Barker Transfering?!?!

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I have to wonder if Parski has something to do with this whole situation.:rolleyes:

He sounds like a real joy to have around....

My high school coach looked me in the eye and told me I'm a Division 3 player.... Yeah, is that so?.... #WatchThis

Everyone is out to get A.J. Barker.

He sounds like a real joy to have around....

My high school coach looked me in the eye and told me I'm a Division 3 player.... Yeah, is that so?.... #WatchThis

Poetic justice would see the kid end up at St. Thomas next year. Hard to see a D-I team taking on a headcase like this

Most of us would have gotten to word 2,000, taken a break, calmed down, and said, "screw it. This is a monumentally stupid idea". Why did that not happen here?

Bingo. I've been pissed at times and written a rant in response to something. The difference is I will actually read what I said before hitting "send" and recognize I'm not doing myself any favors if I respond in such a childish manner.

I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt to the people closest to him and believe that they had no idea he was going to write this and put it on the internet... because if his parents or anybody else close to him knew he was going to do this, then their judgment is extremely poor as well. If they knew, they should have been wise enough to explain to him why it is a bad decision to handle it that way

Bingo. I've been pissed at times and written a rant in response to something. The difference is I will actually read what I said before hitting "send" and recognize I'm not doing myself any favors if I respond in such a childish manner.

I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt to the people closest to him and believe that they had no idea he was going to write this and put it on the internet... because if his parents or anybody else close to him knew he was going to do this, then their judgment is extremely poor as well.

Patton Oswalt joke that makes this point; really funny, NSFW. Relevant material starts at 2:30

Not surprisingly, since there is not one iota of scientific evidence that it works, acupuncture clearly wasn't the answer. That stood out to me in the rant.

Wait, I missed that. He tried woo medicine to get healthy? This all makes sense now.

As a Southern Illinois Saluki basketball fan, (yes, I've only been a Gopher fan for 2 years because of Coach Kill) I've watched plenty of players leave a program who were upset with the coach, and this one takes the cake. I have so much I would like to say, but I'll keep it simple. The Gophers will be fine. Best of luck with your future Mr. Barker. Please get the help you need. Beat the hell out of the Spartans!

If you were an employer, would you hire someone like this?
If you were an employer, you also couldn't personally degrade someone either, or threaten them with repercussions if they didn't work hurt.


A.J. am a big fan of your abilities ... what you did for the Gophers when you played and it is too bad things didn't work out. However, the one word and the one button you should have used was DELETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't question the things Barker claimed Coach Kill said to him... but what we don't know is what Barker was saying back. If Barker was just being passive, then I could see where Barker was coming from. But I don't think that's the case here. Barker's rant makes it seem like he is beyond the football team. As if he's the best player on the team, and as if he deserves to be treated that way. I'm sure it started innocently enough, where Kill just wanted to push Barker a little, and Barker took exception and probably bombed back. Then I could see why Kill responded the way Barker said he did. This Barker is not a humble kid. Good riddance. Oh.. and stop dropping balls and assisting in interceptions for the other team. Thanks!

Horrible situation all the way around. If AJ felt the best situation for him was to transfer - then fine. I support him 100%. Have a meeting with Teague & Kill and your parents and express your concerns at that time. But to write this letter and make it public was just a horrible mistake. This does nothing but hurt his ex-teammates - the same guys he quit on. Hard to respect someone like that.

Would love to hear Coach Kill's side - but I doubt we ever do. If there is an issue with the training staff (and the thought has definitely gone through my mind with all the injuries that we have this year) then that needs to be looked at.

We should be excited about an upcoming bowl game, and here we are - more drama for this program. Will it ever end?

If you were an employer, you also couldn't personally degrade someone either, or threaten them with repercussions if they didn't work hurt.

Sweet. I can do a piss poor job and call in sick day after day with no consequences.

Referring to the praise of his mother's friend is absolutely priceless.
He sounds like a troubled young man in need of a psychiatric evaluation.

Doogie if you are reading this can you please ask AJ to expand a bit more on his mothers best friend?

How fast can @ajbarker82 be unfollowed by all followers on Twitter??

This seems like a clinical case of Minnesota passive aggressiveness boiling over.

Most people on here are going to naturally say whatever they can to discredit Barker, including questioning his sanity, because it would otherwise shatter the image that they have of Kill (that he has certainly helped to create). Such is the nature of fandom, and it's pretty ugly, frankly.

This is still only one side of the story, and who knows what Kill will say, but I've been suspicious about the scholarship walk-on program for a while. Kill has repeatedly deflected questions about scholarships for Barker (and others) which is a really, REALLY bad idea.

Headcase or otherwise, Barker was clearly our best offensive player this year, and should have been guaranteed a scholarship next year no matter what.
??/ Kill is a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#bag. Barker wasn't on scholarship? Fire that fvvk

He may have a legitimate grievance. I don't think very many people who post on here are close enough to the situation to know if he does. However, he has done himself a major disservice with his tweets and long, rambling missive to Coach Kill. He made himself sound like a lunatic. I think he'd have a lot more people taking him seriously had he written something that didn't do major harm to his credibility.

I'm very interested to see what program takes him. I would imagine most coaches would take a look at the situation and say no thanks.

he caught 2 passes prior to this year, why would he be on scholarship?

He may have a legitimate grievance. I don't think very many people who post on here are close enough to the situation to know if he does. However, he has done himself a major disservice with his tweets and long, rambling missive to Coach Kill. He made himself sound like a lunatic. I think he'd have a lot more people taking him seriously had he written something that didn't do major harm to his credibility.

I'm very interested to see what program takes him. I would imagine most coaches would take a look at the situation and say no thanks.

Kill sounds like the lunatic. Get rid of his a$$

he caught 2 passes prior to this year, why would he be on scholarship?
He wants one next year, which he should. His presentation of this letter publicly was a bad move in my opinion, but so are those belittling this guy because they're so anxious about protecting the reputation of the head coach. Kill has the larger mic and audience, it will be interesting to see what he says.

??/ Kill is a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#bag. Barker wasn't on scholarship? Fire that fvvk

Barker had 2 career catches coming into the year. That sound like a scholarship player to you? Stay classy though...

This is a troubling development to say the least. Absent the personal concerns this is unnecessary drama for a team with enough on its plate going into the game versus Michigan State. If everything that Barker says is true and not embellished (gut feeling that's a big IF), then Kill and co. will have some questions to answer.

Calling a kid a "faggot" is a massive no-no. I've been around sports long enough to know that a lot of derogatory language can be thrown around but in this day and age that stuff won't fly, especially if legal action is possible. The faith stuff is interesting to say the least, if Goldy the Gopher can get suspended for kneeling to mock a player praying, directly degrading someone on a religious basis too will probably draw a strong reaction as well.

That being said, Barker's letter was a horrendous decision on his part, he has absolutely nothing to gain by airing dirty laundry like this. I can understand his frustration about not being offered a scholarship if that was the main crux of the issue, but to make this public and cast this light on it will only hurt him if his goal is really to play high level football next year. This couldn't have turned out worse for all parties involved.

On an aside, if I wanted a study guide for a freshmen level psychology class I'd print out his letter and use it. How many definitions are you going to try and write out in a letter to a football coach?! Regardless of the situation Barker sounds like he has some personal and school issues to work out, and quite a bit of hubris too boot. He'll end up regretting putting this letter on the internet, even if it is within his right to do.

Enjoy Winona or St. Johns for your senior football A.J., if they'll even have you.

Kill sounds like the lunatic. Get rid of his a$$

Number one, we're talking about accusations from one person. Coach Kill has not had a chance to respond or defend himself. Taking Barker's words at face value and deciding to fire Coach Kill is a brilliant take.

Number two, if you think AJ Barker's tweets and letter sounded cogent than I don't know what to say.

??/ Kill is a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#bag. Barker wasn't on scholarship? Fire that fvvk

Between this post and your post in the basketball game thread, you are a joke and probably a Badger fan.

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