
Apr 27, 2009
Reaction score
New stadium. Empty seats. Baffling.


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what do you want them to sit in them seat for ??????? give people something to watch and they will fill them losing to a 2-6 team and a rookie qb ?

Deer hunting opener has something to do with it too.

I like how everyone thinks a new stadium is just suppose to flock fans to see a sh*tty team. :p

The weren't good in the Dome, they aren't good at TCF.

I am here right now and it s pathetic. Wtf students?

that picture of the student section is disgusting, it's a perfect saturday afternoon, and the entire upper deck is damn near empty. ughh

If this team continues to play at this level, you are just whitnessing the beginning of an onslaught. If poor play continues, this stadium will be lucky if it's half full.

pretty sure this is after halftime, when we were down 21...i lot of dumb fans do leave in what seems like a blowout...lucky for me, i got to stand in the 3rd row after halftime so yay for me

Ok here is my 2 cents with the students...I am not a student and didnt go to school at the U but here is my opinion...If you are a senior at the U you have been going there for 4+ years and if i wanted to watch a game i had to go to the crappy dome and watch average teams at best. Those students are not going to have the attachment like they should at this point. The freshman that are there now, hopefully will feel like it is more their team and will support the team more. Thus creating more of a tradition of attending games for all the upcoming students that will attend the U. You cant change the culture of all the students overnight. This is not an excuse, its just the way it is. And yes, losing to inferior teams

Establish a winning tradition and the fans will come.

I can't believe the biggest concern of some people after the crapfest we put on the field today is an empty student section.

Why don't we save ourselves the work and just keep this thread in a sticky at the top of the page? That way, we won't have to relive this idiotic 5-page back-and-forth every week.

What is the reason that the seats are empty? This is the first game all season the Gophers lost that they were favored to win. So what is the excuse?

I say we delete 4,000 seats from the student section next season and put up for FULL PRICE to the general public.
I personally think the students have wayyyyytooo good of seats. They should be up by the visitors section BEHIND the big scoreboard. Pathetic Pathetic Pathetic.
It's actually more of an advantage driving towards the student section for opposing teams than it is going towards the open end of the stadium.

And students please stop kinkin the keys when we are kicking off. Get original.

And students please stop kinkin the keys when we are kicking off. Get original.

If you're such a fan of originality, please go back to one of the 10 previous threads that are identical to this one and post your ideas (which have been posted 50 times before) on the 'original' our students/fans suck thread.

I bought tickets at the game and it was next to impossible to get a non-student ticket today. The adults show up, but didn't we put TCF on campus to energize the student body and bring a real collegiate atmosphere here?

Hey Red Poo,
Why then are you trolling this thread?
Why do you have red poo? I bet I know why.

In most collegiate stadiums, even the ones housing really really bad teams, the fan attitude is not that the program will only "deserve" a packed house when they are winning consistently... the attitude is that "we will pack this place every home game because its Saturday and its our team".

But of course, this is Minnesota, and people will only offer their allegiance when they feel that they are getting something significant in return.

Are you kidding? This is Big Ten football, not JUCO ball kid. The days of 'I pay tuition' went the days of Bobby Bell.
Good luck getting tickets once you graduate. You better take advantage when you can actually afford and attain tickets. Stop taking things for granted.

If you think talking down to students makes you seem superior to everyone then congratulations, at least you think people on a message board will listen to you. And what does JUCO ball have to do with anything? Your argument is a complete non sequitur.

I'm not talking down to anyone. I just know the student section hasn't been 50% full for any game since Wisconsin and that was only 75% full. I just realize that 10,000 student tickets isn't going to work.
I enjoy a good student section but I detest an empty student section 10 times more. Let's just solve the problem next year.

It just looks really bad...we have the second largest university in the big ten.

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