The poor attendance in the student section is clearly an issue - but complaining about it does little to help. Also, keep in mind, the students that post on GH are the diehards, so that's not exactly the crowd we're all looking to get through.
This is a student's university - and I have always thought they should come 1st. With that being said, it's clear that this system isn't working - the lower bowl wasn't even full yesterday. I propose a few things (that I think I may have posted, but I honestly can't remember)
1. Let students purchase a guest ticket. That's what they've always been able to do, and I feel it was a lot more full at the hideous Dome, that it has been at The Bank. Let's be honest - I don't really think there are 10,000 hard core students that go to the U. However, there are probably 6000 with dedicated friends that would LOVE to be able to attend.
2. Do a ticket exchange. Nothing super complicated (we all know the U doesn't like things that cost money, or time), just have an exchange at Mariucci. Let kids bring in tickets they can't use until Thursday at 5pm. Give them a voucher in return for that ticket. On Friday, let the public come and purchase the unused tickets. As far as the voucher goes, for the games you can't go to - if there are available seats on the Friday, you can get an extra ticket for a different game. That would be if there were seats to be had - the voucher would not be a guarantee, 1st come, 1st serve.
3. Oversell the crap out of the student section - like 4-5000 seats. I'm not sure if this would every be possible, or even within fire codes, but it seems like this would fill it up.
4. Put a points system in process - like some schools do. I've never been a huge fan of this, because it does take a lot of time and effort, and I really don't think people should have to have a doctor's note to miss games - but they could do it. For every game you get to, you get so many points, and as games go on, the ones with the highest point totals get to fill in the lower bowl. It can be as complicated as getting points for going to pep rallies, bringing signs in, etc. But that would require an organized student section to keep up - and that's a LOT to keep track of. This would be my last suggestion, but any kind of rewards system would be nice to reward the students that are always there.