Glen Mason for Athletic Director of the University of Minnesota

First of all, this is your manufactured quote, not mine.

False. Having zero hope of ever winning a national title without cheating is tantamount to not competing.

We can compete without cheating and play > .500 Big Ten football, at least I hope so. However, can we win a national championship without cheating? I think this scenario is highly unlikely given the state of affairs in the NCAA today. The last 50 years of history makes this pretty crystal clear.

Once again, past returns do not guarantee future results. History is a learning tool, not a death sentence.

Are you saying Boise State did not use Walking Around Money (WAM)?

I don't know for sure, and neither do you. However, your point that you cannot outcompete your limitations without cheating is patently false.

Why has Boise State been fortunate to hire a string of successful football coaches since the early 1970s, but Minnesota's record since 1967 suggests we have not been so blessed?

They do their homework and hire quality coaches, much like many other programs do, and Minnesota doesn't. It really isn't that difficult or complicated.

1. Are you of the belief that organized crime is limited to what was once labled as the Mafia in the 1960s and 1970s?

2. If Lloyd Blankfein and Goldman Sachs are not organized crime, than pray tell, what is your definition of organized crime?

3. When Massey Energy and British Petroleum repeatedly, willfully, and egregiously violate safety regulations promulgated by the toothless U. S. Department of Labor Mine Safety and Health Administration (MHSA) and the U. S. Department of the Interior Minerals Management Section (MMS), the Upper Big Branch mine explodes, and the New Horizon oil rig explodes, is this not organized crime at work? If it is not, then please educate me. Thank you.

None of this has anything to do with anything I said, nor does it have anything to do with your wild assertions. But I will address them anyway.

1) No. I never said nor implied that organized crime was limited to the mafia. I clearly used the mafia as one example of organized crime.

2) Whether or not these financial companies are examples of organized crime has nothing to do with the what the NFL does in general, and has nothing to do with the particular claim that the NFL is attempting to sabotage Gopher sports.

3) Whether or not these energy companies are examples of organized crime has nothing to do with the what the NFL does in general, and has nothing to do with the particular claim that the NFL is attempting to sabotage Gopher sports.

We could discuss the definition of an organized crime entity vs. an entity that commits some crimes. Generally, an organized crime entity is one where most or all of its business is illegal, rather than a company which sometimes acts illegally. But arguing over the definition of organized crime has nothing to do with the Gophers.

We could further controls on big financial firms, or safety regulations on mining companies, but this too has nothing to do with the Gophers, and nothing to do with alleged conspiracies by the NFL to sabotage Gopher sports.

For one thing, the NFL is not Llyd Blankfein, not Goldman Sachs, not Massey Energy and not Bitish Petroleum. And even if they were, even if these companies were the NFL, it's STILL not evidence of a conspiracy against the Gophers. Just because an entity commits crimes, doesn't mean they commit every crime all the time.

Fellow Golden Gophers,

1. As Nancy Reagan always used to say, "Just say NO to Yale, Harvard, and Notre Dame graduates!"

2. Glen Mason may be a Buckeye, but he "gets it' when it comes to successful football in the Big Ten Conference. Let Glen finish the job he started before Joel Maturi assassinated him!

3. I cannot think of a more fitting closure and repudiation of the Joel Maturi era than President Kaler hiring Glen Mason to replace Joel Maturi.

4. I am prepared to be showered by your rotten vegetables and rotten eggs. This man has given University of Minnesota football more hope than anybody since Murray Warmath, and I don't mean to minimize the contribution of Cal Stoll. But you have to give credit where credit is due. Glen Mason brought Golden Gopher football back on campus. It was his vision, despite detractors Chris "Darth" Voelz, Tonya Moten Brown, the firing of Mark Deinhart, and finally Joel Maturi (with Kathryn F. Brown winning an Oscar as best supporting actress), assassinating Glen at the Forum "et tu Maturi?"

Your not the first to suggest this.

I hope you're not comparing Glen Mason to Clem Haskins.

Mason was a very good head coach here and would make a good AD as well.

Mason was an average coach. I'm thankful for what he did here and he definitely improved the football team and moved us in the right direction after Wacker, but anyone who feels he was a "very good" coach has low expectations.

The mistake wasn't firing Glen Mason, it was hiring Tim Brewster.

Who's the second choice, Clem Haskins?

Hey at least Clem got us to basketballs equivalent of a BCS bowl game, and thought we could win big here.

On a serious note, Is Mason even qualified? Or is his coaching experience enough?

This is a really weird thread lol, just the way it progressed and the discussion within it

some gopherhole commenters = bull$hitters to the max.

Wren and Nov 6 still cant get Mason out of their systems. Wowow.

Don: bull$hitting is an important skill...

you KNOW that...I KNOW that...and I think that resembles both of us.

It's a GOOD thing! You don't survive as long as you and I have without developing the ability to both SPOT a as well as to SLING an ample amount of b.s.

; 0 )

He'd have to show up for work almost year-round.

He hasn't been down with that for a loooong time.

I'm all for Mason as the Minnesota Ad. After all, he did a great job of maintaining a successful athletics program when he was the AD at OSU. Hire Glen!

You certainly are a good one to take shots at anyone else doc1001...

You flip and flop all over the place dissing Mason, cursing others who won't follow the prexy and ad to get on board the "brewball" train. Did you just LOVE going 1-11 (0-8 in Big Ten Play) in 2007? Yeah, that was really your idea of a good time, wasn't it doc1001?

Personally, I LIKED winning some Big Ten games doc1001. I made the most of it during the Mason days. I was in Columbus in 2000 for that win over the Buckeyes. I was in Ann Arbor in 2005 for that win over Michigan. I watched the Gophers beat Oregon, Alabama and Arkansas. I was in East Lansing to see the Gophers beat Michigan State. I've been in Evanston to see the Gophers beat Northwestern. Yeah doc1001: I had a BLAST during the Mason Era of Golden Gopher Football.

And when prexy b and badger joel macturi got uppityand fired the coach who had at least made us competetive...I said: " your face prexy b...up yours badger joel two just became the enemy. And those fools hired the loser brewster.

The rest is history.

At least Coach Kill is a coach. He is my "last lost cause coach" to back and support at the U. He has taken on a "lost cause" that brewster, prexy b and badger joel macturi set up. But, I'll back Coach Kill for as LONG as he wants to keep going. I hope he gets us back to the level Mason had us at. He would be coach of the decade IF he can achieve that. So, he has got my total and complete support.

Ditch badger joel macturi.

Hire Glen Mason as the AD!

You can do what ever you want doc1001. So far you've been siding with the losers though...

; 0 )

you KNOW that...I KNOW that...and I think that resembles both of us.

It's a GOOD thing! You don't survive as long as you and I have without developing the ability to both SPOT a as well as to SLING an ample amount of b.s.; 0 )

Wren: Hire Glen Mason as AD.

Here I though all along you were serious! Now I realize you are slinging an ample amount of b.s.

You flip and flop all over the place dissing Mason, cursing others who won't follow the prexy and ad to get on board the "brewball" train. Did you just LOVE going 1-11 (0-8 in Big Ten Play) in 2007? Yeah, that was really your idea of a good time, wasn't it doc1001?

Personally, I LIKED winning some Big Ten games doc1001. I made the most of it during the Mason days. I was in Columbus in 2000 for that win over the Buckeyes. I was in Ann Arbor in 2005 for that win over Michigan. I watched the Gophers beat Oregon, Alabama and Arkansas. I was in East Lansing to see the Gophers beat Michigan State. I've been in Evanston to see the Gophers beat Northwestern. Yeah doc1001: I had a BLAST during the Mason Era of Golden Gopher Football.

And when prexy b and badger joel macturi got uppityand fired the coach who had at least made us competetive...I said: " your face prexy b...up yours badger joel two just became the enemy. And those fools hired the loser brewster.

The rest is history.

At least Coach Kill is a coach. He is my "last lost cause coach" to back and support at the U. He has taken on a "lost cause" that brewster, prexy b and badger joel macturi set up. But, I'll back Coach Kill for as LONG as he wants to keep going. I hope he gets us back to the level Mason had us at. He would be coach of the decade IF he can achieve that. So, he has got my total and complete support.

Ditch badger joel macturi.

Hire Glen Mason as the AD!

You can do what ever you want doc1001. So far you've been siding with the losers though...
; 0 )

As a charter Masonite, you are guilty number one!

You know Wren, some of us here were not satisfied with backing a losing coach after 10 years. I know Doc101. Unlike you, both of us would like to see the Gophers be a proud program once again.

Go ahead and hang onto all your Mason mini-victories. You can do whatever you want. But the bottom line is he would never win big and often at the UM which is the case wherever he coached.

No one here asked Maturi to hire Brewster. Like someone posted, the mistake was not in firing Mason but in hiring Brewster.

The rest of us want much more and are ready to move on.

At least we can agree to support Coach Kill and get rid of Maturi.

Only losers accept mediocrity. Wren is a loser.

Post Script: He's also the worlds biggest brewball backer.

The thing is Bayfield: you SAY you are ready for MUCH more than Mason gave you...So what? You are NOT getting it. And, you WON'T get it. Some of you folks are SO out of touch with th reality of the situation. Being competetive at the University of Minnesota is as good as it gets.

You and I do NOT have enough time left to see this program ever get above the level that Mason brought it to. Mason raised the bar enough to get the new stadium built. That SHOULD greatly improve everything from keepin the "neighbors" to the south and the east out of the stadium...(and now the neighbors from Lincoln too). But, it won't. That SHOULD make recruiting better. But, it won't. That SHOULD help create a home field advantage, but, the student section just keeps getting smaller and as the weather gets colder and the losses mount, the student section turns into "no shows."

Poor Coach Kill. The football program has to hound 63 players on the team to make sure they attend class. There are scholarship players who want no part of a culture that is conducive to being a cohesive, competetive football program. Coach Kill indicates it will take four years just to install the kind of football culture he needs his program to have. Now we have this beautiful little 50,000 seat on campus stadium. We can't sell it out. We have a shrinking and at times disappearing student section. We really don't have the same kind of home field advantage that they have in iowa city, madison, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, State College, PA, Columbus, Lincoln, Champaign. I guess that the ONE thing getting our beautiful new stadium did insure was that the twins or vikings could NEVER make us move a game against Illinois or Northwestern or, God forbid Michigan again. The Big Ten Network and the Big Ten Conference did for us what the administrators at the University of Minnesota NEVER would have done. FORCED us to build a stadium so that we could insure the integrity of the Big Ten Football Schedule. That was NEEDED because the Big Ten Network mandates that the show MUST go on at the time, date and place that the Big Ten Network chooses. And, since such massive amounts of revenue are shared by ALL the Conference Schools, Minnesota HAD to have it's own stadium. The U of M didn't have any skin in the game and were getting just as much revenue sharing from the conference as every other school. And then, that 2003 MICHIGAN game was forced by MLB to move to a Friday night. You don't do that to the Big Ten Conference. You do NOT do that to Michigan. EVER. Minnesota got a stadium. Other than satisfy the conference, so far it hasn't done a darn thing for Gopher Football thanks to the brewster hire by prexy b and badger joel macturi.

And, it just got even more difficult to win conference games with the addition of Nebraska. Before it is all said and KNOW the Big Ten wants Notre Dame too.

What part of "arms race" don't you understand Bayfield? No, I'm not talking weapons of mass destruction. I'm talking in quarterbacks...legs as in running backs. Speed...Strength...where the hell is our offensive line? With teams like Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan State, lately wisky and sometimes iowa and now Nebraska, where are the Big Ten wins going to come from? You KNOW what our historical record against Michigan is like. Basically, our historical record against MSU since 1975 has been horrible. The record against Ohio State is worse. PSU is growing worse since those 4 wins Mason got agaist Joe Pa. And, while we still hold overall winning record against iowa and wisky, during the past 15 to 20 years we have been losing more against those two than we have been a large margin. And now here comes Nebraska. We hold a series advantage over them...BUT...since 1960, they have totally dominated us.

And you were all for ditching Mason because you thought he would never win big and often at UM. Bayfield: who th hell has won big and often at the U of M in the past 25 years? in the past 30 years? In the past 35 years? Even in the past 40 years.

You say you are unlike me because you and doc1001 both would like to see the Gophers be a proud program once again. So, you thought you were too good for competetive Mason Football.

Well, Bayfield, all too often "...a bird in the hand is worth 10 or 20 in the bush... You can NOT count your chickens until they are hatched..." Or, "When you wish upon a star...sometimes it all turns to crap..." That is what has happened since you and doc1001 got your wish. Look what the administration gave us. CRAP. Mason averaged 3.2 Big Ten wins a season for 10 seasons. In the 5 since Mason, we are most likely going to be averaging 1.8 down to as low as 1.6 Big Ten wins a season if Coach Kill is unable to win a Big Ten game during this 2011 Big Ten Season. I'm totally backing Coach Kill, but, the outlook for 2012 is not good either in terms of potential Big Ten wins.

Yes, yes, yes, Bayfield: the rest of you want much more and are ready to move on. I can see that happening all around the Gopher Program. Local journalists are starting to question and slam Coach Kill...just a few games into his first season. You know the drill Bayfield. You will support Coach Kill...until you get tired of backing a losing coach. And who knows how quickly those Big Ten losses are going to mount...add up for Coach Kill. It doesn't look good this year...or next year. Too many losses too early and we KNOW how the mobbers and bashers start coming out of the woodwork.

I know I'll be defending coach Kill. I'll be contrasting the mobbers and bashers. I'll rip the media people new ones when they keep writing their trash. I've been throug this a time or too many times over the decades. I've got at least this one more in me now. i'll back and support Coach Kill and I'll never give up and I'll never back down. And, I'll get called every name in the book by the mobbers and bashers. But, I'll contrast the hell out of them. Maybe I'll get kicked off a site or two IF the moderators cave in to the mobbers and bashers, but I will NEVER let any of those ba$tards get me down.

And then, the damn admnistrators at the U of M will decide that it's easy to quiet the mobs for a while by firing another coach and the graveyard of college coaches...Minneapolis branch will claim another good man.

But, Bayfield: I think this the last one I have in me.

I would have MUCH rather had a competetive program than to be trying to chase that 'holy grail' of "national championships." My NC with the Gophers came when I was 13 years old. I'm going on 65 now. I've seen a LOT of good coaches get treated like dirt at the U of M. I have seen administrators who really don't care what kind of product they put on the field for the paying customer. I've seen the administrators abandon a campus stadium to be the red-haired step-child in the damn dome. I've seen professional sports franchises try to carve up the landscape and take over the territory.

So, you can pat yourself on the back and say you "wanted more..." Well, my good man Bayfield: the truth of the matter is you have gotten LESS, much less all because you thought you were too good for being more competetive under Mason than we had been in a LONG time. And, it is probably going to get leaner...and there will undoubtedly be less Big Ten wins for some time to come. My MAIN wish is that this football program under Coach Kill can and will return this program to a more respected place than it currently is AND that this program could once again be competetive enough to make it worth the time, energy and expense to go to places like Columbus, State College, PA, Ann Arbor, Lincoln, East Lansing, madison, iowa city, Champaign and of course, one of my favorite places to go: Evanston thinking that if we played really well, had a break or two and stayed healthy that there just MIGHT be a chance to win on one of those great campus settings.

I hope Coach Kill can survive the mobbers, bashers and the weak-willed administrators long enough to make this Golden Gopher Program competetive again. He really does have his work cut out for him. But, I'll be there contrasting the hell out of the mobbers and bashers and win or lose, I will NEVER let those ba$tards get me least for this one more coach.

Ditch badger joel macturi! Bring in a football guy like Glen Mason!

; 0 )

Wow, I can't believe someone would suggest this! Glen Mason is done with, he is gone, he sucked, he was mediocre, nothing special! There is a reason he hasnt been re-hired or offered another position. If GM came back to be our AD it would be the end of Gopher Football and our sports. Why dont we just hire a Minnesota guy! Forget the Badger and the OSU guy. I want a Minnesota Alum to b our AD because we all know he will give it his all!

I really dislike Mason and he was nevr a great coach here, just middle of the road to bottom tier and if you liked that then you must like giving only half to less than half in life which is also a slacker!

I really don't care if the new athletic director has ever been to Minnesota, even to change planes. I am thinking that after Rick Bay and Joel Maturi, we should look outside the Big 10.

Mason had a terrible relationship and reputation with the High School Football coaches in the state. As athletic director he would have to interface with and develop relationships with alot of people at many different levels in the state. Do you really think he would succeed in that capacity.


1. You can spin facts any way you want.

2. So tell me, "Aside from Glen Mason, who was the last Golden Gopher football coach to defeat both Michigan and Ohio State?" Please answer this question EG#9.

3. Not only did Glen accomplish this, but he also defeated Penn State. Furthermore, it is worth noting that these victories all came ON THE ROAD in front of 100,000+ wildly partisan, hostile, and loud Wolverine, Buckeye, and Nittany Lion fans. This is because all of our games in the HHH Metrobowel Chamber of Horrors owned by Ziggy Wilf, Red "Soviet Union" McCombs, Paul Tagliabue, and their friends was worse than any away game venue. It proved more difficult to win Big Ten games in the HHH Metrobowel Chamber of Horrors than it did on the road.

4. Ziggy Wilf, Paul Tagliabue, (I am guessing Red "Soviet Union" McCombs is out of the picture at this point) and the rest of the NFL owners / operators were determined not to let Glen Mason coach the Golden Gopher football team in the house that Glen built, TCF Bank Stadium. Were Glen to do so, with a real home field advantage, without NFL timekeepers, and without NFL associates stuffing the back pockets of referees in the bowels of the HHH Metrobowel Chamber of Horrors, then a resurgent University of Minnesota football program would start severely cutting into the profits and royalties of the NFL / Vikings cartel. They were not going to let this happen, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Joel Maturi was their trigger man. Joel probably is now a "made man" as reward for his assassination of Glen.

5. Pay close attention now as your Governor breaks bread with Ziggy Wilf and greases the skids to give away $300,000,000 of public money to the NFL / Vikings cartel. As Nancy Reagan used to remark, "Just say NO to Yale, Harvard, and Notre Dame graduates!"

To quote the sensible and philosophical Frank Ricard: "Your crazy man. I like you, but your crazy"

You think they (some isolated h.s. coaches) were STUPID enough to have liked that brewster clown more than Mason? Of course, there are a few who might bitch about anything and everything...there are always some of those kinds around...They admire 0-8 Big Ten records? Say jovs, why don't the high school coaches try coaching up some more high school players for a change and start turning out some more division I players?

I admire and respect some high school football coaches that I know. They had NO problem with Glen Mason. I have NEVER believed that unfounded piece of gossip that some of the mobbers and bashers here tried to sell about the high school coaches.

Damn, the ones I know enjoyed watching Mason's offense and LOVED being able to take their kids to the dome to watch the Gophers play when free tickets were made available from the U for that purpose. I NEVER heard a high school football coach complain about Glen Mason.

I don't believe a word that those old mobbers and bashers (most of whom turned into brewster backers, by the way...and after it was obvious that brewball had wrecked the Gopher Football Program...those same old mobbers and bashers turned brewball freaks started puking out of brewball fan clubs in record numbers. For a few days some of them were Kill guys, but, now they are notso sure about him either.

That high school rumor crap was crap for the most part. I certainly don't think any high school coach worth his salt was too fond of that brewster clown.

If we hire Glen,what happens the first time the Ohio State AD job opens up ?

I think there are valid points to both sides of this debate. Certainly after 10 yrs, many thought that Glen had taken the program as far as he could. While there were many high moments, there was an equal (maybe more) of low lights, huge blown leads, etc. That being said, Glen brought us to a level we hadn't been in years with some very notable big-time wins, OSU, PSU, Alabama, Oregon, etc. Glen's biggest mistake, IMHO, was when he got on the wrong side of the student section when they booed him at halftime and later said they had been drinking too much. I can't remember all the details, but when the students started leading the "Fire Mason" chants, I never thought Glen could recover from that. The blown lead in the last bowl game was just what Badger Joel needed as an excuse to fire him. Joel then proceeded to forsake Gary Patterson (TCU) and go for Timmy B. This was a monumental mistake and Joel should have been held accountable for it by Prexy B., which never happened. So Joel ran another search for another coach, and talked about his "Tubby-type hire". I am all for Coach Kill, but truth be told, I was furious when the announcement came, simply because of the way that Maturi handled the whole thing. For these reasons alone, Maturi should be let go...HE is the reason why mediocrity sounds pretty good to most of us right now because since Glen was let go, we have been looking UP at mediocrity and have become a weekly laughing stock in the BIG! Whether Glen becomes our next AD or not, I have a lot of respect for him and think he'd be light years ahead of what we currently have.

Wren: "You know the drill Bayfield. You will support Coach Kill...until you get tired of backing a losing coach"

Wrong again there oldtimer. I supported Coach Brewster until the SDSU loss. You are the one who didn't back Brewster. And you know that I was behind Mason until 04/05.

Mason is G-O-N-E Wren. Its long overdue to give it up.

Wren: "But, Bayfield: I think this the last one I have in me."

I have your back on that one. That is one of the reasons I wanted Mason gone. You were like a content pig wallowing in the mud with Masonball and Doc and I wanted someone on board who had the nads and committment to win big and often.

My fear is that Mr. Kaler won't pull the plug on Maturi and allows him another contract. Kaler needs to lead the way in creating a new culture for the AD and realize the benefits it can bring to the UM. And he needs an AD with a clear cut vision and plan on how to make that happen. Without additional resources and new leadership at the top, the degree of difficulty with Coach Kill's job has increased signficantly.

Wren: "You know the drill Bayfield. You will support Coach Kill...until you get tired of backing a losing coach"

Wrong again there oldtimer. I supported Coach Brewster until the SDSU loss. You are the one who didn't back Brewster. And you know that I was behind Mason until 04/05.

Mason is G-O-N-E Wren. Its long overdue to give it up.

Wren: "But, Bayfield: I think this the last one I have in me."

I have your back on that one. That is one of the reasons I wanted Mason gone. You were like a content pig wallowing in the mud with Masonball and Doc and I wanted someone on board who had the nads and committment to win big and often.

My fear is that Mr. Kaler won't pull the plug on Maturi and allows him another contract. Kaler needs to lead the way in creating a new culture for the AD and realize the benefits it can bring to the UM. And he needs an AD with a clear cut vision and plan on how to make that happen. Without additional resources and new leadership at the top, the degree of difficulty with Coach Kill's job has increased signficantly.

I think that is why Maturi will likely not be extended. Kaler's driving the bus now and he will bring in his team top-to-bottom. Maybe Joel falls on his sword, but that may not be in his personality. I think it's more likely that there will be a mutual parting of the ways. Maturi's 65 years old. Don't a lot of people retire at that age?

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