Fla State to hire Gophers LB/Assistant HC Bill Miller

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>S/O to coach Miller sad day for our gophers but can't stop a coach for moving up to take a job he likes we going to miss him!!! Good luck</p>— Tyrone Carter (@TyroneCarter954) <a href="https://twitter.com/TyroneCarter954/statuses/438003035764043776">February 24, 2014</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>I'm getting all these calls don't know what to do!!!! Go Gophers</p>— Tyrone Carter (@TyroneCarter954) <a href="https://twitter.com/TyroneCarter954/statuses/438061723052806144">February 24, 2014</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/woodygopher">@woodygopher</a> I bleed maroon/Gold but I want to be wanted...</p>— Tyrone Carter (@TyroneCarter954) <a href="https://twitter.com/TyroneCarter954/statuses/438064710315802624">February 24, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

I am sorry, but TC can develop talent. Davis Anderson was working with TC since the end of his 2012 season and the kid got a walk on roll for the Gophers. Anderson was locked up on Jeff Jones when he lined up at receiver when Apple Valley played Washburn in the playoffs. Jones played receiver 75% that game and got nothing. Jones was very impressive at receiver if you saw him play during the season. Hell, the game against Kennedy Jones had at least 200 yards receiving. If you would have asked me if Anderson would have played DIII I would have been shocked after seeing his junior year.

Also, he is working with Donovan Dalton who we will be talking about in the 2017 class.

If he does not get the coaching job at the U, and I had a son in late middle school and high school, I would have him training with TC at his academy.

So the evidence of his ability to coach is that he got a PWO offer for a Minnesota player? Should we fire Jay Sawvel and give the special teams job to Ron Stolski? He got Logan McElfresh a PWO to the Gophers. That's a good idea. In fact, let's fire the entire coaching staff and give those jobs to the coaches of our most recent PWO signees.

What if he can't coach?

MSU thought he'd be able to coach. If the reigning Rose Bowl champs thought it would have been in their best interest to have him on staff it isn't that big of a stretch that perhaps Kill and his staff would like to bring him on.

I am not as Polyanna about Kill as many here but on this I am. I am fully confident that Jerry Kill will hire an exceptional coach to replace Miller. Because the pool is so huge, there is no real point in speculating on names or getting up set about who may or may not be a candidate.

He played in the NFL for 10 years. He works with kids in the Twin Cities area already. I'm not worried about his ability to coach, it's not like it's rocket science.

You'd be surprised at how many high level players don't know the game. Several of them had great instincts and ability but can't explain how they did it. Also, many of them knew only their job and nothing more.

Kill will find "the one" to replace Miller. He found Miller. It is my hope that "the one" will be TC. I look forward to whomever it will be. In Kill We Trust.

MSU thought he'd be able to coach. If the reigning Rose Bowl champs thought it would have been in their best interest to have him on staff it isn't that big of a stretch that perhaps Kill and his staff would like to bring him on.

How do you know what position MSU was offering him? How do you know it wasn't a GA or administrative/recruiting position? Do you have a link to the specifics of the offer? I have no doubt that Kill would be very interested in bringing TC on in a GA/"special assistant" capacity a la Mike Sherels.

MSU thought he'd be able to coach. If the reigning Rose Bowl champs thought it would have been in their best interest to have him on staff it isn't that big of a stretch that perhaps Kill and his staff would like to bring him on.

MSU's secondary coach has been there since Dantonio was hired. So has their linebackers coach. The DLine coach just finished his first season. The D Coordinator has been there seven years. All of the coaches on offense are back.

Their ops guys was Mason's right hand man at Kansas and here. That position would've been GA at best but it was probably an ops/recruiting/outreach/camps type of deal.

You'd be surprised at how many high level players don't know the game. Several of them had great instincts and ability but can't explain how they did it. Also, many of them knew only their job and nothing more.

You are correct on that. If you look at the coaching ranks you find tons of former players but you don't find all that many former superstars.

How do you know what position MSU was offering him? How do you know it wasn't a GA or administrative/recruiting position? Do you have a link to the specifics of the offer? I have no doubt that Kill would be very interested in bringing TC on in a GA/"special assistant" capacity a la Mike Sherels.

I have no idea what it was and I'm not touting him as DB coach or a LB coach or any other specific position. I just know we have an opening and if we don't hire him for the opening, there could be a lower tier opening if we promote within. The fact that a top tier B1G program wanted to hire him is a sign that he could offer our program something. Combine that with the fact he is a proud alum, former NFL great, and already working with HS kids, it would be an intriguing hire.

If they moved Sawvell it wouldn't be that much of a stretch to put TC at DB coach. Texas A&M hired Dat Nguyen as a linebacker coach a few years back (wasn't retained by Sumlin).

Of course, Dat Nguyen himself might not be a bad hire... :)

I have no idea what it was and I'm not touting him as DB coach or a LB coach or any other specific position. I just know we have an opening and if we don't hire him for the opening, there could be a lower tier opening if we promote within. The fact that a top tier B1G program wanted to hire him is a sign that he could offer our program something. Combine that with the fact he is a proud alum, former NFL great, and already working with HS kids, it would be an intriguing hire.

I love your passion. I love TC. Does that mean the U should hire him? Absolutely not. MSU was not hiring him as a position coach. What they were offering him was likely entry level with very low pay. I admire his chutzpah, but he needs more seasoning. I wish him luck.

I love your passion. I love TC. Does that mean the U should hire him? Absolutely not. MSU was not hiring him as a position coach. What they were offering him was likely entry level with very low pay. I admire his chutzpah, but he needs more seasoning. I wish him luck.

Like I said I am not touting him for a specific position. I don't think it would be a bad idea or out of the realm of possibility that the Gophers would offer him a similar position as MSU. Like I also said, one opening can lead to other entry level openings if they promote within.

If they moved Sawvell it wouldn't be that much of a stretch to put TC at DB coach.

And get worse at 2 positions by putting Sawvel at LB over an experienced LB coach, and putting TC at DB over a more experienced Sawvel.

Texas A&M hired Dat Nguyen as a linebacker coach a few years back

Mike Sherman hired Nguyen (a former NFL LB) after he coached for the Dallas Cowboys for 3 years as an assistant LB and quality control coach. Thus, he had 3 years of NFL experience coaching LBs and ~20 years of playing experience as a LB in youth, HS, college, and the pros. This is in contrast to Tyrone Carter who has zero years of experience at any level coaching LBs (or any other position) and 0 years of playing experience as a LB at any level.

This is in contrast to Tyrone Carter who has zero years of experience at any level coaching LBs (or any other position) and 0 years of playing experience as a LB at any level.

If that's all you need, I'm qualified! Where do I apply?

Why doesn't Tyrone Carter approach coach Kill about being a GA

Even really good football players and many alumn have started their coaching careers as graduate assistants. I know GA's don't get paid diddly squat but it is a start to get in the college coaching ranks even Mike Sherels started in that spot.
Coaching isn't for everyone and being a GA at the college level is a decent way to find out if coaching at the college level
is a calling or something you really want to do. It is a foot in the door and a chance to build a network or relationship if coaches. I get people's enthusisams for Tyrone Carter as coach but he never had a relationship with Kill or his staff, just coach Mason and that previous staff.
Position coach I could not see, but starting him off in recruiting, camp administration assistant media relations person or quaility controll with defensive backs type area, if he isn't willing to do a GA position. I'm assuming Carter completed his degree but I don't know that for sure, think he promised his grandma that.
It would be a good PR move for the staff and coach Kill to possibily bring him in as this type of move would be popular with the media. I think Carter is a young enough guy that he could still relate to the players fairly well at the collegiate level. Communication is a two way street though if Carter is interested in doing something with the Gophers he needs to approach Teague and Kill up front. Just because we fans or some of us fans want to see this means that it makes sense for the Gophers.
One thing of note is it wouldn't hurt to increase the racial diversity on the staff. Look at the players and the coaching staff, ultimately it is up to Kill but players do have appeal for more faces that look like themselves on the coaching staff, and it never hurts to have a good mix that fits the group. Weere kidding ourselves if a racial make-up of a staff doesn't have some bearing on recruiting.
I'm hoping coach Kill strongly considers a minority candidate for the replacement of the LB coach to add diversity to the staff but that is just me. Ultimately it is the coaches call.


A PR hire is wrong on so many levels.

What's the official correct number of coaches? Should their coaching abilities be a factor or do we just toss that out? I want that answered right now.

We've truly swerved off on this one.

I liked Bill Miller as a coach.


A PR hire is wrong on so many levels.

What's the official correct number of coaches? Should their coaching abilities be a factor or do we just toss that out? I want that answered right now.

We've truly swerved off on this one.

I guess I took this on a path I did not intend as writing isn't always the same thing as in person communication. I should not have suggested that the new hire be race related that wasn't my point but somehow it came out that way. For the PR thing, I meant a PR hire for an administrative role, slash camp coordinator, somone who helps process tapes, or film editing, recruiting role is what a PR type of hire should have been for an alumnus not really a position coach or anything that would be undignified or purposeless, phoney or a puppet spot a entry level spot.
There is no correct number or real great number I can give of total coaches when it comes to racial diversity or a standard pat answer for that question , just that in todays recruiting world of college football at the highest level, and big time athletics it does matter to some kids the racial diversity makeup of the coaching staff. I have spoken with kids on the high school level, especially minority kids that suggest it does matter beacuse many of the staffs of local high schools they play for are not that diverse.
To say the Minnesota staff isn't overly diverse is just a personal observation, but a large part of that is the longevity of the coaching staff in working together and the length of time they have worked together tenure wise for the entire current group, there is not a lot of turnover on this staff so openings are never that common to fill. It bears no role in how the current staff relates to people or there ability to coach the game of football.
I did not mean to open up a can of worms and suggest that coach Kill should only consider race in hiring, that isn't my point, my sole point is kids like people they can relate to and some times race and cultural background does play a role in that issue, should it factor in, for a perfect world no, but we all know that isn't reality. To deny that it is a factor in recruiting and relating to players would be somewhat disengenuous.

I know it is a generalization and that to most people it doesn't matter, in fact to most people "race" doesn't really matter especially to younger generations that have grown up with more diversity, but in todays age to kids that play the game of football there are kids this would apply to and to say otherwise would be naive. I wouldn't even begin to suggest it matters on a technical or skill level for coaching, it has nothing to do with techincal ability or skill level, but when it comes to relationship building, background, sometimes even sales of coming to your school I suggest it does happen, and it does matter.
Ultimately, Coaching abilities, experience and ability to work with the other coaches matters most. The head coach in this case coach Kill is the best judge on who will ultimately fit the staff and bring what he is looking for.

Tyron Carter was a great Gopher football player, I have no idea if he would make a good coach even with 10 years of NFL playing experience. He would have a passion for the Gophers but lacks experience to jump in a spot like the linebackers coach at the Big 10 level. Some people they take a shot and they click and are good at it so there is that unknown factor.


Maybe Bill Miller leaving is a loud statement that JK is here to stay. I'd assume Bill M would have had a shot at HC here at the U if JK walked away due to health concerns. my take away is that JK is planning on reworking MN for the length of the contract.

I wonder if Tim Tibesar would have any interest. He is a midwestern guy that has tons of experience coaching LB's at the college, CFL and NFL levels with a bit of DC experience mixed in as well. I hope someone with his experience is the kind of candidate we would attract.

Maybe Bill Miller leaving is a loud statement that JK is here to stay. I'd assume Bill M would have had a shot at HC here at the U if JK walked away due to health concerns. my take away is that JK is planning on reworking MN for the length of the contract.

Not sure if Miller would have gotten a look as a head coach or not but I don't think his departure has anything to do with Kill's status. He is a journeyman who rarely stays in one place for any length of time.

As for Kill it seems clear that the health problems are not going to force him to step down and outside of that of course he plans on staying here for the duration of his contract because at this moment he doesn't have any better options. If he gets to the point where he wins enough that the helmet school start calling and he turns them down then we can start banging the "Kill is here to stay" drum. Until that point we are the best option he has, so it is a no brainer that he has no intention of leaving anytime soon.

Maybe Bill Miller leaving is a loud statement that JK is here to stay. I'd assume Bill M would have had a shot at HC here at the U if JK walked away due to health concerns. my take away is that JK is planning on reworking MN for the length of the contract.

Or maybe it's an indication that being a coach at FSU is more desirable/glamorous than being a coach at Minnesota. That's hardly a slight against us when they just won the National Championship and are a consensus 'helmet school' to use one of the phrases employed around here.

Oftentimes the most likely explanation is also the easiest.

Or maybe it's an indication that being a coach at FSU is more desirable/glamorous than being a coach at Minnesota. That's hardly a slight against us when they just won the National Championship and are a consensus 'helmet school' to use one of the phrases employed around here.

Oftentimes the most likely explanation is also the easiest.

lemme see if i have this straight. not being the head coach at FSU is a better job than being the HC at the U. ummmm

lemme see if i have this straight. not being the head coach at FSU is a better job than being the HC at the U. ummmm

Bill Miller had/has no shot of being the head coach here. Give it up.

how do/did you know this? i'll hang up and listen.

Coaching Experience
2011: Minnesota - Assistant Head Coach/Linebackers
2009: Kansas - Linebackers/Co-Defensive Coordinator
2008: Louisville - Linebackers
2007: Western Michigan - Defensive Coordinator
2005-06: Arizona - Defensive Coordinator
2003-04: Florida - Associate Head Coach/Linebackers
1999-02: Michigan State - Defensive Coordinator
1995-98: Miami (Fla.) - Defensive Coordinator
1989-94: Oklahoma State - Defensive Coordinator
1986-88: Minnesota - Defensive Backs
1983-85: Nevada - Defensive Coordinator
1981-82: Drake - Defensive Backs
1979-80: Oklahoma State - Graduate Assistant
1978: Texas-Arlington - Graduate Assistant

Obviously there is going to be no direct way to answer your question but look at his bio above. If he was going to be a head coach it would have happened during that stretch when he was a DC at some pretty high profile places. It seems pretty clear he is not someone that has head coaching aspirations given that he has been coaching for 36 years and never risen above the role of DC or associate head coach.

how do/did you know this? i'll hang up and listen.

Oct. 10, 2013

Minnesota Director of Athletics Norwood Teague announced today that head football coach Jerry Kill is continuing to take time to focus on his treatment and better manage his Epilepsy.

As he has done in previous situations, defensive coordinator Tracy Claeys will serve as the acting head coach when Kill is away. Claeys is in his 19th year as a member of Kill's staff.

lemme see if i have this straight. not being the head coach at FSU is a better job than being the HC at the U. ummmm

I don't recall ever saying that was the case but you've done an admirable job of pulling some random theory out of the blue then holding it up against all of our posts as some sort of rational hurdle we have to jump over.

What I said was being the LB coach at FSU is a better job than being LB coach at Minnesota. I guess you can disagree with me on that point if you want but anything else is garbage that you're making up in your mind to shed some optimistic light on Kill's health situation as if it needed it further. Don't get sarcastic with me when your initial post was stupid.

Rational GH Poster: Bill Murray has no shot of being the head coach here?

wait!what?: How do/did you know this? I'll hang up and listen.

But because we never definitely hear that isn't/wasn't the case we're somehow behind the eight-ball according to him.

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