Bielema's wedding registry.....

This what Enema's soon-to-be wife looks like:



Poor quality, but you get the idea. It's amazing how money will deteriorate a woman's eyesight, taste, and sophistication.

I could also say a few choice words about a 38-year-old man who beds, dates, and later marries a 23-year-old woman, but I won't.

I don't care if it's "Tell me about the Rabbits, George" Bielema or Kris Humphries and that tart that played him for a fool, if I'm making a fairly comfortable living, I'm not taking out the little scanner and zapping a bunch of flatware. I'd ask my guests to make a donation to a charity of their choice in lieu of buying me and my bride gifts.

She looks young enough to be his daughter. Does her elevator go all the way to the top?

This what Enema's soon-to-be wife looks like:



Poor quality, but you get the idea. It's amazing how money will deteriorate a woman's eyesight, taste, and sophistication.

I could also say a few choice words about a 38-year-old man who beds, dates, and later marries a 23-year-old woman, but I won't.

Not to nitpick, but do you honestly have an issue with the age difference? I don't see what the big deal is. Props to him actually.

Not to nitpick, but do you honestly have an issue with the age difference? I don't see what the big deal is. Props to him actually.

It is in violation of the "Creepy Index". I believe she is 26 (now).

The creepy index states that it is just creepy to date someone (much less marry them) is they are younger than 1/2 your age + 7.

Burt BigEnema is 42.

42 / 2 = 21

21 + 7 = 28


The method fails if you are under 14, but it pretty much holds true, as a rule of thumb.

How? Why? What are you doing here, Frank Abagnale Jr.?

Hahaha just having fun. I actually like coach Kill. His wife is a wonderful woman. Let's not hate on a man for outkicking his coverage though, like coach B clearly did. Coach Kill always has said his number one recruit was his wife.

He's 42 and she's 26. Anyone who has a problem with that needs to get a life.

At least he will have something nice to go home to after he loses on 10/20/2012

Matt, I'm just glad somebody is thinking on my perverted wavelength.

I'd stick it anywhere that 26-year-old cheese lovin' skank would let me.

He's 42 and she's 26. Anyone who has a problem with that needs to get a life.
Sorry, as a 19 year old I would find it weird that someone is going out with a man twice her age. When she was 16 and a sophomore in HS he was 32/33! Sorry, that's weird to me.

Sorry, as a 19 year old I would find it weird that someone is going out with a man twice her age. When she was 16 and a sophomore in HS he was 32/33! Sorry, that's weird to me.

When burt was putting on his tux for prom, she was probably getting her diaper changed. That is creepy.

Nice to see that BadgerBlower2010 is still defending the crown on an opposing fan blog. Makes America's shores safe. What a tool.

Nice to see that BadgerBlower2010 is still defending the crown on an opposing fan blog. Makes America's shores safe. What a tool.

Why would you even go to view that? Nothing personal, I just don't understand it. Meh...maybe curiosity will draw me some day, just not soon.

The man is immature he is showing us where his maturity is at 42.

I heard he already received a sausage platter from Chadima.

as kanye west said: "we want pre-nup, we want pre-nup!".

either way, this chick is gone within 3 years. although i am sure she would like to leave him in 3 years with a good chunk of butt bielema and wisconsin's money. a 16 year difference?! what a dirt bag. as someone else said, when bielema was jerking off with his sophomore buddies in high school, this chick was having her ass wiped by mommy and daddy. sorry, but the huge difference in age is just weird and nothing but creepy on bielema's part.

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