Adam Weber


I am a lifelong gopher fan, but i can admit that Betting agains the gophers would often be a very profitable thing to do

Not to burst your bubble but the Gophers were actually VERY good ATS (against the spread) this year. Betting on the Gophers would have been a very profitable course of action.

If I recall correctly, they covered the spread against MTSU, USC, Northwestern, Wisconsin, Penn State, and of course closing with wins against Illinois and Iowa. That's 7-4 ATS at minimum (not sure about the Purdue game?), better than the pros.

You also could have made a lot of money betting AGAINST Wisky for the early part of the season. They may have come close to evening the ledger later in the year with a couple of blowouts but the first half of the season I believe they covered one game.

You know what's funny; You hear the NFL talking heads frequently mention how difficult it is for some NFL QB's when they have had to work with multiple offensive coordinators. And yet, for some reason, the Weber bashers think it's just some kind of "poor excuse" that he worked with 4 offensive coordinators in 5 years with the Gophers. For the most part, four completely different offensive philosophies.

Sooooooo, it should be easier for a college QB to handle multiple OC changes than a guy being paid millions? Okey dokey!!!

What's an OC got to do with Weber throwing bounce passes to receivers?

I will eat my M. Gray hat if Weber gets drafted. Also, can you name ONE qb that we played the last 2 years who wasn't superior to Weber? He was the reason we were so bad for 4 years.

Not to burst your bubble but the Gophers were actually VERY good ATS (against the spread) this year. Betting on the Gophers would have been a very profitable course of action.

If I recall correctly, they covered the spread against MTSU, USC, Northwestern, Wisconsin, Penn State, and of course closing with wins against Illinois and Iowa. That's 7-4 ATS at minimum (not sure about the Purdue game?), better than the pros.

You also could have made a lot of money betting AGAINST Wisky for the early part of the season. They may have come close to evening the ledger later in the year with a couple of blowouts but the first half of the season I believe they covered one game.

I am not saying bet against them every week. I'm saying if you pick your spots you can make killing betting against Minnesota.

Of all the bull, crap, and usual spittle that you write on an almost constant basis on this site, this was your biggest piece of B.S.

Don't tell me what kind of fan I am. I haven't been to fewer than 5 games in a season since 92. I was at 33/50 games during the brewster/Horton era.

to be rational in having the opinion that Adam weber was a below avg college qb and has zero shot at the pros says absolutely nothing about my passion or longevity as a fan.

There's no reason for anyone to take your bet.

Why? If I am so dumb, the worst possible outcome is nothing happens because you don't live up to your end of the bet. The best possible outcome is that I leave the board and Adam weber is an NFL qb.

You have nothing to lose but your dignity

A once promising thread went into the crapper.

A once promising thread went into the crapper.

No kidding. From Weber may get drafted, to Weber will not make an NFL squad all the way down to "you can make a fortune betting aginats the Gophers". :( Puke

Ah, Rosemountian. It's self-assured shmucks like you that make this website so intolerable for conversation most of the time. But hey, congratulations. You got a bunch of people to pay attention to you, so you achieved your goal, right? Your existence on this earth is justified once again. Well, in your eyes, anyways.

Go Web, get drafted, get on a scout team, or get on a game day roster. You've faced more heat on and off the field than any qb over the past four years, so we know you can handle the pressure and you can get through it just fine. Just leave the spin move at the U, you won't need it in the pros. :D

I can't believe nobody picked this out yet:

Weber is smart and understands passing concepts and consistently shows the ability to make good decisions. He does not panic under pressure.

I wonder what games they were watching? I have no doubt that Adam is a smart guy, but I would think he would be a major project at the next level.

Why? If I am so dumb, the worst possible outcome is nothing happens because you don't live up to your end of the bet. The best possible outcome is that I leave the board and Adam weber is an NFL qb.

You have nothing to lose but your dignity

As I like posting here, but have no particular interest whether or not you post here, I have nothing to gain by taking this bet. I saw this a lot in junior high, person A has an opinion, person B demands that A place a bet on it, and if A refuses, B acts as if he has won an argument.

Also, can you name ONE qb that we played the last 2 years who wasn't superior to Weber? He was the reason we were so bad for 4 years.

Greg Paulus
Joey Elliot
Logan Kilgore

I am no Weber apologist, but I think these three answer your question Halsey.

Ah, Rosemountian. It's self-assured shmucks like you that make this website so intolerable for conversation most of the time. But hey, congratulations. You got a bunch of people to pay attention to you, so you achieved your goal, right? Your existence on this earth is justified once again. Well, in your eyes, anyways.

Go Web, get drafted, get on a scout team, or get on a game day roster. You've faced more heat on and off the field than any qb over the past four years, so we know you can handle the pressure and you can get through it just fine. Just leave the spin move at the U, you won't need it in the pros. :D


Corey Sauter and Spergon Wynn made active NFL rosters. Weber's got a chance to make one.

He was the reason we were so bad for 4 years.

Really he was the reason? You sure it wasn't the carousel of coaches, the lack of an O-line for two seasons, the lack of any type of running game, a defense that couldn't generate any type of pass rush? I could keep going but sure it was all Weber's fault.

Even if he doesn't make an NFL roster, that doesn't mean he's a bad QB. If Weber was as awful as some posters say he is, he wouldn't even be considered for in invite to an NFL training camp, let alone be considered for a draft pick. Contrary to some opinions, NFL scouts do know a little about evaluating talent, possibly, just possibly, even more than posters on message boards. There are a lot of good players who don't make NFL rosters.

Throw his name up on the board and try to use it as a slam. How about you name me some QBs who have spent 13 years in the NFL. I don't care if they are starters or backups.

Slam? not really. Cautionary tale? Maybe. Cleanser for rose colored glasses? Yes.

Ah, Rosemountian. It's self-assured shmucks like you that make this website so intolerable for conversation most of the time. But hey, congratulations. You got a bunch of people to pay attention to you, so you achieved your goal, right? Your existence on this earth is justified once again. Well, in your eyes, anyways.

Go Web, get drafted, get on a scout team, or get on a game day roster. You've faced more heat on and off the field than any qb over the past four years, so we know you can handle the pressure and you can get through it just fine. Just leave the spin move at the U, you won't need it in the pros. :D

What makes this board intolerable at times for me is when someone points out something that is very likely to happen and a bunch of people with gold colored glasses label that poster as an attention whore. If I am an attention whore, don't pay attention. If Adam weber is an NFL qb, play better over the last 4 years so the prospect isn't laughable.

What makes this board intolerable at times for me is when someone points out something that is very likely to happen and a bunch of people with gold colored glasses label that poster as an attention whore. If I am an attention whore, don't pay attention. If Adam weber is an NFL qb, play better over the last 4 years so the prospect isn't laughable.

I don't think there would have been much debate if you had simply pointed out something you feel to be very likely to happen. The problem is you just didn't put it that way. Learn how to play well with others and you will probably leave the controversy in your past.

Weber has had a lot of adversity in his college career and he played pretty well this year. Well enough to be on NFL scouting radars. Will he be on an NFL roster? I have no idea. I hope he is and you have indicated you hope he is too. Somehow I just don't believe you. Most of your comments regarding him have come off like you have something personal against him. That may not be the case, it is just the way it appears to me.

Look back to your early comments in this thread. Do you really think it would have gone the way it did if you had said something like, "I think it is very likely Adam Weber won't make an NFL roster next year. In my opinion he doesn't have the ability to play at the next level"? Just be honest. You didn't state it that way. You put it in a way that begs for an argument and looks like a reach for attention.

I don't think there would have been much debate if you had simply pointed out something you feel to be very likely to happen. The problem is you just didn't put it that way. Learn how to play well with others and you will probably leave the controversy in your past.

Weber has had a lot of adversity in his college career and he played pretty well this year. Well enough to be on NFL scouting radars. Will he be on an NFL roster? I have no idea. I hope he is and you have indicated you hope he is too. Somehow I just don't believe you. Most of your comments regarding him have come off like you have something personal against him. That may not be the case, it is just the way it appears to me.

Look back to your early comments in this thread. Do you really think it would have gone the way it did if you had said something like, "I think it is very likely Adam Weber won't make an NFL roster next year. In my opinion he doesn't have the ability to play at the next level"? Just be honest. You didn't state it that way. You put it in a way that begs for an argument and looks like a reach for attention.

I agree........this really sounds like it is just personal because time and time again you go out of your way to slam Adam Weber. I don't know of anyone who has faced more adversity over their Gopher career than Adam Weber. He's a Minnesota kid who played football for the Gophers - leave it at that if you can't say anything good about him.....

Now he is looking at getting drafted because he IS better than you constantly were saying the last four years. Don't be surprised if you hear from the NFL scouts that he is better than advertised because he played for four different offenses and coordinators who messed with his throwing motion and didn't develop him the right way. I can totally see Weber getting drafted and playing for someone - a good combine will help him out a lot. And if he doesn't get drafted - he still did his best under some very challenging conditions to say the least and I appreciate his efforts just like I would say about all the Gophers that never played in the NFL too.

Just because a guy is an NFL scout it doesn't mean he is a better evaluator or talent than someone who is not. There are probably thousands of high school and college coaches around the country that would be better evaluators of talent than some NFL scouts.


I'm not sure why the mods redirected to this thread, but whatevs.

If this is truly a world in which Adam Weber can get paid to play football, I should pursue that career in porn I've always dreamed of. That, or perhaps professional video game player.

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