Point made. Maybe pimping isnt the right term. I do not know the family at all but the quote below comes across as pumping for adulation. I get the sense that Tommy is enjoying the recruitment process!
“In all honesty, I don’t want this to sound like a ploy, but looking at the fan base and looking at how they were yelling his name and cheering him on, that really made him light up,” his father said. “I do believe the State fans could probably push it over the top if they got on his socials and encouraged him on those things."
I certainly have no input nor any real skin in the game but I would not be encouraging Taison to make an important decision based on who is yelling his name and blowing up his socials. I know that this feeds a kid's ego but I hope he is thinking broader than this.
I'm pleased that Tommy talked at least a little about how Ohio State might be a fit for Taison's game but over half of the article was about the butt-kissing aspect of recruiting. I know that's part of it but butt-kissing turns really quickly when things get real.