4 STAR '16 LB Carter Coughlin announced that he's chosen the #GOPHERS!!!!!

Good news. It probably takes longer than one thinks to firmly establish a strong in-state recruiting system and Kill is really doing it right. We look to have a strong set of high school prospects this year and I hope we can get as many as possible.

I'm sure she is but let's hope that she is not AJ's Mom's BFF!

I did not mention it in anyway as a reference to AJ. Carter's mom was a 3 year letter winner at the U, and Mom is the most important family member coaches have to convince.


Great choice son!
Great work Gopher staff!

I know this won't happen, but it would be fun if CC did a "hat" ceremony - and all the hats were Gopher hats! (just a little poke in the eye to the in-state kids that dragged out the process before choosing other teams.....)

I like how he broke the news. Instead of tweets, facebook, or fancy ceremonies, he told the team and coaches first, face-to-face, together.

Says something.

So how has this last post worked out for you so far.

You prick.

Wow. Regardless of his college career, Maresh was a specimen who dominated MN HS football. You can't argue that. I think it's a fair question to ask.

I apologize for upsetting you. Maybe next time I'm back in MN we can grab a beer and talk this out. I'll buy. We could also go to TCF Stadium and I'll show you where my name is on the wall with the other donors.

Wow. Regardless of his college career, Maresh was a specimen who dominated MN HS football. You can't argue that. I think it's a fair question to ask.

I apologize for upsetting you. Maybe next time I'm back in MN we can grab a beer and talk this out. I'll buy. We could also go to TCF Stadium and I'll show you where my name is on the wall with the other donors.

I'm impressed.

Wow. Regardless of his college career, Maresh was a specimen who dominated MN HS football. You can't argue that. I think it's a fair question to ask.

I apologize for upsetting you. Maybe next time I'm back in MN we can grab a beer and talk this out. I'll buy. We could also go to TCF Stadium and I'll show you where my name is on the wall with the other donors.

Yeah, I was confused as well with the attack, and then I remembered where i was.

I did not mention it in anyway as a reference to AJ. Carter's mom was a 3 year letter winner at the U, and Mom is the most important family member coaches have to convince.

Another double legacy, like Maxx Williams.

We know how that one turned out.

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Wow. Regardless of his college career, Maresh was a specimen who dominated MN HS football. You can't argue that. I think it's a fair question to ask.

I apologize for upsetting you. Maybe next time I'm back in MN we can grab a beer and talk this out. I'll buy. We could also go to TCF Stadium and I'll show you where my name is on the wall with the other donors.

Please. Stop it with the feigned idignity. You love to stir the pot like this. It's a backhanded compliment at best, and it's a subtle dig to say you won't be surprised if he underwhelms.

And no...I have no interest in grabbing a beer with you, and I'd have a beer with just about anyone.

Please. Stop it with the feigned idignity. You love to stir the pot like this. It's a backhanded compliment at best, and it's a subtle dig to say you won't be surprised if he underwhelms.

And no...I have no interest in grabbing a beer with you, and I'd have a beer with just about anyone.

I think you're overreacting just a teensy bit, UU. Once in a while, even kelly leeks can make an innocent comment.

BTW, did you know that kelly leeks is the best athlete in town?

I think you're overreacting just a teensy bit, UU. Once in a while, even kelly leeks can make an innocent comment.

BTW, did you know that kelly leeks is the best athlete in town?

I mean, if we are ranking objectionable things that come out of Kelly leek's mouth (or fingers, I guess is more accurate), this one was pretty far down the list. It obviously was either a snarky jab at Maresh, or a "not so fast" reminder for a fan base that was excited about beating out OSU and Oregon for a recruit. Either way, it was only mildly dickish.

Has any other coaches wife in the past had a presence as part of the program as Rebecca Kill? I think RK is a valuable asset and is "all the more reason" that parents want to their boys to sign.

For this one I don't think it mattered. Carter's mom has always been supportive of him going to the U, Carter was the only one that needed to be recruited.

I agree Carter was recruited, but if you have ever seen the dynamic when a high school player get's a visit it comes down to how comfortable mom is in turning her son over for the next four or five years. And moms transmit not only verbally but non verbally till the decision is made. Next time you see players on the bench during a broadcast, what is the most common phrase? a wave and Hi Mom!

To discount Mom is naive.

My cousin is on staff at a major D1 Hockey program. He told me, you recruit mom and you recruit girlfriend.

Oregon offered Darrian Franklin, ranked the composite #191 player and #13 OLB, the same day Carter committed so it's nice to know he was ahead of a great player like Franklin on Oregon's board.

Also it's refreshing that I didn't see one "we cooled on him" post on an OSU or Oregon board since the commitment. I have some posts saying there are still better LBs out there which might be true but none of them acted like Carter wasn't a priority or a take.

Has any other coaches wife in the past had a presence as part of the program as Rebecca Kill? I think RK is a valuable asset and is "all the more reason" that parents want to their boys to sign.

Mom's feel good when they know that their son can count on chocolate chip cookies, a home cooked meal and time around the fireplace with Jer and Becca if their son gets homesick.

Mom's feel good when they know that their son can count on chocolate chip cookies, a home cooked meal and time around the fireplace with Jer and Becca if their son gets homesick.

Jeez. My mom didn't and couldn't say a thing about where I went to school. Not will my wife and I force our kids anywhere. College decision should be up to the kid and kid alone.

Like I said before, Carter's mom has always been very supportive of him going to the U so Rebecca probably had a very minimal impact in this one.

Jeez. My mom didn't and couldn't say a thing about where I went to school. Not will my wife and I force our kids anywhere. College decision should be up to the kid and kid alone.

Good point. All 18 year olds can be trusted to make the right decision and do not need to be guided in any way.

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Jeez. My mom didn't and couldn't say a thing about where I went to school. Not will my wife and I force our kids anywhere. College decision should be up to the kid and kid alone.

Really? Sarcasm I hope.

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Mom's feel good when they know that their son can count on chocolate chip cookies, a home cooked meal and time around the fireplace with Jer and Becca if their son gets homesick.
Well, thats a bit of a stretch. But, I do think RK reflects values and attitude that other parents appreciate. Whether or not its a "girlfriend" thing, its genuine and therefore comforting. I think Jerry and Rebecca make a pretty compelling recruit team. She's good and and adds value to the equation.

I agree Carter was recruited, but if you have ever seen the dynamic when a high school player get's a visit it comes down to how comfortable mom is in turning her son over for the next four or five years. And moms transmit not only verbally but non verbally till the decision is made. Next time you see players on the bench during a broadcast, what is the most common phrase? a wave and Hi Mom! To discount Mom is naive.

LOL your point is generally correct but I think you are being naive arguing with DHG on this one ... (or haven't been paying close attention). :)

Jeez. My mom didn't and couldn't say a thing about where I went to school. Not will my wife and I force our kids anywhere. College decision should be up to the kid and kid alone.

I imagine you aren't paying for your kids college then.

Jeez. My mom didn't and couldn't say a thing about where I went to school. Not will my wife and I force our kids anywhere. College decision should be up to the kid and kid alone.

Yes no. The reason they're called kids is because they still need adult wisdom to guide them. I won't choose for them but I will be involved, especially if my money is involved

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