All Things TV Series Recommendations/Reviews

I think there's a lot of people that originally hated it, but if you've gone back and watched it again (too many times in my case) you learn to appreciate and enjoy it.

I was sort of middle of the road on the Seinfeld finale, not as good a lot of the best episodes but I do remember appreciating all the call backs. I have not seen it since it aired originally though, as I don't think it's included in the syndication packages.

Right on, and since he has been ripped so much over the years for the Seinfeld ending, it will be interesting to see what the difference in this one is.

As excited as I am for the ending, I'll be sad to see it go. What a 35 year run for LD!

Somehow Mocha Joe will be involved I am sure.

I was sort of middle of the road on the Seinfeld finale, not as good a lot of the best episodes but I do remember appreciating all the call backs. I have not seen it since it aired originally though, as I don't think it's included in the syndication packages.

It definitely still airs from time to time in syndication.

Springsteen on the next to last episode of Curb was great.

Good premise and delivered some good laughs. The Larry/Susie yelling match in particular. Going to be sad to see CYE end.....but on the bright side.....the show is very rewatchable. Unlike a lot of sitcoms that take a season or two to get off the ground.....CYE hits the ground running.

I'm still a season or two behind so I'm trying desperately not to read spoilers.

What about "The Last of Us"? Is it like The Walking Dead? Gets high ratings on IMDB
Might have to try it.
Just finished House of the Dragon (day late, dollar short) and liked it better than Game of Thrones. Could be the result of doing a binge on it. Think that's part of the reason I'm not all that enthused about Shogun. Wait a week, watch an episode, etc.

"The Last of Us" is based on a very popular video game. I am not a gamer, so I am not the target audience, but people who are gamers and have watched the show have raved about it.

from what I know, there is a little "Walking Dead" flavor - the game follows people who are trying to survive a zombie apocalypse, only this time (Spoiler Alert) the cause is some kind of fungus that turns people into zombies. apparently they are sticking to the story of the game pretty closely. the first season of the series covered the 1st video game. there is a "Last of Us 2" video game, and the next season of the series will apparently be based on that - so if you have played the games, you basically know what is going to happen on the series.

but I'm not a gamer and I don't have HBO, so I'm not watching and I don't plan to.

"The Last of Us" is based on a very popular video game. I am not a gamer, so I am not the target audience, but people who are gamers and have watched the show have raved about it.

from what I know, there is a little "Walking Dead" flavor - the game follows people who are trying to survive a zombie apocalypse, only this time (Spoiler Alert) the cause is some kind of fungus that turns people into zombies. apparently they are sticking to the story of the game pretty closely. the first season of the series covered the 1st video game. there is a "Last of Us 2" video game, and the next season of the series will apparently be based on that - so if you have played the games, you basically know what is going to happen on the series.

but I'm not a gamer and I don't have HBO, so I'm not watching and I don't plan to.
Thanks. Not a gamer either. Think it's a pass then.

I was sort of middle of the road on the Seinfeld finale, not as good a lot of the best episodes but I do remember appreciating all the call backs. I have not seen it since it aired originally though, as I don't think it's included in the syndication packages.

Somehow Mocha Joe will be involved I am sure.

I watched the finale the other day. All you have to do, if you have is record the whole series and it will pop up before you know it.

I loved the Curb finale. Well done.

It really does feel like it's the end. For reals.
George Steinbrener > Seinfeld Finale.

Bruce Springsteen > Curb Finale.

This had to be an homage/inside joke for Larry David to have both nicknamed The Boss participate.

quick update - "Shogun" continues to be a truly excellent show. It's on FX but streamed on Hulu, which is where I'm watching it. the sets, costumes, acting, music - all really well done. there are two episodes left in the season.

FWIW - I read the novel a long time ago. watching the show makes me want to read the book again. from what I remember, they've changed some of the details, but the general spirit of the book is there. (I know I had the book once - can't find it now. either gave it to someone or it got lost in one of my moves).

quick update - "Shogun" continues to be a truly excellent show. It's on FX but streamed on Hulu, which is where I'm watching it. the sets, costumes, acting, music - all really well done. there are two episodes left in the season.

FWIW - I read the novel a long time ago. watching the show makes me want to read the book again. from what I remember, they've changed some of the details, but the general spirit of the book is there. (I know I had the book once - can't find it now. either gave it to someone or it got lost in one of my moves).
It’s so good

'Fallout' on Amazon Prime has been pretty good through four episodes. I'm also a sucker for almost anything science fiction or dystopian future.

I never played any of the games outside of the first one....but I know a few people that love them.

SNL last week with Ryan Gosling was a really good episode. Usually never watch because it just hasn’t been funny.

Gosling reminds me of Jimmy Fallon, he would crack up all the time, yet keep it together enough to give a great performance. Kate McKinnon cameo in the opener had us rolling on the floor.

Baby Reindeer on Netflix is pretty good. Dude gets stalked by some loony fat gal. I’m halfway through it and it’s got some twists and turns that are unexpected. I think it’s worth the watch

Anyone watching the newer historical offerings on Apple TV?

Manhunt (for John Wilkes Booth)
Masters of the Air

I'm planning on getting to all three, as historical shows are right up my alley.

Baby Reindeer on Netflix is pretty good. Dude gets stalked by some loony fat gal. I’m halfway through it and it’s got some twists and turns that are unexpected. I think it’s worth the watch
We just watched the first two episodes last night.

The actor in the show is really a comedian and the story did happen to him. Wild.
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Baby Reindeer on Netflix is pretty good. Dude gets stalked by some loony fat gal. I’m halfway through it and it’s got some twists and turns that are unexpected. I think it’s worth the watch


SNL last week with Ryan Gosling was a really good episode. Usually never watch because it just hasn’t been funny.

Gosling reminds me of Jimmy Fallon, he would crack up all the time, yet keep it together enough to give a great performance. Kate McKinnon cameo in the opener had us rolling on the floor.

I maybe watch an episode or two at random each year.....along with selected skits on the internet if there is some buzz.....because there are just way too many flops to make it worth sitting through imo. I flipped it on because I was getting home from a friend's house on Saturday just in time to see the News Nation/Beavis and Butthead skit. Easily the best thing I've seen from SNL in years.

With that ending I thought for sure there would be a season 2

LONDON, ENGLAND: 'Baby Reindeer', a psychological thriller on Netflix has impressed fans in its seven episodic run. While the series captivates with its sensitive themes and engaging storytelling, unfortunately, it will not be renewed for another season.


Well, I may come to regret this, but I have gone down the rabbit hole and have begun watching "Stargate SG-1" on Pluto TV. Never got into the show because the first five seasons ran on Showtime (which I don't have). after it moved to the Sci-Fi Channel, I just didn't want to jump into it mid-stream.

but I decided to give it a try. the show is based on the movie "Stargate." a team of military officers and scientists travel to other worlds through a "stargate" (an alien matter transmission device) where they meet other races - some friendly, some not.

Well, I may come to regret this, but I have gone down the rabbit hole and have begun watching "Stargate SG-1" on Pluto TV. Never got into the show because the first five seasons ran on Showtime (which I don't have). after it moved to the Sci-Fi Channel, I just didn't want to jump into it mid-stream.

but I decided to give it a try. the show is based on the movie "Stargate." a team of military officers and scientists travel to other worlds through a "stargate" (an alien matter transmission device) where they meet other races - some friendly, some not.
I thought the original movie was a lot of fun and everyone loves James Spader. To this day, I have no idea if the alien God is male or female.

caught the final episode of "Shogun." if you haven't been watching it, I highly recommend it. It's available to stream on Hulu. this version takes some liberties with the original novel, but it is very well done. sets, costumes, music, and the acting are excellent.

fair warning - it is a mostly Japanese cast with a lot of the dialogue in Japanese with subtitles. (side note - I kept thinking that one of the actors looked familiar, I finally realized that he had played the part of "Hogun," one of Thor's allies in the MCU).

I expect this show to rake in a butt-load of Emmy awards next year.

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