Coach Fleck's To Do List----#1. Get Antoine Winfield Sr.'s phone number!!!!

Yep. He's a creepy dude around everyone (per a player). And he wasn't the guy in bed texting his girlfriend. He was in the "train" line cheering, and sent some awful texts. He gone and good riddance.

Distasteful, but should he be punished more than the folks in the bed? is the female a student?

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I hope he sticks around, he's a heckuva football player. If he's not 100% in though (and I don't know how he could be), it's probably best that he look around.

Let the truth be told in the appeal process. If his heart is still with the program after clearing the appeals, I'd welcome him back.

He can row the boat instead...

Let the truth be told in the appeal process. If his heart is still with the program after clearing the appeals, I'd welcome him back.

I think that's what he was worried about, whether you would welcome him back!

Last report was the appeals went to a provost as per process.

I mean it is possible that a brave provost (with the cover of Kailer) widdles things down.... maybe as per someone's plan....

I think you're mistaken. The students have not yet had their hearings. It's the Campus Committee on Student Behavior that's responsible for that step in the process. Those will occur some time after Spring Semester at the U begins. And decisions of those hearing panels' decisions can be appealed to the Provost.

Exactly right! You don't know either. So why do so many on the board seem to think they know that someone completely non-involved is being punished? I don't buy it. If the investigating body found enough there to warrant a punishment, then so be it. They know more than I do about it. If they did make a mistake, it will be worked out in the appeals process. And if he truly did nothing, then he should go through that process to get his name cleared and get that satisfaction.

At this point it is pretty hard to have your name fully cleared even if one of them really did nothing wrong. There will be people who will continue to call them the 10 rapists.

As I said in another thread, the "Gopher 10" - fairly or unfairly - have become the literal symbol of the "failed culture" that Fleck was brought in here to change. (according to Coyle and Kaler)

None of them will ever play FB for the U of MN again - unless the appeals process ends with one or more players receiving a complete exoneration of all charges/penalties. Barring some statement that player "x" is absolved of all responsibility for the events of Sept 2nd, I don't see any way they come back.

My gut tells me that 4 or 5 will be expelled, and at least 4 or 5 more will get 1-year suspensions. Maybe one gets by with a shorter suspension, but that's it. Coyle and Kaler have a vested interest in making sure none of the players ever wear a Gopher jersey again - and I suspect they will get their way.

He's likely gone anyways, so its moot. But yeah, I don't think its the best idea to have a guy with the reputation that he does around girls stay around this program. I prefer to have more guys like Durr, Couglin, Gaelin representing the program. Great players will be here in due time under Fleck. No need to lower character standards to get, or in this case, keep a 'good' player.

Meh. If he's not doing anything illegal, I don't care if he's a dog to women. It seems weird to me that anyone would.

At this point it is pretty hard to have your name fully cleared even if one of them really did nothing wrong. There will be people who will continue to call them the 10 rapists.
Agree. I think they all leave. I think they all win settlements

Screw you, Pal. I guess we think that report was just completely made up and they just randomly picked people to throw under the bus. Really? Truly? If it's a case of mistaken identity or whatever, fine. Then Jr. should have had no negative fallout. The truth will work out in the appeals process. But... anyone who was near the scene that night should have been punished including the girl.

BTW, your racist comment? Pathetic.

Wolitarsky's dad should have broken his foot off in that kid's rear end too. Just for being the spokesman of the idiotic boycott.

I wish I lived in a world where I believed the truth would come out in this appeals process. That is incredibly naive.

As to your last point, that is remarkably creepy. So you want to punish the girl? I'm assuming you think it is consensual then? (You wouldn't want to punish a victim of sexual assault). So you want to punish people for engaging in consensual sex? That's creepy as hell. This point ALSO doesn't jive with your other point. . . you think she should be punished? That means the appeals process will exonerate all of them? Or are you advocating the punishment of a victim of sexual assault?

Exactly right! You don't know either. So why do so many on the board seem to think they know that someone completely non-involved is being punished? I don't buy it. If the investigating body found enough there to warrant a punishment, then so be it. They know more than I do about it. If they did make a mistake, it will be worked out in the appeals process. And if he truly did nothing, then he should go through that process to get his name cleared and get that satisfaction.

Well, unless CC is lying - there is someone uninvolved being punished. CC doesn't have nearly the agenda as the EOAA so let's keep that in mind too. I don't know what is true, but your ignorance in that any of these 10 could ever "clear their name" or get "satisfaction" at this point shows what is wrong with society today. You are what is wrong with the World.

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As I said in another thread, the "Gopher 10" - fairly or unfairly - have become the literal symbol of the "failed culture" that Fleck was brought in here to change. (according to Coyle and Kaler)

None of them will ever play FB for the U of MN again - unless the appeals process ends with one or more players receiving a complete exoneration of all charges/penalties. Barring some statement that player "x" is absolved of all responsibility for the events of Sept 2nd, I don't see any way they come back.

My gut tells me that 4 or 5 will be expelled, and at least 4 or 5 more will get 1-year suspensions. Maybe one gets by with a shorter suspension, but that's it. Coyle and Kaler have a vested interest in making sure none of the players ever wear a Gopher jersey again - and I suspect they will get their way.

And if it does shake out this way, millions will be paid in lawsuits. And I'm fine with that. Branding someone a rapist who is not? Pay the Piper.

And if it does shake out this way, millions will be paid in lawsuits. And I'm fine with that. Branding someone a rapist who is not? Pay the Piper.
Agree. I think Kaler has dug himself a litigation grave I this whole deal.

Meh. If he's not doing anything illegal, I don't care if he's a dog to women. It seems weird to me that anyone would.

And that is why we have a code of conduct...because many people do care....and those who don't have consequences. It isn't about consent....

Well, unless CC is lying - there is someone uninvolved being punished. CC doesn't have nearly the agenda as the EOAA so let's keep that in mind too. I don't know what is true, but your ignorance in that any of these 10 could ever "clear their name" or get "satisfaction" at this point shows what is wrong with society today. You are what is wrong with the World.

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Now that's just precious. 9 (or 10) of our players, plus a recruit are involved in a drunken g-bang at 3:00 a.m. Waiting in a line. The same group (and maybe more) have this text group called the "Empire" where they are referring to women in terms that nobody would think remotely acceptable. They take steps to cover up said g-bang after the fact. School takes action, makes disciplanary decisions. Players boycott with the stance that "our teammates did not get due process." Players (through attorney, and at least in one case a parent), threaten to sue the school for the mess that they created in the first place.

And somehow I am the problem with the world? Yeah. Seems right.

Now that's just precious. 9 (or 10) of our players, plus a recruit are involved in a drunken g-bang at 3:00 a.m. Waiting in a line. The same group (and maybe more) have this text group called the "Empire" where they are referring to women in terms that nobody would think remotely acceptable. They take steps to cover up said g-bang after the fact. School takes action, makes disciplanary decisions. Players boycott with the stance that "our teammates did not get due process." Players (through attorney, and at least in one case a parent), threaten to sue the school for the mess that they created in the first place.

And somehow I am the problem with the world? Yeah. Seems right.


And that is why we have a code of conduct...because many people do care....and those who don't have consequences. It isn't about consent....

You're a weird one.

Now that's just precious. 9 (or 10) of our players, plus a recruit are involved in a drunken g-bang at 3:00 a.m. Waiting in a line. The same group (and maybe more) have this text group called the "Empire" where they are referring to women in terms that nobody would think remotely acceptable. They take steps to cover up said g-bang after the fact. School takes action, makes disciplanary decisions. Players boycott with the stance that "our teammates did not get due process." Players (through attorney, and at least in one case a parent), threaten to sue the school for the mess that they created in the first place.

And somehow I am the problem with the world? Yeah. Seems right.

Yeah, you are.

There are two scenarios, it's either consensual or not.

If consensual - - You wanted to punish people for the kind of consensual sex that they enjoy. That's weird, fascist and creepy.

If it was non-consensual - - You wanted punish the victim of sexual assault. That's the most vile thing I could imagine.

The fact that you want to regulate how 18 year old's text to each other and the kind of consensual sex people can have just shows how despotic and egotistical you are.

Yes, you are truly what is wrong with the world.

He might care that his son was blindly pulled into a botched investigation and his son's picture has been under several headlines essentially calling him a rapist.

Some parents would care if that happened to their child even after their child turned the magical age of 18.

The link below might help flesh out some of the logic:

Meh. If he's not doing anything illegal, I don't care if he's a dog to women. It seems weird to me that anyone would.

Seems like you are all over the place on this one.

I think you're mistaken. The students have not yet had their hearings. It's the Campus Committee on Student Behavior that's responsible for that step in the process. Those will occur some time after Spring Semester at the U begins. And decisions of those hearing panels' decisions can be appealed to the Provost.

It has to go to committee A, then committee B, then some mysterious person leaks it out to the press so that they make sure there won't be a huge backlash or make sure there is a backlash if it serves their needs. The the president and ad consult and make their decisions.

Oh shoot , I forgot about the committee C meeting, the lawyers consultations and the meeting with the board. Let's see if they can figure it out before summer break.

I think fleck will tell winfield to find another school either way.

Now that's just precious. 9 (or 10) of our players, plus a recruit are involved in a drunken g-bang at 3:00 a.m. Waiting in a line. The same group (and maybe more) have this text group called the "Empire" where they are referring to women in terms that nobody would think remotely acceptable. They take steps to cover up said g-bang after the fact. School takes action, makes disciplanary decisions. Players boycott with the stance that "our teammates did not get due process." Players (through attorney, and at least in one case a parent), threaten to sue the school for the mess that they created in the first place.

And somehow I am the problem with the world? Yeah. Seems right.

Get a clue, it is completely about consent. I think you might want to brush up on the EOAA and who and what its stated directives cover. Petty sure it is OK with any kind of consensual sex.

The same group (and maybe more) have this text group called the "Empire" where they are referring to women in terms that nobody would think remotely acceptable.

If you would go to the Twitter accounts of college and high school students, you would be surprised how many (females included) refer to hoes and bitches. And not just athletes.

Get a clue, it is completely about consent. I think you might want to brush up on the EOAA and who and what its stated directives cover. Petty sure it is OK with any kind of consensual sex.

To me something seems wrong when we have to regulate sex. We should know what is and isn't rape. I went back to college in my late 40s. That was 9 years ago. If all the restrictions on sex that were taught were followed sex would cease to occur. No alcohol by either party. Seriously!!! Getting approval for each and every part of foreplay. Is it OK if I kiss you now? Is it OK if I unbutton your shirt? If it OK if I unsnap your bra? Is it OK for me to touch your breast. So romantic and sexy. Finally is it OK for me to place my penis in your vagina. Once again need affirmation by both parties. Now I read the affirmed consent ruling and both parties not only have to be in agreement that it's OK, but both parties have to be in enthusiastic agreement. Most of the time my wife wants sex I am in enthusiastic agreement, but, there are some cases where my wife wants sex and I'm kind of tired and not really in the mood. I will usually still take care of her desire because I love her and it will make her happy and in the end I don't regret it. Still I'm not enthusiastic about it every time. I don't think she should be considered a rapist on those occasions.

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