All Things 2013 Basketball Recruiting Thread UPDATED 5/15: Malik Smith a Gopher!

That should be Hollins for us. No way can you argue with me that Peyton Siva(29%) and Russ Smith(33%) were better 3pt shooters than Coleman(30%) Austin(34%). Andre(42%) was very similar to Hancock(40%). Sure I guess we missed a Ware(41%). But Ahanmisi(39%) was awfully close. Just to compare to the National Champions. Our size of those shooters might not be the same but when going up against a zone you're not playing man to man. Our inability to break a zone wasn't because of our shooting.

Freeman shot 33% in 4 games at Adidas Nationals 2012, I can't find more information on his 3pt%. Limited sample size prevents me from truly argue this point.

I love Stats.

The problem with this is that Louisville is a poor 3-point shooting team. Their defense gets them wins... they had a very good offense this season as well, but not because of 3-point shooting. Siva & Smith are both poor 3-point shooters, but they can feed teammates. In addition, a guy like Smith produces efficiency despite his ugly 3FG% (and mediocre 2FG%) by getting to the line a ton...

Nonetheless, Austin is the guy who can and should boost his 3FG% in 2013-14.

Gophers could _really_ need a strong rebounding forward for this upcoming season.

Scott Drew is a heckuva recruiter. You are correct. To insinuate that he can only nab players because of illegal benefits ($$$) is ignorant. Baylor, like Minnesota, is in a major conference with downright awesome facilities, a strong fan base and a great home court advantage. Waco -- which can stand on it's own -- is in a nice area of the country south of Dallas.

Yeah, he's as pure as the driven snow. Kids love Waco, TX. It's the mecca of college sports. Yep.

The problem with this is that Louisville is a poor 3-point shooting team. Their defense gets them wins... they had a very good offense this season as well, but not because of 3-point shooting. Siva & Smith are both poor 3-point shooters, but they can feed teammates. In addition, a guy like Smith produces efficiency despite his ugly 3FG% (and mediocre 2FG%) by getting to the line a ton...

Nonetheless, Austin is the guy who can and should boost his 3FG% in 2013-14.

Gophers could _really_ need a strong rebounding forward for this upcoming season.

Absolutely.... We don't want to compare 3pt skill to UL... Like comparing pace stats with Wisky

Yes, you can. A 3 point shooter/zone buster like Freeman is much more important.

This is wrong.

I will say I am very bummed about not having Freeman, but what is his fit? He would be riding the bench and splitting time with either Dre or Austin. We have a lot of wings, and we don't know how they are going to play under a different regime. I can see Coleman being a good slasher/play-maker

Scott Drew is a heckuva recruiter. You are correct. To insinuate that he can only nab players because of illegal benefits ($$$) is ignorant. Baylor, like Minnesota, is in a major conference with downright awesome facilities, a strong fan base and a great home court advantage. Waco -- which can stand on it's own -- is in a nice area of the country south of Dallas.

It can stand on it's own by having lax academic standards. Notice the number of four and five star players at Baylor who leave after one or two years.

Any possible recruit's names still out there for us this spring? I'm assuming Black goes to Oregon.

This is wrong.

I will say I am very bummed about not having Freeman, but what is his fit? He would be riding the bench and splitting time with either Dre or Austin. We have a lot of wings, and we don't know how they are going to play under a different regime. I can see Coleman being a good slasher/play-maker

One of the rules of thumb I always use is, if Duke and Kansas can find a spot for him, so can the Gophers.

So everyone complained we didn't have enough ball handlers and guys that could legitimately log minutes at PG. Pitino does a marvelous job (given the short period of time he had) to completely satisfy this need with two really intriguing prospects. Now the complaint is we don't have enough wings/scorers? Please. We need some front court help. If there was position on this team that was "fine" it was the sg/sf/wing position. Sure those players you named are good-great recruits, but we aren't going to suffer next year because we didn't get them. If we suffer it will because we don't have enough depth in the front court and/or we have a new coach with a completely different system.

Foolish me. I forgot we were overburdened with firepower already.

Malik Smith in the Washington Post today:

" UPDATE (3:30 p.m.): Per his Instagram account, Smith said he’s shutting down his recruitment and will decide within the next week. He lists Alabama, Minnesota, Maryland, Arkansas and FIU as his five options. Earlier this week, responding to a fan on Twitter, he said the Crimson Tide were in his top two."

Last time I checked we have Wally Ellenson(6'4"), Austin Hollins(6'4"), Joe Coleman(6'4")(despite how much you will protest) Oto(6'8")(despite how much you like/hate him) as wing players. They may not be the wings you'd personally like but our roster is far from void of them. We can't take more wing players while lacking a true point or post depth.

Speaking of fire power.....

Man, I am disappointed. I can't help but worry a bit that Pitino is falling in to the same hole Tubby did with regards to Spring recruits. If you look ONLY at offers the Gophers landed a guy who was a decommit from FIU (and had several solid mid major offers) and a guy who chose the Gophers over Ole Miss and Pepperdine. On just that surface level, it looks very similar to adding a Oto and a Julian. Obviously, there are a lot of variables that don't make this a fair comparison. Adding Freeman would have been a big early get for the new staff and I really thought they were going to land him.

The way I see it is we have added two Spring recruits, but I don't feel significantly better about this team for 2013-2014. I thought it was an 8th-10th place team in the conference prior to the additions, and feel the exact same way after them. It seems like it might have been better to save the scholarships for the fall and just take our medicine this upcoming season.

What? McNeil had offers from Louisville and Washington at one point. When he committed to FIU, he had standing offers from Rutgers, VCU, and Oklahoma.

And how can you be disappointed with Mathieu? He's highly regarded - offers from UCLA(!), Ole Miss, Pepperdine, and Memphis (got pulled very recently) - and fills a need.

Speaking of fire power.....

Your point being we should have all big ten players at every position or recruit another player at the spot?(Ellenson-FR, Coleman-So last year remember that.) Mind you if we got Freeman I would have been happy. I just can't be super disappointed we didn't get him.

The problem with this is that Louisville is a poor 3-point shooting team. Their defense gets them wins... they had a very good offense this season as well, but not because of 3-point shooting. Siva & Smith are both poor 3-point shooters, but they can feed teammates. In addition, a guy like Smith produces efficiency despite his ugly 3FG% (and mediocre 2FG%) by getting to the line a ton...

I was wondering how long It'd take for someone to call me out on picking UL as the comparison. Duke shot much better than MN on this. One of my points remains, is Freeman actually a good 3pt shooter? I don't see evidence that he is better than we already have. So I'm happy enough with who we got.

I guess I don't have very many expectations for Pitino in his first spring.

What? McNeil had offers from Louisville and Washington at one point. When he committed to FIU, he had standing offers from Rutgers, VCU, and Oklahoma.

And how can you be disappointed with Mathieu? He's highly regarded - offers from UCLA(!), Ole Miss, Pepperdine, and Memphis (got pulled very recently) - and fills a need.

McNeil had offers from Louisville and Washington like Alex Foster had offers from Purdue and Wisconsin. McNeil was offered by Howland when his seat was scorching hot and his other good offer (Memphis) seemed to have been clearly as a plan B in case something went wrong with a current player or another target.

There are plenty of reasons either or both Spring Recruits might be great additions to the Gopher roster. The point I was making was that if you just looked at these additions in a vacuum of offers, they look awfully similar to previous Spring recruits who have struggled to be impact players. Allerik Freeman doesn't fit that same profile from an offer perspective, and is a kid most could easily see being a significant piece on a good team.

General negative thoughts on the new commits:

McNeil- Not considered a point, but doesn't shoot it well from deep. This team needs both a point, and a guy who can shoot it from deep. He's another combo guard who doesn't appear to have a great offensive skill.

Mathieu- Size is a concern as is his ability to shoot it from deep. A little over a year ago, he didn't do enough as a frosh to get Moorhead State(!) to offer him a scholarship. There are some Limar Wilson type red flags here.

General Positive thoughts on the new commits

McNeil- By all accounts is an active and willing defender. He certainly appears to have the athleticism to play in one of the best conferences in America and looked better (to me) than Mizzou commit Shane Rector in the clips of their battle shown on YouTube. His HS coach raves about his intangibles and Richard Pitino thought enough of him to recruit him twice. This isn't some no name kid who was going to FIU, he was in the Rivals 150 as recently as late last year.

Mathieu- Very quick kid who should be able to both handle pressure himself and pressure full court defensively. He won a player of the year award in high school as a senior and then two years later won an All American at the JUCO level. He's been able to get past his size to not only play, but excel at two different levels and I love the desire he showed to not give up on his dream after Moorhead State didn't put him on scholarship.

A huge reason to me why the comparison between past Spring recruits and this years Spring recruits does not work is that Pitino may need these kids from an athletic standpoint. He could really want to play 'Dre off the ball and/or feel like he just can't go in to the season with Mav being a turned ankle away from being his starting point guard. Coach Pitino also might feel like he wants a couple of guys on the roster who don't know Tubby, don't know the old way of doing things, and only have loyalty to him as the guy who recruited them.

What I was hoping people would get out of my original post is that we likely wouldn't be happy with these kids if Tubby brought them in. Neither guy jumps off the page in comparison to what the rest of the conference is bringing in and, at least on paper, neither is likely to change the fortunes of next years team. Coach Pitino absolutely gets the benefit of the doubt with me, but that doesn't mean I will praise him for these recruits (like I would have with Freeman). I love the names Coach Pitino has the Gophers associated with for the 2014 class and hope that he can land 2-3 of them.

Malik Smith in the Washington Post today:

" UPDATE (3:30 p.m.): Per his Instagram account, Smith said he’s shutting down his recruitment and will decide within the next week. He lists Alabama, Minnesota, Maryland, Arkansas and FIU as his five options. Earlier this week, responding to a fan on Twitter, he said the Crimson Tide were in his top two."
He looks like a good player, but we are kinda overloaded on Combo Guards...

McNeil had offers from Louisville and Washington like Alex Foster had offers from Purdue and Wisconsin. McNeil was offered by Howland when his seat was scorching hot and his other good offer (Memphis) seemed to have been clearly as a plan B in case something went wrong with a current player or another target.

There are plenty of reasons either or both Spring Recruits might be great additions to the Gopher roster. The point I was making was that if you just looked at these additions in a vacuum of offers, they look awfully similar to previous Spring recruits who have struggled to be impact players. Allerik Freeman doesn't fit that same profile from an offer perspective, and is a kid most could easily see being a significant piece on a good team.

General negative thoughts on the new commits:

McNeil- Not considered a point, but doesn't shoot it well from deep. This team needs both a point, and a guy who can shoot it from deep. He's another combo guard who doesn't appear to have a great offensive skill.

Mathieu- Size is a concern as is his ability to shoot it from deep. A little over a year ago, he didn't do enough as a frosh to get Moorhead State(!) to offer him a scholarship. There are some Limar Wilson type red flags here.

General Positive thoughts on the new commits

McNeil- By all accounts is an active and willing defender. He certainly appears to have the athleticism to play in one of the best conferences in America and looked better (to me) than Mizzou commit Shane Rector in the clips of their battle shown on YouTube. His HS coach raves about his intangibles and Richard Pitino thought enough of him to recruit him twice. This isn't some no name kid who was going to FIU, he was in the Rivals 150 as recently as late last year.

Mathieu- Very quick kid who should be able to both handle pressure himself and pressure full court defensively. He won a player of the year award in high school as a senior and then two years later won an All American at the JUCO level. He's been able to get past his size to not only play, but excel at two different levels and I love the desire he showed to not give up on his dream after Moorhead State didn't put him on scholarship.

A huge reason to me why the comparison between past Spring recruits and this years Spring recruits does not work is that Pitino may need these kids from an athletic standpoint. He could really want to play 'Dre off the ball and/or feel like he just can't go in to the season with Mav being a turned ankle away from being his starting point guard. Coach Pitino also might feel like he wants a couple of guys on the roster who don't know Tubby, don't know the old way of doing things, and only have loyalty to him as the guy who recruited them.

What I was hoping people would get out of my original post is that we likely wouldn't be happy with these kids if Tubby brought them in. Neither guy jumps off the page in comparison to what the rest of the conference is bringing in and, at least on paper, neither is likely to change the fortunes of next years team. Coach Pitino absolutely gets the benefit of the doubt with me, but that doesn't mean I will praise him for these recruits (like I would have with Freeman). I love the names Coach Pitino has the Gophers associated with for the 2014 class and hope that he can land 2-3 of them.

No idea how good of shooters McNeil or Mathieu are or will become. But maybe we can all agree they possess quickness and athletic ability coupled with the skill to get to the basket. Now last year we got up a lot of off balanced jumpers at the end of the shot clock because no one could break down a defense and create their own quality look. Both McNeil and Matheiu should instantly improve the Gophers in this area. Not to mention the ability to defend. I believe it's easier to teach an athlete to shoot than to turn a shooter into a freak athlete. So now that they're both coming to Minnesota, Richard Pitino has to start the process of what his job title states: Coach. Go Gophers!

Rarely do you see a team go from a traditional doormat to a program landing 4* and 5* recruits every year, even in spite of never winning anything.

In fairness, "never winning anything" certainly doesn't apply now. Baylor has been to two Elite Eights (2010, 2012) in the last four seasons.

McNeil had offers from Louisville and Washington like Alex Foster had offers from Purdue and Wisconsin. McNeil was offered by Howland when his seat was scorching hot and his other good offer (Memphis) seemed to have been clearly as a plan B in case something went wrong with a current player or another target.

There are plenty of reasons either or both Spring Recruits might be great additions to the Gopher roster. The point I was making was that if you just looked at these additions in a vacuum of offers, they look awfully similar to previous Spring recruits who have struggled to be impact players. Allerik Freeman doesn't fit that same profile from an offer perspective, and is a kid most could easily see being a significant piece on a good team.

General negative thoughts on the new commits:

McNeil- Not considered a point, but doesn't shoot it well from deep. This team needs both a point, and a guy who can shoot it from deep. He's another combo guard who doesn't appear to have a great offensive skill.

Mathieu- Size is a concern as is his ability to shoot it from deep. A little over a year ago, he didn't do enough as a frosh to get Moorhead State(!) to offer him a scholarship. There are some Limar Wilson type red flags here.

General Positive thoughts on the new commits

McNeil- By all accounts is an active and willing defender. He certainly appears to have the athleticism to play in one of the best conferences in America and looked better (to me) than Mizzou commit Shane Rector in the clips of their battle shown on YouTube. His HS coach raves about his intangibles and Richard Pitino thought enough of him to recruit him twice. This isn't some no name kid who was going to FIU, he was in the Rivals 150 as recently as late last year.

Mathieu- Very quick kid who should be able to both handle pressure himself and pressure full court defensively. He won a player of the year award in high school as a senior and then two years later won an All American at the JUCO level. He's been able to get past his size to not only play, but excel at two different levels and I love the desire he showed to not give up on his dream after Moorhead State didn't put him on scholarship.

A huge reason to me why the comparison between past Spring recruits and this years Spring recruits does not work is that Pitino may need these kids from an athletic standpoint. He could really want to play 'Dre off the ball and/or feel like he just can't go in to the season with Mav being a turned ankle away from being his starting point guard. Coach Pitino also might feel like he wants a couple of guys on the roster who don't know Tubby, don't know the old way of doing things, and only have loyalty to him as the guy who recruited them.

What I was hoping people would get out of my original post is that we likely wouldn't be happy with these kids if Tubby brought them in. Neither guy jumps off the page in comparison to what the rest of the conference is bringing in and, at least on paper, neither is likely to change the fortunes of next years team. Coach Pitino absolutely gets the benefit of the doubt with me, but that doesn't mean I will praise him for these recruits (like I would have with Freeman). I love the names Coach Pitino has the Gophers associated with for the 2014 class and hope that he can land 2-3 of them.

+10 million

Your point being we should have all big ten players at every position or recruit another player at the spot?(Ellenson-FR, Coleman-So last year remember that.) Mind you if we got Freeman I would have been happy. I just can't be super disappointed we didn't get him.

I was wondering how long It'd take for someone to call me out on picking UL as the comparison. Duke shot much better than MN on this. One of my points remains, is Freeman actually a good 3pt shooter? I don't see evidence that he is better than we already have. So I'm happy enough with who we got.

I guess I don't have very many expectations for Pitino in his first spring.

My point is we have lack of scoring threats. Other than the Hollins "brothers," who do we have? Freeman is no sure thing, but who else is? Coleman has had two years to show up something worthy in the half court, and he doesn't have much. Wally might have a chance, but he looks pretty raw. I would be surprised to see him make a difference before he becomes an upper class men. Oto is garbage who will probably end up being a "stretch" 4 on this team since we're so low on big men.

And now we have 5 players that can't guard true sized wings. Dre, Mav, Mathieu, McNeil, and Coleman. And at this point time, Dre is the only one you can count on to score. Our only true wings are Austin and Wally, with Wally not showing us a ton yet. I'd say Freeman was a much better fit than Mathieu.

When all is said and done, I think you will be hard pressed to find a much better recruiting class put together by a coach that was brought in around the same time as Pitino. If someone can discredit this statement, please share! He is playing catch up in 2013 and trying to fill some immediate needs from a talent pool that has largely already committed.

If he is going to make a statement in recruiting, it will be the 2014 class.

@casualhoya: Former Memphis Center Tarik Black to Visit Georgetown

Go Gophers!!

McNeil had offers from Louisville and Washington like Alex Foster had offers from Purdue and Wisconsin. McNeil was offered by Howland when his seat was scorching hot and his other good offer (Memphis) seemed to have been clearly as a plan B in case something went wrong with a current player or another target.

There are plenty of reasons either or both Spring Recruits might be great additions to the Gopher roster. The point I was making was that if you just looked at these additions in a vacuum of offers, they look awfully similar to previous Spring recruits who have struggled to be impact players. Allerik Freeman doesn't fit that same profile from an offer perspective, and is a kid most could easily see being a significant piece on a good team.

General negative thoughts on the new commits:

McNeil- Not considered a point, but doesn't shoot it well from deep. This team needs both a point, and a guy who can shoot it from deep. He's another combo guard who doesn't appear to have a great offensive skill.

Mathieu- Size is a concern as is his ability to shoot it from deep. A little over a year ago, he didn't do enough as a frosh to get Moorhead State(!) to offer him a scholarship. There are some Limar Wilson type red flags here.

General Positive thoughts on the new commits

McNeil- By all accounts is an active and willing defender. He certainly appears to have the athleticism to play in one of the best conferences in America and looked better (to me) than Mizzou commit Shane Rector in the clips of their battle shown on YouTube. His HS coach raves about his intangibles and Richard Pitino thought enough of him to recruit him twice. This isn't some no name kid who was going to FIU, he was in the Rivals 150 as recently as late last year.

Mathieu- Very quick kid who should be able to both handle pressure himself and pressure full court defensively. He won a player of the year award in high school as a senior and then two years later won an All American at the JUCO level. He's been able to get past his size to not only play, but excel at two different levels and I love the desire he showed to not give up on his dream after Moorhead State didn't put him on scholarship.

A huge reason to me why the comparison between past Spring recruits and this years Spring recruits does not work is that Pitino may need these kids from an athletic standpoint. He could really want to play 'Dre off the ball and/or feel like he just can't go in to the season with Mav being a turned ankle away from being his starting point guard. Coach Pitino also might feel like he wants a couple of guys on the roster who don't know Tubby, don't know the old way of doing things, and only have loyalty to him as the guy who recruited them.

What I was hoping people would get out of my original post is that we likely wouldn't be happy with these kids if Tubby brought them in. Neither guy jumps off the page in comparison to what the rest of the conference is bringing in and, at least on paper, neither is likely to change the fortunes of next years team. Coach Pitino absolutely gets the benefit of the doubt with me, but that doesn't mean I will praise him for these recruits (like I would have with Freeman). I love the names Coach Pitino has the Gophers associated with for the 2014 class and hope that he can land 2-3 of them.

I mostly agree with this. What I like is that both of these guys have the athleticism to play guard in the B10 and both can handle the ball well which we sorely need as Dre is the only reliable ball handler we have and he is also more of a combo guard. We haven't had someone I trust completely with the ball in his hands since Al Nolen. I also think a lot of guys can play B10 level ball that aren't in the B10. Maybe they won't be stars but there are a ton of guards capable of playing with anyone and you see that every year in the tourney when random 6'1" guys go toe to toe with the big boys.

When all is said and done, I think you will be hard pressed to find a much better recruiting class put together by a coach that was brought in around the same time as Pitino. If someone can discredit this statement, please share! He is playing catch up in 2013 and trying to fill some immediate needs from a talent pool that has largely already committed.

If he is going to make a statement in recruiting, it will be the 2014 class.


Assuming that there isn't a late impact front court signing, I think that the key to the 2013-2014 season will be Charles Buggs because he is pretty much the only unknown on the roster. The team should play better perimeter defense, have fewer turnovers and run better offensive schemes (can't do much worse) than last year. The Hollins' will be able to score consistently, Coleman will score in transition and Elliot can hit a fifteen foot semi jump shot. The two biggest concerns will be interior defense and rebounding in traffic in the B1G season. Elliot, Mo and Otto will all struggle in those areas, particulalry Mo and Otto. That brings us to Charles. If he is ready to contribute then the front court will be less of a liability than projected. If not, Rich's up tempo style is going to look like a pipe dream the first year if there are no rebounds or defensive stops.

Concur with jamiche's thoughts. Very concerned about how we'll be able to board next season in the B1G with the current roster.

Buggs is a key guy next season, and I'd add Ellenson to that short list because of his athleticism. For the most part we know what we're going to get with the Hollins', Coleman, and EE. We need a couple wildcards to step up into being legit contributors. Those two are the best candidates among the returnees.

Concur with jamiche's thoughts. Very concerned about how we'll be able to board next season in the B1G with the current roster.

Buggs is a key guy next season, and I'd add Ellenson to that short list because of his athleticism. For the most part we know what we're going to get with the Hollins', Coleman, and EE. We need a couple wildcards to step up into being legit contributors. Those two are the best candidates among the returnees.

Too bad Ellenson took off the red shirt last year. On the few occasions that he played he didn't look close to being ready to contribute. A fresh start in Pitino's system would have been ideal because I don't see him making any impact now until he is at least a junior. He's an athletic, undisciplined player with bad technique who is going to complete with Austin, Dre and Joe for playing time. By the time he graduates he could be a very nice player but you could see last year that he wasn't even at the unlearning bad habits stage.

Too bad Ellenson took off the red shirt last year. On the few occasions that he played he didn't look close to being ready to contribute. A fresh start in Pitino's system would have been ideal because I don't see him making any impact now until he is at least a junior. He's an athletic, undisciplined player with bad technique who is going to complete with Austin, Dre and Joe for playing time. By the time he graduates he could be a very nice player but you could see last year that he wasn't even at the unlearning bad habits stage.
Interesting that you got all that from his performance because I got absolutely no insight into what type of player he'll be from the few garbage time minutes he got at the ends of games playing with other bench guys. All I know is that he's athletic and has a nice looking J (no idea how efficient it is). That's about it

Interesting that you got all that from his performance because I got absolutely no insight into what type of player he'll be from the few garbage time minutes he got at the ends of games playing with other bench guys. All I know is that he's athletic and has a nice looking J (no idea how efficient it is). That's about it

The three things that I noticed were his feet were spread apart and the ball was pretty flat on his jump shot, his passes were one handed and soft and he often lost his man on defense. All three of those are fixable.

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