All of Brews staff fired

It wouldn't surprise me to see this team back in a bowl next year. We should temper our enthusiasm since it does take time for kids to adjust to new schemes and coaches, so we'll see some breakdowns at some point. If history is any guide, he'll have this team running like well-oiled machine in three years.

The real question for success on this team for the next two years won't be Kill and his ability to teach technique and schemes. It will be how quickly the team buys in to what Kill wants them to do. That will come down to the leadership on the team, hopefully the new leaders of this team have learned some of the qualities shown by Weber. Based on how this team kept their effort up for the entire season and ended on a good note I think the leadership may be strong going forward.

you can bet on one thing, there will be very little dead weight on this team. They will work hard or be gone. We have alot more talent than people think, whether they have the heart and desire will be determined. Kill will find out who has it or who doesn't by the end of spring practice. If the kids have heart and are willing to work we may all have a suprise coming.!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been resisting bumping his thread to gloat

Bump away, nice call oleboy

I didn't think there would be a spot for Hammock but he fits the staff (being the one guy known as a really good recruiter) and because he brings the staff some diversity (just for you rideordiechick)...totally JK on the last part.

Why so negative?

The Minnesota Gophers football team has the most talent it has had in many years.
The new coach has proven he can coach football.
Brewster went to two bowls. This guy can't coach that well?
Kill has how many weeks of spring football? He has how many weeks of summer football?
We will know after game two next fall if the man will succeed at Minnesota.
If he can't win six games next year.....explain to me how he is going convince recruits to come here going forward? His honeymoon is right now!
His strength is not recruiting, it is coaching. He has players now. Do you realize we beat three bowl teams this year? That was the talent. Who do we lose that is irreplaceable? If he can't win the three cupcakes and find a way to win three Big Ten games then his odds of succeeding diminish greatly. In addition to that he has some very nicely rated red shirts. He has Beal. He'll recruit somebody who will make a difference as a freshman/juco.

Hey, they are just opinions. You are more than welcome to disagree, but if you do why would you be wearing gold colored glasses? You are satisfied finishing last in the Big Ten because it's his first year? This guy ain't Brewster who was smooth enough to land a big time recruit but too dumb to play him. I'm skeptical the five star guys are coming for coach Kill unless he wins. I doubt the promises of what we did it at the little Illinois schools will carry too much weight if the choices are USC, Ohio St or coach Kill. He's gotta win. He is not a pied piper. He's a football coach. Win some games.

Retaining Hammock was crucial. He did that. As a coach you look at the schedule a make a realistic prognosis of who you can beat. I guarantee Coach Kill will not be satisfied when he looks in the mirror if he does not win a minimum of six games next year.

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