Barker Transfering?!?!

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Headcase or otherwise, Barker was clearly our best offensive player this year, and should have been guaranteed a scholarship next year no matter what.
Being our best offensive player and having Big Ten Scholarship talent are two different things. I'd rather we spend more time developing McDonald and Harbison next year anyway.

Wow. I can not tell if this kid is a little bit nuts or if something very serious in the football program is going on.

The kid isn't nuts; he is 100 percent on point. There is a reason why I have been very open with with the fact I don't like the man.....and it runs along these lines.

Mr. Barker is courageous young man whom I would be proud to call son.

Why is everyone turning on Barker? Maybe everyones favorite Jerry Kill is the problem.

I think the reason most people are supporting Kill is due to the fact that he has not had any type of issues like this in the past. Most former players speak highly of him. The accusations seem out of place. They way Barker has handled this is not very mature.His reason for not going to Teague(per Doogie's tweet) seems to contradict how he decided to handle the situation.

Our local media is going to have a field day with this, but the only way it truly becomes a problem is if more players start coming forward showing that this is more than just the ranting of an unstable lunatic. What this really reminds me of is the Tyler Hirsch situation in the hockey program.

Our local media is going to have a field day with this, but the only way it truly becomes a problem is if more players start coming forward showing that this is more than just the ranting of an unstable lunatic. What this really reminds me of is the Tyler Hirsch situation in the hockey program.
Local media nothing, this has already hit national.

Why is everyone turning on Barker? Maybe everyones favorite Jerry Kill is the problem.

First answer: Cause Jerry Kill is still with the team and Barker is not.

Second answer: Jerry Kill has been coaching for however many years and not once has something like this even been intimated as a problem of his, while Barker has bashed a coach before.

But in any event, this is not good on both sides. For Kill, it casts more doubts about his program and how things are being handled in it, specifically the injuries. For Barker, simply put, he comes off crazy. And nothing he says from here on out will really change that. That letter was the stuff of people with legitimate issues, beyond just their environment around them.

If I were to put a really uneducated guess as to how this all played out, I think Barker feels like he's proven he's got the chops (and I agree with him) to get that scholarship and be treated like a legitimate "star", so to speak. He's gone out there and shown it on the field that he's been a critical piece to this offense, as it has stalled without him. I think Kill, on the other hand, has seen a player who maybe has been acting a little bit big for his britches, and clearly, Barker has done something to rub him the wrong way since early on. I have to believe it's beyond his religious beliefs, cause Kill has coached thousands of kids and Barker can't be the first kid he's seen with whatever his views are. But whatever it is, Barker did not mesh with him, and this has been brewing for a LONG time, even through all the TD catches.

Unfortunately for Barker, he is very unlikely to win this "battle", as Kill has a long history on his side, while Barker is still a very young man who, as noted, has done this before. Maybe not to this degree, but has done it before. It won't blow over, but I'm guessing Kill will have guys coming out to defend him, but Barker is likely only gonna have his inner circle to fall back on, and that's just not gonna "win" it for him as far as public perception is concerned.

This is just a sad situation.

Mr. Barker is courageous young man whom I would be proud to call son.

I wasn't aware he served in the military. There is nothing courageous about college football. I hope the whole story comes out.

I had no idea was capable of something like this. Kill's a pathetic man.

The kid isn't nuts; he is 100 percent on point. There is a reason why I have been very open with with the fact I don't like the man.....and it runs along these lines.

Mr. Barker is courageous young man whom I would be proud to call son.

Would you be willing to expand or provide some examples? You have hinted at this before, but often times it was vague.

Kill has always said he likes to recruit his type of players. I am not sure what this means, but maybe those that fit into his coaching style?

I'm interested to know what his Mom's other friends think of this...

if this is true about kill, then its very sad. AJ wouldn't make up a 4000 word lie with such detail in my opinion.

AJ- ndsu needs a WR, go up to fargo and be a champion next year.

I wasn't aware he served in the military. There is nothing courageous about college football. I hope the whole story comes out.

Sportsfan just wants to remind everyone that he "knows" Barker and has a far more important viewpoint than any of us because he is oh-so-close to the program. Just like he is best good buds with Brewster and knows all the dark secrets about the Badger football. Having a son in the program made him privy to the juiciest details of college football, and he will never let it go.

Why is Doogie having him on the radio? He has had four thousand words to tell his side. Tabloid journalism? Softball questions, or how about asking him about going off on his high school coach earlier this fall?

if this is true about kill, then its very sad. AJ wouldn't make up a 4000 word lie with such detail in my opinion.

AJ- ndsu needs a WR, go up to fargo and be a champion next year.

Doubt he thinks he's lying. But perceptions can be extremely skewed.

Why is Doogie having him on the radio? He has had four thousand words to tell his side. Tabloid journalism? Softball questions, or how about asking him about going off on his high school coach earlier this fall?

Because it will get listeners, duh. Don't you know how the media works?

No big deal. Most Ph.D's could write a rant letter like this about their advisors being master manipulators.

Barker comes across as a total baby that has thin skin. Coaches are always going to challenge players and call them out if they aren't doing what is expected... that's how it is. If you can't take the heat, then don't play the game. Or go play in a local beer league and just have fun. But you can't expect the coach to treat you with kid gloves in the man's world of big time college sports.

Maybe this kid has been coddled by mom and dad his whole life. I really don't know. But if he thinks life is gonna get any easier for him once he gets away from the cocoon of college, he's in for a rude awakening.

The bigger question I have is the fact nobody close to him had enough common sense to step in and talk him out of publicly embarrassing himself. He comes across as mentally unstable in that letter.

Why is Doogie having him on the radio? He has had four thousand words to tell his side. Tabloid journalism? Softball questions, or how about asking him about going off on his high school coach earlier this fall?
Because it's relevant and people will listen?

This isn't Soviet Russia; you don't get to decide what the media covers because you don't like the way it looks.

Interesting tweet


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piffle dragon. you are probably right. I just don't think this guy is writing a 4000 page letter just to mess with a coach.

Because it's relevant and people will listen?

This isn't Soviet Russia; you don't get to decide what the media covers because you don't like the way it looks.

Some lawyer will likely get a hold of him before he goes on the radio.

Were mom and dad aware of this letter? If so, really?

Would you be willing to expand or provide some examples? You have hinted at this before, but often times it was vague.

Kill has always said he likes to recruit his type of players. I am not sure what this means, but maybe those that fit into his coaching style?
No it means MAC talent.

I don't think he is lying...I just don't think he has a good perspective on the situation. If he is bummed that Coach Kill did not give him a scholie, ok, fine. But Coach Kill has a plan he is going by and has to motivate players to play above their abilities.

Interesting tweet

The whole thing is just flat out strange. But why would people from his high school know about issues he's necessarily having here? It read like he was indicating that he was keeping this stuff to himself but just couldn't hold it in any longer. You just don't see people pop off letters like that out of the blue unless it has been brewing for quite a while.

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