Glen Mason for Athletic Director of the University of Minnesota

I NEVER could stand the sound of brewster's voice. With every coordinator that left, going 0-8 in Big Ten play, with every offense...and...defense that he changed every year, it was just MORE proof that brewster was totally incompetent.

I could not stand the lack of coaching the kids got...and...the total instability of the staff.

But, THAT was all on badger joel macturi.. What the hell kind of an educator does not REALIZE that when there is that much turnover on the coaching staff that the kids are getting LOST and are being totally abused within that football program? badger joel macturi showed me exactly what a horse-crap educator he was to his very core as he blindly sat back and watched as the parade of coaches shuffled through Bierman. The University of Minnesota should be TOTALLY ashamed of what they did to those players for that EXTENDED period of time. The professors in the Departments of Education...those turning out the young teachers SHOULD have taken matters into their own hands and should have led a movement to shut brewball down and rescue the student athletes who were being abandoned by the constant instability in that coaching staff of brewster's/macturi's/prexy b's stinking mess. Those student athletes who had been brought here to play football were like abandoned orphans...not knowing who the hell would be dictating their lives to them next year...the next day.

I NEVER supported brewster because I FIRED prexy b and badger joel macturi after the way they hosed-up the football program from 2003 through the end of 2006. It wasn't so much that they fired Mason, BUT, they had NO IDEA of what they would do when they fired him. After letting his contract wind down to nothing from 2003 (a 10-3 season) they left the door open for every Big Ten Coach to talk to every recruit about the fact that Minnesota's coach didn't have a contract.

And then, the totally incompetent pair of prexy b and bjm found themselves NEEDING to have Mason signed. Mason and his agent had the helpless and hapless prexy b and bjm set up SO badly that the foolish prexy b HAD to offer a LONG-Term extension. (There is NO WAY Mason would have taken just a one or two year extension at that point in time...Mason and his agent made prexy b and bjm PAY for being such idiots...) prexy b and badger joel macturi were SO FAR OUT of their league. And, they knew it. They were willing to spend millions and millions EXTRA on the buy out one year later though. They had SO MUCH egg all over their faces and they had been SUCH fools. I KNEW right then that the University of Minnesota was NOTHING but a money pit and ANY money I was asked to donate would be totally wasted by fools like badger joel macturi and the incredibly over-the-hill prexy b. So, I fired that pair of fiscally incompetent and incapable administrative idiots on that last Sunday in December of 2006 after I heard the firing announced while driving home from a family event.

I was correct in doing that. Later when brewster was announced and I heard him speak, I KNEW that the program was screwed UNTIL prexy b, bjm and their boy brewster were ALL long gone from the U of M.

Two down...ONE to go: Ditch badger joel macturi NOW. IF prexy k keeps him around, it will be the time to start a campaign to rid the Unviersity of Minnesota of the new, incompetent chief administrator...prexy k.

I have backed EVERY Football Coach EXCEPT that brewster clown. I seriously had to question the strange collection of bedfellows who did support brewball: former mobbers & bashers, booster groups, et. al. They seemed to unite and it was so strange. Some, I am sure cursed my moniker...but...I had to state what I thought of the situation and make comments on what I was seeing. It was painful at times to stand my ground...but...I could not lie about what I was seeing happen in this Golden Gopher Football Program. But, brewster was just a figurehead. I was frustrated with him, yet, it was prexy b and bjm that were totally guilty of having destroyed the Golden Gopher Football Program. I had NEVER fired a prexy and ad before...BUT...I did "fire" prexy b and badger joel macturi over and over again during that time between the end of 2006 and the mid-season firing of brewster in 2010. June of 2011 was a HUGE time...the time when the lamest of lame duck prexys FINALLY limped out the door. Now, it is time for bjm to be discarded. Should this prexy k character NOT dump macturi, it will also be time to start getting ready to fire this prexy k character...

; 0 )

Going 1-8 in the Big Ten in the first season isn't much diferent than going 0-8 in the Big Ten in the first season.

But it IS different. It DOES provide a bit of hope for the future. It IS a start to learning how to win. And, it DOES give a coach a "little" bit better chance to survive into a fourth season. Don't believe me? Check to see what has happened to Gopher Coaches who went zero for a Big Ten Season...

Even just ONE Big Ten win makes a HUGE difference in the survival rate...

; 0 )

But it IS different. It DOES provide a bit of hope for the future. It IS a start to learning how to win. And, it DOES give a coach a "little" bit better chance to survive into a fourth season. Don't believe me? Check to see what has happened to Gopher Coaches who went zero for a Big Ten Season...

Even just ONE Big Ten win makes a HUGE difference in the survival rate...

; 0 )

It isn't significantly different. It has no bearing on whether a coach makes it through his fourth season. One Big Ten win in 2007 would not have saved Brewster's job in 2007. It was the 2010 collapse that cost him his job, his seat wan't terribly warm coming into the 2010 season.

My first post is just to say that Glen Mason as an AD makes no sennse. Even if you liked him as a coach, heck I liked him as a coach; he helped the football program grow into something worth watching, he still doesn't have any business being an AD for the University of Minnesota.


Going 1-8 in the Big Ten in the first season isn't much diferent than going 0-8 in the Big Ten in the first season.

It would mean we were able to upset somebody this season. Give the kids something to be proud about. Even if it is fleeting. 1 win is much better than none.

I thought Mason didn't like bsing with the doners and admin? Isn't that part of an AD job?

Of course one win is better than none. But the reason that Wren thinks zero wins is an absolute disaster but 1 win is fantastic is that Mason had one win in his first year.

You think they (some isolated h.s. coaches) were STUPID enough to have liked that brewster clown more than Mason? Of course, there are a few who might bitch about anything and everything...there are always some of those kinds around...They admire 0-8 Big Ten records? Say jovs, why don't the high school coaches try coaching up some more high school players for a change and start turning out some more division I players?

I admire and respect some high school football coaches that I know. They had NO problem with Glen Mason. I have NEVER believed that unfounded piece of gossip that some of the mobbers and bashers here tried to sell about the high school coaches.

Damn, the ones I know enjoyed watching Mason's offense and LOVED being able to take their kids to the dome to watch the Gophers play when free tickets were made available from the U for that purpose. I NEVER heard a high school football coach complain about Glen Mason.

I don't believe a word that those old mobbers and bashers (most of whom turned into brewster backers, by the way...and after it was obvious that brewball had wrecked the Gopher Football Program...those same old mobbers and bashers turned brewball freaks started puking out of brewball fan clubs in record numbers. For a few days some of them were Kill guys, but, now they are notso sure about him either.

That high school rumor crap was crap for the most part. I certainly don't think any high school coach worth his salt was too fond of that brewster clown.

I enjoyed watching Mason coached football teams, they were the best Minnesota has seen in a long time. Do I think that translates into being a good AD, I don't think so. I personally think he would make a terrible AD because of the way he interfaces with people. That position requires a completely different set of skills than the football coach.

You foolish, foolish, foolish little rumor passers...

You heard Mason didn't do heard Mason didn't do you made up some more b.s. and passed it along to the dude or dudette who was standing next to you. And pretty soon you had a real good story to pass along to someone else.
Were you standing around your drinking binge tailgates chugging booze and stuffing your faces, getting smashed out of your heads just passing rumors and passing gas?

WHY the hell do you think that prexy b and bjm NEEDED to suddenly have Mason signed to a contract extension? Out of the sudden revelation that perhaps they had been a bit hasty in letting Mason's contract run down?

Mason was the one who pitched the naming rights deal to Mr. Cooper from TCF BANK. They NEEDED Mason to bring the deal on home.

badger joel macturi is SO plain and SO ordinary and SO booring and SO UN-LIKE a BIG TIME AD that you MIGHT send him out to pitch a money-raiser from joe blow's 6th grade class. bjm is SMALL-TIME in SO many ways.

You need an AD who doesn't NEED to hire a pr guy to go with him when he is going to "beg" some football coach to "pretty please" leave a job to come and get beaten up at the Univeristy of Minnesota football coaching job...and probably be fired and bought out and have his coaching career end at the "graveyard of college coaches..."

badger joel macturi is SUCH an awkward little ranger...he has NO presence and should be nothing more than an underling buried in an athltic know...kind of like he was under Pat Richter at wisky. They NEVER considered him to be a Big Ten level AD candidate...and he WASN'T.

You send a badger joel macturi out to pitch a local "Ladies' Aid" at a country church basement. You send a Mason out to the heavy hitters, corporations and deep-pockets. He gets along very well in those circles. He has PRESENCE. He has been there before. He IS a Football Man!

So prexy b and bjm BEGGED Mason to sign their multi-year contract extension after they had been working for three years on NOT having him continue as coach. That's right people: it was to get the naming rights deal done. Neither prexy b or bjm could do it themselves.

; 0 )

It was the 2010 collapse that cost him his job, his seat wan't terribly warm coming into the 2010 season.
It was. Maybe not from Maturi, but I'd question even that given the way his extension was structured.

Of course one win is better than none. But the reason that Wren thinks zero wins is an absolute disaster but 1 win is fantastic is that Mason had one win in his first year.

No rodent: that is NOT what I think. I can freaking count. 1 is BETTER than zero. Two is better than one. Three is better than two. Four is better than three...and so it goes.

And then, there is also the total number of Big Ten wins factor. Each Big Ten win is HUGE in a struggling Big Ten Program.

Finally, just LOOK at the very few coaches who have had Zero Big Ten win seasons. Smokey Joe Salem. That brewster clown. Both were fired. There is just something about a zero Big Ten win season that is a bad sign for a football coach at the University of Minnesota.

and NO rodent on a rampage will EVER speak for me!

; 0 )

There is a difference between some fans wanting the coach fired and the coach being seriously on the hot seat. The only people that really matter are the ones that can do the firing. Brewster's seat suddenly caught fire with the loss to South Dakota.

Finally, just LOOK at the very few coaches who have had Zero Big Ten win seasons. Smokey Joe Salem. That brewster clown. Both were fired. There is just something about a zero Big Ten win season that is a bad sign for a football coach at the University of Minnesota.

Almost every football coach gets fired at some point, so a zero Big Ten win season has no correlation with anything. There were many more Gopher coaches than just these two who had seasons with no conference wins, and many of them continued on for years after going winless in the conference schedule.

I enjoyed watching Mason coached football teams, they were the best Minnesota has seen in a long time. Do I think that translates into being a good AD, I don't think so. I personally think he would make a terrible AD because of the way he interfaces with people. That position requires a completely different set of skills than the football coach.

Not to worry jovs.

Kaler is smart enough not to hire a failed Gopher HC with zero AD experience.

Salem had zero Big Ten wins, in year 5. A poor start is one thing, many coaches have poor first seasons and then gone on to do well, a collapse in year five is a different matter.

You say look at the other Big Ten coaches who won zero Big Ten games in their first year? Let us do that. Alvarez went 1-10, 0-8 his first year. Ferentz went 1-10, 0-8 his first year. Therefore, you cannot say that 0-8 indicates that the coach will be a failure. Of course, no one is saying that 0-8 is a sign of success. I suppose you will claim that 0-8 at Minnesota is different than 0-8 at any other Big Ten school, as that's the only way you can project a "trend" from one point of data, that one point being Brewster's 0-8 start in 2007. We've already established that Salem's zero win season isn't relevant, as this was a loss of control in year 5 when a coach is supposed to be finally be getting established.

I know people are tired about hearing about Alvarez and Ferentz. But as long as we keep having this bleating that 0-8 is an indication of failure over the long term, it remains relevant.

Alvarez and Ferentz BOTH had Athletic Directors who were FOOTBALL MEN...

and who were totally committed to building winning football progrms. And, at iowa, they had the program that Hayden Fry had already BUILT. They had it going and the prexy/chancellor there KNEW that FOOTBALL was KING in iowa.

And, Donna S was almost OVER THE TOP supportive of the FOOTBALL Program at wisky.

The point I MADE about going 0-8 or winless in Big Ten Play at Minnesota was the fact that the ONLY two coaches who EVER did that were Smokey Joe Salem and that brewster clown.

And Smokey Joe went 1-8 in the Big Ten in 1982 and 0-9 in the Big Ten in 1983...He played 9 Big Ten games each season during his time at Minnesota.

When you go 0-8 in the big Ten and badger joel macturi is ALL you've got, you are really in BAD trouble. Just ask your boy brew clown. We don't know yet what this prexy k character will do when push comes to shove with the football program but IF the U doesn't get a FOOTBALL MAN in as AD pretty damn will be ALL over for our Football Program.

Somebody had better start supporting Coach Kill BIG TIME in a BIG hurry. From the looks of things, he will quite possibly go 0-8 in Big Ten play in 2011 and he is stuck with badger joel macturi as his ad. He is also at the mercy of a brand new prexy who so far "ain't saying a damn thing about HOW MUCH he is willing to support his football coach..."

I think we need to start forcing the issue as far as the fate of badger joel macturi goes. For the good of Coach Kill...for the good of Golden Gopher Football and for the good of the University of Minneosta we have GOT to make prexy k realize that he HAS to ditch bjm, just throw him under the bus right NOW!

; 0 )

There is a difference between some fans wanting the coach fired and the coach being seriously on the hot seat. The only people that really matter are the ones that can do the firing. Brewster's seat suddenly caught fire with the loss to South Dakota.

It caught fire with the South Dakota game and grew to a full scale conflagration with the Northern Illinois loss. Smokey the Bear was seen hustling away from the forest after the Wisconsin game.

The point I MADE about going 0-8 or winless in Big Ten Play at Minnesota was the fact that the ONLY two coaches who EVER did that were Smokey Joe Salem and that brewster clown.

This is patently, and demonstrably, false.

To demonstrate, here are the Gopher winless Big Ten seasons:

1907* there was one tie
1988* there were two ties

So, it is false that 1983 and 2007 were the only seasons with no Big Ten wins.

So Wren--I like making football a losing program. Hmmm you loved Mason and what was his big ten record--wasnt it like 32-48 or something like that? Yea thats promoting a winner on your part.. You need to face the fact that you support mediocrity or actually less than mediocre.. At least Bayfield and I are willing to try something to make it better and not swim in the mud.

No rodent: that is NOT what I think. I can freaking count. 1 is BETTER than zero. Two is better than one. Three is better than two. Four is better than three...and so it goes.

So Horton is better than Mason.

Both were fired. There is just something about a zero Big Ten win season that is a bad sign for a football coach at the University of Minnesota.

I can think of worse signs. For example...being in year 10 of your tenure and losing by 25 points. And then losing by 44 points. And then losing by 36 points.

Going 0-6 in 1920 in Big Ten play is not quite the same as going 0-8 or 0-9. And if you people really want to count going 0-1-1 or 0-2 or 0-3 the same as a modern day Big Ten schedule, knock yourselves out kids...

; 0 )

As I have said before: You people RICHLY deserve every stinking loss that happens and that's the way it's been for the stinking last four years. And, I've got to admit...this is looking more and more like another 1-11 season (0-8 Big Ten) in 2011. Thanks mobbers, bashers and people who wanted MORE.

You guys are going to have to be personally thanked for each and every loss as it happens. How long will you people be backing Coach Kill??????????

I'll bet some of you are starting to back out on Kill-ball already.

You are stuck with this one though. You wanted change and one change led to another change that led to this change to Coach Kill.

You people are also stuck with your boy macturi for as long as this prexy k character keeps him in place.

I want a football guy for AD. I think it might as well be Coach Mason. I think he'd be a fantastic AD.

But, if this prexy k is a wuss and sticks with badger joel macturi...that's just exactly what you people asked for and have got coming.

Let the good times roll...but...what the hell are you going to do about all the Big Ten losses? You people did say you were demanding MORE...isn't that right? I've been watching going on five years now. I don't see your "more" stuff happening doc1001...I just don't see it happening.

; 0 )

Horton got his butt canned too didn't he?

; 0 )

Because both had .400 BT winning percentages and unlike you, most Gopher fans don't think that deserves a lifetime contract and the keys to the entire department as athletic director.

All you care about our "moments"

Wren: "Gee golly I was there in 2000 when Minnesota upset No. 5 Ohio State...wasn't that magical? How can you ungrateful idiots want or expect anything more than that????"

What "we" want is that incredible "moment" not to be rendered completely meaningless by giving up 51 points and losing to a 3-8 Indiana team seven days later.

maximus: knock yourself out wise guy. All you people got was a hell of a lot of years with badger joel macturi and prexy b running this program into the ground at breakneck speed. The U of M Football Program today...almost five years later isn't even able to sell out our beautiful 50,000 seat stadium. The team is 1-5 headed into the third Big Ten game. We are 0-2 in Big Ten play. The prospects of winning another Big Ten or any other kind of game again this year are next to nil.

The media/press and a growing number of "so-called Gopher Fans right here on Gopher HOLE are questioning whether Coach Kill is in over his head. With you typical mobber/basher fans, it won't be more than a week or'll be wanting a new coach must have happend a thousand times before.

So: you have EXACTLY what you and your type demanded; what the heck do you think of these head bashings and beat downs without any let up? You are getting exactly what YOU personally deserve maximus. What's the score going to be Saturday maximus? I suppose you are really enjoying this 2011 season. Just as you really enjoyed that 2010 season. The collapse in the 2nd half of the 2009 season was really something wasn't it maximus? And how about that 2nd half of the 2008 season...especially that smack down iowa put on that brewster in the last game in the dome. And that 2007 1-11 overall 0-8 Big Ten season really showed the Big Ten EXACTLY what that brewball was going to do to the Big Ten. prexy b and badger joel macturi really led you straight to the promised land.

And, isn't it just a blast seeing the new stadium NOT selling out?

Yeah've really got it going now with Golden Gopher Football don't you? You have it right where you want it. Nobody deserves the current state of Gopher Football any more tha you maximus.

.400 Big Ten winning percentages sound REALLY good to me right now.

I totally back Coach Kill. I will for as LONG as he wants to be our football coach. Come hell or high water, I'll speak out to keep him as our coach. How long will you back Coacch Kill maximmus?????

Ditch badger joel macturi Now.

Bring in Mason as the A.D.

; 0 )

Yeah, you're damn right I was in columbus in 2000. It's one of the few games that goes into my UNFORGETABLE catagory. It ranks pretty high on the list.

Lol, I know this isn't going to do anything to persuade you wren, because that is impossible, but think of what you are saying. Every argument you use for the people that "deserve" all of this losing is because they wanted Mason fired. Mason was not winning at a high rate in B1G. His teams had the results of average teams coached by an average coach. Nothing more, nothing less. These people you say "deserve" the losing wanted a different coach, someone that would be MORE than average. There is nothing wrong with that. They had no idea what would happen, who would be hired, anything like that. All they knew is the coach at the time was not doing any better than average, and his teams were getting worse. You act like they already knew that Maturi would mess up in hiring Brewster who would be a TERRIBLE coach. NO ONE knew that would happen. We all know that now because HINDSIGHT IS 20/20! You're entire argument is based on HINDSIGHT! YOU may have been okay with having average teams, but these people wanted BETTER than average. You can't blame them for not being able to predict the future. I bet you had no idea what was going to happen EITHER.

Average would be nice. The Gophers haven't been even an average Big Ten team more than two or three times over the past 40 years.

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