reason. But is there more to him?

I believe any & all options need to be considered at this point. Wisconsin is leaving us in the dust right now circling the track & we need to find a way to get out of the pit.

Oh, I KNEW that the program was headed to the the basement and it would...

be a REALLY rotten way to spend the final years of being a Gopher Fan. I had seen prexy b in action. Everything he did during his final years at the U of M turned out to be much "less than" expected. I had seen badger joel macturi screwing up EVERYTHING he touched. He was the anti-ad for the revenue sports.

And, the minute I read about the total lack of experience brewster had and then heard him open his mouth, coupled by the prexy b and bjm administrative thing...I KNEW it was all going to hell. And I SAID so from day one. You people hated me saying it...but I said it because it HAD to be stated.

But, YOU people were not to be denied. YOU people won. And, as a result: the Golden Gopher Football Program has lost another half decade on the road to respectability.

I am really backing Coach Kill. There is NOTHING else to do. I am demanding that prexy k should throw bjm under the bus NOW. Get him out of here. He has destoryed the revenue sports. The revenue sports are the ONLY sports at the U of M I care about. They provide for all the non-revenue and Title IX sports. So, IF you care about the "other sports" you had best be REALLY concerned about the condition of the revenue sports. And if you care at all about the Unviersity of Minnesota you need to KNOW that the condition of the football program is really driving the reputation of the U of M down on ALL levels. Whether people like it or not, FOOTBALL defines how the public looks at a university or college on the DI level.

Bring in Mason as AD. We NEED a FOOTBALL MAN!
; 0 )

No, you did not "know" that Brewster would fail. You guessed that he would. There is a difference. That you say you based this on hearing his voice indicates you didn't "know" he could fail. The rest of us continued to support the Gophers.

brewster was a blow-hard, b-s-artist. You can hear those types ten miles away and I don't have the time of day for those types. The dude had NO college head coaching experience. He was nothing but a recruiting flake and you know what: it's not too tough to recruit to texas. Also, he was hired by the prexy b/bjm tag-team of administrative losers.

After watching the way bjm screwed up hiring process, and seeing the total lack of experience that this brewster clown had and hearing his plan was that he was going to "...spread those suckers out and play with hair on fire and totally switch offenses..." I KNEW this blow-hard was going to be a big time loser at a TOUGH place to win at like Minnesota.

You forget: I've been rooting for this program for well over half a century. I watched the kind of success that even the MOST successful coach of my era had at Minnesota: Murray Warmath. In the late 50's and early 60's he was able to bring in recruits that Minnesota will NEVER be able to get again. Time and JUSTICE and RIGHTS ISSUES while no where near good enough now have totally changed from that 1957 through 1963 period of time when he was recruiting the 1960 nc team, the 61 and 62 trams and by 1963 and 1964 had recruited the bulk of the group that would tie for the Big Ten Championship in 1967. The numbers of incredible individuals that came to Minnesota, iowa and wisky to go to college and to play football druing that period of time to escape the oppression of their home state colleges and university settings that would not allow them to play enabled Murray the chance to put together some GREAT talent and a few very good seasons.

I guess that I am going to have to go back and COUNT the number of Big Ten wins for you that have been achieved achieved at the University of Minnesota since 1950. It will be VERY instructive for all you game-boy and madden gamers. I'll try to do that one of these days. I'll give you a clue right now: it will NEVER match your sweet little imaginations (about Gopher Football).

Doc1001 and Bayfield: when I do provide you with some numbers and percentages, perhaps you may want to revisit your big plans, dreams and expectations about what a mortal coach can do at the University of Minnesota in this 2011 and beyond time frame that we are all trapped together in. The 1930's and 1940's are long gone. The circumstances that occurred in that 1958 through 1967 time frame happend then...and will not happen in this modern era.

We have to be able to COMPETE before we can dominate. To tell you two the honest truth, I don't think it is realistic at all to think that the Gophers will EVER be able to dominate the Big Ten Conference again...if the Gophers EVER did. Back durring Bernie Bierman's hey day, he VERY seldom played Ohio State. They were one of the super powers of those days too...and the two teams just didn't play more than a few times during Bierman's tenure at Minnesota. Bernie was 2-4 lifetime as the Gopher Coach against the Buckeyes. He faced them twice before WWII and 4 times after WWII. That was out of 16 seasons as Golden Gopher Coach.

Warmath faced Ohio State 5 time in 18 seasons and was 1-4 against them. The first time he faced OSU was in 1965.

I have always wondered why Minnesota and OSU used to play so seldom. I guess we will never know the answer to that. Perhaps it was partly because the Big Ten schedule was only 6 games for so long.

I'll start looking into the number of coacches who were actually able to do much better than Mason in the last half century or so. If you go back more than that, the number of Big Ten games in a season was SO all over the board. Sometimes there were only a few Big Ten games in a season...and that makes any kind of comparison impossible.

My hunch is that it is totally unralistic to think that anything in our history tells us that being competetive and hoping every once in a while to have a nice run and tie for a championship was our ONLY chance.

I think you two totally blew it when you got your good friends prexy b and bjm to fire and buy out Mason for ALL those millions and millions of dollars.

; 0 )

And, now those days are gone. There will be a Big Ten Championship game. No more shared Big Ten Crowns.

Minnesota has been a VERY difficult place to win Big Ten Football Games at for a very LONG time. It has been difficult as hell. You people don't want to hear the truth. You don't want to face the facts that Mason was achieving the higer end of the success levels in Big Ten play that ANY and ALL coaches after 1950 ran into. Murray Warmath hit the LAST sweet spot for
for bringing a lot of GREAT ATHLETES, STUDENTS and TREMENDOUS football players together at ONE place in Minnesota over a span of about 7 years. At the end of that time, those days were gone...not to return. And, do you know what, even in the middle of that run, Murray had to "rebuild/reload" at times.

You people just don't "get" how difficult the past 50 years of Big Ten Football have been on the University of Minnesota Football Program. You people think you are entitled. Well, boys and girls, you are NOT entitled. You NEED to face the facts of life. Mason was a hell of a lot closer to doing what Northwestern, iowa, wisky managed to do. It didn't quite happen, but it was close.

So, you people petitioned an admiistration at the U of M that was pathetically weak and overmatched and you got Mason fired. The student section boo'd Mason because he called the drunken little fools out. (The student section at the U certainly does cover itself with glory...IF you can even ever notice them. All too often, they don't even show up. Or arrive very late and leave very early. They pretty much are sub-standard as far as Big Ten student sections go. This year, badger joel macturi can't even GIVE the student tickets away.)

So, you people won.

And now LOOK at what the Unviersity of Minnesota Football Program is like. They will likely be 2-14 in Big Ten play by the end of November 2011. That is a .125 winning percentage over the past two seasons. Over the past five season, Gopher Football would win a grand total of 8 Big Ten games. That would be a .200 winning percentage. Even with Mason's .400 winning percentage in Big Ten play, over a five year period that would provide a LOT more Big Ten wins.

But you people won, fair and square. You mobbed and bashed and prexy b and badger joel macturi gave you what you wanted. To the victors belong the spoils. So, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for what has happened to the Golden Gopher Football Program. I guess that you people do richly deserve exactly what we are experiencing today. EVERYTHING that we are experiencing today...

Bring in Mason as AD. We NEED a FOOTBALL MAN!
; 0 )

Wisconsin brought in a football man as AD that won multiple Rose Bowls. Nebraska brought in a football man as AD that won multiple national titles.

Wren advocates bringing in a football man as AD who never won a conference title in 20 years as a head coach and whose best year at Kansas was better than any one of his 10 years at Minnesota. Brilliant.

You don't need FOOTBALL man as AD to be successful. How many schools actually have former coaches or players as AD's?

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