All Things 2023 Minnesota Vikings In-Season Thread

With all this chitchat about Bandwagons, I think the only logical way to settle this feud is with a game of Oregon Trail.

May the best wagon win and not get stuck in the mud.
I surrender. I suck at Oregon Trail.

Cousins has never shown a willingness to take a reduced price. I believe he was one of the 1st QB's to demand - and receive - a contract that was 100% guaranteed money. Hey, he and his team have been very good at getting what they want in negotiations. But I just don't see him changing course and handing MN a 'hometown discount.'

As I said above, if the Vikes decide to bring back Cousins, I'm fine with that. But given the realities of the salary cap, it is going to be very difficult to keep everyone.

in the end, I just want to see the Vikes get out of the middle. what is the middle - the middle is where you don't win enough games to challenge for a title, but you do win enough games to ensure that you don't get really good draft picks. to get out of the middle without bottoming out, you need a really good front office - and I don't think the Vikes' front office is in that category.
the middle sucks. Which is where i think they are headed this season :-(

Where was I "jusging" (or judging I presume) Vikings Season Ticket Holders? You are completely incorrectly projecting that as a critique.

More power to 'em. It's a simple fact, 10,000 of thousands viewed a profit on their tix as more desirable than actually going to the game. They have every right, I am not arguing otherwise, but it is an indication that many had lost faith (ie jumped off the bandwagon).

I'm guessing a lot of them were dismayed by losing their first 2 Homes games and then a 3rd to the Chiefs that the choice for profit outweighed the desire to actually see the contest.

As far as season ticket holders selling their tix to visiting fans, I guess it depends on what they are selling them for. If people are wiling to pay crazy amounts for tickets for me to sit at home and watch the game, more power to them.

It also depends on what kind of a season ticket holder you are. Not all season ticket holders are rabid home fans, they merely bought the tickets as an "investment" of sorts. I have Raiders season tickets, brand new stadium, entertainment capital of the world; people want to come to Vegas to watch football. I didn't set out to do it but last season I didn't go to a single Raiders game. It just turned out that way. People paying 2-2.5 times face value, by all means, I'll stay home and watch.

As far as season ticket holders selling their tix to visiting fans, I guess it depends on what they are selling them for. If people are wiling to pay crazy amounts for tickets for me to sit at home and watch the game, more power to them.

It also depends on what kind of a season ticket holder you are. Not all season ticket holders are rabid home fans, they merely bought the tickets as an "investment" of sorts. I have Raiders season tickets, brand new stadium, entertainment capital of the world; people want to come to Vegas to watch football. I didn't set out to do it but last season I didn't go to a single Raiders game. It just turned out that way. People paying 2-2.5 times face value, by all means, I'll stay home and watch.
Someone on twitter said they sold their tickets for the KC and SF games, and made enough to pay for the whole season of tickets.

then no reason to feel a tad uneasy!

I wasn't responding to any plan from Viking management to pay big bucks to a receiver and a tight end and then let a rookie throw to the team's highest-paid players.

I was responding to the idea that certain fans on this board have posited of spending big bucks on a receiver and a tight end and then letting a rookie throw to the team's highest-paid players.

This is a discussion between people on the board. Viking management is not posting here. Therefore, your "trust management" post is more than a little odd — even by your standards.

Jim Marshall was recognized as a Not So Happy Anniversary on PTI. 59 years ago today he ran the wrong way for an infamous safety against the 49ers. Ultimately it did not cost the Vikings the game and they pointed out he forced another fun fumble late to preserve victory.

That 2nd fumble is also shown here, need to click on the link to YouTube.

If this is what's keeping #70 out of Canton, it's a tremendous injustice.
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Does Cousins have the ability to balk if only offered 1 year and sign somewhere else?
I think Cousins will be the clear #1 QB on the market this offseason and there could be a number of teams looking who feel like they're only a QB away.

I think Cousins gets paid this year and with his age he tries to avoid a one year deal.

I think Cousins will be the clear #1 QB on the market this offseason and there could be a number of teams looking who feel like they're only a QB away.

I think Cousins gets paid this year and with his age he tries to avoid a one year deal.
If he's on the market, we may be screwed.

If they don't trade him, you would have to think he's back.

It would be so Minnesota Sports if we held onto him all year, then he walks, and we get no draft capital out of it. Please don't do that.

Majkowski had the one big year with the Packers in 1989.
Led the league in attempts, completions and yards (4,318) with 27 TD's. was 2nd in MVP voting and 3rd for Offensive Player of the Year. Packers went 10-6.

But, in the next three years, he was only 7-12 as a starter and his # went way down. spent 6 years with the Pack, 2 with Indy and two with the Lions. 34% of his total career passing yards came in that one good season.

he was credited with 10 4th-quarter comebacks and 13 game-winning drives for his career, including a 20-19 win over the Vikings on Nov 26, 1989.

The answer is Mike Tomczak (no idea how to spell his name)

Yeah, again, if Cousins and the OL keep playing like they played Mon night .... why the hell wouldn't you want him back??

Yeah, again, if Cousins and the OL keep playing like they played Mon night .... why the hell wouldn't you want him back??
They never keep playing like that.

That's what is so frustrating.

Majkowski had the one big year with the Packers in 1989.
Led the league in attempts, completions and yards (4,318) with 27 TD's. was 2nd in MVP voting and 3rd for Offensive Player of the Year. Packers went 10-6.

But, in the next three years, he was only 7-12 as a starter and his # went way down. spent 6 years with the Pack, 2 with Indy and two with the Lions. 34% of his total career passing yards came in that one good season.

he was credited with 10 4th-quarter comebacks and 13 game-winning drives for his career, including a 20-19 win over the Vikings on Nov 26, 1989.
Back off Majik.

Jordan Lolove! How about that PA call of kickoff BOO instead of boom. Marconi!

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