For out of state fans like myself, or those that missed it this is the interview being discussed:
Those who see them don't need them pointed out, and those that ask to have them pointed out aren't likely to be satisfied that what is laid out is truely a miracle or in this case an improvement.
In sports, are there really any true "journalists" ? I have said many times, and will repeat, that I get paid, albeit at the time not much, to mostly give my opinions, whether it used to be on KFAN, or at times on AM 1500 or CH 9, or on a few websites. I back up plenty of my went down the Rivals road, not me, so no reason in that regard to pull up every players' offer list.
Never said you didn't put effort into your takes ... heck, you're one of the better thought-out posters on here ... just was challenging you on your defensive assertions.
Hard to constantly name sources. When I posted the Wynn information yesterday, had the Tempe police spokesperson on the record, so when applicable, will always cite on the record sources.
Chris (assuming this is you) -- You know I greatly respect your opinions, especially with the unique insight you have ... on Hageman, say that he has done a great job in practice one-on-one vs. the O-linemen and has made strides in the weight room, which he did say, but to bring his name up in the same sentence as Suh is not necessary.
Doogie, members of the media should not be offering up opinions if they don't have at least a rudimentary knowledge of what they are talking about. Particularly when they pass those opinions off has knowledge based.
In an earlier post you citicized the gophers for playing their safties and corners too far off the ball.
If you understood schemes and why they run those schemes you would not have made THAT criticism. This is not difficult stuff, you scheme to cover weaknesses, accent strengths and/or stop what the offense or defense is doing on a particular play. I do not think it is unreasonable to expect paid professionals (not nessarilytalking about you) to have high a level of understanding about what they do for a living. Sports media folk have access to coaches and players why don't they LEARN something from these people by asking questions and retaining that knowledge?![]()
Much like most of the garbage you spew!!!![]()
What the hell does this even mean? 'Fair' is open to interpretation. Yours is not the same as someone else's.
If someone thinks that Brewster sucks, they have no obligation whatsoever so state the alternate case. Its an opinion.
Chris -- You know me well enough ... you don't think that I haven't talked to informed people, do you? Those who have watched enough Gophers football and have a background in the game have made that assertion with me .. wondering why your son is playing so far off the line, although way more the case with Kyle ... also wondering why your son is not a CB ... they bring up the Ill. game in particular ... agree or disagree that Kim should be moved to CB?
Chris (assuming this is you) -- You know I greatly respect your opinions, especially with the unique insight you have ... on Hageman, say that he has done a great job in practice one-on-one vs. the O-linemen and has made strides in the weight room, which he did say, but to bring his name up in the same sentence as Suh is not necessary.
That's a pretty weak cop out.Everything you write.
Other highlights: Brewster said "Our team has improved each year." ... if you count being one of the seven worst FBS offenses (120 teams total) as improvement, so be it.
And on Hageman, he said he could have a Suh-like impact ... that would make him a Heisman candidate ... I say let's wait and see him take a snap at DE first. He is a heck of an athlete, but we've never seen him take a college snap at DE ... why not just say that he looks the part in practice, but gameday performance is a mystery.
Remove the outlier of penalties in the MSU game and they decreased from the 1st half to the 2nd half, 7 vs 4.7, keep the MSU outlier and they still decreased from 7 to 6, if I remember my calculations. Texas Tech was one of the most penalized teams in the nation 118 of 120 teams, I guess Leach will be a non-starter for Doogie as a coaching replacement, oh wait...
Leach's positives outweigh his negatives on the field ... I have no idea what kind of person he is to deal with, but the guy can coach, penalties included.
Leach's positives outweigh his negatives on the field ...
I hope this hire Leach is just a joke; the man may be able to coach, but how he treats players seems to be very questionable as more and more info comes out on this topic.
A better and even more pertinent question may be where would the money come to hire him? Boosters came up with a LOT of money for TCF and despite denials, probably wrote some checks to the General Fund to help pay-off Mason.
Can and would they come up with a couple of million more for Leach?
The real question is our perception that Leach can coach just has valuable as the perception around the nation that Brewster / Mason could.
I remember hearing time and time again that Mason was doing an outstanding job and was doing a tremendous job at Minnesota.
The next question is why are penalties a topic that is brought up a bunch when dealing with Brewster, but when reports are linked that schools like Florida and Texas have high penalties, in addition why are penalties for Leach so easily dismissed considering that the reason Leach was fired had to do with treatment of players. Aren't penalties a reflection of a coach... or maybe not when you use dots...
Wrong. I don't wish Doogie any harm.Arguing with Doogie is like arguing with your mother-in-law.
Sorry it took me a few hours.
Leach: He is one of only a few coaches to never have a LOSING season.
3 wins in the last 5 years vs. Okla, including 41-13 this season. A perfect 10 for 10 against Baylor, 7 for 10 against Texas A&M and 6 for 10 against Oklahoma State.
9-win seasons in 2002, 2005, and 2007 and an 11-win season in 2008 ... TT LED the nation in passing four straight years ... all-time best coach in TT postseason history.
Will search some more.