All Things New Gopher Uniforms/Helmets Thread: UPDATED 1/20 with New Uniforms!!!

I may regret this: I'm thinking it might be about time to tweak the Block M, maybe modernize it. I don't say this lightly since I love the band's block m foldout and rotation during pre-game. The Block M has been changed numerous times in the past and maybe it's time to spruce it up a bit.
Put down the pipe.

This is what I would do (or as close to it as I could get with the UA designer tool)



The stripe isn't exactly perfect on the pants and I would find a better font for the lettering, but I like the classic look to them. I would also like to add a stripe on the hem of the sleeve, but with the stretchy jerseys these days those tend to look stupid on linemen and stuff. I would prefer no name on the back, but that's up to the coach since I think recruits love to see their name on stuff.

Nice work Ski U Master. Really like that look. I assume you just forgot to add the number to the back of the jersey.

Here's some designs I came up with while doodling with microsoft paint.gopher jerseys.jpg There supposed to be a new age style of the 1960 unis (our last NC)


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This isn't a black or white thing. Just because Oregon's unis attracted recruits, doesn't mean that method will work for us. Nor does the fact that Alabama's a top program mean uniforms mean nothing. It's been documented that uniforms are A FACTOR in recruiting. If Kill believes that they're a factor, whether he personally cares or not, then he will likely go the route of something that will appeal to a younger demographic. If we continue to be a Nike school, we'll probably get weird looking ones anyway lol.

+1. Especially the bold. HAHA :clap:

Despite what many people's opinions may be on going to classic uniforms, the only type of uniforms we would get in if the university decided to go with a completely new design would be the types modeled after Oregon, Arizona State, and Maryland. I'm 18 and I appreciate classic, simple jerseys more than the new ones, but the fact of the matter is, 95% of people in my generation LOVE the Oregon style. People have become Oregon fans just because of their uniforms. No university would in their right mind get new uniforms that are "old-styled." And as to the argument about recruits deciding based on jerseys, yes, it's true that MOST recruits don't care about new uniforms, but the important thing is that SOME do, and we need to do anything in our power to bring them in.

Ski U Master said:
This is what I would do (or as close to it as I could get with the UA designer tool)

The stripe isn't exactly perfect on the pants and I would find a better font for the lettering, but I like the classic look to them. I would also like to add a stripe on the hem of the sleeve, but with the stretchy jerseys these days those tend to look stupid on linemen and stuff. I would prefer no name on the back, but that's up to the coach since I think recruits love to see their name on stuff.

Not to be a hater - but those are ugly!

If the team tries to whore its image out to the changing tastes of children, we're going to see completely redesigned unis every 5 years.

Better to go with something very basic and establish a brand.

Costumes? Sorry, this is about uniforms. I seem to forget from time-to-time that you are the all-knowing Gopherholer. What would you like to talk about Rose? The South Suburban conference? How your favorite team has Michigan Unis but is named the Irish?
I actually strongly dislike the Rosemount coaching staff and football program. I dont really care what they do with their uniforms though.

Seany said:
Can't stand the piping on the current uniforms, and the gold 'saddlebag' looking things on the pants. Makes us look like a bad Arena League team in my opinion. I'd like to see us return to the 1960 era uniform design, and resume a true maroon color, rather than the brownish-maroonish thing that looks a bit like a dried out scab that we're currently sporting. I'd also like to see us go to a true gold color, as in the metal, a metallic gold as opposed to this mustard yellow iteration we call gold.

+1 on both o your comments on colors

This is what I would do (or as close to it as I could get with the UA designer tool)



The stripe isn't exactly perfect on the pants and I would find a better font for the lettering, but I like the classic look to them. I would also like to add a stripe on the hem of the sleeve, but with the stretchy jerseys these days those tend to look stupid on linemen and stuff. I would prefer no name on the back, but that's up to the coach since I think recruits love to see their name on stuff.

not bad, not bad. although, personally i would go with no state name on the front and have bigger numbers. in place of the state name put a small block "M" on the collar.

I still think it is kind of sad that someone would list one of the main reasons they chose a school is because of the uni's, but that's just my opinion.

Everyone keeps brining up Oregon started winning when they went to these crazy uni's. However, everyone keeps forgetting to mention the fact Phil Knight has dropped almost a billion into the football program over the last decade which is when they really started becoming an up and coming football power. It is the same thing at Okie State, Picken's dropped how many hundreds of millions into their program and all of a sudden they are the number two team in the country when all they have ever been before that is a fringe bowl team like the Gophers.

Ding Ding Ding...... The uniforms are just window dressing and a way for Nike & Under Armor to gain free advertising. Just think about all the free pub with everyone talking about uniforms.

The rise of OK.St and Oregon is more to do with a commitment to football and all the other money. I think someone mentioned the 2-story locker room with big TVs and I'm sure lots of other amenities. The players wear a uniform for 3hrs per week. They spend 4yrs in the rest of the amenities provided. Do you think the rowing team at Oregon gets the same treatment?

If we had an AD who actually understood that football is what brings in the money, we might be able to begin to rise (ex. Wisconsin). Also, if we had bigger booster base bankrolling the program (ex. Michigan, tOSU, PSU), we would have all the amenities and could wear basic unis and nobody would care, including the recruits.

Many players from your generation, maybe. There's a reason why Oregon has all the flashy jersey's they do, my generation loves them.

Speak for yourself, I personally hate them and I'm guessing I'm in your generation. (I'm a junior at the U). Alabama, LSU, and Penn State have the best uni's although I've also loved Notre Dame's throwbacks this year with the white/green jerseys and the shamrock on the helmet. I would say a love for flashy jersey's is far from unanimous amongst teens and twenty-somethings. I know just as many kids who hate Boise's and Oregon's uniforms as like them.

Personally I'd like the 60's style uniforms, but the one's Ski-U-Master drew were great, but as someone else above said, get rid of the Minnesota text and replace them with larger numbers and the M on the sleeve. I personally love large blocky numbers on the front and back of uniforms. The simpler the better IMO.

I do like the Mason era jerseys. Jerseys are just window dressing tho. I'm sure Oregon recruits care more about their state of the art facilities.

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