Bielema's wedding registry.....

When burt was putting on his tux for prom, she was probably getting her diaper changed. That is creepy.

You suggest that bret enima actually got a date for the prom?...... That's a bit of a compliment. Think he was able to pay someone then as he is clearly now?

You suggest that bret enima actually got a date for the prom?...... That's a bit of a compliment. Think he was able to pay someone then as he is clearly now?
He went with his mom.

Badger2010 said:
<img src=""/>

Could be worse :eek:
That was uncalled for and shows no class Badger2010.

Mathematically, younger men should always marry older women. Case in point...26 goes into 42 more that 42 goes into 26.

Plus, older women don't yell, they don't tell, they don't swell, and they're grateful as hell.

There you have it.

I doubt he scraps the pro set for the Badgers, but he'll be running the spread at home.

As much as I can't stand Bielema, any guy his age marrying (or dating) someone that young and attractive should be applauded (insert polite clap here), not ridiculed, even though the marriage (for her) clearly is not about looks and personality. It's all about $$$$$$$ & fame/stature.

As much as I can't stand Bielema, any guy his age marrying (or dating) someone that young and attractive should be applauded (insert polite clap here), not ridiculed, even though the marriage (for her) clearly is not about looks and personality. It's all about $$$$$$$ & fame/stature.

Ya, SS. I can hear her bragging now. "I'm Butt's wife!"

Can you imagine being bert's father in law and know he is sleeping with your daughter? YUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you imagine being bert's father in law and know he is sleeping with your daughter? YUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just sleeping would be fine, it is the other stuff going on with Butt that would make a father in law go YUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The woman is well over 21. She can do as she pleases. Rat2010 should be ashamed of herself. Coaches' wives have a tough job. Good luck to them.

I'm sorry, but I don't buy the part about her now knowing who he was for months. That's just normal conversation to ask what someone does when you meet them. And unless she's the only girl in America that doesn't do this - you always google a guy you're dating or going to start dating.

Honestly, I could care less about the age difference, better than than co-eds he's hit on. I just hope for her sake he's given up his bachelor ways.

Here's another pic.

Thans for link. Just sent him a scale from "ski-u-mah"

She's feelin' him up!

What a joke. If he was an average, overweight, 40 something Joe working at the Oscar Meyer plant in Madison would she still have an interest? I think not. She is a shallow gold digger and he is a tool to think she would have any interest in showing him how the tight end works within the spread offense without 4 million dead presidents in his bank account which she will soon own half of. She will get his money and He is too dumb to see it coming. Just a high priced call girl.

I'll let Bill Self know he has some competition.

I don't think he's losing any sleep over if we were talking Josh Pastner, that's competition ;)

What a joke. If he was an average, overweight, 40 something Joe working at the Oscar Meyer plant in Madison would she still have an interest? I think not. She is a shallow gold digger and he is a tool to think she would have any interest in showing him how the tight end works within the spread offense without 4 million dead presidents in his bank account which she will soon own half of. She will get his money and He is too dumb to see it coming. Just a high priced call girl.

That's just the way things go. Basically, any guy that makes good money can get a girl much more attractive than him, and a lot younger. I see it everyday, doesn't just happen as a college football coach. Most women just want to marry money, and most men just want to marry someone hot. It's not idea, but it's reality.

Mathematically, younger men should always marry older women.

Plus, older women don't yell, they don't tell, they don't swell, and they're grateful as hell.
There you have it.

Dr. Don KNOWS of what he speaks!! For you younger gentlemen on the board (and I use that term loosely), save yourself a lot of time and grief and get yourself a woman 6-8 years older than you. You'll live a much longer and happier life.

What a joke. If he was an average, overweight, 40 something Joe working at the Oscar Meyer plant in Madison would she still have an interest? I think not. She is a shallow gold digger and he is a tool to think she would have any interest in showing him how the tight end works within the spread offense without 4 million dead presidents in his bank account which she will soon own half of. She will get his money and He is too dumb to see it coming. Just a high priced call girl.
There's some disturbing posts in this thread, including this one. You've never met this woman before, yet you're calling her a 'shallow gold digger' and a 'high priced call girl'? I hate Bret Bielema as much as the next guy, but the immaturity and lack of taste in this thread is an embarrassment to all Gopher fans. The ridiculous presumptions people have made about this woman they've never met are pathetic and even hateful.
As someone pointed out earlier, any 42 year old man should be applauded for marrying a 26 year old woman, at the least certainly not ripped for it. Only a small and immature person would have an issue with the age difference.

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