All Things TV Series Recommendations/Reviews


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Nov 11, 2008
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I have some heavy work travel in the next 4-6 weeks and am looking for recommendations on a new TV series to download and bring on my ipad.

Thanks to this board, I got the recommendation of catching up on Dexter and loved it. I watched all 5 seasons on various planes over the last year or so. I look forward to Season 6 in a few months to download.

I was thinking about starting Season 1 of The Wire and methodically working my way through that series and then eventually getting to Boardwalk Empire. Is there another series I should consider before those?


Go Gophers!!

I have some heavy work travel in the next 4-6 weeks and am looking for recommendations on a new TV series to download and bring on my ipad.

Thanks to this board, I got the recommendation of catching up on Dexter and loved it. I watched all 5 seasons on various planes over the last year or so. I look forward to Season 6 in a few months to download.

I was thinking about starting Season 1 of The Wire and methodically working my way through that series and then eventually getting to Boardwalk Empire. Is there another series I should consider before those?


Go Gophers!!

Thanks to all of the posters who recommended The Wire some months ago. I watched about one episode a day last summer and finished it right about when I had to go back to work. Great series-one of the best of all time.

I'd go with that first imo.

I'm not sure if you're into comedy but if you've never watched south park catching up on that would be more than enough AND good for a laugh. If you're not into that what about House?

Just thought I'd point out I don't watch a lot of TV so I have no idea what the shows you mentioned are, so wasn't able to find one that is likely similar that I watch.

I really enjoyed Bored to Death (HBO). It's based on the work of one of my favorite pervy authors, Jonathan Ames.

If you need a comedy break, Parks & Recreation is the funniest show on television. Start with Season 2 though. Lots of inside Midwestern jokes, like the hunting episode and having Detlef Schrempf guest star.

Nokomis said:
If you need a comedy break, Parks & Recreation is the funniest show on television. Start with Season 2 though. Lots of inside Midwestern jokes, like the hunting episode and having Detlef Schrempf guest star.


Community, Parks and Rec, 30 rock for comedy. (Community is my favorite but its very weird and not for everyone) Sons of Anarchy, Justified, and Breaking Bad for drama.(Breaking bad being the best of the 3) The Wire is the best show of all time so you can not go wrong with that show. (Just be prepared for the first season feeling outdated with pagers and pay phones)

Also you should watch No Reservations on the city you are going to and find some cool non chain restaurants to hit up.

Community, Parks and Rec, 30 rock for comedy. (Community is my favorite but its very weird and not for everyone) Sons of Anarchy, Justified, and Breaking Bad for drama.(Breaking bad being the best of the 3) The Wire is the best show of all time so you can not go wrong with that show. (Just be prepared for the first season feeling outdated with pagers and pay phones)

Also you should watch No Reservations on the city you are going to and find some cool non chain restaurants to hit up.
I could never get on board with Community, too inconsistent in their format and approach. Same reason I never really liked Scrubs. The last few seasons of 30 Rock were unwatchable IMO, same jokes every episode; love the first few seasons, but a complete dropoff. Keeping with NBC shows, The Office has had a HUGE turnaround. They almost lost me there for awhile. James Spader was the perfect replacement for Carell, complete opposite and even more funny.

Breaking Bad for drama.(Breaking bad being the best of the 3)


Hadn't watched a minute of it until a recommendation, and then devoured episode after episode. Drove my wife crazy coming to bed at 1 am night after night.

The Wire, The Wire, and then The Wire. Best show ever, IMHO. Every season is interesting, but season 4 is one of the finest things ever created (my apologies for the hyperbole, just really a huge fan).

As my bromance partner WAG already affirmed and Nokomis advanced, Parks and Rec is comedy gold-just a great show, with every character filling their niche excellently.

Thanks for the suggestions all - The Wire it is! Way too many people calling it the best ever for me not to invest myself in it! I hope to be able to crank out the first two seasons on this trip a few weeks out.

Go Gophers!!

If you like comedy, Modern Family and the first few seasons of The Office. Great writing.

If you like comedy, Modern Family and the first few seasons of The Office. Great writing.

We got a late start on Modern Family but are now fully caught up. I must say, that it is the one show that I consistently find myself laughing out loud. I love The Office/Seinfeld/seasons 5-12 of The Simpsons, etc., but I don't think I ever consistently laughed out loud like I regularly do for Modern Family. Just a fantastic show.

Go Gophers!!

I think Seinfeld is still funny but the laugh track hurts it now, Curb is much funnier to be these days.

I can't believe no body has mentioned Mad Men yet. IMO it's the best show on TV, although I will admit I haven't watched The Wire. Amazing cast, Jon Hamm is great as Don Draper, John Slattery is also great as Roger Sterling, hell everyone is great. Plus January Jones looks amazing, and Christina Hendricks curves are out of this world.

Also I would like to thank everyone for not listing some average at best CBS sitcom or crime drama.

We got a late start on Modern Family but are now fully caught up. I must say, that it is the one show that I consistently find myself laughing out loud. I love The Office/Seinfeld/seasons 5-12 of The Simpsons, etc., but I don't think I ever consistently laughed out loud like I regularly do for Modern Family. Just a fantastic show.

I think we just became best friends...haha. The Office, Seinfeld, Modern Family, and The Simpsons (I'd probably stretch about season 4-13/14) are my all-time favorite shows. Curb Your Enthusiasm is also fantastic. I have no other suggestions if you've already delved into those shows...they're the all-time greatest.

+1 on Modern Family. Happy Endings is also good so far, though I'm not liking season 2 as much as the first. Since someone mentioned Scrubs, that is also great if you've never watched (skip the last season though).

- Season 1 of Game of Thrones was awesome! Don't think it's on DVD/Blue-Ray yet but watch for it.
- Boardwalk Empire gets better with age. Probably my favorite show on TV right now
- Highly recommend Band of Brothers but I'm guessing you've already seen the miniseries. If not, drop everything and go watch it. The Pacific was good in its own right but it's no Band of Brothers. Best miniseries ever.
- I'm a big fan of The League. Show about a bunch of guys in a Fantasy Football league on FX. The show is basically unscripted and is often hilarious. The first 2 seasons are on DVD/BR.
- If you haven't watched Arrested Development, start it immediately after Band of Brothers. Most people with a good sense of entertainment have watched many/most episodes. Coming back on Netflix with original episodes followed by a feature film for those that don't know.

[QUOTE=Pewterschmidt;475234- I'm a big fan of The League. Show about a bunch of guys in a Fantasy Football league on FX. The show is basically unscripted and is often hilarious. The first 2 seasons are on DVD/BR.

The League is awesome. Same with, Always Sunny in Philly.

I'm losing patience with Parks and Rec.. they are moving too fast with the relationships imo. I'm pretty much done with 30 rock. Community is really, really good. The Office is dying a slow death imo.

I'm losing patience with Parks and Rec.. they are moving too fast with the relationships imo.
Wha...??? Them's fightin' words. This ain't no soap opera, Ted.

I agree; they do move fast through plot arcs (like with the shutdown, Tom's business, & Leslie's suspension). But for me that keeps the show fresh and not stagnant. Rarely to they recycle bits, keeps the jokes fresh.

I can't believe no body has mentioned Mad Men yet. IMO it's the best show on TV, although I will admit I haven't watched The Wire. Amazing cast, Jon Hamm is great as Don Draper, John Slattery is also great as Roger Sterling, hell everyone is great. Plus January Jones looks amazing, and Christina Hendricks curves are out of this world.

Also I would like to thank everyone for not listing some average at best CBS sitcom or crime drama.

Maybe I have to give Mad Men another try. I bought the first season a year or so ago for the same reasons Bleed is talking about (lots of plane flights). I got through several episodes but then just stopped for a variety of reasons. Never got back into it.

So you're saying it's worth a shot again, eh? I know it's won all kinds of awards.

If you have DirecTV, channel 500 (and like two others) is running The Wire again, one episode a week. Unfortunately, I think right about now they're several episodes into Season Two. Fantastic show. Awesome.

Mad Men is worth watching. The constant boozing and womanizing are entertaining for the first season or two, but gets a little old when you realize that's pretty much the entire series...but I still watched the first four seasons in a couple weeks.

Breaking Bad is great.

Sons of Anarchy is decent. Not great, but interesting nonetheless.

The Walking Dead is pretty good. Zombie stuff = cool.

Curb Your Enthusiasm kicks ass.

Hate to admit it, but I blew through Pawn Stars pretty quickly.

The Wire, The Wire, and then The Wire. Best show ever, IMHO. Every season is interesting, but season 4 is one of the finest things ever created (my apologies for the hyperbole, just really a huge fan).

As my bromance partner WAG already affirmed and Nokomis advanced, Parks and Rec is comedy gold-just a great show, with every character filling their niche excellently.
I have to say there must be something wrong with me. I'm into the second season of The Wire and I just have a hard time seeing what the attraction is for everyone. I love Breaking Bad, Dexter, Walking Dead, True Blood. I'm going to keep watching The Wire, but man, I don't know......Oh yeah, one series I thought was pretty funny, but pretty raunchy, is Eastbound and Down. Only about a dozen episodes though.

Another hidden gem is Summer Heights High. It's only eight episodes and has this comic that plays three different roles. If you've ever agreed with me in the past (coolhand), I think you'll like it. It's great and you can watch it in one day.


I agree with many of the previous suggestions, but I would consider Deadwood. Great drama wrapped in great historical context with excellent characters and acting. One of my favorite shows ever.

Hate to admit it, but I blew through Pawn Stars pretty quickly.

Don't worry you aren't alone on Pawn Stars. It's amazing to see what some stuff goes for, also Clumlee might the most unintentional funny person on TV.

A couple of other shows that are in that reality TV vein that I love are Deadliest Catch and Gold Rush. I know every Deadliest Catch episode follows roughly the same story arc(Boat X can't find crab, crew gets in fight, bad weather hits, Boat X finds crab) but it is sure as hell entertaining. And Todd Hoffman's continued inability to effectively lead his team is almost comical. He can communicate with his guys and his dad has never even head the term "managing expectations."

Community is the best show on television

And when Omar from The Wire shows up in a law and order

Community replaced Scrubs as the favorite show of twenty-somethings with short attention spans.

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