Can we give the man a DAMN RAISE?????

Yup, you are right on the salary, and I am wrong. A too-quick Google search on Fleck's salary only pulled up his old salary. I do believe he is underpaid by at least 10%. I was also a little disappointed in how low his buyout was and how quickly the buyout is reduced. $10 million would definitely cushion the blow of Fleck leaving but it isn't too big to keep a lot of schools away. Our biggest advantage is that it appears Fleck is not shopping around and wants to stay here, but we are one more disappointing Michigan or Notre Dame season away from having a very nerve-racking off-season. I want Fleck to have a salary that doesn't make those jobs seem that much more enticing and a buyout that makes those schools interview people a little farther down their list.
Michigan? Look, there is something wrong with Michigan if an ex-player, the highly-touted NFL coach, comes back to coach the team and can't succeed at a higher level than they are currently at. I could see Fleck going somewhere where the weather is great at an enormous salary bump. Other than that, if the U treats him as good as they are already treating him, what more could a guy really want?

He signed the extentsion but the buyout is nothing for a big school. Schools i see that he could possibly leave for are michigan, ohio state, notre dame. Currently none of them are expected to have a new coach. These schools have national brands ,recruit the best players and are historic. If you think he wont consider a big name school you are CRAZY. I think signing a contract extension helps with recruiting aswell because he can sell to kids he will be there in their 4 years.
The thing about those who get reputations as school-jumpers works adversely as well, from the factor of trust. Better not to get that reputation.

Exactly. Expectations are everything to most, so called, fans. Everything. The very fans who did not expect us to be as good as 8-4 this season and are now estatic, will be crushed by 8-4 next year. Just look at Auburn fans as an example.
I dare say that few Gopher football fans would frown too strongly at an 8-win season, even there would be some disappointment. But on that subject, we do know when to revere our own. Clem was revered back in the day. He had many seasons that one might deem "disappointing". That never stopped the reverence. If PJ has even one or two more good seasons here, I'd say he could reach that level of long-term, undying respect.

Per your comments above. A recent article by Walt Williams points out that Cal Berkley now has 173 people in the "Deversity Department", 94 at Michigan. Over half of these employees make over $100,000 each. All in an area that did not exist in excellent universities 20 years ago. Indeed, Walt points out that there are now more than twice as many administrators at the average American university as there are teachers.
That just makes me want to puke. No wonder kids can't afford school! If diversity (or lack thereof) is that bad then just set a number of students and have a couple of people work with admissions to pick the best qualified candidates. It's not that hard.

Do you ever visit the basketball board here? There are many, many fans who not only fondly remember the "Final Four," but celebrate it and call for the U to hang the banners back up. I get made fun of for daring to have integrity and calling out the massive academic scandal for what it was, a major black eye on this university.
Here's the deal. It is a black eye. But fair is fair, and if every other P5 school gets away with shenanigans like that, sometimes less, sometimes worse, and they don't get penalized, that's where we Gopher fans get pissed off. We can accept the punishment for punishable deeds. We cannot accept that others are not treated the same.

If we give him more money....can we require he hire Coconut Shrimp as a coach?

Here's the deal. It is a black eye. But fair is fair, and if every other P5 school gets away with shenanigans like that, sometimes less, sometimes worse, and they don't get penalized, that's where we Gopher fans get pissed off. We can accept the punishment for punishable deeds. We cannot accept that others are not treated the same.
So we were treated unfairly?

Here's the deal. It is a black eye. But fair is fair, and if every other P5 school gets away with shenanigans like that, sometimes less, sometimes worse, and they don't get penalized, that's where we Gopher fans get pissed off. We can accept the punishment for punishable deeds. We cannot accept that others are not treated the same.
We have no control over how others are treated. Will you not punish our criminals because California does not punish theirs? How about your children? Your employees who steal? Etc. Our coach and player cheated, thus, we cheated as a program. End of story.

So we were treated unfairly?
Treated by the rules, yes. Have those rules been enforced with equal vigor against all schools? Probably not.

Right now, it’s the Mississippi State fans demanding they make a run for Fleck.
Good grief. Get the paper bag out before you hyperventilate. Literally zero chance of that happening. He hit a bunch of incentives in addition to the $1M raise, so he's doing fine.

Treated by the rules, yes. Have those rules been enforced with equal vigor against all schools? Probably not.
I don’t really have a lot of sympathy for us tho because of that. We got what we deserved. Whether others did or not is a different topic completely, IMO.

Ed Ogeron makes $4 million. Take a couple deep breaths.

Good grief. Get the paper bag out before you hyperventilate. Literally zero chance of that happening. He hit a bunch of incentives in addition to the $1M raise, so he's doing fine.

Hyperventilate? Is that the impression you got from my comment? C’mon! No chance in hell he goes there!

PJ Fleck is going nowhere. He is very happy here. He enjoys the four seasons; his wife enjoys shopping at Kowalski’s Market and the Galleria, and with the Vikings in town PJ is assured his football program will always be dominant.


Dude, every SEC fanbase wants him, and they’re all delusional enough to think they have a chance. That’s the point I was making last night. It’s actually entertaining to read the tweets.

Dude, every SEC fanbase wants him, and they’re all delusional enough to think they have a chance. That’s the point I was making last night. It’s actually entertaining to read the tweets.
Every SEC fanbase you say.

Dude, every SEC fanbase wants him, and they’re all delusional enough to think they have a chance. That’s the point I was making last night. It’s actually entertaining to read the tweets.
I see. Thanks for the humor.

My pleasure. Just to be crystal clear, I’m the guy who doesn’t think he’s going anywhere anytime soon.
And that thinks every SEC team's fanbase wants to remove their coach and bring PJ in. You are that guy too.

And that thinks every SEC team's fanbase wants to remove their coach and bring PJ in. You are that guy too.

If Saban retires tomorrow, Fleck’s name is one that the Alabama fanbase will repeatedly bring up. Same thing with LSU. Neither of those things are likely to happen, but they won’t be there forever. BTW, the LSU fanbase hasn’t exactly been in love with their coach over the past few years. They like him at the moment for obvious reasons.

If Saban retires tomorrow, Fleck’s name is one that the Alabama fanbase will repeatedly bring up. Same thing with LSU. Neither of those things are likely to happen, but they won’t be there forever. BTW, the LSU fanbase hasn’t exactly been in love with their coach over the past few years. They like him at the moment for obvious reasons.

Now now, you’ve got to scale SEC delusion appropriately. Bama fans will want Dabo Swinney and LSU fans will want Urban Meyer.

So we were treated unfairly?
Compared to other situations that have received much less or nothing (UNC in particular), then yes. Punishments for misdeeds should be scaled appropriately. For example,, for what the Gophers got, UNC’s sports programs should have been shut down. Instead, they got zilch.

Compared to other situations that have received much less or nothing (UNC in particular), then yes. Punishments for misdeeds should be scaled appropriately. For example,, for what the Gophers got, UNC’s sports programs should have been shut down. Instead, they got zilch.
Sure - but was the problem that we got too much or that UNC didn't get enough? This whole debate sounds a bit like my 14-year old upset she was punished more than her friends were.

This has gone on far past silly now. Correct me if (for once?) I am wrong on the following. Should some other program make an offer to our much loved coach, our excellent AD would then have the opportunity to make a counter offer. Fleck would then accept or decline either offer. Thus, should Southern Illinois offer $1 billion per year, we would then have the chance to offer more, if we wanted. So is it not fair to infer that the big increase we have just given our much beloved coach has already shown our level of appreciation for what he has done and, AND shown a clear intention to offer more in whatever future transpires?

This has gone on far past silly now. Correct me if (for once?) I am wrong on the following. Should some other program make an offer to our much loved coach, our excellent AD would then have the opportunity to make a counter offer. Fleck would then accept or decline either offer. Thus, should Southern Illinois offer $1 billion per year, we would then have the chance to offer more, if we wanted. So is it not fair to infer that the big increase we have just given our much beloved coach has already shown our level of appreciation for what he has done and, AND shown a clear intention to offer more in whatever future transpires?
So this is what Fleck did before leaving WMU?

Sure - but was the problem that we got too much or that UNC didn't get enough? This whole debate sounds a bit like my 14-year old upset she was punished more than her friends were.
The problem, as I said earlier, is that others get nothing. If they get nothing, then it’s pretty hard to argue that the Gophers deserved the punishment they got. If the Gophers’ punishment was to set an example, that wasn’t the case. instead it ended up being “only them”.

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