All Things Veritas Losing 7 Defensive Starters Thread

I call bull shit on this claim being a lie. Here are the post

Here you are arguing on this board people only argued six would leave. Some held out hope Winfield might return, but many assumed 7 was most likely since 6 were seniors. The debate is if we can be an improved defense next year, you've argued over and over, no we can't, we're losing 7 starters.

This post above was a thread titled:

Well, by golly, we did end up losing exactly seven guys off the D.

If you didn't think you're opinion was unique, who was this thread direct at? Who was saying 100% we'd only lose six? Why make this thread?

here you are again talking about "your prediction" like your are some sort of savant

Why call out people and brag about your prediction of losing 7 starters if you didn't think people opposed your view on 7 starters leaving?

Perhaps it is my ignorance but I can only get back to my posts on Nov. 6th. Before that date I can not. When I first posted that seven were leaving I thought Drew-Treadway was finished. That was back in October. More than a couple of GH folk said that seven was wrong. Over the following week everyone settled on seven if Winfield left. All along more than a few have said that even losing seven is not a big deal as the replacements will be just as good. I doubt that in the short run for the reasons given. Sorry I can not give the exact quotes, I just can't get back that far as said above. By now the overall view has shifted, I would say. Now it is generally expected that in the early fall we may very well have a weaker D until the new guys get up to speed working together without the veterans. Which was exactly my original predictions that others did not agree with when posted in Oct. and has amazingly, to me, caused such anger in a half a dozen guys.

I will not post on this thread again. Everyone has had their say and your feelings are now hurt. Be well.

There you go again, who said the wheel chair types were a nuisance to me? You did, not me. And what did I say that was like a Nazis at all? Nor did I say anything about school busing, you did, I didn't, you did. All name calling and slander. Again, just something you need to make up to display your anger. Your problem not mine. Why don't you go crying to the ownership group and demand that you have your safe space back? In this modern age that might very well work for you.
It’s called Straw Man arguments, many of a specific political affiliation like to use them. Create statements that you never actually made, draw conclusions on words that you never uttered. It’s very frustrating. I don’t agree with you about the standing situation, I truly think you get too triggered by people using their freedom to stand. I don’t think it helps you to be so offended by drinkers and standers, but then to complain about PC culture and triggering. I agree with you about not being PC though. Really wish people would take words a little less seriously and lighten up. Things aren’t as bad in this world as people pretend they are. It’s okay to joke and we shouldn’t have to tip toe around with our words like we’re in a field of land mines

FWIW, this is absolutely not how diabetes works.
Well it is in a way, but the way he put it is skipping some details. Over eating on a regular basis usually leads to obesity, and obesity greatly contributes to the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. In fact losing weight and getting back to a healthy weight can rid a person of diabetes altogether. He kinda just said “over eating = diabetes”.

We all know you have things to work on as well
I’m sure your parents are proud.

Screen Name (joined date, banned date)
1. bleedgophersucks (8/16, 8/17)
2. BleedGopherOverated (9/1, 9/1)
3. Gopherguy1515 (10/5, 10/5)
4. Bleedsucksuknow (10/10, 10,12)
5. JackRyan (10/13, 10,13)
6. spoofinabitch (10/14, 10/14)
7. Yomomma (10/16, 10/16)
8. Spoofin2.0 (10/20, 10/20)
9. Spoofin3.0 (10/20, 10/20)
10. Yourwhathurts2 (10/22, 11/13)
11. Bleedlikespenis (11/5, 11/9)
12. Stephenfoy (1/5, 1/11)
13. RobertPaulson (1/17, 1/22)
14. GopherGuy20 (1/25, 1/27)
15. GoldenNugz (1/30, 2/3)
16. HeHateMe (2/8, TBD)

Well it is in a way, but the way he put it is skipping some details. Over eating on a regular basis usually leads to obesity, and obesity greatly contributes to the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. In fact losing weight and getting back to a healthy weight can rid a person of diabetes altogether. He kinda just said “over eating = diabetes”.

This is a common misconception. Obesity can trigger insulin resistance and eventual beta cell dysfunction in individuals who have a genetic predisposition to diabetes, but it is not currently believed to "cause" the condition. There are some theories that elevated levels of circulating nonesterified fatty acids may contribute to the beta cell damage, but that is an area of investigation and far from proven.

edit: rereading I see you used the term "increase likelihood of developing type 2"--that is much more appropriate and accurate way to describe the relationship. Leaving the rest up as it's probably the most useful information in this thread.

Lit review on the topic - bolding mine

"Insulin resistance and pancreatic β-cell dysfunction must occur simultaneously for type 2 diabetes to develop. Anyone who is overweight and/or obese has some kind of insulin resistance, but diabetes only develops in those individuals who lack sufficient insulin secretion to match the degree of insulin resistance. "

"Both type 2 diabetes and obesity are associated with insulin resistance. Most obese individuals, despite being insulin resistant, do not develop hyperglycemia. Pancreatic β-cells of the islet of Langerhans release adequate amounts of insulin that are sufficient to overcome insulin level reductions under normal circumstances, thus maintaining normal glucose tolerance. "

"Conversely, in healthy subjects, elevating their blood glucose levels for 20 hours or more has an absolutely inverse action, because it will lead to enhanced β-cell function capacity and improve peripheral insulin uptake. These facts explain that a genetic risk factor is necessary for the occurrence of β-cell function impairment. The progression of time, as well as a pre-existing genetic abnormality in insulin secretion and a subsequently continuous elevation of blood glucose levels, lead to complete β-cell failure."

Perhaps it is my ignorance but I can only get back to my posts on Nov. 6th. Before that date I can not. When I first posted that seven were leaving I thought Drew-Treadway was finished. That was back in October. More than a couple of GH folk said that seven was wrong. Over the following week everyone settled on seven if Winfield left. All along more than a few have said that even losing seven is not a big deal as the replacements will be just as good. I doubt that in the short run for the reasons given. Sorry I can not give the exact quotes, I just can't get back that far as said above. By now the overall view has shifted, I would say. Now it is generally expected that in the early fall we may very well have a weaker D until the new guys get up to speed working together without the veterans. Which was exactly my original predictions that others did not agree with when posted in Oct. and has amazingly, to me, caused such anger in a half a dozen guys.

I will not post on this thread again. Everyone has had their say and your feelings are now hurt. Be well.

I still think the defense will be fine even early on. I don’t fear the offenses we play early and I like the talent.

Well it is in a way, but the way he put it is skipping some details. Over eating on a regular basis usually leads to obesity, and obesity greatly contributes to the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. In fact losing weight and getting back to a healthy weight can rid a person of diabetes altogether. He kinda just said “over eating = diabetes”.

Obesity is also one of the highest risk factors for cancer.

All of that said, occasionally partaking in unhealthy behavior like eating a lot or having a few beers at a football game is not unhealthy. Eating too much pizza with some friends makes you just as much of a diabetic as drinking at a football game makes you a drunk.

Obesity is also one of the highest risk factors for cancer.

All of that said, occasionally partaking in unhealthy behavior like eating a lot or having a few beers at a football game is not unhealthy. Eating too much pizza with some friends makes you just as much of a diabetic as drinking at a football game makes you a drunk.
What happens if you eat too much pizza and drink beer in the same sitting? Asking for a friend.

What happens if you eat too much pizza and drink beer in the same sitting? Asking for a friend.

If you caught a buzz you are a drunk fat diabetic serial killer. Think about it, drunk drivers kill more people every year than serial killers, so even if you drink at home, you're a drunk and you drive sometimes, so you're a drunk driver and you have therefore killed more people than a serial killer. So yeah, you're a diabetic serial killer.

Or think of it this way, those who get drunk at football games are no more likely to be alcoholics than those who eat too much are likely to be diabetics. That makes sense. :rolleyes:

Well it is in a way, but the way he put it is skipping some details. Over eating on a regular basis usually leads to obesity, and obesity greatly contributes to the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. In fact losing weight and getting back to a healthy weight can rid a person of diabetes altogether. He kinda just said “over eating = diabetes”.

You cannot “get rid” of type 2 diabetes. Some people, like me, are able to maintain normal blood sugar levels through diet and exercise, and without medication, but it doesn’t mean we are cured. situation isn’t typical, but I didn’t get diabetes from over eating. I could take the easy way out, but I choose not to. I have to work very hard to manage it without medication, and I have to be very particular about what I eat. I may have to add medication in the future, but I’ll cross that bridge if/when I get there.

If you caught a buzz you are a drunk fat diabetic serial killer. Think about it, drunk drivers kill more people every year than serial killers, so even if you drink at home, you're a drunk and you drive sometimes, so you're a drunk driver and you have therefore killed more people than a serial killer. So yeah, you're a diabetic serial killer.

Along with the earlier counter allegations of being a pro-euthanasia, pro-segregation, Mein Kampf-writing, dog faced pony soldier racist you guys have nearly summarized social communications aka internet ICBM thermonuclear war in 2020.

You cannot “get rid” of type 2 diabetes. Some people, like me, are able to maintain normal blood sugar levels through diet and exercise, and without medication, but it doesn’t mean we are cured. situation isn’t typical, but I didn’t get diabetes from over eating. I could take the easy way out, but I choose not to. I have to work very hard to manage it without medication, and I have to be very particular about what I eat. I may have to add medication in the future, but I’ll cross that bridge if/when I get there.
Yes, sorry, what I should have said is reverse it, almost to a point that you don’t have it. It’s basically like people with stage 4 cancer can never be technically “cured” now. Instead of remission they call it “no evidence of disease”. I forgot that people love to argue semantics here.
I understand that while you didn’t eat your way into diabetes, the evidence that obesity and Type 2 diabetes are heavily linked is there. I’m sorry for your situation though, doesn’t sound fun.

Along with the earlier counter allegations of being a pro-euthanasia, pro-segregation, Mein Kampf-writing, dog faced pony soldier racist you guys have nearly summarized social communications aka internet ICBM thermonuclear war in 2020.

Our "shot heard round the world" was a disagreement on whether or not a college football team's backup defensive lineman are ready to become starters.

Or think of it this way, those who get drunk at football games are no more likely to be alcoholics than those who eat too much are likely to be diabetics. That makes sense. :rolleyes:

Diabetes is more of a symptom of obesity. I'd say that there are more people in the country who cannot handle their food than there are who cannot handle their alcohol. I'm not sure about this, but I'd bet a higher percentage of Americans are overweight than people who socially drink are alcoholics. It's probably pretty close though. So yeah, I'd say it does make sense.

Your logic sucks. Go have a beer. Eat some pizza. When the Gophers young defensive lineman are wreaking havoc on whatever Iowa puts at QB next year, stand and cheer. Live a little.

Diabetes is more of a symptom of obesity. I'd say that there are more people in the country who cannot handle their food than there are who cannot handle their alcohol. I'm not sure about this, but I'd bet a higher percentage of Americans are overweight than people who socially drink are alcoholics. It's probably pretty close though. So yeah, I'd say it does make sense.

Your logic sucks. Go have a beer. Eat some pizza. When the Gophers young defensive lineman are wreaking havoc on whatever Iowa puts at QB next year, stand and cheer. Live a little.

I have been cheering on the Gophers as an adult for 54 seasons now. Nobody with even half a brain can second guess my commitment to Gopher football. The difference between us is I have the good sense and good manners to not block other fans from doing the same for every minute of the often three and half hour games. You need beer to have a good time. I do not. I can eat pizza all I want without eating like a pig. You have absolutely no idea what sort of life I have lived. Move on to another topic.

I have been cheering on the Gophers as an adult for 54 seasons now. Nobody with even half a brain can second guess my commitment to Gopher football. The difference between us is I have the good sense and good manners to not block other fans from doing the same for every minute of the often three and half hour games. You need beer to have a good time. I do not. I can eat pizza all I want without eating like a pig. You have absolutely no idea what sort of life I have lived. Move on to another topic.

It's shocking that the most judgmental person on the planet has a hissy fit when he feels judged. I'm. . . shocked.

I never questioned if you were a Gopher fan.
I don't drink. I also don't come on message boards and imply that everyone who drinks at a football game is a drunk. People who do that, need a drink.
Anyone who can eat pizza in moderation is a Communist.
You've made your bizarre beliefs part of this thread, so I'll comment on whatever the hell I want.
I have no idea what your life entails except for the fact that you are incredibly judgmental and you will go through excessive mental gymnastics to try to make your judgement seem to be coming from a place of logic. Other than that (which you made part of this thread), I have no knowledge or opinion of your life.

I have been cheering on the Gophers as an adult for 54 seasons now. Nobody with even half a brain can second guess my commitment to Gopher football. The difference between us is I have the good sense and good manners to not block other fans from doing the same for every minute of the often three and half hour games. You need beer to have a good time. I do not. I can eat pizza all I want without eating like a pig. You have absolutely no idea what sort of life I have lived. Move on to another topic.

Hey Volstead - you said you weren't going to comment on this thread again, yet here you are, spewing your antiquated nonsense again.

Or think of it this way, those who get drunk at football games are no more likely to be alcoholics than those who eat too much are likely to be diabetics. That makes sense. :rolleyes:
So less than 24 hours after you claimed not to post in this thread again, here you are. That makes sense. :rolleyes:

So less than 24 hours after you claimed not to post in this thread again, here you are. That makes sense. :rolleyes:

They want to falsify what I say, I feel I need to defend my reasonable positions. For example, I know that you beat your wife and are a drunk.

Hey Volstead - you said you weren't going to comment on this thread again, yet here you are, spewing your antiquated nonsense again.

When the drunks stop lying about what I have written, I'll stop posting. For example, your post. All you have to do is stop.

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