Adam Weber

I wish Adam Weber nothing but success at the next level. With that said he will have to significantly have to improve his accuary on short passes and crossing routes while not locking into a single receiver for an entire play. However his ability to throw a nice deep ball will certainly get him the opportunity to show what he can do.

I don't get it.

I know.

Are you trying to say that after playing QB and being taught how to read progressions for at least 11 years of organized football, and never being able

Seriously? You guys should probably go into a room and figure out what your strategy is for bashing him is. Either he locks on to his target or he doesn't know his progression. All this engineering(tm) is so hard to follow.

I'm willing to suggest OL DJ Burris has the best probability in making a 2011 NFL squad.

Adam Weber is gonna get drafted...DJ Burris will land on an NFL addition to all the other Gophers who've gone on to the League in the past 10+ years.

When you take a step back and look at the situation, it makes one appreciate just how well Glen Mason and Co. did whilst at the "U."

Either he locks on to his target or he doesn't know his progression.

Please explain to me, o master of offense, how "locking onto his first target" and "not being able to follow his progression" are not, in fact, synonymous.

When you take a step back and look at the situation, it makes one appreciate just how well Glen Mason and Co. did whilst at the "U."

Yeah, Mason did a great job putting Wacker's recruits into the NFL. He had a few of his own, sure, but Wacker recruited waaaay more in 5 years than Mason did in 10.

I don't care what anyone says. When Adam Weber has been given time to throw the football, he has been very effective. You really need to look at his career as a whole. He has played in almost every system imanginable and has been asked to do alot of things that the moajority of college QB's never have to face in their careers (i.e. Multiple offensive systems, multiple coordinators, attempting to change his throwing motion, garbage offensive line, etc.). The problems that were handed to him are almost too many to count. And overall, with all that, he was still a very productive college QB. In my opinion. I think he has a very good chance of being a NFL QB. But, I guess we'll see.

It's no surprise to me that scouts are interested in Weber. Why wouldn't they be? No one's ever questioned his athletic ability, arm or heart. He's always excelled in camps, combines, practice & the like. It's in actual games, no not games....pressure situations, where the wheels come off his wagon.

I don't get it. Are you trying to say that after playing QB and being taught how to read progressions for at least 11 years of organized football, and never being able, he's suddenly going to "get it" when he's being paid to do so?

His progressions were just fine his Freshman, Sophomore & Senior years. His Junior year he had no O-line & Eric Decker to throw to so he did what he had to, to stay alive. What exactly do you know about "Reading progressions" anyhow, other than what you learned playing "Madden"?

I don't think there would have been much debate if you had simply pointed out something you feel to be very likely to happen. The problem is you just didn't put it that way. Learn how to play well with others and you will probably leave the controversy in your past.

Weber has had a lot of adversity in his college career and he played pretty well this year. Well enough to be on NFL scouting radars. Will he be on an NFL roster? I have no idea. I hope he is and you have indicated you hope he is too. Somehow I just don't believe you. Most of your comments regarding him have come off like you have something personal against him. That may not be the case, it is just the way it appears to me.

Look back to your early comments in this thread. Do you really think it would have gone the way it did if you had said something like, "I think it is very likely Adam Weber won't make an NFL roster next year. In my opinion he doesn't have the ability to play at the next level"? Just be honest. You didn't state it that way. You put it in a way that begs for an argument and looks like a reach for attention.

Nicely written and stated. That said, you come across just as arrogant as the next guy. Generally, I like your stuff. But... once in a while, Alice, right in the kisser!

What exactly do you know about "Reading progressions" anyhow, other than what you learned playing "Madden"?

I never said I could do it, but I sure as hell know plenty about it. I can't dunk a basketball, but I know what it is. I can't hit a 95-mph fastball, but I know what it is. I can't perform open-heart surgery, but I know what it is. I know that a concept like "Look for the 7, if it's not there, look for the 2, if it's not there, check down to your back" is pretty hard to comprehend, but somehow, through watching, playing, following, reading about, and writing about football for 25 years I've managed to grasp it.

I'm not sure whether or not Weber understands the concept, but he sure as hell can't execute it. I don't know what games you've been watching, but I've seen every snap Weber took, whether live, on television, or on DVR, and a play wherein he threw somewhere other than his first option was extremely rare. And yet, despite his proclivity to lock on and throw to his first target, regardless of the coverage, he still somehow managed to take an inordinate number of sacks by holding onto the ball too long. One would assume those two are mutually exclusive, but then again, Weber did set a new standard for bizarre and losing QB play. All of this is not even mentioning his poor accuracy both long and short, as well as outside the hashmarks. If you drew a box from hash to hash, and from 7- to 15-yards downfield, that's the only area where Weber is actually an above-average QB. If there exists an OC whose passing tree consists solely of 3s, 5s, and 7s, Weber could be a Pro Bowler, but something tells me that an NFL DC might catch on to that pretty quickly.

Like someone already said, I'm sure Weber looks like Joe Montana in one-on-ones and skeleton drills, but if you really want to see what he's all about, the only evaluation worth watching is a scrimmage versus a live rush. There you'll see his deer-in-the-headlights, spin-move-right-into-a-DE's-arms, bounce-pass-on-a-3-yard-out-route routine, and I don't know how you as a talent evaluator won't be itching to offer him a multi-million-dollar signing bonus as soon as possible.:rolleyes:

I agree with dpodoll68 here. Weber's got the athletic ability, arm strength, and leadership qualities to get a shot at the next level, but he's always appeared to be a bit too mechanical back there to me.

It's easy to go through progressions under the spread. I think that's why more teams are starting to run it. It's all about creating mismatches and the quarterback knows where those mismatches are supposed to be.

I wouldn't be surprised to see him get drafted late. He'll at least get a shot in someone's training camp.

You dopodolls are all alike...

You paid money to watch Weber set all kinds of records. He will get to chase a dream in the nfl one way or another. You dpodolls won't. I'm so pleased that you dpodolls had to watch Weber be the qb EVERY game during the past four years. I'm pleased that you hated having to watch him were such dpodolls that you kept watching. You must have been pretty foolish dopodolls if you kept paying...and kept watching...and kept dvd-ing and what ever it else was that you did when you hated watching Weber SO much.

Personally, I thought the kid did a great job with what was around him on the football field.

You dpodolls really got everything you deserved and MORE. There was no one who could have taken over the reigns as the qb during the past four seasons. Weber MADE you dpodolls watch him play. He was the only one who could have played. And he did play. And you watched...and watched...and watched and watched some more.

I LOVE it!

Only a real foolish person watches what he dislikes so much over and over and over and bitches and moans and moans and bitches, but just keeps watching over and over. That would pretty much sum it all up about you dpodoll. You hated Weber so much that you just had to watch and watch and watch him play qb. (You say you even have him on film. You can watch him forever!!!!!) You got everything you deserved and more. Oh what a WEBER you have woven for yourself. Way to go dpodoll!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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