4 STAR '16 LB Carter Coughlin announced that he's chosen the #GOPHERS!!!!!

Well, this was an okay get for the Gophers I guess...Always room for a decent linebacker. ;)

Can't even put into words how jacked I am about this.

Yeah, he is a legacy, but to go toe-to-toe with the 2 teams that battled it out for the National Championship and keep him home is HUGE!

What a brick.

Very excited and love that he wants to try to help land the other top in-state targets.

Can't even put into words how jacked I am about this.

Yeah, he is a legacy, but to go toe-to-toe with the 2 teams that battled it out for the National Championship and keep him home is HUGE!

What a brick.

This is a huge piece anyway you slice it!

<img src="http://media.247sports.com/Uploads/Assets/621/976/976621.gif">

Kill is really putting something together here. I think that Florida Bowl will pay dividends for us this season. We could get a class in the top half of the Big Ten. We need another corporate donation or two for the facilities. Once we get those, we could really be on our way.


Great news! Welcome aboard! Hopefully, he can sway some of the other top in-state kids to Minnesota too.

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Great news. Turning point?

Does anyone know how he compares to Sam Maresh at the same point in their careers?

Does anyone know how he compares to Sam Maresh at the same point in their careers?

Yes, I do. At this point CC is being encouraged to be the fine, Christian, independent person he is. At the same point in Sam Maresh's "career" he was being forced to pose for pictures and to fight and "win" against any "person" that his dad willed him to fight. One of these things is not like the other. Maresh's were and are very stupid people. No wonder they fell for a guy like Brew, or maybe they had no other choice given how things turned out.

Does anyone know how he compares to Sam Maresh at the same point in their careers?

Yes, I know. Sam could carry a flag with the best of them. He would have trouble carrying Carter's jock. Carter makes Jon Levernez look like an old lady

Carter Coughlin verbaling as a Gopher is huge for lots of reasons:
1. He is a very highly rated player.
2. He is from Eden Prairie and to get their best player is significant going forward. Their numbers and tradition of excellence in EP is an important relationship to nurture.
3. Committing early means others will be inclined to follow him. As a leader he considers it his responsibility to help recruit others to the Gophers. With his status among them they will listen.
4. We need the best Minnesota kids to stay home each year. Often there are not many. This year there are more. I just feel when the going gets rough a kid from Minnesota is going to be invested in the outcome to a deeper level in many cases. The kids who have thought about being a Gopher for years versus those who never have been to Minnesota prior to their visit.
5. It just puts a positive outlook on the future, including next year, even though he'll still be in high school.
I'm sure there are more reasons...but I like it!

Losing him would have really hurt, considering how tightly his family is tied in to the U. With that said, we have lost players like this before so it's a great development for us that Kill was able to land this one. And from everything I've read he has quality character to boot.

Great news for the Gophers!! Not really worth much but I read nothing but good wishes on an Oregon site after they heard the news.

The key, he says is family. He wants to play and be around family. I would bet Mom is proud.

Does anyone know how he compares to Sam Maresh at the same point in their careers?

Carter's speed and explosivness is so much greater. If he can get stronger and keep his quickness he could really be something.

Yes, I do. At this point CC is being encouraged to be the fine, Christian, independent person he is. At the same point in Sam Maresh's "career" he was being forced to pose for pictures and to fight and "win" against any "person" that his dad willed him to fight. One of these things is not like the other. Maresh's were and are very stupid people. No wonder they fell for a guy like Brew, or maybe they had no other choice given how things turned out.

On the field:
CC is considerably more athletic than Sam. Sam was probably stronger. Sam was going to be a MLB. He was tough, a good tackler and really strong. In HS, I thought Sam looked like an average athlete but I am almost certain that he had the ability to be a decent college MLB. Sam's career could have been similar to Lee Campbell's (Lee played in the NFL, so that' no insult).

CC is way better in space and just a significantly better athlete. He isn't as strong but I think he has a much higher ceiling. You can hit the weight room and get stronger, you can't really hit the weight room and become an elite athlete.

Off the field:
Even in HS, there were rumors about Sam's issues. I was excited that he signed, so I thought, "hey, a lot of good MLBers aren't nice/friendly people". Maroon-colored glasses. Sam's issues weren't ever on the football field. He had trouble in the classroom, medical issues and behavioral problems.

CC. . .I have no idea. Seems like a good kid, but I wouldn't know.

That said, what an exciting time to be a Gopher! Welcome aboard CC!!!


On the field:
CC is considerably more athletic than Sam. Sam was probably stronger. Sam was going to be a MLB. He was tough, a good tackler and really strong. In HS, I thought Sam looked like an average athlete but I am almost certain that he had the ability to be a decent college MLB. Sam's career could have been similar to Lee Campbell's (Lee played in the NFL, so that' no insult).

CC is way better in space and just a significantly better athlete. He isn't as strong but I think he has a much higher ceiling. You can hit the weight room and get stronger, you can't really hit the weight room and become an elite athlete.

Off the field:
Even in HS, there were rumors about Sam's issues. I was excited that he signed, so I thought, "hey, a lot of good MLBers aren't nice/friendly people". Maroon-colored glasses. Sam's issues weren't ever on the football field. He had trouble in the classroom, medical issues and behavioral problems.

CC. . .I have no idea. Seems like a good kid, but I wouldn't know.

That said, what an exciting time to be a Gopher! Welcome aboard CC!!!

Pretty much this. Part of why Maresh was stronger was because he was a year older than most people in his class. Also, papa Maresh raised his kids to be LBs and nothing else for their entire lives. Sam was certainly talented, but not at all like Coughlin.

This honestly makes me teary. I'm so proud to be a Gopher fan. What an impressive young man to handle this process so maturely. I can't imagine the pride and excitement his parents and grandfather are feeling right now. Can't wait to watch him in Maroon & Gold! I may even cheer for EP this Fall. Thank you Carter!

I LOVE the reasons he's given for choosing Minnesota. I've read the Strib article over a few times to drink it in. He said the program is going places; it compares favorably with the other programs recruiting him in terms of strength and potential.

“Minnesota’s just going to keep getting better and better. So that’s why I’m really excited about this decision.”

“But when it came down to it, I decided I wanted to be closer to my family because I think the programs are so close.”

His perception can become others' perception - both casual fans' and other recruits'.

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