Can we give the man a DAMN RAISE?????

Just like PJ has shown so many people to be wrong about whether or not he can win any big games, he will also show them wrong about him potentially hopping ship anytime soon. You'd think some people would want to enjoy that the Gophers just went 11-2 and have a coach who has a vast range of values beyond the football field.

Get a grip. Enjoy what just happened over the last almost 4+ months, don't cheat yourself. We've certainly been waiting for this for long enough.

Every single SEC school has Fleck on their radar. Even if it's only what-if-Saban-dies. Every one.

Put it this way: I live in a neighborhood where everyone is a millionaire or (much) more. Money does not suggest personal merit - I know that, trust me I know. But it means my friends occupy positions whereby they know what is being said, in many cases because they are the main ones doing the saying.

Let's get this done. Enough of MN being a mediocre institution.
Sounds like you and your friends should donate the money to pay PJ.

I saw a bunch of Miss State fans on Twitter saying they wanted PJ, and only a few had the self-awareness to realize that it was a fantasy. Still, it shows the delusion of SEC fans that they think one of the hottest college coaches would leave an 11-2 P5 team at a better school in a better city with a better history just for a few extra bucks and the honor of coaching a currently and historically irrelevant SEC program.

If PJ wants to jump to a blue blood program for the prestige/money/whatever, we can’t stop him. Just have to pay the man and hope he wants to build Minnesota into a powerhouse.

Posts like this always crack me up. If team X/Y/Z comes calling he's gone. Nevermind the fact that Fleck constantly talks about his great relationship with Mark Coyle or his desire to build a program with stability the way Iowa and Wisconsin have.

If Fleck was looking to jump ship he wouldn't have signed the extension and would have left after this season because his stock may never be higher then it is right now.

He has a great thing going at Minnesota. He is in a winnable division, has already shown he can get the team into CFP discussion, has an AD he likes, and a school that has fully bought into his Row the Boat Culture. Some people need to stop assuming it is just about money and actually listen to what Fleck is saying. He stepped into a gold mine here, and if he can build upon the success of this past season he will be a legend at the U of M. That opportunity is not available everywhere and much harder to obtain at the helmet schools.
He signed the extentsion but the buyout is nothing for a big school. Schools i see that he could possibly leave for are michigan, ohio state, notre dame. Currently none of them are expected to have a new coach. These schools have national brands ,recruit the best players and are historic. If you think he wont consider a big name school you are CRAZY. I think signing a contract extension helps with recruiting aswell because he can sell to kids he will be there in their 4 years.

I saw a bunch of Miss State fans on Twitter saying they wanted PJ, and only a few had the self-awareness to realize that it was a fantasy. Still, it shows the delusion of SEC fans that they think one of the hottest college coaches would leave an 11-2 P5 team at a better school in a better city with a better history just for a few extra bucks and the honor of coaching a currently and historically irrelevant SEC program.

If PJ wants to jump to a blue blood program for the prestige/money/whatever, we can’t stop him. Just have to pay the man and hope he wants to build Minnesota into a powerhouse.
He did jump to a blue blood and he’s getting paid. End of story?

#1 - UMn is a final destination school for ALL it's sports. Check Hk, VB, Wr, BB, even Bsbll.
#2 - Fleck is currently King of Minnesota right now, and will be until he has a letdown season.
#3 - Starting over always sucks, esp if new job has more pressure to succeed.
#4 - UMn's the highest final destination school this Era, that would like/accept the whole RTB thing.
#5- Fleck has totally transformed the Gopher FB program, why screw up a good thing?
images (2).jpeg

All great points. He just signed his extension. Privately finance it then because the administration is not going to approve it with the debt we already carry. Big boosters at other schools kick in more than gets done here.

I'd say pay him whatever it takes, within some semblance of reason. He's a Winner.

As enjoyable as this thread has been in all seriousness it’s probably likely PJF should receive another healthy raise and a larger buyout in 2020 negotiations. The reality is buyouts of successful coaches reach absurd levels for a reason. Malzahn for example was at $27M as of 12-1-19. Chryst is at $15M.

Coach buyouts as of 12-1-19

Big Ten media distributions have increased almost $15M in the last 3 years and are projected to slow but still increase another 10M per year by 2030. I’m sure the department would like to spread that money around to the tennis coaches, hire more bull**** job positions etc but the football program pays the majority of the bills and is free advertising for the school. As notoriety grows sponsorships can be renegotiated, merchandising, perhaps even gate revenue(!) grows in a virtuous cycle.

As most understand sometimes you have to spend a little money to make money.

The only questions are is PJF the guy and does he really want to stay? I’d say yes and yes based on everything that has transpired and said.

He signed the extentsion but the buyout is nothing for a big school. Schools i see that he could possibly leave for are michigan, ohio state, notre dame. Currently none of them are expected to have a new coach. These schools have national brands ,recruit the best players and are historic. If you think he wont consider a big name school you are CRAZY. I think signing a contract extension helps with recruiting aswell because he can sell to kids he will be there in their 4 years.

People seem to approach the 'Buyout Clause' as a price sticker at a garage sale. It isn't.

It is the price for the coach or the school to willingly void the contract.

As long as Coach Fleck and The U are happy with each other the buyout could be $1 or $10,000,000,000 and it would be irrelevant. Fleck is happy, the school is happy, end of story.

If Whatsmatta U decides to offer Fleck a 10 million dollar contract, they are going to do so. If Fleck is happy, who cares?

Agree. 1000000% agree. To add to that, I live down in Florida and have friends in several SEC and ACC athletic departments. They unanimously tell me that they are looking at PJ's salary, the MN tradition/brand and THEY SMELL BLOOD.


These posts of yours are a joke, right? Or is it that you don't actually know that we just gave him a new contract with a lot more money?

As enjoyable as this thread has been in all seriousness it’s probably likely PJF should receive another healthy raise and a larger buyout in 2020 negotiations. The reality is buyouts of successful coaches reach absurd levels for a reason. Malzahn for example was at $27M as of 12-1-19. Chryst is at $15M.

Coach buyouts as of 12-1-19

Big Ten media distributions have increased almost $15M in the last 3 years and are projected to slow but still increase another 10M per year by 2030. I’m sure the department would like to spread that money around to the tennis coaches, hire more bull**** job positions etc but the football program pays the majority of the bills and is free advertising for the school. As notoriety grows sponsorships can be renegotiated, merchandising, perhaps even gate revenue(!) grows in a virtuous cycle.

As most understand sometimes you have to spend a little money to make money.

The only questions are is PJF the guy and does he really want to stay? I’d say yes and yes based on everything that has transpired and said.

Per your comments above. A recent article by Walt Williams points out that Cal Berkley now has 173 people in the "Deversity Department", 94 at Michigan. Over half of these employees make over $100,000 each. All in an area that did not exist in excellent universities 20 years ago. Indeed, Walt points out that there are now more than twice as many administrators at the average American university as there are teachers.

There needs to be a healthy balance of compensation vs achievement and market value. Nobody likes to be taken for granted or “underpaid” vs market. Some of you seem to think we can go back to 2.5M a year because he’s happy here? Spend the savings on new carpet and blinds?

Yeah, it’s gross. But that’s the entertainment biz. Earnings are astronomical .

slow down, sparky.
Why slow down?
We have literally given hundreds of millions away to every pro sports team in the state. Why can’t we give the most important person to the state university’s most important sports team an extra million or two?

Per your comments above. A recent article by Walt Williams points out that Cal Berkley now has 173 people in the "Deversity Department", 94 at Michigan. Over half of these employees make over $100,000 each. All in an area that did not exist in excellent universities 20 years ago. Indeed, Walt points out that there are now more than twice as many administrators at the average American university as there are teachers.

Exactly. Tip of the iceberg - and students whine about tuition rising faster than inflation. Why? ?

This was an issue years ago and it’s only skyrocketed due to various mandates and self imposed flagellations, locked in costs.

Ive been saying for years. Sign PJ Fleck to 15 year contract. Give him a blank check and let him fill it out.

To be fair Its easy to say this as it isn't my money
Actually it kind of is your money, and I am guessing you find it money well spent. We could give him $10 million a year, and it would be a a drop in the bucket compared to what we give the Pohlads and Wolfs.

Since we're talkin' money.....

This is certainly a complicated question........ but do we have any kind of idea on what the positive financial impact was on the football program/university this past season?

Simply put, how much more money did we make this year (compared to the past) because of our level of success?

Actually it kind of is your money, and I am guessing you find it money well spent. We could give him $10 million a year, and it would be a a drop in the bucket compared to what we give the Pohlads and Wolfs.
Who is this "we" you are writing about? Is it we the public taxpayers? If so, you are in error. The Athletic Department has a huge budget based on sport revenues and TV money. That is it. The taxpayers pay PJ and all our coaches essentially nothing.

Since we're talkin' money.....

This is certainly a complicated question........ but do we have any kind of idea on what the positive financial impact was on the football program/university this past season?

Simply put, how much more money did we make this year (compared to the past) because of our level of success?

It is very, very complicated and hugely opaque. For example, the year that Northwestern had its greatest success it was later reported that total donations to the university trust fund went up by several multiples over the average year. So, as an economist by trainning, I would say the answer to your question will only become somewhat clearer over the next few years and in bits and pieces. But, surely the image and public consciousness of the U has been hugely increased.

Yeah, Minnesota is also one of the only places in America where insiders would rat out a coach for cheating and where the admin for decades acted like it would rather get rid of football, AND where the local press cared far more about the pro teams, and seem to enjoy ragging on the college team.

So we find us a coach who not only seems to know how to win the close games, but can also keep his players out of trouble and making good grades, yeah, a statue wouldn't be a bad idea, and Purdue's coach is getting 6 mil, so why not Fleck?
You have an issue with “ratting out” a coach complicit with committing academic fraud?

this team goes 6-6 next year some of you same ‘pay him’ guys will be screaming for him to be fired.

this team goes 6-6 next year some of you same ‘pay him’ guys will be screaming for him to be fired.

Exactly. Expectations are everything to most, so called, fans. Everything. The very fans who did not expect us to be as good as 8-4 this season and are now estatic, will be crushed by 8-4 next year. Just look at Auburn fans as an example.

Universities should structure part of the compensation to be based on ticket sales -- the more money the program generates the greater the total compensation that goes to the coaches. Lessens the risk for the university, and increases the reward for a successful coach.

You have an issue with “ratting out” a coach complicit with committing academic fraud?
Do you ever visit the basketball board here? There are many, many fans who not only fondly remember the "Final Four," but celebrate it and call for the U to hang the banners back up. I get made fun of for daring to have integrity and calling out the massive academic scandal for what it was, a major black eye on this university.

You have an issue with “ratting out” a coach complicit with committing academic fraud?

No, I don't have an issue with it. Just expressing that because most here in Minnesota are of that attitude, it differentiates us from other areas/regions of the nation where people are more apt to cover for their coaches and players when they know they are doing funny sh1t. So that means when someone like Fleck comes along, someone that seems to foster an environment that does NOT encourage cheating, but instead promotes personal responsibility and getting good grades, etc., we need to make sure and do all we can to keep him around.

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