But you still haven't moved. You're still sitting there like we're in rainbow-and-unicorn land, when we clearly are not
You forgot the puppy

, you meanie!!
The honking is the demand for action.
If you think complaining on an anonymous chat board is a call to action, I’ll bet you a fiver that your sock drawer is still unorganized, let alone your unders
If you are just sitting there with your feelings,
then you are not displaying a sense of urgency in your actions. This is sports and in sports results matter, not feelings.
I’m so glad that sports play such an integral part on your life and matter soooooooooo much, that you feel the need to try and insult and demean me. I was the same way when I was a younger man, before maturation allowed me to view it as entertainment and amusement, much like your postings
Your ridiculous "we heard you the first time" defense is the aloof, disingenuous and self-absorbed response
You forgot smug, Sir Troll
From someone who is out of their depth
You won’t throw me a life preserver

, will U
and unwilling to get out of the way thanks to their overinflated sense of self-importance.
I’m not impressive or important at all, but my best friend is, and he and I both love you

, it’s okay you can love yourself too
You are the "get out of the way" in the "lead, follow or get out of the way" leadership model. Impeding leadership is not leadership.
Who knew I had such power???
Hint: Mark Coyle is not my name, but I have forwarded your NIL to the U, and subsequently you will be banished from all Gopher athletic events; the Internet


have spoken.
Its not that hard to understand that winning is the bottom line and the rest is shenanigans.
I knew you were a bottom line, kind of macho man; so sexy.
A few parting thoughts, as this encounter reminded me why I ignored you previously-
Some people are adroit enough to comprehend that supporting the players and coach is because you are a fan of the team and in being a dedicated fan means rooting for them even when they aren’t playing their best; any chuckle head can be positive, when they’re good, but looking for the positivity when they’re not is an admirable quality, not a disdainful one.
I’m a few birthdays shy of 60 and sports has slowly become less important to me over the last decade, during my belated maturation process. I’ve also had significant life changes/challenges over the last several years, which have lead to a broader perspective.
You may or may not have had significant challenges in your life to this point, but someday you will if you’re blessed to live long enough, as none of us get to stay - “Young, dumb and full of rum,” till the end.
As for me, I’m going to keep a smiling mug on my face and be positive regardless if a W or an L, through good or bad times. I have the freedom to live and post the way I want to, just as you do as well; if I offend you so deeply, you can ignore me or not read my posts- simple, see. I’m on record as saying if we don’t make the NIT this year, then he should be fired. I don’t see the value to my mental or physical well being in complaining incessantly about it until the season is over - if you do, good for you. That’s not my choice and last time I checked, I have one.
Have a great day, unless you’ve made other plans