Fire Ben Johnson

Members of the local media are already declaring that he's earned another year. Imagine once he beats Northwestern and Penn State.
Cool....means absolutely nothing.....lose a couple games and the same local media people saying he has earned another year today will be saying it is time for a change.

Cool....means absolutely nothing.....lose a couple games and the same local media people saying he has earned another year today will be saying it is time for a change.
I feel like if they beat wisconsin that would save his job it its around 8 wins or more

Members of the local media are already declaring that he's earned another year. Imagine once he beats Northwestern and Penn State.
Then they’ll fit In purrfectly 😻 in my 4 more years thread🥸

First 4 minutes of podcast is relevant to this thread. Link

THIS is why Johnson should have been fired long ago. Idiots are going to keep his sorry ass another year.
"They didn't give up!!" As if that's somehow something to hang your hat on, rather than something that should be expected.
You deserve to continue wallowing in the mud, but I hate that you idiots--who claim to be Gopher fans--cause this shit and then lament innocently, all while dragging the program down to laughing stock status.

THIS is why Johnson should have been fired long ago. Idiots are going to keep his sorry ass another year.
"They didn't give up!!" As if that's somehow something to hang your hat on, rather than something that should be expected.
You deserve to continue wallowing in the mud, but I hate that you idiots--who claim to be Gopher fans--cause this shit and then lament innocently, all while dragging the program down to laughing stock status.
Thanks for enlightening me/ us to the fact that we get to be part of the decision making process regarding Ben's future.

To borrow from 311, your hostility may be misdirected


THIS is why Johnson should have been fired long ago. Idiots are going to keep his sorry ass another year.
"They didn't give up!!" As if that's somehow something to hang your hat on, rather than something that should be expected.
You deserve to continue wallowing in the mud, but I hate that you idiots--who claim to be Gopher fans--cause this shit and then lament innocently, all while dragging the program down to laughing stock status.
It must be the liquor talking.

It must be the liquor talking.
My bartender, who I used to have after hour sessions with until 5-7 am on Sunday mornings, used to play this on the jukebox as he was closing up shop, but he was a fun lovin’ Irishman, so we mostly laughed, instead of raged.


THIS is why Johnson should have been fired long ago. Idiots are going to keep his sorry ass another year.
"They didn't give up!!" As if that's somehow something to hang your hat on, rather than something that should be expected.
You deserve to continue wallowing in the mud, but I hate that you idiots--
Them Double AA taught me this one -

The Serenity Prayer​

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

who claim to be Gopher fans--cause this shit and then lament innocently, all while dragging the program down to laughing stock status.

Then I must be that genius, since I mentioned that in the post?

1) which sport brings in more money?

2) which sport has more players?

Again, not rocket science. Football drives the bus. College and pro football are the two most popular sports in America. How many regular season college basketball games could sell out 100k seat arenas? (How many could fo it multiple times, multiple teams against even crap opponents) How many could sell tens of thousands of tickets to Midnight Madness like some schools do for the Spring Game? (Midnight Madness was free when I went to the U in 1998 and it still didn't fill Williams though it was awesome Biz Markee was there!) Even at schools that suck, football is the Athletic Department of P5 schools. (And midmajor football as well) Hell I would bet even at Uconn that is the case...and they aren't even in a conference anymore I don't think.
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The fact that Ohio State has more road games in future years due to the expansion of the BIG and the longer BIG schedule means that year over year Ohio State will not have as much game revenue for football. The loss is substantial. Due to that loss, their incentive to stay in this current BIG conference schedule is not in their financial interest. In fact, it is not in any of the BIG schools' interest to continue with more BIG games as opposed to more non-conference games.
I don't know who you were prior to this name, but it was definitely someone I blocked for terrible takes. Good lord I hope these posts are in jest...
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I can't speak for anyone else, but there will be no joy on my part...there will, however, be relief and maybe hope. I say maybe because these four years have damaged the program so, perhaps irreparably. I want to believe there's a way to dig the program out of the hole it's dug itself into, but I don't know.

For various reasons--including some that are perhaps unknown or unclear--this is a tough place to build a program and win. Let's admit that. The empirical evidence is all that one needs to see. But nothing is a lost cause. This is an extraordinary challenge, requiring extraordinary measures and an extraordinary new coach to come in and get things going in the right direction. Whoever it is, they had better be extraordinary, because anything less won't do it.
If teams that haven't made the tournament in decades (or ever!) can repair the damage so can we.

why not? he signed a 5 year deal. I doubt UMN has a bunch of great coaches awaiting the opportunity
Because coaching out the contact isn't a thing. If he stays we will give him an extension. What will be different a year from now aside from another "gritty hard fighting" 6-14 team built in the transfer portal?

Because coaching out the contact isn't a thing. If he stays we will give him an extension. What will be different a year from now aside from another "gritty hard fighting" 6-14 team built in the transfer portal?
In the past having a coach with less than 4 years left on their contract was unheard of.

In the current Portal climate, I'm not sure that's relevant anymore.At least it shouldn't be.

Because coaching out the contact isn't a thing. If he stays we will give him an extension. What will be different a year from now aside from another "gritty hard fighting" 6-14 team built in the transfer portal?
Excuse me, some of us like @Spaulding!No! have a fetish for -
"gritty hard fighting" 6-14 team built in the transfer portal🥳 - so no fetish shaming in this 🕳️ please 🤠

In the past having a coach with less than 4 years left on their contract was unheard of.

In the current Portal climate, I'm not sure that's relevant anymore.At least it shouldn't be.
I agree it's changed some. But the odds he would coach out next season without an extension of at least one year are low.

Ok,this is post #716 of the FBJ marathon. It’s time to come up with an answer. But how?

I propose a game between the Johnson coached Gophers and a team coached by someone who is a long time, experienced coach highly regarded in the profession. Someone who is a wet dream of all the Ben must go crowd.

The contest would be a one game winner takes all. It would settle once and for all whether Johnson is indeed a college basketball coach, or someone who was simply a DEI hire and should instead be an assistant at Cherry High School.

What? You mean the game has already been played? I haven’t seen much on here at all from the FBJ crowd? What happened? Who won? 🤔

Ok,this is post #716 of the FBJ marathon. It’s time to come up with an answer. But how?

I propose a game between the Johnson coached Gophers and a team coached by someone who is a long time, experienced coach highly regarded in the profession. Someone who is a wet dream of all the Ben must go crowd.

The contest would be a one game winner takes all. It would settle once and for all whether Johnson is indeed a college basketball coach, or someone who was simply a DEI hire and should instead be an assistant at Cherry High School.

What? You mean the game has already been played? I haven’t seen much on here at all from the FBJ crowd? What happened? Who won? 🤔
I want Ben Johnson to be fired, but after reading your condescending post, I have completely changed my mind. 2027!

I want Ben Johnson to be fired, but after reading your condescending post, I have completely changed my mind. 2027!
Condescending? Maybe tongue in cheek? But not any worse than a poster above who wanted Ben fired NOW so there was no danger of the team winnnig enough games for him to keep his job. Funny if he is such a terrible coach, that should be the least of his worries.

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