All Things Panic Thread

All things panic? Yesterday I was told that I have to work on a Saturday for the first time ever next month. Been on my mind ever since.

Scoreboard says, ... I can have some patients on the hire.

I can have some patience so we hire the right patient too.

A search firm would be an outside entity. They are able to start making contact with prospective coaches before you even fire Tubby. Teague could have fired them up a week advance as a contingency of firing Tubby.
It is a bit more of a separate entity in that the search firm in that case call call and ask if people are "Interested in a major job in a major conference, who may be looking for a new coach". Coaches can be interested or not and it isn't leaked as easily or speculated as easily as how many coaches have flat out turned the U down. (Which it looks like when Teague is calling these and not getting them). Versus them not telling the search committee that they are even interested in leaving for some new job.

I think we've been turned down by Shaka, by Brad Stevens, and by Hoiberg. But I may be wrong, but that seems to be the picture that is getting painted, even though it's could be massively incorrect.

The bolded is something I had not considered- makes a lot of sense and is a great point. However, wouldn't most coaches take a "that depends what job" kind of attitude? Because in order for you to actually know whether someone would truly be interested, they'd have to know more details. Maybe we did this already through mutual people at Villa 7?

I agree about those 3 guys. It seems likely to me that all three of them got a call (or, they should have). It doesn't hurt to call anyone (within reason) to see, and one could argue that you really should give it a shot because there's high possible reward, but I wonder if it was officially offered to any of them or if it was kinda like what you said- "are you interested at all?" I suppose that if it was just a call to gauge interest then I would agree with you and wish that they had used a third party or mutual connection (which they may have) rather than doing it personally.

Root for Louisville to lose this weekend and our coaching search will be over on Monday.

It is not the time to panic. Our new coach hasn't even been identified. Shaka as never in the mix. He was not offered. Teague as just lending him a hand in renegotiating a better contract. Our new coach is coming out of the Final Four. Maybe the Championship team. Teague will have his choice of the Final Four coaches. Like, who won't drop their team and move for a chance to pick up where a future HOF coach like Tubby left off? Who wouldn't leave a Final Four program for a chance to coach in the Barn, the ultimate classic venue?

It isn't just Teague. Every coach on America wants a chance to work with Ellis. Relax, it is all under control!

If Monday comes and goes with no hire, I believe it will actually be time to panic. Not until then.

If it's not Buzz Williams, which let's honest guys, it isn't. Then it is going to be a no name and we should still have Tubby. Dammit Norwood.

There's such a thing as managing expectations. Maturi f'd it up terribly in the Kill hire, even though it looks like it turned out OK. Teague has officially f'd it up here. Big time.

What a debacle. As Mike Tyson said, everyone has a plan until you get punched in the face. And Norwood has a officially got punched in the face.

I don't know if it's time to panic yet, but I'm just about ready to board the panic wagon myself. Norwood has just managed to screw up the surest thing since ____________.

What a debacle. As Mike Tyson said, everyone has a plan until you get punched in the face. And Norwood has a officially got punched in the face.

No way Jose (I assume your first name is Jose), NT is just dancing like a butterfly and going to sting like a bee with this hire.


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I think most people thought they wouldn't get Shaka or Stevens. Even Hoiberg was a long shot because of loyalty to Iowa State. Flip was really the first miss in the process.

I agree 100% with this. Seeing the report about Flip was the first time I felt surprised and actually disappointed. I did view Flip as likeliest. I don't, however, really view him as eliminated. People change their minds all the time.

I think everyone needs to relax. The job hasn't even been offered to someone attainable yet. Norwood has offered to the dream candidates, and then Flip to appease everyone in Minnesota.

There are plenty of good candidates out there that can recruit and actually make players better. Tubby couldn't do either. I believe we'll all see Teague make real offers in the next few days.

If it's not Buzz Williams, which let's honest guys, it isn't. Then it is going to be a no name and we should still have Tubby. Dammit Norwood.
Tubby needed to go regardless. After the excitement of a healthy team and a quick start, the team folded in the second half like all of Tubby's teams. Tubby may have been a great coach in the past but he was no longer. We saw the best he could do here and if you were satisfied with that, then sub 500 conference records would be your future. Some new blood may inject some enthusiasm into the program and hopefully move it up a notch where winning conference records are not a fantasy. Tubby and staff had checked out and Norwood just showed them the door.

funny how some of you buy every bit of unnamed source junk the media puts out there

understand that most of them have an agenda to appear "right" or to "prove a point". even andy katz who was a tubby smith bobo. and they will drop stories and speculation from supposed unnamed "sources" at the drop of a hat to try and make their narrative or their version of the story look as such. don't think for a second that they won't or that most of them are honorable in how the approach their journalistic work.

said another way......SETTLE DOWN and take a breath

understand that most of them have an agenda to appear "right" or to "prove a point". even andy katz who was a tubby smith bobo. and they will drop stories and speculation from supposed unnamed "sources" at the drop of a hat to try and make their narrative or their version of the story look as such. don't think for a second that they won't or that most of them are honorable in how the approach their journalistic work.

said another way......SETTLE DOWN and take a breath

We were taught that by the last search for a Head Football Coach. We ended-up with Jerry Kill. A guy who's won four Big Ten games in two seasons but who everybody says will be a successful Big Ten Head Coach, partially because he's done it on a smaller stage, partially because he brought his staff with him amd mostly because he isn't Tim Brewster.

This time we'll end-up with.......?

We were taught that by the last search for a Head Football Coach. We ended-up with Jerry Kill. A guy who's won four Big Ten games in two seasons but who everybody says will be a successful Big Ten Head Coach, partially because he's done it on a smaller stage, partially because he brought his staff with him amd mostly because he isn't Tim Brewster.

This time we'll end-up with.......?

A warm body that still will put in more effort than Tubby was regardless of who it is.

I think everyone needs to relax. The job hasn't even been offered to someone attainable yet. Norwood has offered to the dream candidates, and then Flip to appease everyone in Minnesota.

There are plenty of good candidates out there that can recruit and actually make players better. Tubby couldn't do either. I believe we'll all see Teague make real offers in the next few days.

Can you please share with all of us the names of those individuals please? I'd love to hear your suggestions of who you think fits that bill and is truly attainable.

Can you please share with all of us the names of those individuals please?

I'll start with Gregg Marshall and Andy Enfield. There are plenty of others we probably don't even know about. Who heard of Shaka Smart before he was hired?

I'm VERY panicked right now.

I have nightmares about it. Outsider Teague comes in, brings in unknown Villa 7 outsider to coach the team. Since he's an unknown, the Big 3 go to Stanford, UNC and UK or wherever, and this outsider recruits NON-Minnesotans to come here and play.

Worst thing about this nightmare, is this gaggle of outsiders are successful and the national press has a field day with it, poking fun of Minnesota EVEN WHEN we are successful, because we needed a gaggle of outsiders to come in and fix our situation for us.


Because Minnesota sucks, our weather sucks, we suck, our fans suck, our old AD sucked, our University sucks, all of our teams suck(at least the ones people care about, you know, bb and fb), all of our local recruits suck.

If those local recruits go elsewhere and succeed, its because they LEFT sucky Minnesota and were saved by some outsider.

Then these outsiders, since they are outsiders and never really cared about Minnesota in the first place, take their Villa 7 people, and all the money they made and recruits they brought in, and bail out of town as soon as they are the hottest thing in the land. They all go to UCLA and turn UCLA into another 10 Title winning Dynasty, and no one rips UCLA because California is 90% people who moved there from somewhere else anyway.

But before leaving, or just after having left, they rip Minnesota to shreds because upon hiring said unknown outsider, none of the big money donors get excited, and the U can't raise the money for a practice facility and they rip on us for breaking our promise to them to do so, but gloat about how they succeeded DESPITE our being losers who have sucky facilities and can't raise the money to upgrade.

And we go back to sucking. And we don't have a new practice facility, and there are no locals left to save us, because Flip will have retired, and all of the local boys who could have stayed home and fallen in love with the U and returned to the U to coach its teams, instead went to UNC, Duke, UK, Stanford and are now loved by those schools and those fanbases and they don't care about Minnesota anymore.

So we have to turn to MORE outsiders, and beg them to come and save us, and we pay them even MORE money, and blah, blah, blah the cycle never ends.

We need Flip to save us. (yes, I'm being over mellow dramatic & exaggerating, but like I said its my nightmare)

Hardly mellow, but amusingly dramatic. Thanks for sharing. :)

I'll start with Gregg Marshall and Andy Enfield. There are plenty of others we probably don't even know about. Who heard of Shaka Smart before he was hired?

Sorry, I edited my post as you wrote your response. I think neither of them are attainable at this juncture, just my belief. And I don't believe that an individual like Enfield has a documented track record of success that I believe most fans are clamoring for. Especially after the names that have been brought to light this week...whether any of the rumors are true.

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