Barker Transfering?!?!

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Because it's relevant and people will listen?

This isn't Soviet Russia; you don't get to decide what the media covers because you don't like the way it looks.

Russia ? anyone who wants to see his letter can. Give me a break. If every athlete in this country who didn't like his coach and thought he was getting screwed was given media time, there probably could be all crybaby channels 24-7.

yea, who cares what some *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# from pioneer press says.

The kid isn't nuts; he is 100 percent on point. There is a reason why I have been very open with with the fact I don't like the man.....and it runs along these lines.

Mr. Barker is courageous young man whom I would be proud to call son.

I appreciate your contribution to this site and I do think you offer great perspective on a lot of things based on who you are.

That said, every coach isn't for every player. And while I don't doubt you nor Kim nor Barker may not have liked coach Kill, but I personally also consider NFL players calling playing for kill the greatest blessing in their life as meaning something.

Certain basketball players probably hated playing for Tubby, others love him. Some players loved playing for Coach Martin at K-State others didn't. It happens. And just because one player (Barker) didn't like Kill doesn't justify a letter blasting him and makes him look petty and childish. Find a new school keep working hard and move on with your life. Some coaches aren't for everyone.

And quoting your moms best friend is not a good look.

Russia ? anyone who wants to see his letter can. Give me a break. If every athlete in this country who didn't like his coach and thought he was getting screwed was given media time, there probably could be all crybaby channels 24-7.
And if the media wants to give him airtime, they will. If you don't like it, buy your own radio station and air what you want.

The kid has something to say, and a lot of people want to hear it.

Jerry Kill and every other coach, particularly a football coach at this level might hurt your feelings and may be viewed as a manipulator. Where winning is a requirement and the goal, there is no room for cry babies. I would say after 30 plus years of coaching, Jerry Kill has an idea of how to treat and coach young men. I believe when it all shakes out, we will be fine with the kid hitting the road.

Isn't awarding a walk-on scholarship that is done after the football and recruiting season is complete? Barker had only 2 career catches coming into the season so I understand why he wasn't on scholarship this year.
I do find it disconcerting that players are able to self diagnose and treat there own injuries. Something has to be amiss here and it is likely, as others have already pointed out, that perception often does not equal reality.

Based on my experience in sports dealing with injuries and coaches...this is what I heard. Blah, Blah, Blah, I didn't ice my injury like the training staff told me, Blah, Blah, Blah, we lost games we could have won had our best receiver been on the field, blah, blah, blah, Coach Kill is pissed at me and called me out and when I didn't show that I actually cared because I obviously know everything he came harder at me and I just shut down and appeased him rather than listen to his message, blah, blah, blah, he says he loves me but he is just manipulating me, like my ex-girlfriend who just dumped me earlier this week. Yippee...I am fu* cking crazy college kid who got permission from my Mommy & Daddy to try and blow up the program and my Mommy's friend said Jerry is a di* ck!

And if the media wants to give him airtime, they will. If you don't like it, buy your own radio station and air what you want.

The kid has something to say, and a lot of people want to hear it.

This kid will make an arse of himself on the radio. I hope Doogie asks fair, but tough questions.

The kid has something to say, and a lot of people want to hear it.
Does he truly have something to say or is it just more hot air? I had my son read the letter tonight (he's 16) so that he could learn what you don't ever do when leaving a job. This sort of rant never helps anyone involved and you look like an idiot. So in that sense, I'm glad my son read it so he can learn from someone else's mistake what the high road is.

An open letter is not the way to handle this Barker....also, nobody cares what your mom's friend has to say. I'm sure Kill will say little about this.

Based on my experience in sports dealing with injuries and coaches...this is what I heard. Blah, Blah, Blah, I didn't ice my injury like the training staff told me, Blah, Blah, Blah, we lost games we could have won had our best receiver been on the field, blah, blah, blah, Coach Kill is pissed at me and called me out and when I didn't show that I actually cared because I obviously know everything he came harder at me and I just shut down and appeased him rather than listen to his message, blah, blah, blah, he says he loves me but he is just manipulating me, like my ex-girlfriend who just dumped me earlier this week. Yippee...I am fu* cking crazy college kid who got permission from my Mommy & Daddy to try and blow up the program and my Mommy's friend said Jerry is a di* ck!

I like you, that was funny.

if this is true about kill, then its very sad. AJ wouldn't make up a 4000 word lie with such detail in my opinion.

AJ- ndsu needs a WR, go up to fargo and be a champion next year.

hahahaha if he doesn't like being yelled at he won't enjoy it when he has to play Special Teams and Coach Polasek is his coach.

I do find it disconcerting that players are able to self diagnose and treat there own injuries. Something has to be amiss here and it is likely, as others have already pointed out, that perception often does not equal reality.
Not surprisingly, since there is not one iota of scientific evidence that it works, acupuncture clearly wasn't the answer. That stood out to me in the rant.

Does he truly have something to say or is it just more hot air? I had my son read the letter tonight (he's 16) so that he could learn what you don't ever do when leaving a job. This sort of rant never helps anyone involved and you look like an idiot. So in that sense, I'm glad my son read it so he can learn from someone else's mistake what the high road is.
I didn't mean that in terms of substance; I meant that there is literally something that he wants to say, and enough people that want to hear it that it obviously justifies giving it airtime (as if a justification was needed to some guy on a message board).

piffle dragon. you are probably right. I just don't think this guy is writing a 4000 page letter just to mess with a coach.

For Christ's sake, the fact that it is so long and rambling is what caused me to lose any sympathy for him. It points to a lot of immaturity at best and maybe some real issues at worst. That list of qualities toward the end he accuses Kill of? More than a few fit Barker.

Any chance Doogie can get the ex-girlfriend on the radio? Maybe a s surprise guest when interviewing Barker.

Guys, the "girlfriend" is most likely coach kill.

Based on my experience in sports dealing with injuries and coaches...this is what I heard. Blah, Blah, Blah, I didn't ice my injury like the training staff told me, Blah, Blah, Blah, we lost games we could have won had our best receiver been on the field, blah, blah, blah, Coach Kill is pissed at me and called me out and when I didn't show that I actually cared because I obviously know everything he came harder at me and I just shut down and appeased him rather than listen to his message, blah, blah, blah, he says he loves me but he is just manipulating me, like my ex-girlfriend who just dumped me earlier this week. Yippee...I am fu* cking crazy college kid who got permission from my Mommy & Daddy to try and blow up the program and my Mommy's friend said Jerry is a di* ck!

Excellent translation. You speak 'brat' quite well!

I'll obviously have no first hand knowledge of Barker or Kill. However, I WILL say that reading this letter immediately reminded me of a rant that a mentally ill person in my life wrote about family and friends awhile back. The parallels are astounding. Super long, rambling, like the anger had just been stewing in them and was all-consuming, eating them up inside. Everyone that read it was just, "huh?" It was a delusional interpretation of factual events. We were all like, "yes, that happened, but THAT's HOW YOU INTERPRET IT?"

Not saying that's definitely the case here, of course, and if someone makes these allegations, the University should definitely take it seriously and look into it, but there's just something a wee bit 'Unabomber Manifesto-ish' about this letter.

Let's assume everything that Barker says is true for a moment. Nobody in his support circle (not even his mom's friend), is gonna say, "Good point AJ. You should totally write a 4,000 word letter about that and put it on the internet."

Most of us would have gotten to word 2,000, taken a break, calmed down, and said, "screw it. This is a monumentally stupid idea". Why did that not happen here?


Not surprisingly, since there is not one iota of scientific evidence that it works, acupuncture clearly wasn't the answer. That stood out to me in the rant.

His media rant was very ill advised. If you were an employer, would you hire someone like this? I hired scores of college grads and I wouldn't even consider hiring someone with this baggage.

His media rant was very ill advised. If you were an employer, would you hire someone like this? I hired scores of college grads and I wouldn't even consider hiring someone with this baggage.

A media rant is most often I'll advised.

Based on my experience in sports dealing with injuries and coaches...this is what I heard. Blah, Blah, Blah, I didn't ice my injury like the training staff told me, Blah, Blah, Blah, we lost games we could have won had our best receiver been on the field, blah, blah, blah, Coach Kill is pissed at me and called me out and when I didn't show that I actually cared because I obviously know everything he came harder at me and I just shut down and appeased him rather than listen to his message, blah, blah, blah, he says he loves me but he is just manipulating me, like my ex-girlfriend who just dumped me earlier this week. Yippee...I am fu* cking crazy college kid who got permission from my Mommy & Daddy to try and blow up the program and my Mommy's friend said Jerry is a di* ck!

This ^^

For me personally SportsFan24's perspective on this subject means nothing. Coaches aren't always nice and they aren't always your friend. Suck it up, life's tough, not everything is fair. I would never want to hire a kid like this to work for me. Nice first resume he put out to the general public before he even graduates.

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