Propagandistic disinformation takes many forms: rumors, leaked documents, press campaigns, agents of influence, radio and television campaigns. Any communication channel can be used to disseminate disinformation, including the internet. Since the purpose is to trigger a chain reaction, choice of the best media for surfacing a story of particular interest. In making this choice, Gopher Hole can be quite influential. More importantly, it offers easier surfacing of ideas and orchestrating opinion. Watch for two things on GH regarding Kill -- the tone of public discussion (WTF, delusional, etc.) and whether the message forces a target audience to change (buy more tix).
What makes the source credible and acceptable even if the source is anonymous and unreliable? Clearly, disinformation works on pre-existing stereotypes, prejudice and bias. Without a healthy degree of tolerance and skepticism, the target audience will even accept bizarre accusations (unrated players fit the system better than even modestly higher rated players and will prove that Kill knows what he is doing by winning on the field two and three years down the line).
We know that statistically, Kill does not win more than 50% of his games with lesser talent. When we rank below the mode in every category, are we to believe that 2-3 years from now that we will then see Coach Kill achieve a better than 50% lifetime average of victories against more talented opponents? That is what we are being led to believe by a small and very vocal cabal of the disinformation mill on GH.
I'm not so certain that some of the most fanatical supporters of Gopher football are not in fact media relations employees of other schools. Who else would have you believe that rating services and other coaches can't evaluate talent as well as Coach Kill. When the offer sheets are bare and the ratings low, can everybody be so wrong! Yet, the misinformants would have you believe otherwise. The diamonds in the rough theory suggests that they are common as grass and there is an zone where all other programs don't explore and evaluate. That these kids are there to be discovered uniquely by the U. Don't believe it for a nanosecond. There is no truth to the rumors that these kids are the undiscovered gems. Remember people, don't question the facts or be skeptical of the claims. Believe what you are told by the anonymous rabble. Become one with the party line.