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  1. C

    Where is Floyd of Rosedale Kept?

    Looking to get a picture of myself next to Floyd of Rosedale - anyone know where it is kept? And if photo opportunities are available (even if it is within a glass case)? Any chance it makes an appearance for a day or two at the fair?
  2. C

    YouTube: Top 20 Plays in the PJ Fleck Era Countdown - numbers 4, 3 and 2

    Number 4 - Number 3 (cheating a bit, actually two plays) - Number 2 - (forgotten about this one) - Only the top one to go
  3. C

    YouTube: Gopher Football Top 20 Plays of the PJ Fleck Era (#5)

    After getting the plays in groups of 5 on youtube, it looks as if there will be a single play countdown on the road to the number 1 selection. Today's is a great one -
  4. C

    Other Potential Gopher Portal Entrants?

    Guesses as to other Gopher players who may hit the portal soon? The one I am worried about is Darius Taylor - while he certainly will not lack not for playing time going forward once healthy - he may think that some of the "blue bloods" that recruited him late (Michigan, Notre Dame), could be...
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    Michigan President Fired for Inappropriate Relationship with Subordinate While slightly OT - if all Jim Harbaugh is looking for is a nice extension (instead of an NFL move), timing might be good to ask now. The last thing Michigan needs at this moment (after this administrative mess) is to lose its...
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    Maryland Start Time 2:30p

    Just listed on - Maryland game start time will be 2:30p - it's about time!
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    Another Minnesota - Penn State Highlight Video

    Not as dramatic as the Celine Dion song, nor as traditional as Kool & The Gang's "Celebration" song - this video is inspired by the Phoebe Snow song "All Over" from the mid 70's. To me, it best captures the euphoria I felt during and after the game. (And despite being in my 60's, I was...
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    Beware Of Ticket Scammers

    Buyer Beware! While looking for a PSU ticket via Craigslist (still looking for a single), came across 5 different scammers (so far) It’s what happens when the team gets popular and starts selling out games!
  9. C

    ESPN Game Day?

    I know it has been discussed earlier this year, and at the risk of “jinxing” things, looking ahead to a potential ESPN game day for the PSU game. Nittany Lions would have to win their next two games (no gimmes- Mich and at MSU). Other options would be Iowa @ WI or LSU v Ala. Not sure if they...
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    Does Wisconsin's ASU Loss Continue to Plague Big 10 Team Rankings?

    Perhaps I am exaggerating a bit, but it seems to me that the loss by Wisconsin to ASU (admittedly via a horrible call) continues to haunt the entire Big 10 rankings-wise. The logic goes that as the national media saw the "fourth best" team in the PAC12 beat the "second best" team in the Big...
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    Last Time 5 Conference Wins in a Row, 6 in a Row, etc.

    Since the topic would come up eventually, thought I would look it up now (made easy by Eric Thrall's excellent Gopher history page - ) Last time the Gophers had 5 consecutive conference wins (in the same season) - 1962 The Gophers have achieved 6 consecutive...
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    Gopher Bar in Madison, Wi?

    I realize it is sacrilege and everything else, but my wife is running the Madison Marathon this Sunday so we are Badgertown for the weekend. Any spot at all that might be a safe haven for a Gopher jersey on gameday? (Besides my hotel room.) FYI - Wisconsin plays at home against BYU...
  13. C

    Prominent Father and Son D1 Basketbal Coaches

    Off the top of my head could think of at least five father/son D1 basketball coaches Rick/Richard Pitino - TBD John/John III Thompson - good to see that JT III seems to have come out from under the shadow of his dad Ray/Joey Meyer - Joey was never able to shake his dad's legacy (hard to do when...
  14. C

    Gopher Ticket Office Shutdown

    It appears that an overwhelming response to single game football tickets has shut down the Gopher online ticket sales. I tried precisely when they opened at 5 PM and got nowhere. Finally Gophersports pulled the plug and have some obnoxious message on how the site will be back up on February 9...
  15. C

    Congrats Gopher Academic All-Big 10 Recipients

    According to todays StarTrib, Gopher football team had 22 players earn Academic All-Big Ten Honors. This tied them for third place in the Big Ten with Wisky, only OSU (31 players) and Northwestern (27) had more Hearty congrats to the following recipients: D.J. Burris, Sr., Business &...
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  17. C

    Does LSU loss guarantee an Iowa BCS?

    Does the LSU loss mean that Iowa gets the BCS berth regardless of the Ok St - OU matchup next week (thus Gophers get the Insight)?
  18. C

    Vikings will "likely play" at TCF Stadium

    Although I guess it was a reasonable assumption, I had not yet seen it in print that the University is acknowledging that the Vikings will "likely play" at TCF Bank stadium during construction of a new stadium (if it occurs)...
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    Barreiro/KFAN rant

    Now I know that KFAN is not always the most Gopher-friendly place to be and that many Gopher fans ignore it altogether. While it is not always easy to listen to their criticism, I usually sort of take it with a grain of salt. (And frankly when it comes to Gopher football, there is plenty to be...
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    Decker Push Offs?

    The ESPN announcers over the weekend made a subtle statement that seemed to say that our opponents have been complaining that Decker is getting away with push offs. This is the first I have heard this - but it is also the first time I have had to watch a game on TV. Has this been brought up...

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